EyeAlone Posted March 28, 2011 Share Posted March 28, 2011 J- Well well well, what have we here? Ah! A certain anniversary is approaching! That's right. A year ago I was spending my LAST WEEK EVER with you. I'm not going to spend my time rehashing here what happened during that week. You very well know what happened because you wanted it to happen. A year later, I have to say that I am healed much more than I thought I would be as I was bawling in the airport. I never thought I would be able to love again, but I did! And it's so much better than the "love" I had for you. I said that I "loved" you, but that was a sick, unhealthy, ill love. Are you able to love again? Judging by the way you ****ing stalked me, I'm going to guess that it will take a while for you to mend yourself, if that's possible. Having said that, I am so pissed off that I'm still damaged from you. My current suitor and I are facing some obstacles that life decided to throw our way and although I don't voice this to him, I am so terrified that he's going to hurt me. He's never given me evidence that he's just going to walk away from the relationship suddenly one day, so why do I have this irrational fear that keeps me awake at night? Oh yeah. It's because you did that to me. I've lost track of how many people have told me to get over this fear because, and they all have told me this exact quote: "Not all men are J---." That's right. They're telling me that all men don't act like you. But I hate you because you did a ****ing good job brainwashing me that guys are jerks and will leave without a warning. **** you. It's hard to fully enjoy my current relationship due to my irrational fear that you implanted in my head. If I end up pushing this guy away, I will never forgive myself. It already goes without saying that I cannot forgive you for the things you did to me. I don't know how I want to close this message. Do I hope that you're suffering? Do I hope that you're finally seeking the mental therapy that you desperately needed? I don't know. I really don't know. All I can say is that I'm so glad I'm not with you today. Breaking up with you was the best thing that ever happened to me. -A Link to post Share on other sites
lolo1234 Posted March 28, 2011 Share Posted March 28, 2011 Thinking of you makes me sick to my stomach these days. I'm sick to my stomach thinking of how I allowed you to hurt me the ways that you did. I took too much from you for too long. I know it was only 8 months but honestly, I saw the writing on the wall early on and I chose to ignore it. Now I'm left here, trying to figure out why I wasn't strong enough to walk away. I guess I figured I had already made the plunge and made sacrifices to be with you, so I figured I better just stay and hope things got better. Looking back, I know now that you are so much more f*cked up than I ever was (despite the picture you tried to paint of me). You are a sick, sick boy. That's right a boy. You're a little scared boy in the body of a 34 year old man. I don't recall ever meeting a man as weak as you. I am seriously embarrassed for you at times. Why did I fall for you? I'm so mad at myself and ashamed. I wish I would've been stronger and stayed away from you when I first got the inkling that you weren't right for me. Our egos are such fragile things. I know that if I were to meet a great guy today, I would forget you in a heartbeat. Right now its just my ego that needs a little bit of love and care. But I'm trying to build my self esteem on my own... because I don't ever want to rely on the feelings of another man for how I feel about myself. Link to post Share on other sites
pianoman30 Posted March 28, 2011 Share Posted March 28, 2011 Thankyou for coming into my life to show me that neediness is an unattractive quality in a relationship. I wish I could have done certain things differently but I have already come to terms with the outcome and I am sorry things didn't work out between the two of us. I’m still keeping up my music and play most Thursday nights and occasionally the Fields of Athen Rye are played and I think of you. I hope you managed to achieve the results you wanted in your Masters degree and that you are still enjoying your teaching. I will always hold the good times close to my heart and I wish you nothing but happiness, success and the very best that life has to offer. Link to post Share on other sites
proactivedreamer Posted March 29, 2011 Share Posted March 29, 2011 I miss you...I guess I should not have listened to "The nearness of you"-Norah Jones. It just made me think about driving along the countryside in Switzerland. I have been well, and we spoke briefly when you arrived in Thailand, and I was okay. But today, I miss you. I hope you are having fun on your holiday...bon voyage mon cheri! Gros bisous et beintot. Link to post Share on other sites
0hpenelope Posted March 29, 2011 Share Posted March 29, 2011 One of the things that's hard to accept is knowing that I have to cut off some friendships in order to heal. You, my friends, are much closer to him in spite of the independent relationships that we've established. I think you understand. I suppose I don't think I can trust any of you with information about myself. And I'm not okay enough to not talk about him. I've done enough talking about him to you. Thank you for sharing my burden. I honestly believe he needs you more than I do. Link to post Share on other sites
proactivedreamer Posted March 30, 2011 Share Posted March 30, 2011 I looked at your fb today, why o why did I do that? Yes, we have been talking fairly regularly since the break up, but now you are in Thailand, "treking through the jungle" as you said. Your last two post just sent my flying. I don't if it's all the comments, mostly by women...rgghhh! I just hate you right now. I guess it's because I miss you. I just want you completely gone from my mind...don't want you to enter my thoughts anymore. Doesn't matter because when I go down to LA and I hit up the beach, I am going to take pictures and post them on fb and you will feel like a loser cause that is how I feel right now. Have a good trip *******...hate to call you that but I just hate you right now. rrghghghgh!!! Link to post Share on other sites
A Broken Man Posted March 30, 2011 Share Posted March 30, 2011 I was recently involved in well “a fling” with this woman however now I am heartbroken. All the traditional red flags were there, meaning I knew she was to young for me (she was 21 years old so it was legal), she had a boyfriend who she lived with at the time, etc. I chose to ignore those signs because I will be honest she was extremely attractive and I had been curious about her for a while. To make a long story short, from the end of October to Valentine’s Day we had sex very often but what I thought were true feelings arose. I love you was exchanged many many times. She used to leave me text messages declaring that her love for me was greater than her love for anyone she has previously known, that I saved her from a breaking point in her life, you get the picture. We spent lots of time together, I spent lots of money on her by my own choice, etc. We had our differences, I was not to keen with her past sexual history, which I did NOT ask her about because I truly didn’t want to know, which brought out my insecurities not to mention again that she had a live in boyfriend that she was now cheating on so trust was something I never had for her. With all of these glaring faults I was still swept away in a whirlwind of her words and physical attributes. I know this all sounds like nothing more than infatuation and I am sure a large part of this was but somewhere in all of this fluff actual feelings developed. She claims to have loved me, I know I loved her on some level. Did I see her having my children? No. I never really mentioned dating primarily because she had a boyfriend and I didn’t want her to go from one relationship to another. Fast forward to last week. I found out she went on a date, of course I found out because of her Facebook post, well we fought via text where she proceeded to tell my that she could still go on dates and still have feelings for me, she didn’t want to have feelings for me because she would never date me now, She calmed down and that Monday I told her that I still loved her and she replied “and I love you”. On Wednesday of that same week she told me that she stopped loving me completely. To be fair she said at the end of February that she realized rhat she didn’t love me like she used to. Now this week she told me that she really likes someone else and that I just need to leave her alone and back off. How in the world does someone cut a person, that they said at one point that they loved the most ever, out of their life so easily. I am so hung up over this that I can’t focus on anything else, I know I should not contact her anymore but I want to. What do I do? I can’t move on Link to post Share on other sites
LikeCharlotte Posted March 31, 2011 Share Posted March 31, 2011 O, You missed me when? Everytime what? I'm sorry you are being a little vague. Speak up. I can't quite hear what you are saying. One more time, you want what? Say whatever you want because I'd love to hear it. Just remember that throne next to mine is filled and nothing is going to change that, ever. You had your chance. -Charlotte Link to post Share on other sites
LikeCharlotte Posted March 31, 2011 Share Posted March 31, 2011 O, I'd like to add that I am not mad. I am still feeling nothing but I would like to really hear what it is you are getting at. I would be lying if I said that it doesn't satisfy me a little that you might regret your decision. I like you. You are a great person, I mean it. The thing is, you let me go, I got over it and found something better for me. -Charlotte Link to post Share on other sites
TryTryAgain Posted March 31, 2011 Share Posted March 31, 2011 You hurt me, friend. We're friends, right? That's what you said you missed the most was our friendship. Friends don't treat friends the way you have treated me. So I would guess at some point you're going to apologize for your actions, right friend?...I'm not holding my breath. Well, I guess I am. I see so much good in you, but you for whatever reason choose to ignore your problems. I want you to let me in. Maybe we can talk about it someday. Link to post Share on other sites
radiodarcy Posted March 31, 2011 Share Posted March 31, 2011 don't think you can keep me at bay for years. string me along, use me for sex or an ego boost or whatever and then reel me back in with a few crumbs expecting me to welcome you back with open arms. you said it yourself - -you have a flat stomach now all you need is a girlfriend; granted i'm still not sure how those two things compute but all i do know is that you pointedly left me out of the equation. not that i would give a damn if you had a flat stomach or not. i love you regardless. not that you care. so what should i care enough to respond to whatever paltry contact you throw my way? Link to post Share on other sites
LoveTNT Posted March 31, 2011 Share Posted March 31, 2011 Dear (fart), You're an ass. I know the last times we've communicated it's been somewhat nice, but the last 2 weeks I've realized that you and my cousin are really close and how you guys go out etc. you left me in the dark feeling so ****ty and I just want to get totally over your dang ass, but you have to **** it up and now you're probably going to my family members wedding when you can't even be nice to me and talk and say what you truly feel. ****en coward. Just stay away! Link to post Share on other sites
Flowerzzz Posted April 1, 2011 Share Posted April 1, 2011 I went to Moe's tonight to get my free birthday burrito. You were f'ing everywhere in there. Stupid fast food chain that it is. I remember when we started getting the burritos without meat because we went vegan together. No cheese either back then. I got cheese tonight. At the salsa counter, it was as if you were there beside me...I nearly got your two green salsas and your hot sauce for you. But you weren't there, of course. You kicked me to the curb long ago. I cried on the way home. Over stupid memories at stupid Moe's. So lame. Link to post Share on other sites
SweetyBear Posted April 1, 2011 Share Posted April 1, 2011 Last week was a disaster. I kept trying to see you and talk to you. This week I told you I'd leave you alone and I have. I want to keep leaving you alone because it makes me feel better to not be reaching for what isn't there and is never going to happen. If you didn't make the effort during our relationship, why do I think you will now? Stupidly, I guess it's because I was thinking maybe you miss me as much as I miss you. Your heart is broken? I think you would have spoken to me when you had the chance then. Link to post Share on other sites
ladeedee Posted April 1, 2011 Share Posted April 1, 2011 I didn't realize the only time that you told me how you felt was after we were broken up. We knew each other for almost 3 years and dated for a year and a half. You never said how you felt without prompting. Then once we are over... you feel bad. What do you feel bad about? Why are you sorry? What are you sorry about? You never apologized for anything and you even admitted to not apologizing to me ever. You were a horrible boyfriend. Why did I waste my time and why didn't I get out when I could? I will apologize freely to you for letting it last as long as it did. I'm sorry that I begged when I didn't mean it. I'm sorry you won't change. I'm sorry for who you are and what you've become. I hope you do well and I hope you don't come back. Link to post Share on other sites
radiodarcy Posted April 1, 2011 Share Posted April 1, 2011 i don't want your advice. i don't want your friendship. i don't want your c**k. unless your willing to give me the ONE thing i want (which we both know you WON'T) then i don't want ANYTHING from you. got it? Link to post Share on other sites
Thorgs Posted April 2, 2011 Share Posted April 2, 2011 Dear ex, you really aren't that attractive. I was just weak when I met you and now I'm stronger than before. You mean nothing to me. Every time someone brings you up it's usually about how your life is so ridiculously shady. Makes me feel better about not being with you. Thank you for saving me from your nightmare! Like always, Thorgs Link to post Share on other sites
HEG Posted April 2, 2011 Share Posted April 2, 2011 Your book is in the mail. Link to post Share on other sites
proactivedreamer Posted April 3, 2011 Share Posted April 3, 2011 It seems as though I am still buoying on the currents of what was, still here searching for you...wondering. This still hurts. What a tragedy. What a sorrowful happening. Was I ever so blind? Was I? I long to see you again, why? Why can't I shake you from my life. Why can't I kick the habit that you are? I miss you. You said repeatedly that you didn't wish to make me suffer, but you do, you do make me suffer. I suffer and I am brought to my knees because of this reality. Was it so simple? Is it so simple? You are away in Thailand...I...miss...well...I thought what we had could be sustained, but was it our weakness? What? I know that this is incoherent, but once again I am full of these feelings, these dreadful ****ing feelings...I just can't turn them off. I am not wanted...hurts. Link to post Share on other sites
Anxiety Posted April 3, 2011 Share Posted April 3, 2011 Its been 4 months and I still miss you terribly. I kiss a picture of you every morning when I wake up since I can no longer wake up next to you. Just from writing this I have tears running down my face. I don't know why you stopped loving me, I'll never stop loving you. We should have been getting married soon and I thought we would be together forever. I'm trying to get accustom to living alone, since that's how I'm going to be spending the rest of my life....sometimes I miss you so bad I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up again. I love you so much, I'm so miserable without you. Link to post Share on other sites
worldgonewrong Posted April 3, 2011 Share Posted April 3, 2011 You continue to gut me like a fish with your passive-aggressive behavior. I'm all out of words. I almost give up. And you look ridiculous with that new eye make-up. It makes you look cheap, not youthful. Link to post Share on other sites
Jerrica Posted April 4, 2011 Share Posted April 4, 2011 it's been a month and I can't even explain how much I miss you. I miss falling asleep with your arms around me, and I miss waking up with you beside me every morning. I find myself sleeping all the time just to make the time pass until the pain goes away. But every time I wake up it still hurts. Every time I dream about you I wake up crying. I love you with all my heart, you still have such a big piece of it and I'm trying to go on living without it, but it just hurts so much. I wonder if you think about me, if you ever doubt your decision, if you still love me, if you ever loved me. I hope one day you realize you had an amazing girl, and if you do truly love me I pray you will return. Until then, I send you all my love and a minute doesn't go by that I don't think about you. Love your one and only girl xoxo Link to post Share on other sites
marqueemoon4 Posted April 4, 2011 Share Posted April 4, 2011 i finally see you for who you are. you're nothing special on the outside and ugly on the inside. btw, nice necklace and heart pendant thing. did your boyfriend get that out of a gumball machine? you two deserve each other. Link to post Share on other sites
radiodarcy Posted April 4, 2011 Share Posted April 4, 2011 *sigh* here it is a beautiful day outside and i can't seem to allow myself to enjoy it because i'm not with you. even worse i know you're probably spending time outside with someone else - - walking and talking like you and i used to. geeeezz... when will this misery end??? Link to post Share on other sites
whatdoido1717 Posted April 5, 2011 Share Posted April 5, 2011 Her, It is my hope that you do not find this short letter to be disrespectful of the time and space you requested from me. I decided this would be the best way to tell you this without creating anymore drama or putting you in a situation where you felt like I wanted answers. This letter is not really about me. It is about you and the journey you have ahead of you. I want you to know I support you 100% and will respect what you have to go through by giving you your space and the all the time necessary to take care of yourself. I will still be here for you if you need anything, regardless of what happens. I mean that the same now, when we've reached this point, as I did when I told you it before at the point in our relationship when things were amazing. I know you hate it when I apologize, so this part will be brief. The biggest regret I have and the biggest mistake I have made in my life thus far is the way I handled the other weekend and in particular, telling you that you don't know how f***ed up you really are. I don't ever expect you to forget that and I can never take it back. I am deeply sorry for cutting you like that. I hope you know that although I know you are in a bad spot, I don't actually think you are ****ed up. I think you are an amazing woman that is in a horrifically difficult situation, which she did not bring upon herself and one that she does not deserve. In the entire time I was with you, even as the words came out of my mouth, I have never thought you were ****** up at all. I think the hand of cards that you have been dealt recently is what's really ****** up and I took it out on you because I was caught up in the heat of the moment. I have been trying to educate myself on depression by reading articles and doing some research online and I don't begin to think I have the slightest idea what you are going through, but I can respect that you need to figure this out on your own. I don't have any answers and if all I have brought to the table is drama then I do not blame you for not wanting me with you on this journey. I know my love for you really has nothing to do with the situation. But know that I am the man who you looked at, as you told me, "as the best person to walk in to your life." My compassion for you and your well being is very strong and if I can only show you that by walking away, I will. I am standing tall and will continue to be the most kick *** employee at work, the "jock" that will love his Blazers and Huskies, and the caring and loving person I am. And I will always be the man that promised he'd stop drinking with you, if it helped you heal. I will always be the man that cares so much about you he'd write you a letter everyday you were in jail. I will always be the man that will pull you out of the bar if you have been drinking too much (and on any other night, I would have told Mac to **** off and taken you home, but I was only trying to respect your boundaries, considering where we were at, at that point). I will always be the man that will go completely sober with you if it helps you. I don't ever want to be a contributor to your unhappiness. I am sorry I let my insecurities get a hold of me to the extent they did and let them cause as much drama and frustration as they did. I know you loved me and I am sorry I betrayed your trust. Those insecurities seem so minute and pathetic know because I never once doubted us. Never once doubted that we were as good of a team as we said we were or that we weren't oddly perfect for one another. I hope you look back at me as the man who only wanted to bring you happiness and not as another ******* male that hurt you along the way. I would give you a world of happiness if I could, for now I will give you your space. Love, Me Link to post Share on other sites
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