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I thought of you today and all your skin. Your juxtaposed personality that I wish could cover me with your confidence and let me cradle your insecurity.


I thought of all the things I wanted to do with you but we never got a chance to and now never will.


I miss you. I miss seeing you, feeling you, smelling you, hearing you.

I miss loving you.

I miss thinking you loved me and couldn't love any other.


Reality sucks alot sometimes.

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If you're wondering why you haven't heard from me, when you used to hear from me every day.

It's because I'm now on 34 days NC, and doing well without you.


At the end of this month I stop counting the days.


At the end of the winter I will stop thinking about the holidays we had been planning, and looking forward to travelling with someone else.


At the end of the year, I will hopefully be in a better place, and thinking about you less and less.


And at the end of my life, my soul will hopefully have been entwined with a soul as beautiful as I once thought yours was......XX

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My love im missing you tonight. We are taking time apart.....so much pain we both have ;( Im sorry my love...i never meant to hurt you. I am going into NC. I hope you are ok.....please dont stop loving me. I will be waiting for you. TE AMO!!

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M., I have just one question. Something that's been rolling around in my head.


Do you remember that night last summer when you disappeared for an hour and a half, and I got worried about you? We were fixing supper and you stepped out the front door and just when I was about to come looking you came back and said you were on the phone with your best friend and decided to take a walk while you were talking.


And you spent so much time on the phone with her for several weeks, talking about us, our relationship, asking for advice from her based on her twisted view of relationships in general. (I don't know what advice you could trust from a girl who actively cheats on her husband.)


Anyway, my question is, all that time you spent talking to her about our relationship ... why weren't you talking to ME? I know I did things wrong and didn't see the problems we were having as clearly as I should have. But only once did you bring up the fact that you were dissatisfied, and it was in the form of lashing out at me one night after we'd been to the bar.


We never sat down and had a rational discussion about our problems. Over the course of five months you fell out of love, but you never said anything.


Why didn't you say anything?


That being said, there's something else that's been bothering me. After the Christmas blizzard when you heard from friends that I'd been sledding, you sent me that text saying that it "hurt your heart" to hear that I'd been having fun, because for a while I couldn't have fun with you.


Well yeah, that's what happens when people get stressed and fall into depression. But I'm working my way out of it now. It's just too bad you didn't stick around long enough to see it happen.


But let's talk for a moment about hurting and heartache.


YOU gave me the ring back.


YOU strung me along for a month, making me think there was still a chance to fix things.


YOU cheated on me,


dumped me,


moved out


then turned around and hooked up with your guitar teacher, who I've been friends with for ten years, who I introduced you to and encouraged you to take lessons from, who also is friends with people I work with and the family of my other ex-fiancee, who took a great deal of pleasure in throwing your relationship in my face just before Christmas ...


And YOUR little heart's all hurting


because I went SLEDDING?


Wow. That's really f**ked up.


I don't love you. I love the person I thought you were.


Don't ever talk to me again.

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Well done, sweetheart. On letting me go, you've let go of the only woman who actually loved you. You let go of the girl who stood by you when your parents, your friends, your family, everyone misunderstood you. You let go of the girl who never ever even expected you to commit to a phone call or even a text message, when you expected her to be fully and wholly committed to you. You let go of the girl who wasn't insecure about you and could stand any sort of way you wanted it in bed, and gave it back, just as good. You let go of the girl who trusted you when no one else did. You gave up on the girl who defended you when everyone else insisted you were wrong.


Good luck finding that again.


We both know you won't.

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Hey you..........yes you with the fat body and the moon face............


how the f*cking hell dare you tell my babies you have two girlfreinds?????????????? WTF its now 12.30 am and i have only just settled them. You are a righ peice of work...........again. I am a big stong girl. I can cope. But the are soooo fragile that you think its a good time to tell them?? you have no brain and a small dick. If you honestly think they are happy with this even after 5 months yoy are even more shallow and conseteed than i thought. And beleive me you really are a lowly f*ckin worm.


I hate you with ever bone and cellin by body. My childrens pain is just too much to bare. I really want you to drop off the face of the earth.


I really really hate you right now.



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we had such a beautiful connection between us, why did you destroy it ? WHYYY !!!!!!!!! WHY did you talk about marriage ? WHY did you say you loved me ? WHY did you mess with my mind ?? WHY do i still love while you don't ? WHY can't i get you out of my head ?

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Nicole - do us both a favor and do not try to contact me ever if you're feeling down... need an ego boost or just miss me.


i never want to know why, after going through all that trouble to make me miserable.. block me... my best female friend (who you were jealous of BUT IS JUST A FRIEND) and defacebooked all my friends (who were yours too)... you unblocked me on FB, but not mon.


You're selfish... you're heartless. I loved you. But you will never know.


Life carries on... and with it... me. Good riddance, you ungrateful bitch.


Love Always,




ps - you're probably wondering if I deactivated facebook... no. I didn't. I blocked you and your bitty friends... and the mutuals. :) Love you! =)

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Im missing you again today...ugh why? the short moments of bliss and the long months of agony and pain of this...missing you, wanting you, wondering what are you doing, wanting to take care of you, wanting to make life comfortable for you...but you have your own life...you have a gf and seem to be very much in love....but then i think about the pain i remember seeing you with another on face book...you two took pics laying together...then thinking back to when we spent time together we took a similiar picture...remember the sunset on the lake....it was a beautiful rare warm march day...you wanted so bad to meet my family...and i shied away...just maybe i dropped tha ball? i know I did on a few occasions sexually...you came up expecting tobe my girl but it just didnt happen...it didnt feel right...not in me, and id ont think in you...but if we had gotten together, we would have lived together as you ended up moving in with someone who you had a casual fling wtih and making it ackward....maybe if we would have had our fling you would have been mines and when **** went down you knew where to come....idk...shoulda woulda coulda...its all in the past...even when you did come to live with me and we got together who would have known your brother would have shot himself? then where would that have left us? cause you went home...and if we had made a life up here together...that would have put a strain on us...jmaybe its just not our time...just maybe the planets will realign again and bring us back togeher....its not like our relationship would be horrible...its not like we dont have similair life goals....i dont want kids right now..yes iim 5 years older but im damn sure not ready for a child....marriage *Shrugs* i mean we will be together right? God give me the strength...take her out my mind. and my heart if she is not meant to be with me...i miss you jae....i really do...and no one...and i mean no one will love you...like i do....

Edited by dreamer84
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we had such a beautiful connection between us, why did you destroy it ? WHYYY !!!!!!!!! WHY did you talk about marriage ? WHY did you say you loved me ? WHY did you mess with my mind ?? WHY do i still love while you don't ? WHY can't i get you out of my head ?


sums it up right there

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I hate you....I hate you so much for making fall in love with you. You just ruined us and i dont even know why. You couldnt even tell me over the phone you did everything over txt and you know you just pushed me too far...three years and still you couldnt just accept the fact i was utterly in love with you, that even when you looked a mess from a heavy night and forgot to shave i still thougt you were beautifull, that i saw you for who you really were! You had to test me....keep testing me and im sorry but i just couldnt keep fighting against your destructive insecurites...they became too much for me to handle. You couldnt just try...TRY and help yourself you just turned to drugs and you shot yourself in the foot because i adored you...i do adore you and now i cant even look at you. I know your regret this...you didnt expect me to say no more but i tried so hard and it was never enough.

I still love you and think about you everyday....and i really, really hate you for that...i know this is prob for the best and your prob really happy now and im just making everything worse but im still in love with you and i miss you so much. I even get nervous whenever i think about you!

I hate that i cant and i dont hate you at all

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dear o,

i dont want to hear from you again, i dont want to be your friend now, in a year, in 3 years,

im not bitter, im not mad, i dont want you back, i dont even love you anymore, i think now you're really gross, getting along so well with the guy that called you a whore, and said he slept with you and stuff like that, i guess you're more stupid than i thought, i don't know why you try to act as if i'm walking towards you when we're at school, i'm not stupid, i don't want to talk to you, you mind you're own buisness and ill mind mine, so just stay with your fake friends, live a fake life, i'll be with my real friends, the one's that don't judge me, the ones that don't talk **** about me behind my back, that don't say "oh he ****ed this girl" and **** like that...

soo yeah i don't want to hear from you ever again, and im glad that you don't want to get with me ever again, as you said to our physics teacher, i don't want to ever talk to you, hear from you, see your face...

you pushed it to the limit, to where i hate you, for all the **cking things you put me tru, for all the lies, i know now that EVERYTHING was a lie, EVERYTHING, so yeah pretty much stay the **** out my life for good...

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You looked at me out of the corner of your eye today at work when you thought i wouldn't see, just like you always do, i wish i knew what was going on in that complicated brain of yours. You looked very pretty today, my insides went mushy.

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how impossible all of this was. How unlikely, how fortuitous, how lucky. You'll never have the love that I had for you, the deep trust that I had in us. I would have done ANYTHING for you, had you asked.


Now, as we drift off into the future apart, you'll be the one wondering someday soon. Wondering why you gave this all away, for something that was only shiny on the outside.


You have no idea about the pain I have felt these last 4 months.

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I don't get it. I don't understand it. Wth? Get out of my left ear and just let me be. I'm trying to understand my feelings. I know eventually, it's all gonna fade away.


I wish you well though. No hard feelings. It was what it was..


I was doing sooo good until that f ing day. Wow! Got hit like a ton of bricks and it's like I forgot all the bad crap and just remember the good. I don't want that...


I think about us being friends but I know it won't work and that's why I'm so hesitant to even try. And I don't want to put you through the ringer again. So, it's best to let it be.


I actually feel powerful each day that goes by and I don't contact you. No matter how I feel, I face it, deal with it and continue with my life.


I just took a deep breath..


If we happen to be at the same place tomorrow and we see each other, it's not gonna be good so I'm hoping we go at different times.


Maybe you forgot about me already? That's weird. Nah, can't be! lol


You will forever be reminded of me. You will never experience the love I gave you. I'm sure you miss it.


Well, time to move on bf!! Can't dwell on this crap. ttyl.

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we had such a beautiful connection between us, why did you destroy it ? WHYYY !!!!!!!!! WHY did you talk about marriage ? WHY did you say you loved me ? WHY did you mess with my mind ?? WHY do i still love while you don't ? WHY can't i get you out of my head ?



Took the words out of my mouth...

Edited by p01130
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I get that you need to figure things out but why ruin the best thing that's happened to either of us? Sometimes I'm fine without you, sometimes I'm fine trying to be friends, but neither of these make up for the times I feel like absolute ****, for all the times I can't think of anything but you, and all the times I just flat out miss you, miss us.

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I think about you like I knew you my whole life, how did you touch me with just a few words? I tried to drag it out, keep it slow, hoping if you were insincere you would fall off but you stayed till you knew I did not want to let go and then you went.

I hate you so much and every moment I spend thinking about you. I want it all back, every moment, every second. I want back all the messages I start to write you then delete.

I want those other guys to stop stalking me because I can't write freely

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To EX:


So I wrote you that long email and all you have to say is, "Did you move?" Really. Nothing else?!?!?!?!?!? I said I wanted to try and make it work, and you didn't even address anything in my letter.

Why did you even write me back at all? Why does it matter where I live? Do you want to meet up for drinks or something? Are you mad I moved to your home town? Your response threw me a curve ball and totally didn't expect that. What does it mean? Do you want to get back with me or not? I need to know so I can move on.

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I'm not sure what to say. I'm cool with everything now. The way you left, it was pretty cold, it messed me up in my head for about 2 years. I'm better now and I convienced myself you are dead. Thats what I tell myself. You are a whore. You are dead now. I don't really beleive the whore thing....It sounds like a lie to me even though I know it to be true.


I guess you really didn't give a fawk anymore. Wish you would of told me instead of having me believe things that were not real. Then again, maybe I was lieing to myself all that time.


I don't know anymore, you messed up my head, I don't know what to think. If I go by actions, I think you gave up, and blamed me for the downfall, all the while you were sucking another cock and still having sex with me. I guess it was for the money. You don't have to live like that, I was going to marry you.


If its cool with you, its cool with me. Good Luck to you in Life. I hope I never see you again in this life. Please never contact me. Please.

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dashing daisy

I really miss you. I wish you would call me. I wish we could just talk face to face. An e-mail break-up and then I never see you again?


How did you move on so quickly?

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I can't believe I was just a rebound. How could you just use me like that? And now on top of it all you're getting back with the ex who treated you like ****, the same ex you're planning on telling about me, the same ex who's wanted to kick my ass for years without all this? Guess this is what I get for being the first guy to actually treat the way you're meant to be treateed... although now maybe being with a guy who treats you like **** is what you deserve.

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I can't believe I was just a rebound. How could you just use me like that? And now on top of it all you're getting back with the ex who treated you like ****, the same ex you're planning on telling about me, the same ex who's wanted to kick my ass for years without all this? Guess this is what I get for being the first guy to actually treat the way you're meant to be treateed... although now maybe being with a guy who treats you like **** is what you deserve.



Wow... sounds like my story of day's past.


I'm sorry man.


It does get easier. You must be very desirable to be just a rebound. I hate to put it that way, but it makes it easier... I was just a 4.5 month rebound for a broken girl who went back to her ex of 4 years... 2 of the last 4 years, he was ****ing another girl and she knew about it... :sick:


now she's back with the ****er.


**** your girl. **** my girl.


they're losers.

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