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It's been nearly two months since we last spoke. I feel like I left all my cards on the table the last time, and you rejected me. I'm trying to come to terms with that, I think inside I've accepted that it's over, but not knowing what you're thinking or feeling, if you're missing me, if you ever think about me at all...is driving me nuts. I'm not gonna be the one to contact you again, though. It's all I think about lately, but I won't do it. Call it stupid pride if you want. That may be what it is, but I don't care. Btw, I really thought I'd hear from you on my birthday. Deep down, I really did. It hurt more than you can imagine when I didn't.

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Why did you contact me if you really wanted nothing to do with me? I was very direct in telling you that this was too overwhelming for me to handle. You can't imagine how difficult it is to know that I will never be your first choice.


I can't understand why it has been this long and I still think about you everyday. My heart won't give up on you even though I know it is the right thing to do. I hear of how much you are enjoying your life right now and I am just dying inside. How could you do this to me? I would have loved you forever. Now all I wish is for is some way to erase you from my memory.

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I am getting worse Jen. I really am.


All I want is you, you made me happy for the first time in my life, why won't you give us another chance?!

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Dear R-

A solid year is approaching, and I'm extremely pleased with the n/c outcome; for I have moved away and you have no clue as to where I am... so that means that you can no longer make random appearances to my places of residence. Oh, and I've blocked your number so therefore you can never text or call me. Ever. No more of your "drunk dialing/texting" and giving me false hopes as far as wanting to come back to me, and how "sorry" you were about screwing me over in the past.

You're a manipulator, a liar, mentally ill and not as smart as you claim to be. You're a cat hoarder, nasty, creepy, scary and so miserable, your destiny is to make others around you suffer from your wrath.


Oh! lets not forget about your magical random appearance to my apartment a few days before Christmas tryin' to weasel and manipulate me into taking you to my Mom's house for Xmas dinner! I hadn't seen your tired ass in months.. and then you decide to randomly appear and demand I take you to spend time with my family?!

You frowned upon me seeing a counselor, but honey, let me be the 19999th person to tell you.. YOU NEED ALL THE HELP YOU CAN POSSIBLY RECEIVE!!

You no longer have power over me, and you'll never hear from me again in your natural lifetime.

You say you're "friends with all your exes".. But the difference between me and you is that I don't have to sleep with friends in order to aquire them. You don't deserve my friendship-- my love-- conversation-- good times or bad times.

You deserve to wander in the hell your soul has manifest for you.. nobody but YOU.


I actually wanted a life with you.. I was willing to shut my family out and be with nobody but you.. hell, I was 1/2 way there. But you were so SELFISH, NEEDY, MANIPULATIVE, WRONG AND DYSFUNCTIONAL, you screwed up the 1 chance of being with someone that would've done ANYTHING for you.

You chose your filthy cats over me, because I have an allergy to them. Well, I hope they can give you words of wisdom when the weight of the world is upon you.. I hope they can give you pure sexual pleasure when the time is right.. I hope they can care for you when you're sick, I hope you can use them as an emergency contact-- and most of all, share the holidays with you and take you out for a blissful night on the town.


May God have mercy on your twisted soul. And if he doesn't accept you, may you rot in the same hell you tried to send me to.


F*ck You. Yeah, I said it.. and WROTE it.


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Just got a long Email from the STBXW because she got the first legal papers regarding custody. I think I could get away with sending it. Maybe some of you will find it entertaining

A well thought out piece of literature here, I feel obligated to point out inaccuracies though. At one point you say "just because you say it does not mean it happened", or something to that effect. I'd say you could not have that more turned around. Just because you are grasping onto someone and you want to protect them because you are afraid that, in your mind, he is the last chance at having someone in your life. Does not mean that you can erase all the times that he drank, blacked out, and hurt you. The reason I called today was because I DO NOT want to put _____ through the whole court process. I had hoped you would think about her safety before your own needs. Maybe you willl be able to hide it from her as you did your other two. I am not willing to gamble on her safety as you are.

Here are a few more typographical errors. I felt it would be easier to delineate them numerically.


[COLOR=#bf005f]First you try to attack my son, then since that backfired on you, you are now attempting to attack Scott[/COLOR]

1. I "attack" your son because he admits to innapropriately touching _____. I have also caught him acting innapropriately several times towards her. Rather than protecting her you say "that did not happen, I was not here but here is what happened." Not to mention all the times he put her in physical danger. I am not attacking ____ I am protecting my daughter from the person that from what you have told me beat you fairly regularly. And the police report seems to fit the pattern of a battered woman. Get beat protect your attacker, get beat bad enough go to the police, lift restraining order, get beat one last time and get out of the situation.

[COLOR=#ff007f]being with someone I've been married to previously hardly qualifies me for a 'scank' anyway[/COLOR]

2. The fact that you went back to someone whom you hated and beat you, Is sad. Willing to expose your daughter to an ish bag like ____ is what qualifies you for the title of "pathetic Skank" not "total scank"


[COLOR=#ff007f] ____ does not abuse me now, did not in the past, and quite frankly I'm tired of listening to your exaggerations and accusations. That's just it, they are nothing but your mind running away with things[/COLOR],

3. Now that you are together with St. _____ again your memory seems to have suffered you were the one that told me about all the times you hid the abuse from your kids, about how he tried to con your parents out of tens of thousands of dollars, to the point they were about to get another mortgage on their house. How every three to twelve months he'd fall off the wagon, HARD. How just a few months ago he was willing to have your first husband killed in jail because he has "friends in low places" Yeah you're right maybe I should overlook all that crap, because after all a two year old is a great judge of character.


[COLOR=#bf005f] I am beginning to feel as if you are just bitter because I can provide an actual home for all three of my children by myself, and do it successfully. Unlike yourself I do not need the roof and financial support of my parents. Is it perhaps financial gain you are after? Or to start an unnecessary fight with me because you are bitter? [/COLOR]

4. Hmmm good point. I have parents that are happy to help me get back on my feet. You have parents that are disgusted by you. And will not piss on you to put out a fire. This is why anyone getting help from their parents bothers you so much. This is temporary and I am busting my back to do all that I do.

Or is it financial gain hmmm nope don't want your money (That was so stupid I cannot even find a sarcastic retort). A fight out of bitterness, no, I am only bitter that I allowed you to ruin so much of my life. I would love nothing more than to never speak to you again. I called hoping there was a small part of you that had a scrap of dignity and would value, if not herself, her daughter. Maybe make some intelligent decisions. WOW was I way off base.


[COLOR=#bf005f] Looking back I wish I hadn't stood by you so much during the D&N case, [/COLOR]

5. So you think you should have gone along with _____ and your kids lies. A trailer park thought from a trailer park girl. We both know your kids were influenced and lying through their teeth. And look what they've learned, lie about people treat them like ish, and they get to pick out mommy's next husband. Eh, whatever, I think you finally realized this would make them happy and in the end who cares who you are with, a man is a man afterall, right? And you are taking his word that he is recovered? See point 3.


[COLOR=#ff007f]My parents still even have the pictures of ____'s arm when you slammed him into the truck this July.

[/COLOR]As far as the bruises on ____, I put him in an armbar after he bit me because you were shoving a child with cerebral palsy to the ground. More tip top trailer park behavior.

[COLOR=#ff007f]I'm sure it probably bothers you to hear ____ speak of him favorably also, but consider the alternative; would you really want her to not like who I'm with[/COLOR]

6. If you were to find a decent man that would stick it out with your crap, your kids crap and odds are being able to forgive you for tricking him into fathering another of your kids to get him to stick around. I would be thrilled. I would love her to be in two stable environments. And yes she gets sad that she has to leave here as well.

But you could introduce her to any tom, dick or harry, and odds are she'll be his best friend. I don't know how to tell you this but ummm..... She's two, your job is supposed to be to protect her from negative influences. Way to drop the ball on that one, again (see point #1).

[COLOR=#ff007f] I don't appreciate you claiming I have low self esteem because I am reconciling with an ex spouse. anyone who truly knows me would disagree with that statement. (If we're going to talk self esteem, I'm not the one who's attempted suicide before and has a tattoo to hide it...)[/COLOR]

8. No you have awesome self esteem. Again the only person you could find that would be ok with your kids behavior as well as yours. A person with as low self esteem as your own, or have you told him you were having an affair with Paul, sold the diamond out of your wedding ring, Tricked your 3rd husband into marriage? The scar on my wrist is now fifteen years old. I had just found out that the police would not prosecute the guy that "raped" my girlfriend. The tatoo was to cover the fact that I was foolish enough to believe her ish. Do you want to bring up pathetic stuff we did at seventeen. Marrying husband #1 and telling him _____ was his kid so he would play sugar daddy takes the blue ribbon in my book. That's not even double wide behavior there hun.


[COLOR=#bf005f] I realize her being the one child of your two that's physically healthy, strong, smart and perfect in every way,you are extremely over protective of ______.[/COLOR]

9. I like the little extra dig at the kid who has Cerebral Palsy. Never cease to amaze me at your ability to be so awesome. Anyway, if overprotective = the desire to not have her around people like Scott who beat women when he's drunk, try to con people out of tens of thousands of dollars, self medicates himself with cocaine and marijuana, offers to have people killed, (on to ____) clinically lacking a conscience (not his fault look at where he came from and how often he was beaten "____ had to tell me to stop leaving bruises when I beat him"), Has no concept of sexual boundaries, admits to innapropriately touching his baby sister, has been caught several times behaving sexually innapropriately towards her. But much like Fran you make excuses for him at the expense of your own daughter's safety.

[COLOR=#ff007f]And calling me a "total scank" in front of her does nothing but bad for her[/COLOR].

10. You are right, I was over the line and should have kept my mouth shut. I should not talk bad about you in front of her. I had just found out that you had moved an abusive drunk into the house that my daughter lives in. I was angry and frustrrated. I sincerely swear I will not allow myself to blow up in front of Braelyn again.


[COLOR=#ff007f]I'm not the one who has a threesome in my past...[/COLOR]

11. And finally ____ and ____ are great people with great hearts. Not all relationships are about sex. I'd hope at your age you'd already have known that. They were already together when I met them. We carried on as close friends, and it grew into more. I still hang out with them now. Braelyn doesn't know them, if she meets them it will be as just friends. And they would be a good influence on her. Caring women that DO NOT drink heavily. Do Not use people, and respect themselves. Also ____ was a stripper so let's not go there. Unless you want to, because this has been very cathartic for me, thanks.

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I'm moving slow but I'm moving on. There are days I want you back and days I wish I never met you. I was truly happy with you and I thought you were the same with me. You don't know the depth of sorrow and despair I've felt. You don't have the capacity to love like I do. I wish you understood me as well as I understand you. From lovers to strangers. Story of my life.

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It's been one miserable week since you decided to jump ship. Whenever my phone buzzes, a sliver of hope in my body glistens as I wish it was you sending me the text message. I really wish I could stop missing you. If given the option, I would like nothing more than just erasing you from my memory.

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We didn't really have closure since you did something stupid and hurtful two weekends ago and I've chosen to go NC with you. Yes, you've sent two texts apologizing but the sad thing is, no matter how much I try to explain how I felt you'll never understand. Sometimes I get the urge to pick up the phone because I want to talk to you and let you know I don't hate you & I'm not mad at you & that we both just need to move on but then I realize it'll do no good. You'll still do and think what you want and it might even give you hope.


I'm doing soooooo much better now ... I don't cry, I wake up in a great mood, I can concentrate on work again and I'm really enjoying family, friends and activities. I've even met someone and don't find myself sitting there during the date wishing it was you.


Because of this, I just cannot contact you again. I cannot get dragged back to some place I've finally clawed my way out of. I just can't. I know you'll never truly understand why you never heard from me again but it's really the best thing for both of us.

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An email I've been crafting after two weeks of NC, following a break with no explanation whatsoever. I mean, just getting ditched and never heard from her again. But I've been doing a lot of introspective thinking. I will never send this, of course.



I almost feel like I could send the exact same email I sent back in august, because the pattern seems so similar, but this time was different for sure, because I think a lot of the blame falls on me. I finally got some clarity about what you wanted, although obviously not in a way that I wanted.

I'm really mad at myself more than anything. I failed to recognize the lack of trust I still had in you following what happened this summer. I felt like if we weren't always talking, or if we weren't always in sync, there was trouble pending, because it had been the case before. And I think that contributed in a lot of ways to my behavior. And so instead of just chilling out and remembering that you're 23 and you have a life and school that is important to you, I pressed, because I thought something was wrong, and probably pushed you even further away. It turned into a cycle of me not being comfortable, pressuring you, and your interest in me declining. I forgot that I took your word at mean eyed cat that night, because it seemed like an awful lot of effort for you to go through if you weren't sincere about wanting to try and keep me in your life. I forgot that you were into me, and that if you weren't, you wouldn't have been talking to me and hanging out with me. Looking back, I can see how it would seem like i was checking up on you at times, especially after the tech game and that weekend. It probably seemed like I didn't trust you, or that I was smothering you. Terribly unattractive, either way. And I imagine that in the back your mind, you thought that continuing a relationship long distance with someone who always needed to talk to you was going to be not a lot of fun, and something you could live without. I remember saying that something had been different since Tech weekend. And something was, but more importantly, the difference was in me as well.


I was the one who couldn't handle the distance. It's hard to build a relationship that way, much less maintain one, and we really didn't have a good foundation for that. Those relationships take work, a lot of talking, and both people being confident in the commitment of the other. And really, we were starting over. I let my insecurity get the best of me, and stopped being myself, the person who you liked, who you were interested in, who was fun, who you wanted to talk to and be around. Someone who had an interesting life that didn't revolve around another person's. Its a turn off when you feel like someone is always in your business and they don't have a life of their own, or is always available. It comes across as needy and desperate, like the other person is dependant on you. You can't really be attracted to someone you don't respect, and if you never make the other person work for it, they won't respect you. I know this because I've ended relationships because of it. And I really never made you work for it, even though in reality I was the one who gave you a second chance, and so there wasn't any reason for you to put any effort into it, which eventually, you didn't. I think we got burned out, and it got stale and predictable. We probably talked too much, and never over the phone which I still think is really weird, and the excitement stopped being there. Sometimes less is more. There always needs to be a little excitement, a little challenge, especially in the beginning. It was there for us back in June for sure. It's what helps maintain the attraction, and without that, it's more like a friendship, and in a distance relationship, there's a disconnect between the person on the other end of the text, and the person who you were drawn to in the first place. And so instead of being excited about talking to me, and coming to see me, it must have felt like an obligation at times, as opposed to something you looked forward to doing. And instead of telling me things about your life, you put them on facebook, or told somebody else. You're not the first girl to tell me to just calm down and go with the flow. My mind is my worst enemy in relationships, and it was here as well, because my gut told me you needed some space, but I didn't go with it.


I'll always believe that when you left my house that Monday morning, we had the real thing, if only for a brief time...just a couple of awkward people who got a second chance at a good thing. If you hadn't been up for that, we wouldn't have taken things forward like we did, because I know you were sincere when you said that wasn't something you took lightly. I think it would have been different if we lived in the same town, or if we had waited, like we probably should have, until you were done with school. Because there would have been a next day, and a day after that, and so on. Those early days are important in a relationship. They're always the best days. They were for us. And I think that we had so much in common, and seemed so compatible, that it could have worked out differently. I don't think either of us would have thought we'd end up here. It was a pretty drastic decline over 4 weeks. I do believe that after that first weekend back, you were all about me, and !%$# truly was someone you were ready to put behind you. Obviously, despite the way he treated you, from the 4th of July through before you left to go back to school, he still had a hold on you, something I couldn't really maintain for more than a couple of weeks at a time. Any time we had problems, he was in the picture. It's clear though that you weren't ever totally over him, and I don't know when he came back into the picture, but I imagine it was awhile before that last weekend. And I imagine that if we had waited until you got back from school, he would have re-entered the picture in between. It doesn't matter, though, because if you had stayed as interested in me as you had been, it wouldn't have been an issue.


What you did at that weekend was definitely up there in the all-time ****ty department, don't get me wrong. Then again I've learned that handling relationship problems isn't your strongsuit, as you've said yourself. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I hadn't said anything that night, and just gone with the flow. But I couldn't just sit there while you sent him text messages while you were on a date with me. Even that day, we still had a pretty good time during the day, and for awhile, I felt like things were back on track. But I think there was some truth in the things you were saying to me that night, some disappointments in me that you were airing out. It doesn't matter, because you had decided it wasn't that important to you already...I knew that when you wouldn't even take a phone call from me...and because how it got there is the only thing I care about. I'm really more mad because I feel like I pushed you that way, and because i could sense it in my gut, but still hung around for the inevitable. If you put yourself in my shoes, I'm sure you'd be pretty stunned. But if I put myself in yours, even though I'd like to think I would have handled it differently, I probably would have ended it too.


We had a lot of good times together, and always made each other laugh, and we were always on the brink of something more serious. From that first night outside that bar, when you had obviously been waiting for me to make a move, I thought we had something really good. Once again, patience was good, and I forgot that. I wanted it to work, and just failed to realize that it was working, and I started overthinking it, and I basically did myself in to the point where I was the last person on earth you wanted to spend time with. Nobody likes it when they just stop having the same feelings for someone, but it happens, and so I'm sure you're disappointed on some level, and I could sense it in your voice that last night, because I believe that you really wanted it to work out in the beginning, and that you were excited to get another chance to have me in your life. But that was a different guy you wanted, not the guy I started acting like.


Every failed relationship has tough lessons. This one is certainly no exception. Unfortunately I always seem to learn those lessons in spectacular fashion, with girls I like very much. You and I could always talk, but actual communication was never our strongsuit, and in the end, I think it was a big part of our undoing. I often wondered if I had never sent you that email in August, if I would have ever heard from you again, if you would have come back to give it another shot. But I don't regret doing it, and I don't regret giving it another shot, despite the way it ended. I only regret that from that night when we reunited, I forgot that patience was my best friend at many points along the way, and I will regret that for some time. From the beginning, you told me you didn't think a long distance relationship would work because of how wrapped up in school you were going to be. I should have listened There's no requirement that every relationship work out. We both have things we can improve on, but we'll both be just fine, of course. I don't expect a response. If you had anything to say to me, you would have surely said it by now. I just wanted to say these things to you, because you were a big part of my life this year, and I'd like to think I was a big part of yours, in a positive way. I hope you find happiness in whatever you end up doing, and with whomever you meet in the future. Good luck.

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I hope you were forced to think about me even for one split second today. Why is turning your emotions off so effortless for you? It is probably because they are not for me. If I can just figure out this indifference thing, I think I would be much better off. I need to keep telling myself that this has been over for a very long time and that I was just another girl. I don't like this setback I have been suffering through for months, but I think it is starting to get a little easier as the weeks of NC continue. I would be a fool to see you again as I know I will be right back where I was.

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Honey, honey....so much I want to say to you...but what for ? Nothing can be fixed now. Everything that you could possibly do wrong - you did the worst possible way. I almost sure it wasn't planned (like you always say) and wasn't on purpose, but it doesn't make any difference, may be even worse - just show how irresponsible, immature and silly you are.

I am reading posts of other people here and I wish you read it before you went to your f**ng vacation (instead of going us together)...I am sure that if you would read it, you would understand how much your "unplanned" actions can hurt a human being.

I know that most likely your life is also messy now, but you and only you are the only one responsible. You made so many people miserable around you (including yourself of course). I'm pretty sure that you also, not so happy with the consequences of yours (yes honey, yours and not God) decisions.

I wish I knew you such a heartless and selfish person before. I saw many "red flags" but ignored them, by always finding logical explanations.

Hon - although I am crying almost every day, I am really happy that eventually you not became mother of my children. Although I do believe they could be beautiful kids, but apparently beauty is not the most important ingredient in relationship.


I have mixed feeling to you now - sometimes I feel pity for you, but on the other side may be there is no reason, cause you even not understand what kind of person you are and what you lose. It's so easy to be "silly" in this world - no responsibility, no worries :)


I hope you can feel how much I think about you and miss you like a crazy. But every day I am realizing that I am actually not missing you, but someone who I thought you were ! (Hope you could understand what I meant).


Goodbye mahal kita !


P.S. I want you to think about me every single day and regret about how you unjustified treated me. I want you to regret about the fact that you lost the best friend honey, you will ever have. You will see !

Hope one day you will "google" and find this post. You will know it is me, I am sure !

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Hey R,


Every day, a little more of your memory dies. Little by little, I am releasing you from me.


Every day, more and more little things remind me of you. It's getting a little ridiculous how many words and things I see on a daily basis that remind me of you. But I only associate them for a fleeting moment now. I don't let you grasp hold of my thoughts. That's not allowed.


Every day, I amaze myself at how strong I am. I have never felt this 'grown up' in all my life. I have strength that could knock buildings down. You can never take that from me. In fact, I want to thank you, for it was you who gave me that strength.


Every day, I think of new ways to get my future started, my career sorted, and my life starts to flow in the direction that it's intended. I move forward in all these directions a little more each day. Part of my strength also lies in knowing that I have the drive and determination to carry out all of my hopes and dreams, and that is something you will never have. Nor will you have it vicariously through me.


I made a promise to myself, R. I don't EVER break those. And one day, I will stand before you, so you can see where I am and where I'm going, and I will smile because you will see what you walked away from.



So thank you, R.

Thank you, for giving me the strength I never thought I had.

Thank you, for giving me the drive to move ahead.

Thank you, for giving me just enough love to understand what love is, yet strive for something better.


But most of all...

Thank you for leaving me.

You have set me free.

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P: I am trying understand why you thought it was okay to treat me like crap. How could I love someone who can look me in the eye and lie lie lie so easily. Still don't know what I want....LC, NC, or some type of friendship. You really hurt me.

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Five Flings over the summer

You're such a slut.


You don't deserve to win Valedictorian, you're loose, lazy, and honestly you're not that smart.


You probably slept with all your teachers to get those grades.

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M -


Please leave me alone. Please. You are not good for me. You don't really want me back. You will just hurt me if I get back together with you. It will always be the same you can't commit. Why would my friends say to trust you again? I can't I won't there is no way that I am going through this AGAIN!!!


Just leave me the f alone, stay out of my life. Go f up someone else, go crush the f out of someone else's heart. I will not be hurt by you again. Just go away! Leave!

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You've hurt me more than anyone in my life. I hate you for it and I don't think I will ever forgive you for it. But, I still check my email each day to see if you've sent me a message apologizing. Just once, I would love for you to say sorry without me having to ask. I would love to reconcile with you because I can't shut off my feelings for you, but I also don't want to reconcile because you've made me feel worthless to you.

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As of tomorrow it will be two weeks since the last time I reached out to you. Since we share no friends I often wonder what you're thinking. I know at first my silence indicated to you I was mad at what you had done but now that more time has gone by, the most time we've ever gone without talking, I wonder if you're realizing it's over. Probably not because you think something's only over when you say it is. I suppose if that's the case you can see if a relationship works with only you participating then.


A couple of people have told me that you most likely will reach out again and most likely will show up one day at my house. I hope not. I don't want to get back together so it's really best we go our separate ways.


Please change your status on MySpace, take down our pictures and take our song off your page. It's over C. Leaving those things up won't change that.

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Why would you tell my family friend about all your slutty activities?


She's a FAMILY FRIEND. She's closer to ME than to you.


You're a ****ing moron. Why the hell are you Valedictorian material?!


Go gag yourself with a toothbrush.

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One and half months have past. I find myself making the gradual climb out of the sinking sand. I can't explain or express my thoughts, because you want nothing to do with it. Even after all I've done and gave to you.. I guess I need to take LS's advice and keep with my NC, non-FB stalking, and let nature take it's course. You weren't mean, rude, or disrespectful...just wanted your space and time as I know now, was smothering.


So please when your ready, let's go for that coffee.


Still miss yah, until nxt time.



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I still miss you, I still love you. It hurts to see you happy with another guy. It's been 3 months since we have been broken up, and I yet to find the strength to move on even while you got someone new within a month. I feel like you're the one. Living in different states makes it incredibly hard to fight for you. I'm trying to let nature takes its course, and move on. Its hurts my heart in so many ways, and I sometimes hyperventilate when I want to contact you, my heart beats non-stop when I hear about you, and think about you.

Moving on with another guy really hurt me, I know you know that. The promise you told me, I hope you keep it. I also hope that one day in the future, you're single so we can give it another try. I miss you. I want you back, I have yet to get closure, I want to break NC so bad, but NC is helping me cope. Best of luck, and I hope you know, I'll be here.



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Just wanted to say how angry I am that I could stick by you for a whole ****ing year while you were in Iraq and the second your feet touched American soil,you dumped me. The person you dumped me for, it will never work and in the long run, you'll be back where you were when I met you and all of this break up/separation will have been for nothing.

WE had something really great and special and both of us said that we hadn't had that in 16 years and now its gone down the drain.

I hope this goes really wrong for you so you can see how rt we were.

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I love myself, I love my life, I don't need you. I don't need to be paranoid, or wait around for you to leave me, or have that sick feeling in my stomach every time you don't call when you should. I am not crazy anymore, I know that I deserve so much more than you. I am not clingy or needy anymore. I am me, myself, the confident one. The one that would have never fallen for the **** that you dished out, I got myself back, and this girl is not into you.


Leave me alone, seriously it is over.

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Hi scum, it's finished. I don't want you now, and I haven't wanted you for the last few months.


I kicked you out. You are gone. And will stay gone.


Don't even think of coming back as you really are not wanted.

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You put me through a lot of ****.

And you don't care.


Some "friend" you are

And so much for being my "first love"


It's painful hearing and seeing the new you.

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I don't know how I will deal with seeing you again, especially now that you're with him. I hope to find indifference and solace in my belief that you are trash.

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