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Sigh, its been 8 months since we broke up? But I still can't seem to keep you out of my mind :/ god, how much I loved you, and I spose I still do. No matter how many girls I meet and go out with, none of them compare to you, if only I knew then how much you meant to me I wouldn't have wanted to be single. But hey, stupid is as stupid does, a mistake I am sure to never regret but always remember.


We don't speak anymore, which is the best way I think, because I need to forget about you. It's so hard though, when every time I see a girl doing puppy dog eyes, I think of you :/ you were just amazing, and I wonder if I will ever meet a girl as cute, funny, smart (and at the same time, ditzy) as you. I never lied to you, not even a white lie, when I said you were perfect for me, I meant it. Just like when I said you looked good in that little white dress.


I wish I could spill my heart some more, closure is good. But I've met a girl and I really want it to work this one, being with her is starting to feel like the piece of my heart that you took with you is slowly being put back into place. You don't even have any idea what you took from me, as soon as you left me, my passion for life went with you.


So goodbye I guess, probably not forever, I'll want to message you again some time soon I'm sure. I will always be thinking of you and dreaming of you, because I will always love you.

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The chances of us being together, being happy, having a family, having

a future is like 99.999% never going to happen but yet I wish I could

build a time machine and go back to how it was before everything

went to **** but thats never going to happen.


HOpefully I'll find someone else soon. Its pretty lonely on my end, I still wonder how you just threw me away just like that..... U never even came back for a call or visit or anything, can't say that i blame you but i'm never going to do it, u were the one that left.


you have to be the one that comes back

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So, I just looked at your facebook profile photo after a good month of restraining myself, and I noticed you have yet another new guy. 3rd guy since we broke up I guess? I'm on to my 3rd girl too now I guess, but I wonder if your doing the same as me, trying to fill the hole that was left in your heart when we broke up. Or maybe this guy doesn't need to fill the hole, maybe he gives you something better than what we had? I hope so, because if you can find something better than what we had then so can I.


He seems cool by the way :) Has a really friendly look in his eye ^^ I know from looking at him, he will treat you right, better than those other 2 guys who looked full of themselves. Can't help but feel sorry for him though. God, why do I still love you when you are such a ridiculous human being, sigh.

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Dear K


I just want to hear your voice, I just want to feel your hand on mines. I know this is what you want But i miss you so damn much. Only time can tell what is going to happen between us but I hope that things work out for the best even if we get back together or dont. By the way i still have your stupid laptop that i fixed 3 days after we broke up. I want to call you to come pick it up but i promised myself that i will not call you for at least 30 days. Hopefully you remember that i have it...

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Sometimes I get in these moods where I'll think of these awful things to say to you, things that account for every one of your flaws (even those I'd never previously admitted). The thing is, I don't want to think these things. But I don't want to like you either. I want you to disappear from my thoughts, no wasted anger, no wasted love. I'm completely through with you, you were a waste of time. You deserve worse than indifference, but for my sake indifference is what you'll get...in time.

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Dear O,

i feel really bad for everything that happened when we where together, i know you didn't deserved it, and i know i didn't deserve all your lies, i was jealous because i couldn't trust you, you lied everyday all day to me, and now when we split up you did what you said you wouldn't do, go with him, you went with him, i tried to tell you it was a wrong choice, but you wouldn't listen to me, but then when another person told you you went back into my arms, we went on the bus kissing and hugging, and then you told me it was wrong, that it was all a mistake, you've been playing with my heart for like 2 weeks now, and i wont take it anymore, i deserve better, maybe we fought too much when we where together, but you didn't told me even once you thought i was too jealous, if you would've told me, we could've worked it out, but you kept silent, and now your new "best-friend" is a perv, you might not see it, but i have heard what he says, you might be blinded, but im not, i can see how he really is, what he really wants from you, but you're too needy for affection to hear me, we could've worked it out, we could've been happy togheter but you rather stayed silent and broke my heart over and over and over, i can't be mad at you, i can't hate you, i hope you really live a happy life, i hope you see that you really love me,

you might say that you hate me a little, that you don't love me anymore, but you still keep looking at me, you still answer my calls, but don't worry, i won't look at you again, i wont call you again, i wont beg you ever again, i hope you can be mature and realize what you did, i tried to be there for you, i did you all kinds of favors after we split up, but you still break my heart, i know i deserve better, i know you don't deserve me, so as for today, i will get you out my mind, out my heart and out my life,

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Dear Ex,


I'm sorry for not being the perfect girlfriend. I'm sorry that you feel that our communication was lacking, while I was the only one doing all the talking, the effort, the commitment. I'm sorry that I called you when you were sick to check on you, and that I didn't consider that you didn't want to hear from me at all. I'm sorry that I didn't give you enough space. I'm sorry that I never gave you enough, that I couldn't meet all your standards. I'm sorry that I've never considered how your SO has to be perfect, and that I wasn't even up to the standards. I'm sorry for wasting 3 years of your life, into something you didn't believe in. I'm sorry that everything I do is never good enough for you. I should have been kissing the ground you walked on. I'm sorry that I didn't change everything that I was to be perfect for you. I'm sorry that you couldn't see what everyone else around you saw. I'm sorry that you are still immature and think that the grass is always greener on the other side. I'm sorry that by the time you come to your senses, that I will no longer be that dog waiting for you to return. I'm sorry that I kept you from finding perfection. I'm sorry that I didn't give you enough freedom, even though I never asked you to stop doing things because I hate it. I'm sorry that I loved you more than you'll ever know. I'm sorry for putting your needs before mine. I'm sorry that your father is your role model. I'm sorry that you weren't more like your wonderful mother. I'm sorry that the best thing that has ever happened to you is forever gone. I'm sorry that you were blinded by your present beliefs. I'm sorry that I wasted all my energy on you.

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Dear Lauren,


I feel so ashamed and lost with the way I acted towards the end of our relationship. I deeply cared for you and treated you horribly. You treated me with respect and were fair to me. I want you to remember what we had together in the great times and not the last month or 2 where I acted like a complete psycho and tried to control you.


I laugh because it was so crazy and it made you fall out of love with me. There were certainly times when I was not happy with myself and I took out that anger on you and our relationship. I know I've said it before, but it is true andweighs heavily on me.


I miss you and still want what we once had, but I realize there is no way that can happen. I realize you have moved on, and although not easy for you, what you have now is better then us. And looking at the way i treated you it is.


It truly is. And thats what makes me so sad at myself is that I ruined all of this. I used you as a crutch for happiness, i didnt let you live your life. Ugh. Lauren I am sorry. On so many occasions if I just put my cell phone down I would still have you. I had no self control.


But i cant live in the past.


I respect where you are coming from. If I was in your position I would've probably done the same thing.


I'm sorry I demanded to see you, I'm sorry i called you a bitch, I'm sorry for so many things that will leave a lasting memory for both of us as the closure of something great. Im sorry im trying to appease my own guilt. I'm sorry for even contacting you as it prevents both of us from healing.


I keep feeling like our story is not finished. But that is unrealistic. We are becoming strangers. Its sad really.


And I don't know what to do but move on with this hole in my heart and try to forget you.



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Today is the 6th day of NC. I feel great at times... I know you called me on Wednesday to see if I was okay b/c I missed work. I don't understand why you called. I told you to leave me alone. I guess you aren't as strong as I made you out to be. You are always the one trying to initiate the conversations. I'm doing okay without you. Its been a little more than 6 months since you left. The days are no longer blurry, cold, and sad. The light is starting to shine again. I'm ready to move on.

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dear demented female,

your now a figment of my past


i wonder if you have any regrets. it would be nice to know whomever you left me for turn out to be a douche bag, i sort of feel like that, i'm not sure why


eitherway, NC 600+ days, almost two years.. odd, i still remember d-day but it doesn't burn or hurt anymore or anything...


i think i moved past the pain, now for the memories to go away!

soon i won't remember at all.

thank you god!

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I can't stop. I can't stop thinking of you. I can't stop loving you. I can't stop the memories in my head of you. I can't stop the wanting, the needing. I yearn for you. My heart aches. I sweat and feel a panic come over me everytime I realize I lost you. I want you back. I'm on hands and knees. Its sad. I'm sad. I'm not myself. I'm not happy. I remeber your smile. Your breath meeting mine. The way we touched. The way we kissed. The love between us. I'm so sad lover. I can't stop it. I'm trying. You bring out the good in me and I need you to contact me. To know you feel this. Please give me that.

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I seen your niece today. She said hey but that was it...no hug, no nething. I never realized how much it would hurt. I'm cryin like a baby now. I haven't cried in days, but this set me back...

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Not really sure how I feel about anything anymore. I can't believe you had the nerve to dump your feelings on me, I thought you weren't like that! A part of me is saddened because the only chance at a reconciliation isn't happening, but then again I never expected it to. All I know is that I have to take things one day at a time again. I wish things could have been different.

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My beautiful K,


I know you fell out of love with me and that you haven't felt it

for some time. And I know you gave our relationship another shot, but

not having you anymore has left a horrible enormous gap in my life. I hate wking up in the house alone and I cry inside when I think of you with someone else.


I am disappointed that you went to see T two years ago on your own, even though I believe it was just as friends. Nevertheless it broke my trust in you and we went from good to bad to over from that day. So to know that you eventually ended up with him is an extra kick in the teeth that I could have done without.


Your constant attention seeking on Facebook just made me more and more paranoid until it destroyed our whole relationship. If we had communicated better I have no doubt we would still be together. But instead you got close to M, to S, to B and to T, and you have chased each one of them in turn, each time causing you to leave or want to leave.


You ensured there was a green light first on each occassion, and that is the reason you ended up not leaving when M snubbed you.


I am glad in many ways that the constant worry of what you are thinking has gone. I know how you were thinking now and it hurts that you made me feel stupid for having concerns about those 'friends'. I'm also glad that all the other negative aspects of our relationship are done with.


Unfortunately removing those toxic elements of us being together has left a hole I can't describe. I hate being a part-time Dad and hate even more the fact that you are missing. I am lonely, hurt and depressed, but I will not let you beat me into the ground. I have been excessively nasty to you in order to stop your communication with me, especially those texts where you hint that you were thinking about getting back together before we had another unnecessary argument.


I could never have you back now anyway now that you have shown the cards that you played so close to your chest, so I don't understand why you are so arrogant that you think I will come running when you click your fingers. Forget about us. We are done. It hurts but it will ease. And I'll be free to find someone better, less paranoid, less insecure, someone that understands going to see male friends on your own and dumping the kids with your sister to do it is not acceptable. And that coming back from visits to your sister with an ex-boyfriend in the park playing with my daughter is also.


You think I drove you away. But you drove me away with your naiivety and silly behaviour. There were always more than two people in our relationship hanging around in the background, picking away at us, and you let them stick a wedge between us. It's just that while I was sick of you behaving that way I had the strength to carry on and try to show you that what you were doing was poisoning us. Trying to make it work. But you did not. I will find it hard to forgive you for splitting our family up when it was all so avoidable.

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iv always had my guard up and protected myself from getting hurt, and here i am typing a fictional note to you that you will never see or know about how i let you tear my mind apart. you cheated on me. and yet im the one who was wrong. and i got blamed for cheating and i was never in any such situation. your self guilt ruined both of us.


well its taken some time but im finally starting to move on. feeling happy again. not constantly thinking about what your doing, who your with., how your feeling. and it feels f*cking good. i just wish the process can move a little quicker so i can start piecing a new relationship together.


im allowing myself to feel feelings for new people now. which is a good sign. but im also taking to much offense when things dont go right or we dont connect. and i think thats all because of you and me trying to replace you. which isnt fare to me or the other person.


regardless i wish you can see my improvements in life and how im better off, less bitter, and less angry all the time without you constantly bringing me down. i get the compliment from friends and family constantly about how im a much more enjoyable person now. and im liking it. now iv got to learn to love it.

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Dear T,


I wish you would have understood that I wasn’t lying when I said that I knew what I needed to do to improve myself for you. I’m still seeing that counselor… I’m thinking as positively as I can… even with all of the stress and sadness of this breakup looming over me. I’m even starting to think this way when I’m not forcing myself to do so!


For example, my classmates where interpreting two pieces of artwork as having a very depressing meaning. Usually, I jump right in on that. I understood where they were coming from, but my take on it was the complete opposite of that. I was the devils advocate of the class. My professor then said that it seems the interpretation of the piece depends on the viewer’s mentality (Is the cup half empty, or half full.) I was shocked when she said this! I was approaching something with the mentality that the cup is half full? I was so surprised with myself! I wish you could have been there to hear it.


I wish you wanted to see me. We have been running into each other once a week since the breakup, but you’re too busy ignoring me… I don’t know how to react to that so I’ve been doing the same to you. But don’t get me wrong, I still love you. I wish I could tell you, but I’ve already tried. I don’t want to overstep my bounds and push you further away.


I wish that you could know what I’m feeling right now. The confusion that I have. You broke up with me AND said that you loved me. I can’t get your indecisiveness out of my head. Should I keep trying, or should I just step into the background and move on?


I wish that I knew the real reason for you breaking up with me. You say it’s the distance, and my negative thoughts that came because of it. My counselor seems to not believe me when I say this. He doesn’t believe that those last conversations we had before the breakup were the ONLY reason that you would suddenly decide to end it.


Two guys have already asked me if I’m single… I answered honestly and made sure to outright say that I’m not going to start dating again for a long while. I want YOU dammit! I don’t doubt that someone other than you will find me interesting, but I do have doubts that I will find someone better than you for myself.


I wish that I could just destroy something! Drive a hammer through some glass, put some dings into someone’s car… I feel so useless right now because I can’t be contacting you anymore, and I have the feeling that you’re never going to take the initiative to contact me. But no one would take my anger seriously anyway. Just the other day someone told me how comical it would be for shy little me to go on a furious rampage.


I wish that I knew if you REALLY loved me. You can say it until you’re blue in the face, but right now, actions speak louder than words! If you cared about me so much, why would you hurt me like this? Why would you put yourself through this?


Just something for you to think about…




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3 Months of NC. Your still with my co-worker. Are you really happy? You probably can't answer that question honestly. Becuase you do not know what truth is.

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dear E...


Tomorrow we will meet to decide how you can decide if you love me enough to get us back together.. for a long time now we've been 'ross and rachel'.. but unlike the unfunny fictional tv characters I believe we CAN be together...


I know you have concerns about the past and how I have promised this time and again, normally on my way out the door to the pub, but thats not me anymore, you know who I am now, well, you know who I say I am and all I'm asking is for you to consider the positives.. we ARE good together, there is love there, there is attraction there and I'll know we be happy 2gether if you give us that chance.. judge me by my actions not my emails.. I hope you have thought some more on it despite the other issues in your life and if you are leaning in anyway towards seeing a future I urge you to give us a go, sorry, scratch that, not a 'go'.. we just go for it...

but if the negative thoughts are clouding your mind, and I don't think they are, but if they are, then I will leave the hotel tomorrow with some dignity intact (before collapsing in a heap when you are out of sight) cos we will have cut all ties and unless you are struck by lightning then I will never see you again (on purpose)..


I wish you luck in your thinking and am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow, well, as looking forward as one can be when they are a bundle of anxious nerves inside.. I do love you with everything I Have and would spend my life proving that to you..


Good Night E.. see you tomorrow.. and don't be late (as usual!!! ha ha ha ha)


maybe this time tomorrow we will be smiling together.. if not, then look at the moon and remember.. (they found water on it ya know!)




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I don't know if it was the right decision to send you that email, but what's done is done. All I know is that was my last act out of love for you. Maybe you'll realize that you've acted fake after you broke up with me, maybe you won't. It's not even about those things. All I know is that I don't see any future of any kind with you. Not as friends, not as lovers, not as coworkers. I don't want you in my life. You're just a cancer. I regret ever loving you. Stay the hell away from me.

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I am in limbo. The last text you sent me after our dinner was that you love me. If you love me, then why did you disappear without a trace? I think about you everyday, and I wonder if you miss me like I miss you.

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You really didnt deserve any of the attention I gave you. I'd love to see who gives you as much love as I did (which Im sure no one will). Someday you will realize all the lame excuses you gave for what you did and what you just chose to throw away.

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My dearest ex,


It's been eons since I've heard anything from you. Well, more like 2 months and some days. I hope you are doing well, and that you're not dying from unknown emotions. I wanted to let you know, that I'm no longer waiting for you. I've decided to move on from this mess which is my feeling for you. They may very well exist for months, but I'm no longer holding on the hope that you'll come to realize anything. I know you are a good person, and I hope for you to find someone amazing for you. I thought I did, that was you, but I guess that if we didn't feel the same, then nothing can be done. One day, when I look back at this, it will be nothing but fond memories. I know you'll never find anyone like me, everyone around you knew how lucky you were to have me, but it's already too late, I'm moving on to find someone who will actually love me the way I loved you. I hope all your dreams come true, that you will actually find someone suitable for you. I will miss all our silly moments together, our laughs, the early flirty days, your little affectionnate scratches, your lovely gaze on me. I don't wish for you to hurt another person the way you hurt me, so learn from his lesson, and be a better person. Never take anything or anyone for granted.


I loved everything about you, from your qualities to your flaws, my love for you is so pure, it's unbelievably beautiful. Sorry you couldn't see it, sorry I won't be there if decide to come back.


Take care, I love you, I hope you know that. It will eventually fade, and then you'll no longer have my pure pure love for you.

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I miss you. its been a week since we broke up. 5 days since we last spoke. today i really feel it. my stomach churns when i think of not being with you. but part of me dislikes you for not wanting me. i know its your choice but it hurts. if u do like me a little bit come back? we can work it out.


i went out last night. today i went to see A-the guy u hate. i cud get with him if i wanted too but he aint u and i want u. who else is gonna do silly dances and speak in funny accents with me. we were good together, almost too good thats why it messed up.


but at the same time u was very loveless to wards me. all i wanted was my boyfriend back-not you as a mate. but u just couldn't do it. arghhhh!


i want you bak with me. i dont want no one but you. today it hurts, i am crying and i feel like giving up everything

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