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that I'm tired of the flirting, the nice gestures, the licking the lips in anticipation, the smiles, the sexual innuendos, etc. Stop it! Unless you mean something, stop it! All it does it hurt me! And gives me hope when there isn't any! God I hate it! Just stop!


I so badly want to say that to his face!

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I hate that you weren't there for me, when I was always there for you. I hate the fact that even after we were broken up, you knew that I was still in love with you and would call me up to receive emotional support, and then go out and have one night stands with random guys (call me to talking about your dying father, and then go out have sex with some random dude on the same night!). Once I found this out, I stopped talking to you. But thanks to you I learned something important: Just because I am in love with someone, I will not let them take advantage of me. A person who loves me (and knows my weaknesses) will not manipulate me for their purposes. I'm sorry I couldn't see what you are back then. I have taken off the rose colored glasses.

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I love you. I miss you. My life has changed, my world has changed. You have changed. What was once in your eyes is now gone. I used to see love in your eyes. Now I see emptiness. I long for you to touch my hand, put your strong arm around me and protect me from my own thoughts. I long for a sweet hug.

But all you can give me is that you're 'attracted to me' still. Everything between us has sexual undertones. I feel like screaming 'WHAT ABOUT ME??' What about my heart? What about my personality? my opinions? my jokes? my wishes? my dreams? They don't matter to you anymore. Only my looks matter now.

You speak with no emotion. Your heart is made of stone. How can that be? Your heart was always so full of love, I thought it would overflow! You used to beg me not to leave when I had to go home. now you tell me to leave when you're done with me.

I feel like I am nothing. i am nobody. im this girl who once meant the world to you. Now I'm the source of all your problems.

'Listen, Cailin, I wanna be your friend, but i can't. You know I can't keep my d**k in my pants. I don't wanna hurt my gf any more than I already have. I do miss you. You're my greatest female friend. But she doesn't trust you.'

Of course she doesn't trust you. You cheated on her with me. You used me, oredred me around like Hitler. And I follow. I let myself be used by you. Because I long for you. I want your love. If I can't have your love, I want your friendship. But you just want s*x.

You have changed. When I first met you, you were a naive boy. I was an innocent girl. We learned everythin from each other. You were the perfect gentleman. We both had s*x for the first time together. Afterwards, you brought me a little tray with some chocolate cake and a cup of tea in bed. You were so sweet. You walked me home.

When you went away, you sent such sweet emails about me being one in a million, that you didn't wanna lose me.

We both relaised we loved each other after an argument. It felt great to say it. For my creative writing class in college, i wrote a poem about you, and a story of how we first told each other we loved each other.

You were so in love with me.

Things changed though. We argued a little and broke up a few times. Got into a vicious cycle.

You kissed four girls when you were single and I kissed two guys when I was single. The last time was too much for you to take, because you'd always been jealous of this guy. I made a mistake.

You couldn't forgive me for kissing this guy three months after we'd broken up. And yet, five days after we broke up, you got a new gf.

And then you blew hot and cold. One minute you'd say:

'Look, you know I don't wanna be with you'


'I think I'm still in love with you'

You screwed me around. And here I am, with a broken heart, a lost soul. I'm so scared of the future. I'm scared of being alone. I'm scared I can't be loved. I'm terrified I'm not good enough.

You are the only person I can truly be myself with. You gave me that gift, then took it away.

You've now hurt me and your gf. You shouldn't be in any relationship. You need to concentrate on yourself.

I'm so scared of feeling this way forever. I've changed now too. I want the old me back again.


I don't even know you anymore.

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burning 4 revenge
I hate that you weren't there for me, when I was always there for you. I hate the fact that even after we were broken up, you knew that I was still in love with you and would call me up to receive emotional support, and then go out and have one night stands with random guys (call me to talking about your dying father, and then go out have sex with some random dude on the same night!).
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::lmao:


Oh God of Nietzsche that really sums up 21st century experience. Give the human race enough rope and they wont hang themselves, theyll hang each other do get them out of the way of going out and rubbing one off on the most exciting orifice or phallus they can find


If I was a talented writer like Hemingway Id turn your tragedy into a short story

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burning 4 revenge
I just wanted to say **** YOU one more time. It feels so good though I would just love to keep saying **** YOU to you. Like if you called me, I would answer the phone, and say **** YOU right away. And then you would try to talk but I would just say **** YOU. Then I would say **** YOU and hang up on your stupid slut ass. **** YOU WHORE. **** ****ING YOU YOU NO GOOD SLUTTY ****ING WHORE. YOU'RE NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING EXCEPT WASHING COCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ****ING HATE YOU YOU ****ING SELFISH LITTLE WHORE. THE WAY YOU ****ING LEFT ME HERE. YOU'RE A ****ING LITTLE BITCH AND I WOULD LOVE TO SHOVE MY ****ING COCK DOWN YOUR THROAT ONE LAST TIME BUT YOU WOULD LIKE THAT SO YOU CAN JUST **** OFF AND EAT **** YOU AND MR. ****ING WONDERFUL CAN EAT **** AND SUCK ****ING DICK ALL NIGHT. **** YOU! ****ING SLUTTY WHORE ASS BITCH!


This is poetry

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Soon the new guy wont be good enough for you, just like your ex and just like me. Oh we are great at first. But soon we realize how messed up you are and try to get you to get help. Try to help lift you up. And you don't want to hear that. That's when you turn on us, start turning to strangers to tell you what you want to hear. Start spending less time with us.


Oh yes, soon you will turn on him. Will you want to be a part of the new life I have then? Will you want to come back? I won't have you.

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burning 4 revenge

Usually if you're no longer of use you're annihilated and you no longer exist in reality trust me I know. You're generally replaced by some twisted image that never even existed in the first place, but makes it much easier for them to write you off as a waste

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Okay so it's time to spill it all out.

I can't believe your nerve. I can't believe how much you disrespect me, how low you think of me. I tried to make up and you ignored me. What a slap in my face that was. It's getting so old I barely feel it anymore. It wasn't even my job to make up, you're the one screwing up in the first place. "I badly need a bj" right in the middle of a conversation where i was spilling my heart out about family problems. That was really high class.


Well it was my mistake actually. Showing you how badly i missed you gave you all the power you needed to screw me. That's how we behaved all the time. It's all about who is more dependent of the other one, who plays it better. Wtf is this? Does this happen in normal relations? Well I can't really know can I? I'm stuck with the only guy I ever had in my life, I don't have ways of comparison! What if it is like this with everybody? Maybe you're not that bad compared to other men out there, how should I know? I don't see others living happily ever after, people in this site have suffered to the hands of their partners much more than me. What if you're the best there is? *hit.


And I apologized! Now I'm sitting here at home going crazy, waiting for a message from you. Because you didnt even bothered to reply. I disgust myself. I apologized for I dont even know what. You were just waiting to catch me crawling werent you? So you could hurt me harder. You're a bastard that doesn't deserve me and I hope I never forget what a piece of *hit you are. Please God help me remember that this man is not good for me. Although it's useless. I always come back. Im weak and I suck.


i wish you could just dump me and leave me alone.

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And Im not done! Im sick of all the abusive *hit you did to me you bastard! It's over! I hate you! I have higher standards. I want a gentleman, not an uneducated cheating sex absorbed creep. Go *ucking away! Go back to your ex if you need sex that badly. Or get over it, you're a human with a brain, not a *ucking animal. Being a male with needs doesnt excuse you of kissing whores and dating your ex on my back. And for my birthday I didnt ask for dirty lingerie. you didnt even bother to write a card for god's sake! And when i said "lets do something romantic" i didnt mean start talking about sex! Stop saying that you have bought me all kind of crap. It's a lie and I dont want your stuff. Stop complaning about how horny you are, its annoying.

Actually, you dont have to stop. Im not there to babysit you anymore you *******. Goodbye.

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I just wanted to say **** YOU one more time. It feels so good though I would just love to keep saying **** YOU to you. Like if you called me, I would answer the phone, and say **** YOU right away. And then you would try to talk but I would just say **** YOU. Then I would say **** YOU and hang up on your stupid slut ass. **** YOU WHORE. **** ****ING YOU YOU NO GOOD SLUTTY ****ING WHORE. YOU'RE NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING EXCEPT WASHING COCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ****ING HATE YOU YOU ****ING SELFISH LITTLE WHORE. THE WAY YOU ****ING LEFT ME HERE. YOU'RE A ****ING LITTLE BITCH AND I WOULD LOVE TO SHOVE MY ****ING COCK DOWN YOUR THROAT ONE LAST TIME BUT YOU WOULD LIKE THAT SO YOU CAN JUST **** OFF AND EAT **** YOU AND MR. ****ING WONDERFUL CAN EAT **** AND SUCK ****ING DICK ALL NIGHT. **** YOU! ****ING SLUTTY WHORE ASS BITCH!

Reading this made me feel slightly better. Can't really explain why.

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Sent about 3 weeks ago:





I have never felt such rage and hatred for a person as I feel toward you right now. Honestly, this is a completely new range of emotions I've never experienced.


I am astonished at your lack of remorse for what you've done. "I could say I'm sorry 10 times and it wouldn't change what's happened"? "That's just how life goes" and "we were going to break up anyway"? Is this really how you are justifying this to yourself, shrugging it all off?


How does that excuse lying to my face, and actively pursuing another woman while we were still together? You don't have to be in love with a person to know that they deserve to be treated with respect and care. Where is your moral compass? The right thing to do would have been to break up with me before letting anything go down with [hooch]. If you had, I would have had an entirely different set of feelings about our relationship. I would have been disappointed, but I would have been able to ultimately preserve some sense of nostalgia and goodness about our time together.


Instead, you explicitly lied to me. You tried to convince me that everyone was on the up and up, that "nothing had happened yet" with her, and that you were being the stand-up, honest guy by breaking up with me before you cheated. I believe on the phone two weeks ago, you even agreed not to see her until you sorted yourself out in therapy. Yet you kissed her who knows how many times while we were together, and screwed her not 24 hours after we broke up. I don't think your ex-wife had had sex with her OM by the time you found out…did that somehow make it "not cheating"? You need to face the unvarnished truth that you are a cheater. You cheated. You betrayed me.


And to think, the day we broke up, I felt compassion for you and assured you that I would never do to you what your XW did to you. My god! If I had only known that you had just done to me exactly what she did to you. Is this your idea of paying the universe back for having been hurt yourself?


Because of your amazing capacity to compartmentalize things, I know you will most likely file this away as water under the bridge, as an "oh well, just another relationship that didn't work out." You will most likely delete this message, so you can forget me, forget us, and put this all behind you. So my hope for you is this: that every time you make fried goat cheese balls; every time you use your mortar & pestle; every time you contemplate renovating your kitchen; and every time you see our friends…that you are reminded of how you betrayed me and polluted every good memory I had of our time together.


It is fundamentally unfair that you get to waltz forward into a happy new life while I am left with bitter memories of having given my virginity to a lying, cheater of a man. It kills me that no one else in your life will know what you've done. Your parents, your colleagues, all the people in your life that I got to know and liked so much (and who liked me), will all continue to think of you as that stand-up guy who caught a tough break when his wife cheated on him. DD will never know that her daddy was so hurtful to someone he purported to care about. I can only hope that there is a crack somewhere in your emotional armor, and that when you are alone with yourself that your selfish and cruel behavior disgusts even you.


I gave you the best of me, and I trusted and respected you up until the very end. You? By cheating on me, you made a fool of me, and a mockery of us. I never thought I would say these words, because I fundamentally believed in you, but: it turns out that you actually, truly didn't deserve my unwavering devotion and love. I thought you did – I thought I loved someone who loved me back and who respected me as much as I respected him. To be so wrong is an incredibly bitter pill to swallow.



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I was just going to comment on your excellent posts. I think we were made for each other. lol

Nah I still need to practice my swearing a lot, im way too soft;)

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So I see you're really not going to talk to me today. Are you on your period? Because that attitude of yours is pretty girly. What were your words? Oh "angry about how you use your sexuality to bribe me". **** you! Grow some balls! I'm so sick of how you keep complaning that i dont fullfil your manly needs and next explaning to me how understanding and patient you are for waiting for me. **** you you lying bastard! I dont owe you anything! Stop trying to make me feel guilty just because you want to get laid! Go back to your ex. Go have ugly babies with her instead!


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i still dont know if its right or wrong to contact you! but i miss you, i miss your smile, i miss your booming laugh. i miss you spontaneity. i miss your voice, your presence! i miss you dancing on my bed to kylie! y cant i get you out of my head! i miss ours walks along the beach to bangor, cheeseburgers with chips and peas, wishing that we could have a house there along the sea because its where we were happiest. i miss u x im scared

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For some reason I REALLY want to call you today. I guess it's because I figure you will be sitting on your patio hanging out where we should be together.... you will be with him though, you'll be sober, probably cooking dinner.


It's too bad you forgot how happy we once were. It's a shame you spent every night out at that bar while I was home alone. What went wrong? I never stopped loving you. I always tried to show you how much you meant to me and how much value I saw in you.


Maybe he will screw up, or get tired of having to watch out for you drinking, or maybe you will just get tired of the comfort and you will reach out to me.


Maybe someday you will ask me to come over and spend a night with you. And maybe I will. But you lost the right to spend the rest of your life with me.

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I don't want anybody else but you. You treated me badly, but I think you could treat me better if you could see me. You're gonna be in town soon; can't we hang out? Or would it be too hard?


I can't bear to think about you with anyone else. I don't think you'd feel right about it yet, anyway. Meanwhile, I've been looking... but no one is good enough, smart enough or pretty enough to be you.


Are you hurting? Are you missing me? I hope so. I hope you call. I can't call you, b/c you hurt me too much. But you can call me.


I'm not getting any better. It's not easier each day. I've got no one. No one. Please help.

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I was such a fool. Why didn't I admit to myself something was up when you went next door at 3am? When you always made little jokes about him and talked about him all the time. And the comment I overheard you make to your friend about "wrapping your legs around the neighbor".


Why was I so blind when you started hanging out with that old guy you met at the bar? I thought you loved me, and he was so old, I never figured you would fall for him like that. But he called you so often.... it seemed to strange to me but I didn't want to believe it. When I found out you lied to me and were actually gone away for a weekend with him, that killed me. You have no idea. The girl I fell in love with would never have done the things you did. What happened to you?

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I never expected to love you the way that I did. It was the first time I ever felt a connection with someone on a level that touched my soul. It was beyond physical, and I can't really explain it, other than to say that it was something really amazing. Something I won't forget.


As much as I don't want to dwell in the past, it shaped and formed who I am. You played a big part in my transition from a boy to a man. With you I saw so much of the world. You helped broaden my horizons and made me believe that truly, there was something great out there for me. I'm very thankful for all that you've done, and I have no regrets.


I realize now that there are certain things I can't compromise on, and it was foolish for me to think otherwise. I know that I did my best, and I gave you as much love and devotion as I possibly could. I only wanted the best for you. Yet it was not enough. You didn't have the vision to see me for who I am, and all that I could be. You lacked the courage to stand with me when it mattered. I know it wasn't easy for you, but I deserved better than the way that you've treated me. I can see now that you're not the one, and there is something greater that awaits me.


There are so many things left unsaid and I fear it will remain that way. I've been trying to move forward, while looking in the rear view. I won't look back anymore. Without loyalty and trust, there is nothing left.


I hope that you'll find what you desire, and it'll make this all worthwhile. I hope it will be more valuable than the love I gave to you and the memories that we shared.

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To Mr H,


Why did you text saying you wanted to talk, but haven't been in touch since?


I know where you are right now, with your new girl at my fave hotel. Hope you have a thoroughly miserable time. Remember when you though she was a bitch and I defended her, turns out, for the first time in your life you were right about something.

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I've been thinking. You're not even attractive. You're too skinny, too pale, you have no body hair at all. Not a bit muscular. Chopstick legs. You're too tall for me. Your hands are awful (stop biting your nails, what are you, 8?), your teeth are yellow and there's the other little problem that wouldnt be proper to mention on a public forum. You have mental problems, you're unstable and unpredictable. And rude! I never forgot that thing you made me read. How uneducated. I have a MSc degree you know? I have a great future ahead of me. I want better, not some uncivilised illiterate penis absorbed bastard. **** YOU.

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*ring riiiing.... ring riiing.... ring riiiiing....*


Hmmm... she must have caller id and still screening my calls.



HAHAHA!!!! One of the reasons I'm not calling! You hit the spot!

Being dumped AND screened is a step too far....

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Just one question, Tone, "How did you look me in the eye and lie to me? For 5 1/2 years? You must be exhausted."

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you are the biggest ******* ive eevr met you made me believe that you love me you watched me cry and hurt as you kept going you didnt do anything when i was sick or hurt or crying you just didnt care you went out and smoked you made out with a girl in front of my sister you didnt ****ing care i hope you frigging get hurt so you know how it feels you deserve it i never hurt you like this i wish i never noticed you i have so many regrets you took my virginity and told me never to talk to you again i hope you ****ing die you mother ****ing scum youll never get anyone as loving and trustfula as me so goodluck with your life i know i deserve better but oyu cut into me too deep im ****ing broken and busted open because of you

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you are the biggest ******* ive eevr met you made me believe that you love me you watched me cry and hurt as you kept going you didnt do anything when i was sick or hurt or crying you just didnt care you went out and smoked you made out with a girl in front of my sister you didnt ****ing care i hope you frigging get hurt so you know how it feels you deserve it i never hurt you like this i wish i never noticed you i have so many regrets you took my virginity and told me never to talk to you again i hope you ****ing die you mother ****ing scum youll never get anyone as loving and trustfula as me so goodluck with your life i know i deserve better but oyu cut into me too deep im ****ing broken and busted open because of you

Sorry about that jordan, i hope you're feeling better. Be strong.

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