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Where did you go, when you let me go? I'm waiting for you, in a special place. Flowers die. You know they cannot grow. With no light. Where did you go?

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I want to tell you that silly picture you posted from your high school prom is really really cute but I won't.

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Hello Ex,


So, yeah, it's been around 3 months, no word from you yet. Are you playing a game? You know, the waiting game? Well, you might win.... I'll see on the day of your birthday, if I'm feeling alright, I'll call you to wish you happy birthday. But, BUT, no real expectations here. Just going to call to say happy birthday, that's it, no "take me back" or whatever. I don't expect you to change, not so soon, and besides, I had to put up with so much to be with you, but I still did cause I loved you, and you threw me away like an old used yucky shoe... Hum... I might rethink that decision to call you... You're the one who dumped me, not the other way around, so technically, I don't have to call you at all! Or I might, cause I'm just so damned nice. I think my feelings for you are slowly slipping away, like, I can't remember how you are and stuff. Too bad, I was going NC in hopes of you coming back, but now, I'm using the "out of sight, out of mind" aspect of NC, and let me tell you this, it feels so damn good.


I'm still sad that you've decided to throw away all our happy times, but I can't make decisions for you, cause, well, I'm not you, obviously, if I was, then I wouldn't have dumped myself, lolz... Now I'm not making any sense whatsoever. There are so many things I wanted to share with you, like my plans for the futur and whatnot. But, I guess I won't be able to, haha. I'm very happy that we have met, and that we had share happy times together. Still don't want it to end, but I'm getting over it slowly. You're still on my mind constantly, but it's starting to fade also.

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I keep dreaming of you, dammit! It's annoying. Maybe b/c I don't think about you much anymore during the day? Who knows. Get out of my dreams now. Ya b*tch! ;)

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I just want to tell you that you no longer mean anything to me. I have absolutely no feeling towards you whatsoever. And while you may think that's a good thing, it just means you hold no more value to me. I have been scarred, and I allowed myself to be, but it won't affect the person that I am, and I know that I am a good person. So whether or not you realize it, when you weave your web of playing the victim ("why me, why can't I find a good guy, etc.), to attract someone else you feel like screwing over, that I dedicate my life to giving you what you wanted, and you know what, it really wasn't that hard work for me, cuz I already had what you "thought" you wanted. I'm not going to say "I hope your life sucks." because I don't really care, conversely, I don't care if your life turns out great, so I'm not going to say "I wish you the best in life." All I can say is thanks, because you were right when you said "I don't deserve you.", and I thank you for helping me realize what I do deserve.

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This is like the 3rd or fourth time i post in this threat, kinda once a year after a new break up and for some reason always around december month lol


Anyway here it goes..


I miss you little lady, me wish we could get back together but thats probably not going to happen, so.. i love you and take care of yourself

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Your memories suck. You have such a selective memory, don't you? I don't care to hear anymore of your dribble. Go tell the tart you're with now how you miss me so much. GO AWAY!!!

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its been a month since u said u dun want me or a relationship. i cant believe u can shut off so quick. i miss u. u worry whats gonna happen 2 me. i slippin into the going out n looking for guys route and i hate it. they r all waste of time. i want u m1... ur my funny mmo who used 2 make me laugh as much as cry. i feel aged by this breakup. my heart aches, i cry now and again. i ry 2 block u out but u keep comin back in ma head. please jus follow ur heart-i know u dont mean it when u say u dnt like me. 143 mmo always xxx

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well, its day 5 of NC and I didn't think of you first thing.. 2nd thing maybe but not first thing!..


big step for me..



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I dont know if I ever cross your mind...


but I think of you every step of my day.


All I have are bittersweet memories... but


I hope life treats you kind. I hope you get everything you ever dreamed of. I forgive you for everything you have ever done to me and made me feel. I wish you joy and happiness ...but more than these things, I wish you love.


I love you.

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I was seriously contemplating coming up to see you. Everyone told me not to and I finally decided to take control of my emotions and not.


What I wouldve said Is that Im sorry. And not for our last conversation or anything particular but just for being so Immature and Disrespectful to you.


Its hard for me to let you go as Im sure you know. I was trying to hold on to you so tight and hope but I have realized that doing this just pushed you further away.


What eats me up inside is how i tried to control you in our relationship, how i used you to make myself more and how much I needed you. and thats what i learned i need to change. I think after school i kinda just relied on you for my happiness and let the rest of my life kinda slip away. We always worked because we had space and did our own things. Im sorry i got crazy for a minute. I just wanted to see you. I didnt think you were cheating.


I try not to dwell, but it is scary to think i took what we had and how I destroyed it. i regret so much. how i hurt you. how you still pick up the phone for me hoping ive changed a little bit.


I wish we both communicated better. I wish i could see you again.


Im sure you found someone. Or will. I dont know.



u know how i feel. it would be different i think. I would respect you.



But i wont beg anymore. i wont push you into a corner. im sorry for all of this.

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GO AWAY. Why did I have to see you? How unlucky can I be that as soon as I begin to feel happy you just happen to be wandering around?


I have given up nearly everything.....when will I have peace again?

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I'm going to let you go "K"


I will swallow the fact that you have "won." You are smiling, happy, loving life, making wedding plans and she is too.


So, after two weeks with her you KNOW you are in love with her and buy her an engagement ring? Are you mentally challenged or 11 years old or BOTH?!


I am still bewildered that you were once so sensible, smart, sexy, and loving with me. I am still bewildered that you would chose someone who just got out of high school 2 years ago over someone who is only a couple of years apart from you. I am still bewildered that you would actually think of using me for sex AFTER you got engaged to her.


You are an a**hole. Plain and simple. You don't deserve my tears or my heartache. My friends and family scream that you are making a huge mistake and that like other exes of mine, you will be back JUST WHEN I have finally got over you. That is so f*cking unfair. You will come back later but not NOW? I am here now! F*ck you and your idiot fiancee'. Your marriage is doomed. You can't just dump someone, meet another, be engaged within 2 weeks and expect miracles.


Tell ya what. Please do marry her and end up having reality kick you in the cheerios!

I will be over you and instead of labeling me your ex...you will be labeling me "The one that got away..."

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OH this'll be fun.


Ring, Ring, Ring "Hello?"


Hey Jenn. How you feeling? Oh, still sick? I'm sorry. I do hope you feel better. Oh, they don't know what's wrong with you? Kidney Failure? I'm sorry...


No, life is pretty ****ty right now. I mean, after you lied to me for.... how long was it? Your dad says four months (which is funny, cause we only broke up two months ago) and you say only a week or so.... who knows?


I mean, it's not like I can ever truly trust you again.


Oh I know, I went through your phone. It was such a horrible thing to do, wasn't it? I know you should have been able to tell me that you were leading me on, telling lies about me to your family and your new boyfriend, and planning on hurting me on your own terms. But you know what?


I kinda already knew. I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not sir, and that, is an idiot. Yeah, I'm making family guy jokes. Ha ha, I know you think I'm funny.


No, I'm not really sorry that I went through your phone. Frankly, it's kind of pathetic that I had to find out from your phone. I mean, we were together for 3 years, I raised YOUR children as if they were my own. My family took you and your kids in, and you became a part of our family......


By the way, did I tell you that Nathan started crying when my sister told him he wouldn't see his friend Gordy anymore? Yeah, kinda sad.


Not as sad as when your oldest son, who doesn't really have a father, stood in front of you raging at you, screaming at you, yelling "Why did you do this, I almost had a real dad! I almost had a real dad!"


Bet that was tough. Sorry about that.


You know, it's funny, everyone says I treated those boys horribly. But yet, he was screaming at you, his mother, because you took me away from him.


For another man. Good choice. Another man who isn't even divorced from his wife of 13 years. Another man who (and ifyou remember my track record, I'm awful good at this stuff) is just like your dad. Another man who I told you that I wasn't comfortable with you hanging out with, because I felt he was trying to steal you from me.


OOPS! looked like another thing I got right.


Anyways, I just wanted to call to see how you were doing. Oh, you are in the hospital alone? I'm sorry. It's funny, because I TOLD that douchebag that you get scared when you are in the hospital, and you don't like to be alone. OH, he's got to work?!? I can understand that. He's got many things to build. Yeah, I know I would have stayed there by your side the whole time. Funny isn't it? You choose him, and even though I TOLD him that you get scared, he still runs out.


OH, I understand. He had to pay bills. I can understand that, with all of his wife's bills he is paying. Wait, I said that wrong. What I should have said is "with him paying all his wife's bills" Oh yeah, you forgot you told me that? Sorry, I do have a very good memory.


Yeah, I remember all those times you told me that you wanted to take things with us one day at a time. Funny, it took EXACTLY one day from the day you moved out of our house, destroying our family, and ruining my entire life for me to find out what a lying, cheating whore you are.


Yeah, I understand you are tired. You are very, very sick, with the possible kidney failure, and the whole "they don't know what is wrong with you." thing....


Good bye, have a good one.


Oh, Jenn? One more thing baby.


KARMA IS A ****ING BITCH, AIN'T IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Dear Ex,


Thank you for showing your inflexibility and stubbornness yesterday. I realized that those are very VERY unattractive traits that I had no seen in the 3.5 years that we were together. I can't believe how much of a jerk you've transformed into. When we broke up, you would not consider the possibility that you may have contributed a GREAT DEAL to our breakup. Instead, you blamed it all on me.


I wish we had just met up/sat down and talked about what happened. It's still fresh for the both of us, but at least we could just find out where we went wrong. Isn't communication what you stressed while we were together? Mostly I'm sad that I dated you for as long as I did and you turned out to be like this. I guess my love really was blind. I was hurt when you said the memories of our past relationship as "unpleasant." How could you say that after all the sacrifices I made just to be with you? I guess in the end you really were the selfish a-hole that your friends said you were. Too bad they told me AFTER we broke up.


It was a learning experience. It taught me what I didn't want in my next guy. I made a list of the goods/bads of you and realized that the bads far outweighed the goods in the end. I think a part of me was scared to make that list while we were together.


I hope you find happiness one day. You'll never find anyone like me. You'll try desperately, for sure, but she'll never come close to me.

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I feel angry today thinking about you. I hate what we had, I hate that we let so long go with our relationship in the gutter. I hate that in the end, it was the distance that killed off the relationship. I hate that. I hate that we both half-assed our break up. I hate that you've not let two weeks go by without emailing me. I hate you for doing that to me.


What do you want? To be friends??? Yeah right! You said yourself that we couldn't be friends, and I agreed. It HAD to be NC.... I hate that I replied to all your emails until this last one, hate that I left that door of false hope open for so long.


We both left that false door of hope open for too long, and that's what I really hate. Because if you really wanted to work this out, you would have called me by now. You would have made that effort.


But I know you're looking for the same effort from me. I never gave that effort. Not that I didn't want to.... you KNOW I wasn't ready for a relationship.


So this is what happens to half-assed relationships. They just collapse. Either you're ready, or you're not, and I just wasn't ready.


I don't hate YOU. I don't want to hate at all. In the end, I should hate myself for what happened, but I won't do that either. I'll just hate half-assed relationships from now on. LOL



I'm glad it's over.







haha, reading this again I see it's all jumbled up, but I had to vent that anger I felt this morning after posting about the relationship. Have to watch myself when I talk about that relationship I guess.)

Edited by Ms. Joolie
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Well babe, there's a difference between being strong and making an example out of someone you love just to show people how "STRONG" you really are !!!

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I have been looking through some old journals I write to myself to clear my head.


I wrote this 5 days before I kicked you out for having an affaire I thought i would share it with you Lowly worm. Amazing forsight I had. Im sure you will agree




Who am i??


If I were to describe myself it would be as follows

I am nearly 40

I am the mother of 3 with a generation gap between

I am on anti depressants

I drink too much

I smoke too much

I have doubts my relationship has any long term soundnes

I am mostly unhappy


Bloody hell……don’t look good does it? I am hitting an age where I look to my friends and aquatancies and feel I have achieved little other than having a family. That said I am aware it is an achievement however it doesn’t look good on a C.V. when I do have to look for work.


I truly love my kids. That is not to say I don’t struggle with their needs. I feel weary and tired of the mundane trappings of life but have no idea how to change it. I am not sure a job would do it as I tend to do most things around here so my partner doesn’t feel pressured at weekends to do stuff he doesn’t want to. If I had a job then that would change things for all of us.


I don’t really know when but when ever it was I knew I needed help with my state of mind. The anti depressants are really very very helpful. But I am not sure if I need a higher dosage or its that my life isn’t any better.


I manage to get my way through a bottle of wine a night. That cant be good. I must be some form of alcoholic to do it. Obviously there are people worse than me out there but they haven’t got what I potentioaly have here. On the outside it is the ideal life. I have a lovely big home, family that love me, kids to be proud of and on the outside looks like a stable relationship.


I have tried and failed to quit smoking. I really want to. I know it will kill me but I get so very sad and depressed when I have tried before. My partner gave up 4 years ago but was a different person for at least a year after. I didn’t know him and it wasn’t nice as he was horrible to be around.


My partner and I had a break-up in February this year. It was very harsh for us all. He hadn’t let me know how bad he felt about me and one night when everything in my part of life was wretched, walked away. Most of me knows why in hindsight he did but quite a lot of me thinks its only a moment away before he does again. I have tried through soul searching to learn from what happened but in subsequent wobbles he appears to blame me and me alone. That is hard to stomach. I am by no means a perfect human but he played a part in the breakdown. Therefore I am left with a knowledge that I will be to blame without knowing why when he does go. I feel he will.


Happieness, crickey. I am not unhappy all the time. I do feel there is an axe over my head waiting to fall. It isn’t easy feeling like this. I suppose in retrospect having written this it because I am not secure in my relationship. Having to rely on another human being for your security is not healthy. Knowing it is fragile makes it un-nerving. Knowing the other person in the relationship takes no responsibility for it wobbling is flattening. I feel my hands are tied my head is on the block and its just a waiting game. I have little control in my life. My happiness depends on my children and family. All I have time to do is react to what happens and when. I do know I can cope with what ever life throws at me but the waiting for it to happen is very hard to cope with.


I suppose what I am saying is I am very insecure

Edited by nobmagnet
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You know its funny how the smallest things can trigger a transient sadness. I ran into one of your best friends at the shops yesterday, and my friend just had to blatantly say: hey it's "ex's name" 's friend!. And I've been feeling like **** all over again.

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I actually started writing a letter here but then i kept writing and writing... and writing... soon it was waay too long to put up here. But then I realized what it really was that had me thinking for so long that I really loved him and I realized it was never love at all. From that "letter" I was able to see him and the relationship for what it really was and now I can move on. It feels like a house was lifted off my shoulders.


I could kiss the guy that started this thread!!:love:

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Hello angel...


Well happy one year would-have-been anniversary.


Funny how life is. At this time last year we were at Patty's watching the Office...you on one couch, me on the other. I called you out on being cocky. You looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of yours, completely perplexed. You couldnt wrap your mind around the concept of being cocky...you just called it "facts"

I loved you then.


We came back to my place, to drink the left overs newcastles i had bought to celebrate the end of my semester. We watched everything under the sun that night, just cuz you didnt want to leave. you kept looking my way, trying to figure out how to kiss me. I took pity on you and faced you, and you kissed me and I loved you again.


Last night as the powers that be would have it I got to see your page again. I saw the songs you've been posting. I miss you too. No, i didnt want to leave....but how couldnt i when you said you didnt know you could love me. I know you now realize you do...now I wonder how long is going to take for you to gather the courage to fight.


Ohhh another funny one, anniversary gift i suppose....Facebook application told me you are one of my stalkers...despite you not being in my friends list or anywhere else on my page....that tickled me. Im sure you'll see what i mean when you see it posted in our friend's pages.


Anyway baby, i hope you're having a lovely end of the semester. As you can see I have no anger towards you at all. Ive come to terms with the fact that i love you still and its going to take a long time for me to stop. Ive also come to terms with your issues and what you need to do to make us work...oh well.


I really hope you find the courage to reach out to me. I really hope you do it soon. I love you very very much...maybe more than I did before. Weird huh...


Set fire to the third bar....

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why hello dante.... it seems you still have a lazy eye the one i never noticed when we were datin.... yeah i have gotten all 66 of your pathetic text messages since we broke up and its a shame that your still with that scrawnt pathetic hoe of a girl you cheated on me with... now it seems your cheating on her with me....wellllll uhmmm problem with that little plan im never going to text you back ever again.... thoose white contacts you bought look really faggaliscious and to tell you the truth i always thought you were gay.... you used to constantly tell me how i was not good enough for you and you were the best i could get.....butt uhmmm boy i found some one 34578346787658768576587 times better

soooo fxxx offf


[to be continued]

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sooo dante i wanna let you know about the dy i found out from my best friend that she had caught you cheating on me with sme young girl...... in front of her face how could you think that my bestfriend would not find ot about you cheatin on me when yall went to the same school... your the classic case of one pathetic cheater... i wish karma upon you and it happened your extremely miserable with her..... i wish i could say you never affected me but i would be lyin you ruin all of my relationships you cause me to be a physco jealous person.... i am jealous all the time because i think that all guys are like you i feel pain everymoring i wake up and have to think about how you promised me a million times you were different but you ended up being worse than the same... yo ripped my heart into shreds and made me feeel less than a human bein i hope i can feel like im worth something again one day to where i dont have to constantly seek self gratification through ppl checkin me out... i wish i did not wake up in the morning and see your face looking back at me you have made me bitter and now i abuse ppl with my words... me and the one guy who has brought my walls down suffers i hate you with every power of my being you egotistical son of a bxxx

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nc 20 months

relationship over since 26 months ago

in 4 months it will be 2 years until it officially ended.


why did you wait so long

why did you stay so long


i waited for you

u never came back


i was going to marry you.


do you think about us?

do you remember?


i put it behind me.

i never wanted too


see you in the future (maybe)

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