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After everything I did for you, after all we been through I can't believe you would just discard me like that. We hardly argue, and when we do it seems like we just try to put all our problems under the mat and hope it will be okay the next day. We never try to resolve our problems, instead we hope they go away themselves.


I'm sorry that your feelings changed, but how and why so fast? I'm started to wonder if you actually loved me at all. I hope when you look back in the future you realize your loss. You threw away a great guy who would do anything for you, be there for your through the thick and thin.


I know you will look back and you will miss me so much. I am grieving so much right now, but in time I will heal and become a stronger person, and thats when you will realize that you made a mistake. You will miss me so much but it will be too late cause I would've already moved on.


I would've "blowed my brains in your lap, lay here and die on your arms" - Eminem

Edited by Recovery
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For seven years I never treated you badly. For seven years I supported you through thick and thin. For seven years I know our love was genuine.


Yet I cannot express how mind-blowing it is to witness that you are having an affair.. with a married man... who's wife is eight months pregnant!


You've been conned emotionally by a slick-talking scumball who WILL have to dump you once his baby is born next month.


So I ask you, have you lost your freakin' mind? Because that is the only explanation I can think of for someone so bright and caring to do something so selfish, immoral, and stupid.


Sadly by the time you sit and process that you'll realize that the REAL price you payed was my life-long love and devotion.

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hurt and devastated

You know what....I really wish you would have just shot me instead.

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Sorry polywog, I'd rather sharpen my claws on the perp... :p


As hurt as I am I would never hit my GF. Currently I don't know if she cheated. If things go back to normal, no matter how much I say in here, I know it will be in my mind to ask about it. Details? I don't know. It's to perplexing.

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How can you treat our children this way? How can you be so evil and heartless? What the hell is wrong with you? I have tried my hardest to be civil and do this the right way. Why must you try so hard to make things ugly?

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I cried so much in my therapist's office this morning, she ended up cryiing with me.


Do you realize what you have done? This isn't just your marriage you slowly stomped to death, it was mine, too.


I noticed you left your chair, and the microwave, and the coffee maker when you came today and packed your stuff. You probably patted yourself on the back, thinking what a nice guy you were when you did it.


But you know what, none of those things make me feel safe. None of those things keep me from being sick enough to my stomach sometimes when you aren't around and I start wondering where you are and who you are with.


What I needed was for you to admit what you did, and talk to me. I needed you to stop lying to me. I guess keeping your affair a secret and being a liar was more important to you than me or our family. So, thanks for the microwave and the chair and the coffee maker. I know I feel so much better now.

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You know your parting words of "we can date after the divorce" and "we can still have sex after the divorce" hurt like hell! I don't f'ing think so! The time to work on a marriage is during the marriage, not after it is over.


You want me to pretend like you died in your accident, then fine, your dead to me. Go have fun with your whores who "don't know you" and "have never heard of you"!


All the lies that you have told your family and friends will come out some day. I know the truth and so does God. Karma is going to come back and bite you in the azz!

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Well Hey, Mr. J,


Oh God, did I cry the night you dumped me. But afterwards? How I cried with intense bliss! I got over you the third day, not gonna lie!


Sorry I'm not part of your "dream life." I don't think I'd much like to fit in that rathole anyways. You say you want to be a rockstar with a VERY tight bond with your kids and wife? I can't wait to see that attempt to unfold. You said you weren't sure about me because I MAY be (note the MAY in the MAY be) infertile, or afraid to have children because I've got a disease well, sir, I hope you do have children. And I hope they are all girls like you want. And I hope they grow facial hair just as fast as you do, then you can rub their chins obsessively like you like to rub yours.


And I still am laughing at how you make a whole slew of sexual jokes with your buds when you only want action once a month.


Thanks, Mr. J, for dumping me through a facebook chat! You really are a man of class, that's indubitable.


Wouldn't it be a hoot if I had kids before you? oops, turns out Mr. Ambitious is actually infertile? Awww. just . . . awwww. That's just too sad.


Catch ya later! Oh but do come to my concert, you can watch me rock out in the music career you always wish you had! Ta ta, Mr. J!

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Oh hey there R!


So, seems like I'm in great spirits now that you're gone. You are SO not worth anything! I am so ridiculously awesome, you walked away from everything!


That girl you left me for, who's clingy, possessive, and OBSESSIVE? The one who will never fit into your ideal life, because let's face it, she's just not good enough, or interesting enough?


That girl who doesn't want kids?

And you don't want them either?


Well! I hope you're both having fun. Are you thinking of me when you f**k her? I hope your d*ck breaks in half. But not before impregnating her...with TWINS.


I hope you're both connected FOREVER :)

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oh so your little girlfriend doesn't like you like that. Y'all are just friends so it's safe to have sex with me, and allow me to come with you on your business trip. Dude I'm ****ing beautiful and you know it, everyone knows it. You are just a plain every day guy! You only get so much attention because you work in the Veterans hospital surrounded by old men. I have guys 10 years younger than me hit on me all the time. Why did I have sex with you tonight? Ugh I am so stupid! You can move into fat S****'s house, I don't care. you use to hate her because she liked you, now that is where you are going to live and take our children to on the weekends. I pity you, you are a loser and a half, why did I waste a decade with you. UGH

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After seeing you last night, hooking up with a random sleazebag knowing I was only metres away, I cannot for the life of me believe the person you have become. You broke my heart, you cheated, you took me for granted and you hurt me more than anyone has ever hurt me in my life. You are the most selfish person I have ever met, you have so much potential for good but you throw it all away in persuit of fleeting pleasures and selfish endevours. When we broke up two weeks ago, you showed no signs of remorse or guilt, you simply got angry like a little child to make yourself feel better, consequently hurting me even more than you already had. Despite all this, I still held onto the hope during the last two weeks tht you weren't as selfish as your actions showed, that you are just longing for acceptance and approval from others, you want to be lusted after by guys who dont give a **** about you. You have become a soulless, gutless, empty shell of a person. I feel like an idiot for clinging to your vague acts of kindnessi nthe lst two weeks (asking how I am, saying you hope I was okay, and telling my mum to say hello to me) why even bother showing any sign of humanity>? Why bother? when you are prepared to do all these evil, heartless things with absolutely no consideration for anyone, not even your partner of three years. I can't believe you, I honestly can't believe you. I hope you fall, and you will, and I won't be there to catch you, and if you keep treating people the way you do - no one else will be there for you either.

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It's been only 8 days since the last time we talked and it feels like ages!

I'll keep NC 'cause I can't do it anymore.


I'm a coward, I don't want to date, to flirt with someone else, I don't want someone else to get to know me like you did, but sadly you made it a way that now YOU DON'T DESERVE ME because I've discovered myself again and I have so much to give, at least to me because it'll be hard to love again but I will. And who knows? maybe you're in my future, but not now...

I'm just so tired of having this urges to cry my heart out, I hate you for that.


I just need you...

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I hope you're having fun with her. I can't believe you threw us away for that New York whore. You knew she was "Engaged" yet you kept talking to her, and had pictures of her dirty pussy in your phone. Didn't think I would see that? Well I did. That should've been my cue to dump your ass but I guess I was a sucker for you lies. The first cue should've been when your lying and stealing ass went and got arrested. Thats me and my ****ing good ass heart. I felt bad and took you back, helped you when you cried at night saying you didn't want to go to jail. Yeah I was there. When your abusive father verbally beat the **** outta you like he's always done. Even when you lost your job and i had to pay for EVERYTHING we did I didn't cheat or leave or talk ****. You didn't even defend me when that whore would send me evil ****. But I was the one DEFENDING you when my friends would say ****. I guess you got done with me being your meal ticket and decided to go to the cheating whore. You're both worthless and deserve each other.


P.S. I hope this one lasts. Considering this is your 3rd girlfriend in two weeks.

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Nikki Sahagin

You wanted to be single to find yourself - you said in the future you saw us together.


A year later and you feel ready for a new girlfriend.


If you really loved me, you would have sorted yourself out in a year and come back to me, rather than find a new partner.


I'm not angry, but why did you lie? Why say what you didn't mean? Why not be honest that you wanted someone new, instead of saying you wanted to be with me one day but couldn't be now?


You are quite simply - a liar.

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I broke down on the plane back home


I thought about everything. I loved you so much. I didn't care what you looked like. You are a sick and messed up girl who really lost someone special. I can't be your friend and I can't be in your life. You threw me away. Stay the **** away from my family and my business. You already taken my friends away.

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Hey you


Hope you're doing fine, I've managed to pick myself up, getting on with life and coping just fine, 2 years of hard graft, of commitment, 2 years of loving you, treating you like a princess, meals, jewelery, holidays, the times we spent together.


after how you left me, you felt you "needed to be single for a while"


How long is a while?!


making up any excuse as to why we shouldn't be together, it seems you totally forgot about how much I gave to you.


Despite all this I can not be mad or bitter, I've tried but not to someone as lovely, amazing and beautiful as you


I love you so much :love:


No matter how much I wish we could get back together I know we will never be the same, We have both lost something special


We can never be friends...



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I just had a wake up call


I treated you like garbage. I'm so sorry.

I caused you stress. I pulled you away from your friends

I didn't treat you like someone I love.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

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So are you really moving out tonight? 11 years- over just like that. Why did you sleep with me Friday, why did you tell me you loved me? I had let go. Why did you just sucker me back in only to break my heart? Was it part of the plan? Why did you lie to me and say you wouldn't go? Who are you and what happened to my husband?

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I can hardly go on with my daily life. Even with the way you ended things, i cannot breathe without you. I miss your smell, your touch, your breath. I am lost without my best friend. It's been 11 days ... not enough to forget 11 years. You are my star in the sky and I am lost in the waters without you.

I cannot wait for this feeling to leave.

You have lost your best friend, and will one day regret your decision.

I hope when the magic of your fling wears off, you sit there alone and feel as empty and broken as I do.

I did not deserve this emptiness and pain - and you certainly do not deserve my love.


11 years of making it through everything ... you left me hanging and never came home. You turned your phone off and offered no explanation. I stayed up freaking out and called all of the hospitals and drove to your parents. You continued you this the next day until I came to your work. You ignored me and walked away ... and ended our beautiful life with a text message. Ignored all of my calls, emails, and letters.... and now after checking our phone account.. I see now that you have a new interest. I guess the lovely new work wardrobe I bought for your new job sure did the trick.


I hate it that I still love you. I hate how alone and worthless I feel. Mostly I hate knowing you could do this to me. I was madly in love with you and did anything for your smile. I was so good to you. How could you replace me so fast. How can you wake up and tell me how much you love me and can't wait to see me later ... and then go out on a date with someone from work... and end our life??

I thought we were madly in love with each other and would never leave one another.


We had a date planned that night, and you cancelled...that was the last I have heard from you. Your friend told me you went to the beach with some cute boy, went out for drinks. And since I pay the phone bill, I see that you have been calling each other all day, every day...


I do not deserve this pain. Baby, I miss you so much and cannot believe you could do this to my heart.



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Hey LBL,


You suck. You market yourself as understanding, sensitive, supportive and caring but you're a jerk just like the rest of them. I am going to have the most amazing post breakup makeover ever and then you'll definitely regret ever saying "you're not gorgeous." I am going to make jaws drop and knees weaken. You'll feel like the biggest moron ever.


Thanks for inspiring me,


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So you blocked me on FB.


What's your reason? There are so many


You could be hurting. Knowing that I'm doing fine


Or you don't want me to see what you're doing.



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Well I wasn't going to do this because I'm not really struggling, but I know when this stops feeling temporary the feelings will be there waiting for me around the corner, so here goes.


Bong water smells disgusting.

Yes, you are supposed to stand up for me.

Taking your contacts out before we have sex is insulting.

I do not need you to point out I look bloated when I'm pmsing, you f#@k knuckle.


That's it for now.

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