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Was reading through my 1st posts on here.. god I was so sad, trully believed

Everyone had got it wrong.. hey you said you loved me still always would..

Well now i dont care..

Im so much stronger now.


So nearly sent you message today about changing my username

online cyber divorce lol.. so glad I didnt.


I was norty though.. you know me;)


had a look at car show pics..

had huge shock


WTF did I ever see in you???



bearded and fat.. an still no style..


think im the lucky one:laugh:

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Hey there R,


Those 3 strands of your hair that I had in my fairy wishes bottle? Today I decided that the time was right...down the toilet you went!


I feel so empowered flushing pieces of you down the loo. After all, I was simply returning you back home.


Enjoy your ess-aych-eye-tee.

You deserve it.

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i miss you so much! wish things could just go back to how they were, we still talk and laugh together but only when i contact you, you looked so beauiful that night i saw you! just wish i could be back with you

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So you love me, and my sweet and kind husband is still there. You've just been trying to replace him with this evil clone who treats me like crap. It was so very good to see you again- the real you. I have no idea what is going to happen between us but I still can't accept that our marriage is over when we both still love each other. How can that be? I'm going to give you space to clear your mind. I hope you come to the right decision Sunday and chose love and your family.

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I feel so empowered flushing pieces of you down the loo.


Is it really true that the water in the toilet in your part of the world rotates clockwise when you flush? :p

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Is it really true that the water in the toilet in your part of the world rotates clockwise when you flush? :p


It's true!

But the toilet doesn't really swirl when it flushes. We have less water in the bowl than in America, so it just kinda throws itself around. You can tell it's going the other way when you look at the plughole in a basin :)

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Is there really more water in American toilet bowls?

That's sorta gross.


I wish I had an exercise workbook to get through relationships today, instead of thinking the same things over and over again, I'd love to just know what I'm supposed to be asking myself to just understand and learn and move the f#$k on.


I have nothing bad to say about my ex today, I'd just like to ask him how he is and hear his voice. Possibly just spoon for a while.

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I tried to call you today, but it was because our son was upset. I thought if he heard your voice, he'd feel better. I know if I'd hear your voice, I'd puke.


Is this really all about your sexual needs not being met? Because you seem to keep trying to dump your emotional mess on me, and I'm getting tired of it. What, are you ****ing her, but you aren't being cuddled and made to feel safe? Guess the grass isn't greener on the other side, is it?


I want to scream at you for being so emotionally bankrupt with me. I realize now how hard it was to be intimate with someone who cared so little about my feelings. Don't get me wrong - I love sex. But I appreciate it more when I feel like you care about being intimate and kind. You just weren't that anymore. It was all about dry humping and getting on off - no love at all. And when it was about love, it was far and few between (but damn was it ever awesome).


You blame me for being unhappy, but the truth is, I can guarantee I was unhappier longer than you. Because I wanted to be with you so bad, I swallowed everything into this empty abyss of a soul. Now that I was with you, you couldn't help but see my pain and sadness. But instead of being genuine and helping me, you complained, you called me names, and then you cheated.


I hate you so much, not because you cheated, but because of how badly you treated me. You don't deserve my love, and you don't deserve my support. Even i I do love, you I can't stand the sight of you, and I hate even asking you for help with our son's needs. You should have died in that car accident, then I wouldn't have to see you anymore.


You don't deserve my love. I hope you get what you deserve - and don't even consider coming back because we both know that bridge has burned down.

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She doesn't even like you, she's probably using you to pass the time. I've heard so much about her. She's not a nice person, she's a firecracker, has slept around, and has been with so many guys. Everyone has seen you. They say it won't last. I already get the feeling that she's beginning to wear you down. But you probably still take it because you are a coward. You can't bear being alone to face you demons, so you will cling to her for dear life.


I know you. Your grandmother taught me all about you. I can feel your pain and your suffering - and I smile with glee.


It's all going to come crashing down on you. It always does. You've done this before - taken it all for granted. You think it'll be there when all is said and done, and you can just come waltzing back. I am no different - except this time. Your time of desperation is at hand - you've already caved with the whole "let's talk" bull**** when it looked like you were going to lose everything. Imagine how badly you'll want to talk to me when you really do lose it all.


Guess what? I won't feel like uttering a word.


And even if I did get back with you, I'd only torture you, and I wouldn't stop until I could see that you felt the same amount of pain as I did.


You will never be happy until you look inside yourself. You've already admitted to me that you never fulfilled my emotional needs, so that's something. But you will never be happy, and you will never be fulfilled. And you know what? it's your own damn fault.

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I have to go and see you right now to get some money for our son. It'll probably be the same amount you always give me - which goes nowhere. That'll change once the maintainence rolls in. You can't escape that. And it must really terrify you because you haven't given the court the proper forms yet.


When I see you, I will be cold. I will not allow you to see any of my emotions, my pain, my sadness, my anger - nothing. I will be as emotionless as I was before this all began. I will be like an empty shell, which, in a way, is what you left me as.


Why did you decide to play with my heart again? Huh? Was it because you were afraid I was moving on, really moving on, and you wanted to see I still cared? What does it matter if I care anymore or not? You don't want me, you don't love me, and you don't need me anymore. I don't go snooping around, trying to look at your life, so why are you so hard up to find out about mine? Are you that frightened about me living a life away from you that you must try to keep me on a short leash?


Whatever. You are with another person now, focus on her, don't focus on me.


And don't get angry at my about my finances. I am doing what I have to do. When you did this, you didn't think that this would happen, and now that it has, you feel guilty? Well, you don't feel guilty enough to stop what you are doing and making it right, which I'm not sure is possible in the first place. You're angry because you see what you've done, and you know it's wrong, but you are too afraid to make it right. Whatever. I'm going to do what I have to do to keep my son all right, he's never gone without, and he never will. Don't get mad at me because I am an unselfish parent.


You're a loser. Such a loser. I will be better off without. You're the one who needs me to stroke your ego while she strokes something else. She can do both, and you need to leave me alone.

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You sent a message asking to see my son for a few hours on Saturday. Probably to play house. You aren't talking to me because you think I've ignored you.


Whatever. I have that right, if that is what I choose.


Now you remember you have a son who needs you. What about before, when you just threw you hands up and gave up. And how dare you look at me like a madman when I decided I wanted to up and leave because I had stuff today. Oh well. This is the consequence of your actions. I don't need to please you anymore.


With the way you've treated this innocent, loving boy, I'm beginning to think he really is better off without you.

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So today I hung out with one of my best girl friends. And wow, I had a real connection with her today. I didn't think about you AT all when I was with her. You know this girl. You thought this girl was a THREAT to our relationship. Well guess what, I kinda have feelings for her.


No one has feelings for you. Your hook up buddy is just using you for pleasure. You're a puppet.

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I was just wondering;


I had an epiphany and realized what the hell I’ve been doing to my ex in our relationship. Breaking up was the only good thing to do.


I now have the urge to write her a letter for how it got to me and I actually laughed out loud when I realized what the hell I was thinking and doing all this time. I feel guilty for what I did.


I don’t want her to reply to the letter, I will make this clear to her.


I guess that this is still me caring what she thinks and it would be a stupid idea to send a letter like that.

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You know what R?


The last 2 days I've found you entering my thoughts again. I hope to God I'm not inching back onto the rollercoaster, coz last time I looked so far behind me I almost got whiplash.


Been thinking of when you called me to break up with me. Mainly because you didn't make any sense, and I was too shocked at the time to take any notice. If you knew full well what you were doing, then WHY COULDN'T YOU ARTICULATE YOURSELF?


Oh but that's right - you were never much of a communicator. But you were the perfect coward. I fail to believe the emotion you expressed that day. You acted so sad, but I know you just wanted me to think it was hard for you. It was so easy to throw me away.


If you thought you were using me, I was using you twice as much. But I'm so good at hiding it, it's scary. It was fun staying with you while I was travelling. You were decent company (on the off night that you would pay any attention to me), but I was grateful for the free bed. Thanks for making my dollar stretch further, much appreciated!


Oh, and thanks for easing me into the world of sex too. I won't be seeking out aspects of our bed life in a real lover, that's for sure. Thanks for showing me what not to settle for, I'm well informed. I knew there was more to sex than what you gave me. I may have been a virgin, but I wasn't stupid!


Somehow, I know that your world is starting to fall apart. And you know the awesome part of that? You confide in the wrong people! Oh, too bad!


Well, I better go now.

I really am tired of talking about you.

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Had a dream about you last night.


You were as cruel as every, taunting me, making me feel like crap, making me feel like it was my fault, telling me how you won't try anymore. It hurt my heart to hear you be so cruel, to be so selfish and try to justify your actions. I continued on my merry way, taking care of my little one, my son, who has picked me up and kept me going in all of this. I've started to really distract myself, really do what I can to focus on myself and my son. And though my heart aches, I know it won't last forever.


And then it happened. You came crawling back, just like everyone said you would. You weren't happy. You were upset, hysterical, begging for another chance. You didn't mean to hurt me, you didn't mean it all, she meant nothing to you. You got caught up, and now you want to come home.


And I felt nothing. You kissed me, I felt a jolt, but then I felt nothing.


That's the sad part of it all. I don't want you back. I'm afraid I will never find love again, but I can't ever love you again. You destroyed everything, and with each passing day, I realize now I'd rather be dead that to settle for you. That's what I've done for all these years - settled for you because I was afraid I'd never do better. And now, I know one day you will return because you don't want me to ever find anyone else because of your fears. But it's not up to you anymore.


I've tried very hard not to feel like you will come back, and that you will be happy with her. But I know your pattern, so I know better. And you always come back. You tell me to bugger off and then you make all the choices for me, but the minute you realize you've really lost me, you will come back begging. But I'm ready for you this time. I have a son to raise, a beautiful son who deserves a happy life. I am not convinced you will be able to give that to him.


Don't come near me. I am not that woman anymore. You've lied to me this entire time. It was never about love. It was about what you wanted.


There's a word for you. Narcissist.

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LMAO! Good posts, hopefully they are all just fantasy...


Normally I would say the other woman is just some part of the man's issue, but when she is the sister of his best friend that you have hung out with and shopped with and is supposedly "a friend" then F that and let her face the music. She's a special kind of slut.


**** you and the slut you ran off with!


**** you for not having the balls to end it the right way! IE trying to make me break up with you, you are a coward!


**** you for crawling back when she turned you down! She just wanted something she couldn't have and that must really hurt that you are garbage to her and the trash is being taken out. She is a gold-digging slut and you have no money.


**** you for trying to stay in contact with my family, yes, they are wonderful, no, you are no longer a part of it!


**** you for your "parting girt package" of cell phone, gym membership and laptop, **** your money!


**** you for the "I don't deserve you" phone calls, you don't! and I don't want you, stay away from me and out of my life!


**** all cheating manwhores and guys who **** around on the women that love them! There's a special ring of hell for you bastards!


**** you! and I hope you get an STD.


WoW, that does feel good...

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Hi. I'm sorry to be leaving you a message at work, but it's just much easier this way.


I've lay awake in bed so many nights needing you to know some things that I never had a chance to tell you.


I think you are a wonderful woman and a truly beautiful person. I am so flattered and honored that you have loved me as you have. Every time our paths have crossed have been the very best times of my life.


You are still with me every day and every night and I miss the friendship we shared more than I could possibly tell you. Thank you for letting me into your life and sharing so much of yourself with me. No one has ever trusted me with so much.


I guess I just wanted to say regardless of how much has changed so quickly in both of our lives, I still love you and I always will. I will always remember and cherish what I saw in your eyes in Chicago. That's how I remember you.


I honestly wish you the best of everything M___, I honestly do.

Edited by r6060
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Watching Eternal Sunshine right now


Our relationship was like this. We had great memories, but we as had those memories of pain and sadness.


I learned my mistakes. And we know what not to do next time. So can we have another chance?

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Aww, eternal sunshine. :(


Babe, its been 6 days, get over your pride and call me what the f#ck is wrong with you?!

I know you won't have anything to do tonight cept smoke a bowl unless you've ran out of weed.

I know you'll be alone for the whole weekend unless you go to my brothers house.


I can't believe this one day at a time thing has turned into a week without me even realising and you can sit there and pretend I'm nothing to you.


But it's okay, I'm gonna lay down and daydream.

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I know I'm double posting but I feel like an addict.


I want to contact him so bad I'm getting impatient with myself, even better I feel like I'm coming down or something?!


I won't do it.

I'm gonna go work out instead.

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to her:


why the HELL would you say all those sweet things when you didnt mean them??? If you didnt feel as strong as me WHY DIDNT YOU SAY THAT INSTEAD OF STRINGING ME ALONG FOR SO LONG!!!!


Why cant you grow the **** up and realise people MAKE MISTAKES! I treated you like a god damn queen and yet I make ONE mistake & you piss off for good!!!


good-****ing-luck finding someone like me again. At least I can say every part of how I felt/feel about YOU was real. Everything I said I meant.


Maybe one day someone will be able to appreciate what I can offer. Clearly you're too immature.

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Dear you,


I just spend the whole night dreaming about you.


You know, I bitch slapped you to smack some sense into you. It felt good..it even worked. You jumped me.


Is this a sign of god?.. Is this telling me something?

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almost 3 years, i have not seen or heard from you.

i rebounded for a while and then decided to stay by myself.

been single now about 1.5 years.


i think i got over everything, just sometimes i get lonely and your not around anymore. its almost like you died.


i hope your doing well and enjoying life.

i'm not angry anymore.

thank you for spending time with me.


in the end, you hurt me pretty good.

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well, one hour away from it being an entire week of no contact.


you sent me a message today, and i didn't reply.

i should be proud of myself right?

that i didn't message you back?

but i don't.

i feel worse.

i feel like everyone who tells me to let it go just doesn't want me to be happy.

i know that sounds crazy but its how i feel.

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I hate the person you become


Why did you change? You were a flower. A beautiful flower. You always caught my eye. I didn't care how big you were or if you didn't have any make up on or whatever.


This is what I feel. Since you lost all that weight, you suddenly began changing your personality. I noticed it. You became more cold, you stopped laughing at my jokes, you wouldn't look me in the eyes, you did so much crap to me. Why didn't I break up with you? Because I loved you and I wanted to work everything out. I remember one time, we cuddled in your bed and you started crying, telling me about your insecurties and your past and I told you that everything will be fine and that you are beautiful to me. Then you said "don't ever leave me." I never thought about leaving you. Ever. And what did you do? Leave me. I made mistakes. I'm sorry for them. I learned my mistakes and you learned yours I bet. We know the pitfalls. We can make a second chance work.


Blah. She can't read this...

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