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I put my pride on the line and I fought for you one last time, I already knew I didn't have a chance of salvaging anything but even so, I could never have forgiven myself if I hadn't layed down my heart for you and asked for us to try again, just one more time, at least now I can rest easy knowing I fought for you and said what I truly wanted to say, I'm still torn up but knowing I did that makes it much easier to live with myself.

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You don't love me and you never did. i don't like playing pretend. Good bye and Good luck. I feel at peace letting go.. again.

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I f'ing hate you and feel like showing up at your place and beating you with a baseball bat right now but I won't do it because it would give you the satisfaction of me talking to you again. Sometimes I hate you so much that I feel like ruining your life no matter what the cost is to me and I hope, for my sake and not yours, that it never comes to that.


Oh, and you're seriously delusional if you think that your wife actually believes that you stopped cheating on her once she found out. If you were even a halfway decent person you would have broken up with both of us instead of continuing the lies but you are a truly worthless human being. I hope she gets the sense to divorce you and take everything because I wouldn't even give you a penny if I saw you pathetically begging for money on the street.


Sadly, I could go on for paragraphs on my angry days like this. : (

Edited by unluckycharms
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Cupid's Puppet

Hey loser. Took me a while to put 2 and 2 together. But now I realize you just didn't want to talk to me anymore. You tried real hard to make it seem like I was getting too attached. I thought I was doing everything you wanted me to do. I didn't ask you to be my boyfriend. I didn't ask you can I meet your parents. You didn't want to talk. I went through with the friends with benefits arrangement even though you didn't want to call it that.


So your saying I was getting too serious is baloney. I think you were meant to come through my life because you empowered me to love myself, no for real, really love myself. Because I lowered my standards believing that I deserve the least, but I deserve the most. And it doesn't have to come from another human being; the greatest love can come from myself.

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I miss you a little today and for the first time in quite awhile I wondered if you ever think about me, ever miss me. I know it doesn't matter, not really, but sometimes I wonder...or maybe things in your life are perfect now that I'm not in it and you're with her. There's been a few times I've been really tempted to contact you (only when I'm super drunk, though) but have managed to put it off until I was thinking clearly again and didn't go through with it because I knew it'd be a huge mistake I would regret for a long time. I don't think about you much or hurt over you anymore which is good. But sometimes I still miss things about you. That's natural, I suppose, for only being 3 months since the BU (and three whole months of NC too! Go me!).


I wonder sometimes if it bothers you that I haven't tried to contact you since we broke up. I also wonder if you've tried to contact me and never got a response because you've been blocked from anything since day one. I'll never know the answers to any of that because I don't plan on ever talking to you again, but I still wonder these things sometimes. Even if I did ask you, you'd probably feed me lies like you always did anyway so oh well! Anyway, bye.

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I've been with her for a while now but very often my thoughts drift back to you. It hurts so much, as if it were yesterday. Why did you leave me? I know you still check up on me, because you're blocking my friends. It hurts so much to see you happy with someone else - and I can't even hate your new partner because they seem like such a good, decent person. They don't deserve my hate. You do, but yet I can't seem to hate you. Instead, I cry when I'm alone and wonder when this is going to go away.


I still love you, but I can't do a damn thing about it.

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I still can't cry for you. I tried, by listening to "our song". It only kind of worked. I'm starting to think my lack of tears is due to not being broken up with in a straightforward way. I only realized what was happening in bits and pieces.


Now I'm listening to a Spotify playlist I made right when we were first getting to know each other. It was so exciting! I really felt love was in the air. In fact, I titled the playlist "Luvv", misspelled of course so as to not get ahead of myself. Anyway, it was spring. Not too long ago. Early to mid-April. Our messages were so deep and compelling to me. Do you realize that we talked via OKCupid for like two weeks before we had a phone call? And it was only because you lived so far away. I would have met up with you way sooner had you lived here. I'm sure it would have saved me some heartache as well.


We used to be appalled at how little time we'd been dating, since we had gotten so close. "Only a month and a half?!" we'd say. We wanted the calendar to speed up so we didn't feel so crazy for how strongly we felt for each other.


So. I'm listening to that Spotify playlist now. Hoping it would bring me to tears, but actually I'm just grooving to it. Happy, actually, that I can listen to sad songs, or love songs, without breaking down. I remember how I feel when I made this playlist - so happy and optimistic with the possibility of love, for the first time since the last relationship turned to dust. God, it was just over 4 months ago that I made this mix, but I was a different person.


And a different person now again, it feels. Jaded. Heartbroken, dumped, untrusting. Funny - after each heartbreak I swear I'll never do it again. Then I get involved, too fast, get too excited without knowing the other person fully. See, you created this version of you, as I'm sure did too. We were both perfect on paper - got to create the perfect romance based on revealing everything, totally honesty, mutually projected attraction. Because we hadn't even really planned on meeting, remember? And then we did meet, and made plans to spend the weekend together. And then again. And again. And then live in the same city.


But you didn't want to be with me once we lived in the same city.


This range of emotions I've been through in the last 4 weeks - and the last week, especially - makes me look like a complete lunatic. You've had me pushed and pulled and stretched all over the place. Remember when we almost broke up the first time and you said, "Are you sure you're ready to be in a relationship right now?" Well, it was classic you, trying to put it on me. But you were probably right. I was really scared you were going to break up with me. Several times over the course of the r/s. And now it's finally happened - happened 3 weeks ago, why am I still rambling?! Because I wasn't in on the secret, that's why, honey.


So there's nothing to be scared of anymore.


The more I put the pieces together, the more I realize there was probably someone else. I'm pretty sure of it. You're not the type to leave without another actor waiting in the wings. I'll never know. Don't worry, it's just my obsessive, paranoid mind. Writing on a breakup bored on a Friday night, since I've been too depressed to barely leave the house all week.


One of the worst parts is knowing that you're not going through this. Of course you're not. Not only do you not care, you were light years ahead of me in falling out of love. Speaking of, I want to tell you that I love you, but I'm not IN love with you. Being in love requires mutual participation.


Remember when I told you that? I always hated people saying they were 'in love' with someone who didn't love them. It's like, inaccurate.


Anyhow. I'm listening to our playlist again. And I still like the songs. And they're not making me cry. And you never actually made me cry, as hard as I tried.


I guess that's my letter for tonight. You're still in my dreams. Hope I'm in yours. Good night V.

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I wonder where you are and what you‘re doing. Are you hanging out with friends or rolling around with some girl? Are you happy or sad? Have you even thought about me, even for a second?


I’m hurt and I think about us, as much as I try not to.

Last year you had the best vacation of your life with me, that’s what you said, and that we would be like that forever. You made me believe we had a future.


As fall approaches, I can’t help to think what this year will bring. I do my best to go on with my life, and I have many plans ahead. I really want to feel happy again, and have hope for the future.


But it seems so unfair and it hurts me so much that you broke up with me, for so stupid reasons. Every time I think about it I hate you more and more, and I also hate the fact that you might be having such a good time, not being affected at all.

You have vanished completely and it almost seems that you never existed in my life. It’s like everything we lived together was a distant dream.


The only thing is that the hole in my heart remains.

I really hate what you did to me, and that I feel so shattered and you don’t. I didn’t do anything bad to you.

I truly cared about you. You should not have made me open my heart to you and then discard me like that…

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It sucks. I am still struggling with this. I hope you realize this. I may pretend to be doing great and enjoying the single life, but it's all a front. Fake it til you make it. And I am struggling to fake it, right now. I just came back from the wedding of my friend. The wedding that we were supposed to go to together. Instead of dancing with you at the wedding, I was sitting all alone, thinking of you. Thinking of why I couldn't be that woman whose finger you put a ring on. Why we couldn't move from having awesome times together, to being committed to one another, why you couldn't move our relationship to the next level. :(

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I can't believe how long it's been. Sometimes it feels like we were just together, other times it feels like we never happened at all.

I've been thinking of you a lot lately, I wonder if you ever think of me...if I'll ever hear from you again.

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This is why I don't talk to you, you have a knack for dragging me lower than I already feel, I've had my nose rubbed in the dirt so many times now, it really shouldn't be any surprise to me that you'd do it again, you pull me in close just to push me away again days later, I know what I mean to you, I've always been low down on your list of priorities, that'll never change, you'll always try to use me for favours then discard me completely when it suits you, I'm responsible for one hell of a fool, I need to find a backbone and put you behind me, the same way you put me behind everything and everyone in your life.



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I haven't posted here in awhile. I haven't had to. You were out of my mind. I was doing the things I needed to do to move on. I keep moving on, keep trying with other girls, I'm going to get there with the right girl one day and that is no longer a fear. You were out of my dreams. You left me in quiet. Sure, some songs would remind me of you. I'd see things that would remind me of you but they'd be in one ear and out the other.


But, you're back again. You come into my dream, naked, I can see every contour of your body, your eyes, every tattoo, every piercing and I'm supposed to be reminded of that? Then you come back into my dreams. We're having a dinner and I'm yelling at you across the table for the horrible decisions you've made. Just stay out of my dreams, stay out of my thoughts.


I was told that you put your tweets to private. I know why you did that. You were snooping my twitter and you saw all the great things I'm doing, you saw my mother was on twitter now. You don't want us to see how bad things have gotten out there for you. I know you don't because if they were great, you'd want us to see them, to show me that I was wrong, that everything I said would happen, didn't, but they did.


So you want to snoop me? Why? You want to see I'm doing worse than you? You want to be reminder of what I look like? Why do you want to snoop me? You made this decision. You deleted me. You blocked me. You moved away. These were all your choices. You are the one who hasn't messaged me since you left. Everything has been in your hands since you left. If you're still thinking about me then say something to me. I don't want childish games of you looking to see if I'm doing miserably. If you made a mistake, own up to it, leave the bad environment you are in and come home. It's just so unfortunate that I'll never be able to trust you again. It's so unfortunate that you'd be doing such immature things still. Lessons you will never learn.


Make up your mind. Just, if you're going to visit me in my dreams, visit me in life. If you're never coming back, stop looking at my stuff, stop visiting me and go away.


You wanted this.

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Cupid's Puppet

lol there is a reason I am ignoring you. It is because I don't want to talk to or hear from you ever again. It is so funny you said I was becoming too attached (which was a lie). Now you can't stop texting :lmao: Seems you are the one attached. I knew that you were projecting your feelings on me. You are a coward. I wasn't even in love with you (like seriously you think I loved you after a month...get real). But you were so afraid of falling in love with me that you tried to control my behavior and emotions. Not everyone is worth my time. Thanks for helping me realize that. *2 snaps*

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Well i'ts been the hardest two months of my adult life... This whole no contact thing really is a challenge. I know you want nothing to do with me. That's fine, i've accepted that a long time ago. I made that bed, so I must lay in it correct?


I have been curious to see your reaction if I did reach out. You were very mutual, and civil about the idea of talking in the future. You even said you were excited to see the future me, to work on "ourselves."


Two months, that's what 62 days? Not long enough sweetheart. I have a lot more time to get to know myself better at 24 years old. I need a lot more time, if I saw you today, my heart would light up. But I can't allow myself to do that. I would get hurt, just like I hurt you.


Emotional immaturity, thanks for bringing such a topic about me up. I was totally emotional immature! Wow, you were definitely right. Thankfully, through friends and therapy, I have moved passed the immaturity and and moving towards a more well rounded mature self.


J told me you sold him a house. I asked about you. He said you are the same old S, look the same, act the same. You were sick for a month? Dam, I am really sorry you had to feel that way for so long. Hopefully all the medicines I bought you a few weeks ago post break up came in handy. I kind of wish you would have reached out to me, I would still have stopped by and brought you soups and such. But, it's best you didn't, because that would continue to suck me further in the vortex of not moving on.


Like, what are you thinking, what boys have you been talking to. More importantly, why do I even care? Because I am not over you, and that's a good thing in my eyes. That tells me; Yeah, you screwed the relationship Drade, but you truly did care about this person, on a deep personal level, and had to learn the hard way to realize this.

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I don't know why you're trying to make me feel bad on the day of my step nans funeral, she was a good woman who was very kind to me, You really are a nasty piece of work, making a day that's already difficult enough even more so, I won't forgive you for that.

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"You'd use someone's funeral against me" there is just no words, and there is no going back for you after saying that to me, you really are a pitiful piece of crap, good riddance.

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Hey guy,


It's coming up on 4 months since we broke up and have been in NC. Wow how time flies when one isn't in a constant state of anxiety and stress! I won't lie, I still think of you sporadically, but I've been noticing longer and longer periods in between catching myself doing so. Today, in fact, I went my whole 11 hour shift at work without you crossing my mind once or feeling anything for you. Blew my mind! I'm sure I don't cross your mind at all, what with you surely being with the woman you left me for, but you know what's strange? That doesn't even bother me anymore! I had a good enough day today that I can even wish you guys well in your relationship that's based on lies and cheating. I'm sure you both deserve each other and it will turn out perfect! Anyway, I'm going to go on living my life. Quite happily and freely I might add :)

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I can't believe how messed around I've been these passed few days, you wanted me back just to throw me away again and kick me out again on the day of my nans funeral, you was so horrible to me, its like you just wanted me back just to rub my nose in the dirt, you took everything from me. My house, my money, all my stuff, none of it was yours to begin with, and somehow I'm the one that goes backwards and is left with nothing when your the one who has done wrong, it was so hard when we got together, you could have been with me but instead went off and had sex with that creep several times, you did everything with him, I was so stupid to still want you after you rejected me like that. I have to live with that worthless feeling thanks to what you did, even so, even when you spent time with everyone but me, even when you left me out, turned others against me, left me to fend for myself when I was hospitalised, shrugged me off when I needed you, I still stood by you :'( why did you put me through all this?, I don't even wanna ask if I deserved it, I can't think that low about myself!, I can't ever let you speak to me again, whatever I need to let out, I need to let it out here, I have no choice but to go down the no contact route, I never wanted you out of my life completely, I wanted to be close and by your side in some way, I can't do that anymore, I'm devastated and beside myself, I couldn't even hack work today, even though people are depending on me. I feel too anxious to even communicate properly with people, you've completely wrecked me and yet you can move along so easily like I never mattered at all, I need to get a grip and turn my heart in to a swinging brick, there's no other way of protecting myself against you.

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I can't understand why I wanted you to contact me sooo badly before...


I had made it 20 days, and then you did.


I regret ever even answering your email and agreeing to talk to you, non the less go out for a drink. Unfortunately I let my emotions lead the way...


Now, here I am, discarded, once again, 100% knowing it's all entirely my fault. 20 days and I still fell for your charm, hook line and sinker. Only this time you weren;t even THAT charming. You were actually pretty rude at times. I don't know why I have done this to myself. The only conclusion that I can come to is that I really do, honestly love you unconditionally. I don;t think I will ever stop loving you....


The thing I'm realizing is that, while I might not be able to change that, you definitely do NOT deserve it at all. No decent human being would reel someone back in, sleep with them for a week, tell them you love them and call them pet names only to turn around and say that you can only "be friends" and it was a "mistake." I know what you feel with me is real, you cant deny the chemistry and neither can I. But the fact you chose to take advantage of the fact that I love you so much, knowing full well you had no intention of ever going anywhere with me again, is just downright cruel.


I must be in one hell of a ****ty low place to allow someone to do that to me. I've let you strip away all of my self respect and dignity, and for what? I am as alone as I ever was. And you are with her...I think it's about time I let her have you, because god knows I deserve so much more than what you are. I beat myself up every minute of every day knowing how much of myself I gave to you, even last week, for you to simply throw it out like trash.


The way you talk to me is appalling. You even admit that you treat me like ****. I understand I need some self work, some major remodelling in the way that I think of myself but you know, one day I will get there, and I'll be an improved better version of myself. You aren't ever going to change. You are always going to be a horrible person.


And when push comes to shove, I guess I'd rather be the stupid fool, than the ******* who has no empathy or compassion. I'd rather make an ass out of myself than intentionally hurt people. One day it will catch up to you and you won't be able to charm your way out of it anymore.


God, I can't wait until that day comes, that you have to sit back and feel all the pain that suffering that you have caused others. Maybe once you feel what it's like, you might actually try and better yourself.


I'll be long gone by then. I love you so much and I always will but I refuse to ever sink this low again. I will NEVER allow someone to treat me with such disrespect again in my lifetime. It makes me sick to my stomach


Are you even human? I don't see how you can't feel like a massive piece of **** for what you have done, and for what you brag about to have done to people in the past. You think its hilarious that you put your ex in a psych ward because you hurt her that much. What kind of human being can laugh at the expense of another person's pain? I will never be able to understand it...


I truly want to believe that you are a good person, deep down. But as of your recent behaviour, I'm starting to believe that maybe you're just a ****ty person who is incapable of anything besides being selfish and cruel.

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I can't believe how messed around I've been these passed few days, you wanted me back just to throw me away again and kick me out again on the day of my nans funeral, you was so horrible to me, its like you just wanted me back just to rub my nose in the dirt, you took everything from me. My house, my money, all my stuff, none of it was yours to begin with, and somehow I'm the one that goes backwards and is left with nothing when your the one who has done wrong, it was so hard when we got together, you could have been with me but instead went off and had sex with that creep several times, you did everything with him, I was so stupid to still want you after you rejected me like that. I have to live with that worthless feeling thanks to what you did, even so, even when you spent time with everyone but me, even when you left me out, turned others against me, left me to fend for myself when I was hospitalised, shrugged me off when I needed you, I still stood by you :'( why did you put me through all this?, I don't even wanna ask if I deserved it, I can't think that low about myself!, I can't ever let you speak to me again, whatever I need to let out, I need to let it out here, I have no choice but to go down the no contact route, I never wanted you out of my life completely, I wanted to be close and by your side in some way, I can't do that anymore, I'm devastated and beside myself, I couldn't even hack work today, even though people are depending on me. I feel too anxious to even communicate properly with people, you've completely wrecked me and yet you can move along so easily like I never mattered at all, I need to get a grip and turn my heart in to a swinging brick, there's no other way of protecting myself against you.



Reading this hurts my heart :(

I am so sorry, I feel so much for you right now.

Hang in there

You are so much better off, I know it doesn't seem like it but you are. You are so much better than that

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Reading this hurts my heart :(

I am so sorry, I feel so much for you right now.

Hang in there

You are so much better off, I know it doesn't seem like it but you are. You are so much better than that


Reading through your message to him, my heart tore in half for you, seems like we are very much in the same boat as one another, there's just no describing that feeling of realising you've been used, constantly being pushed and pulled at the same time, its like your gut is in a constant state of turmoil, I haven't been as upset as I am now in my lifetime, for a week solid a day hasn't gone by where I haven't cried, the sad part is, it isn't through longing or missing her, its through the pain and the cold words that she said, they stick like a knife to the throat, I can tell your a lovely person just by seeing you try to comfort a complete stranger, someone as nice as that doesn't deserve what he did to you, we must remain strong and fight! if you need some one to talk to, you can count on me :)

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Lying here right now in bed, I feel so out of place, so numb, I long for my heart to feel some peace and tranquillity, yet all I can think about is when your gonna replace me, it almost feels inevitable, after all, I wasn't enough for you back then, I wasn't enough to prevent you making the biggest mistake of your life for 3 whole months, I don't think I'll ever forget those images I've seen in my head of the 2 of you and I know for sure I'll never forget the images you uploaded on Facebook at the time, I fell hard for you back then, I remember so clearly biting my lips with tears streaming down my face as you uploaded pictures of you kissing him, seeing comments telling each other you loved each other, messing around with pet names, I don't forget any of this, its kept me awake suffering in silence so often throughout our relationship, it was only love that kept me by your side in spite of all that suffering, I always put you first and from the day I met you, I'd have even gave my all for second but I wasn't that important to you, I don't really know what I was, its probably better that I never know, I just wish you'd have shown that you cared if you ever did but it's too late bow, any bad thing that has happened to me since knowing you, you've not been there, you've never even shown interest, mostly you just made me feel worse on purpose, your so hell bent on trying to convince me your a nice person, well, try showing it then once in a while.

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I'm not gonna let you pull me down, I have a day off today and I'm not gonna spend it sitting around wondering how you feel about me, last night you told me not to make the mistake of getting with anyone else, that really confused me because no matter what I was always loyal to you, I wouldn't do the disgusting things that you did, before you I didn't need anyone to make me happy, my dad god rest his soul taught me a long time a go that you can find happinesses in simplicity, he couldn't have been more right, he may not be here now to pull me out of this but I'll make sure I carry on his will.


I don't know what I mean to you but sadly, its as they say, no man can mean more to a woman than the father of her child, you stuck with him for 6 years, you gave him a child, you gave him all of you, no matter what he did you forgave him, he cheated, he beat you, he talked to you like crap, he ignored you, I could go on and yet, I said some things at times when you made me upset and I don't deserve such things, you told your child last night that I was gone and never coning back so I guess that seal's the deal for you. But why did you do it right in front of my face?, knowing full well me and my son got attached to him, its just cruel.


Anyway, I'm going for a long bike ride now, my fitness and what I enjoy, you can't take that away from me, I'm going to have a nice day, just what I deserve :) ain't no stopping that.

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