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Why you decided to lead me on, then de-friend me on Facebook and not answer any of my texts while simultaneously recruiting a mutual friend to spy on me, is beyond my ability to comprehend.


I guess we can't all be crazy.

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Its been ages since Ive missed you like I missed you today. Incredible but I never realize we were the only two weirdos in this planet that would stop to help a sick bird.

Your heart and compassion were the biggest things that made me fall in love with you. I just wonder why that compassion didnt include me. I could have used it when i told you i would break if you lead me on knowing you would leave me once you moved.

I tried explaining how i felt about that little birdie dying in my hands to my friends. No one got it, they just pretty much rolled their eyes at me. And it was so painful to know that you would have gotten it, after all you did the same once before, and you also signed a petition to stop cutting fins off of sharks, despite your utter terror of them. You called it your 'truce" with them.

I hate missing you like this. Its scares me to think I wont find anyone who can understand me like you used to.

But unfortunately you dont care anymore, and I have to keep telling myself that. In any case, i wish you knew how much i appreciate your heart and sensitivity, or rather, i wish you cared that I do. Among other things. But i guess the show must go on. I hope you're not as lonely as I am right now.


I still love you...you already know that.

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I hope you come out of this okay. I do not know you anymore but somehow it makes me hurt to know you are so ill and alone. Your friends and family are there. I know you will be fine. I hope they bring you candy.


It is amazing what thinking positively can do.



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something weird happen last night, i got really drunk and when i came home i started to write you a letter.....


i thought i was over it but i guess i still love you if i'm writing you drunken messages. i even called your house yesterday and let it ring twice and then hung up and went home....



i don't know why i did that.. i haven't spoken or contacted you in over 2 years, i don't know why i even made the call... i hung up before anyone picked up, i guess i was trying to see if i could reach you.......


and now this morning, i'm telling myself "damn dude, you were drunk"

i don't know why i called you so i could hear the phone ring and then hang up... weird..... guess i got to keep moving on

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Hey J,


How's it going. Its been a while since ive written to you. I gotta let u know i am doing a whole lot better. I have accepted the fact that it is over between us. It took 5 months for me to realize that. You know how stubborn i am though. I see you are living your new life. Your sister told me that your dad got drunk again and started causing drama at your house. He kicked you out and your sister. She said u left to your new girls house and will now be staying w her. Wow!! Your sis and mom are moving out and leaving your dad and now u are moving in w her. After only being with her for about 4 months. Damn J...we were together 5 years and we never did this. I know with her its easy. With me you were going to have to marry me in a white dress. She is willing to just shack up w you im not. Too bad for you J. I really hope youve made the right decisions for yourself. Because if this doesnt work out youre going to suffer a lot. As for me im doing a whole lot better. Im taking good care of myself and if you stop by my myspace you will see how good i look. Yup taking care of my hair and face. Getting my manicures and pedicures. Rocking my figure. I look good J.....i know you always hated it when i looked good. You were too insecure. Well now im free. free to be me...im sexy J....deal w it!!! Anyway...i hope your Thanksgiving is ok although im sorry that your family is now broken. Well atleast you have her and her son. Handle your business dogg!!! peace!!!!

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Hey N,


I never would have thought I'd be here, in this moment, and not want to call, or write, or email. God is doing some SERIOUS healing here. I saw your message when I signed onto yahoo, I also got your letter when you sent back my stuff. Yeah, I know, everything was very nice, and I appreciate your good wishes, but I don't need them anymore. I'm actually done wondering why I wasn't good enough. It doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm getting myself back together after you. You can say you are sorry all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you knowingly hurt me time and time again. You can keep your sorry. I won't let myself write you back. You can just wonder about me from Texas, and you can just wonder how I'm doing from your little apartment. I'm doing just fine, and I will continue to do fine. I have an amazing family and group of friends who I can lean on for support. THEY know what unconditional love is, N. You claimed to know, but you didn't. I figure you're writing me because your current date isn't quite working out. Oh well. I'm sure you'll find another girl to take her place. That's just what you do, isn't it? You'll be fine. I'm positive of that. And if your not, you can cry about how good I was to you, and how much I did for you, and how much you meant to me. But you totally lost out on that. Definitely your loss. Maybe eventually you'll change and find someone suitable for you, but by then, I'm pretty sure I will have found the man of my dreams, and you will be thrown out of my mind forever. I pray that day comes soon. God has someone in mind for me, N, and I don't intend to miss him this time. So, I will keep ignoring your attempts to contact me, I really hope you get the hint sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, I still care for you, and I hope you find happiness in your life, but judging from the way you live it, it may not be so happy. I will pray for you, N. I wish you all the best. Too bad you will never see this.


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dashing daisy

I thought I was almost over you. I wasn't really missing you, I didn't really want to talk to you.


Now I know you're going to be back in the country in 4 days and I can't stop hoping you will call me when you get back. I know I'm just waiting for disappointment. Everything since you left has just been disappointment. You tell me you love me, that you want nothing more than to be with me, but it always turns out to be meaningless because you are 18 hours away. How can you say you wish you hadn't broken up with me, you wish we were still together but you can't actually be honest about anything right now. If you actually regretted it, or if you actually wanted to be with me, you would make an effort... I just remember how we talked about how amazing this day would be and we would finally get to be together again and it wouldn't be so hard anymore, so this date got burned into my head. Now it's nothing like I thought it would be. I'm sad you are coming back, not happy.


My friends say you aren't worth it, guys ask me what was so special about you, why I don't want to date...I have no idea. I can't even think about dating anyone else, and it's been months. I don't know why I feel the way I do. I shouldn't, there is no rational explanation for it. I don't know why I don't want anyone else. I know I shouldn't want you anymore, but I still don't want to be with anyone else.


Maybe I want someone who isn't there, someone I thought you were but you aren't. You aren't....right?


You are just a boy.


And I said I wish I never met you because I let myself get broken for no reason. I shouldn't have gotten involved. I don't really wish I never met you, I just wish you were with me. ****. I need to get over you though, I need to NOT think about you coming back. But rebounds are always bad because I would end up hurting some nice guy just because I wasn't over my ex. And that's not fair. So I'm stuck.


I want you to apologize and I want to forgive you. I think it just freaks me out to know we will be in the same place again and we won't be together. I can't imagine that.


Great, sounds like I haven't moved on at all, and I'm back where I started just because of this one thought.


If I never met you I wouldn't be where I am now, and this feeling sucks.


I'm still waiting around because I'm scared you'll be like my last ex. I thought we had something good, but he broke up with me, and now he is trying to get be back but it's too late. I'm scared I'll get over you. This would be so much easier if you could just tell me you were over it and I would have to get over it too, because I knew there was no chance we could be together again. But instead you have to say you're perfect, never change, I do love you, I've never loved anyone like I loved you, I wish I never broke up with you. I wish we could be together, but we can't, everything would be okay if I could just hug you but I can't...Do you seriously not know what this does to me?


I have to know they are meaningless words but it still drives my heart crazy. I guess that's why they say no contact, cause when you say those things it stirs all my feelings up again. I think I just have to let them sink.


Also, I've been getting calls from a blocked number and they don't leave messages and if it is you...I don't think it is, but I'm going to be pissed. But still happy you were thinking about me. I'm driving myself crazy with this.


But at least I'm not writing to you. So you can continue to think whatever it is you think about me, because I'm not going to contact you.

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I, at times, wait for the phone to ring,

or strain to hear a knock at the door,

What happened to us,

Us is no more


But what about our hopes and dreams,

How could you walk away,

Don`t you like to see my face,

And why is your face I cannot erase


I long to see your big blue eyes,

But I will not,

And cannot,

Not just because of the lies,

but for fear the hope will rise

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Time fly by really quick. It came in no time actually. I still remember that awful day when I found out my girl was cheating on me and that day when I called you crying telling you I loved you and that day when you told me to fawk off. Yeah I still remember. I'm not sure what happen anymore, none of it really makes sense, but if I throw in the factor that you were a whore, it makes sense.


No contact in 2 years, ah the beauty of distance, of forgeting, and moving on, the pain went away, it finally left me. The feelings I had for you were strong and ran deep, it must of not been reciprocal for things to end how they did.


I said it before and I'll say it again. I threw away allot for you. I put business aside and let it crash. I put you ahead of family. I gave up a small fortune, almost 200k usd. I went into a hole and a downward spiral for a long time. It took a long time to bounce back emmotionally and even longer to recover business. It is still recovering, odd, before everything happen, I was on top of the world, moving like flash gordon, not living by rules, living a movie and I came to get you to bring you along with me but the information I found out in conjuction with you just beating me with words was to much. I folded and gave in and suffered for my weakness I had toward you. I can say that never again will I let a female destroy me.


You know honestly, I feel as if our relationship, was some sort of pre-curios to what it would be like to love and have a family and if thats true, I can't wait for the day I meet my wife. It thought me allot, I thank you for that.


I don't hate you or anything, infact, quite the opposite, I wish you much success and happiness. I thank you for the time shared. It was a good run. You can't take that away from me.


Until our next encounter. It was my fault, I'll take the blame. You were a silly whore, needed guideance. I suppose I should be thankfull because had things worked out and I married you, it would of been even worse. I can't help but feel as if I dodged a bullet.


On another note, I guess thats it. Haven't looked at your profile in months, told myself never again. It took a while to move on but I finally did it. I doubt I can forget you though. Something happened to you, it must of been the other cock inside you. I don't know, the funny part is, I got a peace of you, yeah you hurt me pretty bad but I got a peace of you.


So thats that. Sooner or late, I'm going to find someone else. 2 years NC. Your probably on anothre relationship by now. I wonder how many guys you've been with after me, during me. We didn't even leave on good terms. The whore spit in my face, told me to **** off, and fell in love.


You were two face, 2 seperate people warned me. Two seperate people on different occasions, each time told me things once they found out I was dealing with you. 2 people whom I was friends with, I didn't listen. They knew something I didn't. They were right. You were two-face. Don't be like that, be one person. Be who you are.



Later baby girl, I hope you get to where ever you were trying to go.

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Hi K


Hope you are well and your usual bubbley self. I hope the life at Uni is bearable without me. You seem to be having fun by the looks of your facebook which I am about to delete. I can't face looking at it anymore.


You seem to be catching the eye of a lot of lads, I remember when you first caught my eye 18 months ago. Oh how things have changed now.


I think you are heading for a bit of a crash, you will struggle to find anyone who treated you as well as I did, but the grass isgreener on the other side, right?


Who knows what you are feeling, or thinking. But I know you never leave my mind, you are always there every God damn day. I loved you so much and you threw it all away.


Good luck, I will forgive you but never forget how you treated me.

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I think it is finally time for me to let go. I know I have said this so many times before but how you responded to me today is the final straw. I told you I miss you the same way you have been doing for the last week and a half and all you tell me is that you are busy and hear ya later. You will never know how much that hurt me, if I thought you cared anything for me like you have been saying all along I dont believe that any more.


Monday to friday you talk to me like I am your world but because something has changed with you, no more contact during the weekend but come monday it will be like everything is back to normal. But guess what I cant do it anymore. You claim to be so confused but i dont think you are, you know exactly what you are doing and I am done holding on and accepting the crumbs. As a wise person told me, you are where you want to be so there cant be any confusion there, if you really wanted to be with me you would be.


Goodbye, I need you out of my life and I know that you wont willing let me go so I will do the letting go, I will cut you out of my life. I know it will be hard but what would be worse is living in this limbo and not knowing what is going on.

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As the words of the mighty Sophie Ellis Bextor say :


"You had me taken in

But now I've found you out

And I won't go through that again

You've always had to win

You'll have to go without

You don't know where to stop


Oh get over you!!!!"

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I will never understand why through the bad times you've always treated me like **** when all I ever did was try and be considerate of you. I'll never be able to say the same things you said to me that night, and I still don't know why after 2 1/2 years of sticking with you that you could just give up on me, and give up on us. ESPECIALLY when I never cheated on you, never hurt you. I ALWAYS stayed by your side, why did you have to leave mine? You know that it wasn't all my fault, you KNOW that we both could've treated each other way better. Why couldn't we just do something so simply like that, why can't we now?? The way you feel about your brother, about not wanting to think about life without him is the way I feel about you, so if you know what it feels like without him, then you will know how I feel right now. Although its not quite the same feeling, but maybe one day you will know what its like to have feelings that will never go away for someone, unconditional love.

Edited by XKatieX
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Serious this time ...




Thanks for being there for me for the past seven years. Even though things didn't work out between us, I would not have traded the past year for anything. I learned a lot about myself during that time and realize that you were more beautiful as my girlfriend than I had ever imagined. You are a selfless person and you have a huge heart. You aren't without your flaws, but I loved you just the same.


It was your choice to end the relationship and, by doing so, you forced me to reflect on the past and realize many of my character flaws. I'm a better person today than I was a year ago -- and it was through your love and compassion that got me to the state I am today.


I am sorry I brought a drug addiction to Colorado with me and I am sorry I put you through a lot of lies and confusion. I will never be that person again. I made some large mistakes that I would not have been able to correct unless I had experienced something as traumatic as breaking up with you.


I would want nothing more than to go back into the past and be more of a man to you and undo a lot of the damage that I caused while we were together. It would be so wonderful to go back and communicate more effectively with you and strengthen our bond so that we could have gotten through the worst hump during the progression of a long-term relationship.


I would have loved to grow old with you and travel the world with you.


I would have loved to hold your hand until I could no longer lift my arm.


I will always love you, your smile and the beautiful memories of being with you and sharing one year of our lives living together. I'll miss the family we had with little Audrey (our doggie). I'll miss seeing you come home after a long day at work. I'll miss coming home to you as well. I'll even miss watching every episode of Sex and the City with you -- but I would never admit that to anyone else.


I'm sorry I walked out the door during a lot of our fights. I'm a better man today and it is because of your patience and love.


I say a prayer every night to God that you are safe and happy.


I miss you.

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Nikki Sahagin

Its cold and windy and rainy and I wish sometimes that we had each other to cuddle the way we used to, when we'd spend days in bed eating junk food and watching TV shows and just cuddling and I had that beautiful combination of butterflies in my stomach and complete peace. Even after two years, you made me feel both violently and intensely in love with you, and completely tranquil in your arms. Do you ever think of that too? I love my own space in bed now but sometimes I miss feeling your hand on my tummy and snuggling into your arms.


I don't know...its so weird...I heard someone say that people only get screwed up in life when they lack love; when no-one holds them or touches them or tells them they mean something, and thats why we have all these men that go to prostitutes just to share a bed with a woman and talk; just to feel interesting and important and valued for half an hour.


Sometimes I think losing love has screwed me up a little. Its scary how quickly you get used to being self-sufficient, to not having a hand to hold or a body to cuddle and you become solitary and independent, but i've always thought independence is over-rated. Its others, its people, not the self that make life happy and worth living.


I guess what i'm trying to say is, once you made me feel importance and loved and accepted. I suppose I miss that. I miss discovering that in you.


Still, I wish you all the best in life. Every time I hear you fall, my heart plunges a little. I hope life is kind to you, even if you weren't always kind to me.

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Wow! Look at how far you've come! Apparently, your "anxiety" was too much to let you travel ACROSS TEH ****ING CITY to see me, but it's apparently cleared up enough for you to MAKE A RUN FOR THE GODDAMN BORDER FOR THIS DOUCHEBAG.


Thanks, it's good to know what your lies were now that I'm single. Was there ANYTHING you told the truth about?

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Thanks for being a total fecking coward.

Thanks for being the opposite of what you made yourself out to be.

Thanks for being so pathetic that I can't even bring myself to laugh at you.

You're predictable, you're boring, you're shyte.

Have a nice life.

I know we are.

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thanks for setting us free(kids and me)


Im happier than I have been in years

im more confident than I have been in years.

I would never had the strenght to leave you

but..........i am happy.

I love my future

i love thhe fact I will go on my "city slickers" experiance on my own,It will build me even more.

I am............better without you. I willalways have a deep affection for you but I dont love you either.


wow what an admission!!!! hey guys i think I might be ready to move on ......for a while!



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I can't believe you answered! How was your trip f**ing her across the


Are you going to hang up on me, like you did before. I thought we were friends??

I have a few questions for you, I would like you to answer?


Did you ever love me? Why was it so important for you to "have" me?


You knew what you were doing, what possible outcome could there have been between the two of us if you weren't total serious like I was, why didn't you cut me free when you had a chance?


I go back and forth with you. I seem to forget a lot of the sneaky, lying things you did, but I really had no proof, just my women's intuition.

Oh, you did love me? It was inevitable, No! not putting gas in your car and having it not run is inevitable, not eating and getting sick is inevitable.

Choosing to have a relationship is a choice!


No it wasn't me who read your emails, but the new password is ******


I see that you played a lot of women, did you love them too? Why do most of these woman keep pinning after you, you loved them and then just walked out of their life?


Then there is that same question for me. Why do I still care about you?

Why do I think there is a chance later in our lives, why would I want to have one with you? I know, I know pick me. . .because I fell in love with you.


Since I did most of the talking in our relationship and you were too secretive unless asked point blank, with an honest reply(thanks for that at least) if you did love me and the reason you wouldn't talk to me was because you were hurting, why didn't you step up to the plate when you had a chance and take me????


Oh, you didn't want the responsibility. What about the responsibility of having an A with someone? What about all the others involved. I was truthful to everyone, you, my family, my friends. You on the other hand knowing this couldn't even be truthful to me!!!


I'm still going through the process of forgetting about you, and it hurts like hell. I talk to people everyday about their similar situations it helps, but what would help more is if you would be upfront with me so I can let go.


You let go, or not - by jumping into a rebound relationship, or maybe it's love, who knows. I'd like to think that our relationship was the reason you were able to move on to at least a better form of a woman, and not the ones you are usually drawn to, because I know I'm a lady. A lady that used poor judgment and f-up, and now has a million questions of her own as to why this happened.


On your good points, you were always a good listner, kind, emotional and not afraid to show your feelings.


On your bad points, you're a user, a liar, superficial, sneaky, imperfect, yes, I said you were imperfect, immature @ 50 for gd's sake, a con man, and ego maniac.


With all that said, I need to figure out what is wrong with me for holding on to something that was never there?


So what do you have to say about how I feel. . .Hello, crap he hung up on me like 30 minutes ago. C*CK$%^#! MO&H#% F**KER!:mad:

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