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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Dear L,


I wanted to contact you so badly today. I wanted to go to your facebook page and see if you were still with that woman...you know, the one you threw in my face 4 different times?


I wanted to call you to share the good things that are going on in my life. But why should I? When we met, you emailed me all the time...then you stopped. Why? You had excuses that were weak, but then again, you always have excuses for everything under the sun, because nothing is your fault right? Yes, you are the great guy and every woman you are with is just crazy..that's why she does you wrong, right? I'm crazy, your ex before me is crazy, your ex-wife is crazy...we are all crazy, right?


I wanted to call, but why should I? You said you loved me, but you ignored my phone calls almost 7 days a week. You stopped calling because you said I didn't want you to call while you were driving. Why could you not have ended your summer fun an hour earlier and called me some nights? This summer I felt as if I was dating an 8 year old child. You didn't call, you didn't write, you did nothing....nothing except show up once every two weeks for couple's counseling, and you didn't even do the homework.


You are a controlling, disrepectful, mean, self-centered, selfish, rude, manipulating all around bastard and con artist. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. You disgust me. You are scum. You are vile and nasty. You are a lying hypocrite who moves from woman to woman, leaving a train wreck wherever you go. You are the poster child for dysfunction. You are the reason why condoms exist. You are the reason why women should abstain from sex with bastards. If you were a superhero, your name would be Captain Slut.

Edited by CopingGal
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I want to talk to you. I want to see you. I want to start over again. I want to stop dreaming of you. I want to forget you...

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Sorry to know youve hurt yourself and are in pain right now. And I'm sorry to know that you're alone, and I know it sucks. But you made this bed, and you're going to have to lie in it alone. I can't be there to keep giving to you and all I get back in return are lies and more lies. You're still trying to lie to me. You say you want a second chance and you wish I would give it to you. Its the closest I've heard you come to begging. But do you realize how you've hurt me, or did you just realize what you've lost?

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Dear K,

I miss you so much even to this day. I wish you were still alive. You are irreplaceable. It's been years since your death but I'll never really get over you. You were my first everything and only real love. I wish we could have had more time together.


Dear most recent ex-whatever-you were,

You are an idiot. I guess we aren't even going to be friends. Thanks for wasting my time. I'm sorry for my part. I didn't communicate well. I obviously have my issues. But you are just out of your mind for acting the way you are right now. Good luck. I won't be trying to be your friend anymore. You have succeeded in confusing the crap out of me with actions and words that don't match. I'm not interested in trying to figure it out anymore. Its sad, but whatever. I'm over it.

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Dear j


I woke up today after dreaming of us again . I feel so drained and hurt . You lied to me so many times and said you were still in love with me , until suddenly you were not . You said I pressured you to say you were still on love . You singed up for RSVP a day before we broke up and spoke to your loser friend about me as if I were trash . A nobody . I looked after you and was always supportive . You just gave up . you seem to br able to jump from relationship to relationship . I'm sorry I'm not ****ing perfect . You made me feel so little and worthless . I'm sure you are with someone else. enjoy paying the rent alone ******* . I'm going to make my life amazing and meet an amazing guy who will love me for who I am and wont swear at me or make me cry . He will be more of a man than you and not let his friends influence him so much .

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somebody told me that i should not be like that with your friends today, and that i should let you drink. at the time i didnt know how to explain it. but now i just feel hurt. you know i dont know why i talked to her about that. she was hurting me with you too.


so the first thing i want to do is to sit down and write down all the things that i feel in my heart. i feel that you did try, and i felt that you checked out long ago. i felt that you took me for granted. i felt that i did get better with the chinese, but never good enough for you. i felt that you were never there for me and that you didnt back me up. i felt that its not fair you hurt me like no one ever did, and you could still look good and have everybody's sympathy.


i just felt that i should have dumped you long ago. people told me you loved me a lot. you did? i dont think so. i think you stopped loving me long time ago. but you still wanted me there and you like having me as your gf. but who cares.


you and all that about you hurt me enough. really did.

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I miss you so much.I just wish I could put my arms around you and sit on your lap while you played computer like we used to.Now someone else will be doing that.I wonder if you woke up with someone else today. The weather is getting warmer and it will be Spring next week.


I am sure you will fall for someone else or just have flings.You had a lot of girls before me and will after me. I should be angry and move on but I am so confused. I did a lot of things too but you were just so unfair.


I hated that you were too lazy to just pick me up from the station at night , you were not even worried about me walking home at almost midnight.Not even a message to see if I was Ok.


When I expressed I was unhappy you thought I was nagging but refused to do anything about it to make me happier.


But if you got upset, I did everything to change that.Nothing was ever good enough and you treated me like a mate towards the end. I lost all my confidence and felt like the uggliest girl in the world because you refused to sleep with me and would rather watch your porn than sleep with me.


I do not understand.You still sent me cute texts while you were out a few weeks before and bought me some new clothes etc.


I ****ing hate you for putting me through this hell.And your stupid friends and stupid family who are so spiteful.


I can't wait to meet the man who will treat me much better and not be such a controlling , emotionally abusive cunt.


You said we are only together because you haven't met anyone nicer.


I never cheated , always supported you and loved you with all my heart.You were the one who put me down , yelled at me and called me a ****ing retard just because I forgot a little thing.You never said sorry.


I hope you meet someone and fall madly in love with her and I hope she does the same thing to you that you did to me.I hope you get crushed and experience my pain.And by that time I will be on top of the world and have a happier life.

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Its been almost a month of not speaking to you, deep down I wish you missed me and think about me as much I do you. But I know in reality, you probably didn't even lose sleep over this. I know you already gave yourself a head start before breaking up with me to distance yourself, which I feel is selfish. I asked you literally a month before the breakup about how you felt. I think I would have taken this better if we had a chance to discuss your true feelings before you made that decision to completely breakup with me. Either way, you are entitled to your feelings. But seriously, we talked every night it would of been nice to find out how you were feelings then rather than it coming out all in one day in a form of a breakup.


I have taken myself away from city just so I won't get reminded of you or even have a slight chance of running into you because I know I will not be able to hold myself together if that did happen. I do have to thank you though, due to this situation you are putting me through I would have never volunteered for this job outside the city, which I am enjoying now.


As much as you suggested keeping in touch with me and me unfriended you on fb, if you really want me back in your life you know how to contact me. I know you are a respectful and good guy and I really wish the best for you in life. I really wish you would have given me an ******* reason for breaking up with me, it may be easier to move forward from. You probably did already meet someone else which led to this break up, either way I'm going to think of it as that so I can move on since like I said its so hard to think I lost a good guy. But in reality, you lost a great girl, me. I did try, the only regrets I had was being too nice and treating you to places and thinking I was safe with you. All my friends were thinking its crazy I had given you a chance since you're not the hottest guy....but I didn't care I seen you for you. I know in your head you think just because you're a Harvard and Columbia grad that you're the best catch. And I did think that, but not because of your credentials but because you were funny, smart, and a gentleman. I look passed your weight in the beginning and was willing to work with any of your flaws, and I was so happy for you when you started to eat healthier and started going to the gym. Oh well now.


I really wish things were different. I hope you find what you're looking for either way.

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You creeped into my thoughts again. How you are the first guy I've danced for, how we went to a haunted house, how you told me you loved me on Halloween, how you would be letting Val know I'm gone. Then I thought how you deliberately let me go to the pumpkin patch by myself with my friends, how after the next morning after I danced for you, you weren't really attentive of my needs, how on Halloween you told me you didn't go to the pumpkin patch on purpose and then didn't take my feelings into account when meeting your friend Summer.


I do miss you but this is truly a blessing in disguise more for me than you though you mit think otherwise. You freed me to love someone more deserving of me. You got the bad end of the deal bc I don't think you'll find someone of my quality again. I hope you believe you are happy long enough for me to meet someone who was better than you in every way because right now I don't think I have the strength to deny you anything if you wanted to talk or see me. Although it hurts to say I hope you found someone else, it prevents you from setting your sights on me again. I've given "us" three chances and right now I cannot for certain say I would not give you a fourth. I think that's when my friends would step in hopefully. So relegate me to some happy place you will never revisit because I deserve someone who loves me and would never let me go. You are a douchebag and I am way out of your league.

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So the kids waited 30 minutes for because you couldnt leave the OW for them. You know what, I hope she gets pregnant and your life becomes a bigger sh*t hole than it already is. You think the grass is greener and I cannot wait until that day you wake up and are surrounded by crab grass up to your neck.


And I know you will call and want to reconcile but guess what, you can kiss my arss. I will never considering returning to a man that left his family twice for a piece of arss.


I hope you burn in hell before your children learn the truth about what little of a man you really are.

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Look, you obviously don't get this I NEED SPACE thing, so here is part of what I've been thinking about, and I hope you get the picture that I NEED SPACE. Months worth of space, years worth of space, for ever worth of space if you never properly grow up.


This situation is so ridiculous. I wish I could be your friend. I know I wasn't a perfect girlfriend and I'm SO sorry for that. I'm not saying you were some sort of boogey man, most of the time our relationship was lovely (that's why I like you so much). And thank you for everything you ever did for me.


But I 100% know that you are just going to keep making me feel like life is some sort of dumb competition that I lose at because of your own insecurities. Oh look, I choose nice sheets but I'm such a ****ing bitch to your BFF EF and this relationship is at such a dead end and it's all my fault (TM says so and he would totally know great relationships), where as DC is such a wonderful ray of sunshine congrats for leaving negative me you're such a champ pat yourself on the back. I knew that's how you saw the world when we together, I just didn't want to believe it because I loved you. Every time I get an email from you I start thinking again and get sad, I need to get away from your selfish little universe and move on with my life and stop thinking about this.


You're always going to be special to me. For YOU. I'm never going to compare you to anyone else. And I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to prove what a bitch I really am and show you in your own ****ed up logic what a legend you are for breaking up with me. But you've backed me into a corner, showed me my place and this is all there is left for me to say.


Please, just go get your **** together and stop using me as a crutch or a punching bag and leave me alone.

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It hurts me so much that someone else will get to cuddle you and get more affection than you gave me. She will get to hold your hand , have your arm around her and cuddle up to you at night while I am alone.


I remember when we first started going out and You carried me into the bedroom while we were kissing.My legs wrapped around your waist and your strong arms holding me.We just lay on your bed kissing it was so wonderful.


In the end you would just give me a peck on the lips.We only made out if you wanted sex.I love kissing you so much and you still gave me butterflies.


I loved the way you smiled at me and the way you looked in your shorts and tank top.I was so proud of you when we were out together.


I knew other girls looked at you , and I remember that look you gave that girl while we were out.It hurt like hell.


I wonder who is with you right now.Who is getting a goodbye kiss tomorrow morning before you go to work.Ill never be able to do that again and pull you closer to me when you lean over me to kiss me goodbye.


I always think of you when I walk through the front door , because there is where we shared our first kiss on our first date when you walked me to the door.


Or when I go to the bakery , that is where we first met on our first date.



I just don't believe anyone will ever fall in love with me again , and if they will stay in love.I wonder if you have the same memories and ever miss me.

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Dear B



God I f*****g hate you from the bottom of my heart for the trust and loyalty you broke and the redicious pain I'm forced to go threw now while your happy getting hickies up and down your neck (classy) but after all this and you prob f****g him like you used to me I can't stop missing you I'm a 22yo man and I cry every single night and morning i can't get over this and I dont know why i miss my bestfriend and my lover and ill never get that back in a way i don't want it back but in a way i do but the old you not this cunt you have turned into why don't you ****ing realize how bad u ****ed up you hurt your parents my parents and especially my dad he's 78 years old he's now on antidepressants because he's so crushed he wanted to see his last son marry and I can't believe I wanted to marry you stupid ass one day u will

Realize when u **** another 7 guys and your still alone I

Loved you more then u ever knew I know i sit alone in this hurricane thinking about how he's holding you and protecting you while I'm lonely in my heart and no one to hold I'm not a man who thinks like this but

I honestly hate my life and myself

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I parked on the hill overlooking the site. The construction crews were already there when I parked and sat down and cracked the first beer. In a few minutes the heavy machinery started up with a rumble and a roar and they began to tear it down.


I was surprised how bittersweet it was, watching them tear Snuggleville down.


It didn't take long to reduce the place to rubble. Snuggleville was only ever big enough for two. Now it's gone. I heard the city planners don't know what to do with the place now. It's the economy they say. Enough money to tear it down but not enough to put anything up in its place. Just a wreck where something special used to be.


I walked through the wreckage later on, after the crews had left. The old and familiar sites transformed and demolished. I was surprised how little I felt. Nostalgia was the overwhelming emotion. I don't have time for that kind of stuff anymore.


Ain't that the story?

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Your clothes around my room have been replaiced

Now theres empty cans filling their space

All the pictures on my walls of us at parks

Are now nothing more than holes and fist marks

The smell of you's gone from my sheets

With every hair-band old sock and reciept

Every reminder of you in some street in a bin

Isn't enough to say your not still under my skin.

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I was listening to William Fitzsimmons (someone you've never heard of, of course, since you mostly listen to rap) last night and these lyrics describe how I'm feeling perfectly:


"I was scared to fix what I had broke

It's a lonely place to live with just a ghost

There is love left in my life, I will see

But you still hurt me"


I was afraid to continue our relationship knowing that I was the only one who was unhappy. It would have been easier if you'd been unhappy too, but you swore you never were. Now you're gone and it's sad and it really does feel like I'm living with your ghost because you're everywhere I go and in everything I see. But I know that I have so many other people who love and care for me, and that someday I'll have another romantic relationship that will make me even happier than ours did...when it still did. I know that I am the one who left, and that I am the one who decided I couldn't even be your friend anymore, but you know what? You still hurt me, too.

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"I'll breathe you in with smoke in the backyard light. We used to laugh until we choked into the wasted nights. It was the best time of my life, but now I sleep alone. So don't, don't, don't wake me up, 'cause my thrill is gone. You've gone and sewn me to this bed. The taste of you and me will never leave my lips again."

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Queen of Hearts 10

I see you in my mind over there with her. Pictures of the two of you instead of the old ones of just you and I !


How cold it is that you and her announced to me of your time in bed.


I sleep with the sound of the wind and the cars on the street go by. But God

still has me here in his hand, to carry out his plan.


Back to the care of everyone else, but not of myself. That will pass more time, for now.


I miss you and I will always Love you, we're my last words to you !


Pain please no more ! Lost still~~~ (NC Day 3 )

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It hurts to realize that you being emotionally attracted to her basically allowed you to forget me and our break. Then again better now than later. I'm so glad that we weren't moving in together. This is a blessing for me and sometimes it's hard to realize it. I miss you but I don't miss you making me cry. I dont miss you complaining about my cats or not being allowed to have them in my bedroom. I don't miss you thinking that your way is always the best way. I don't miss your god complex. I was never the problem , your emotional immaturity was. I deserve a man with his stuff together, not a pathetic guy who just let things happen to him. Yes you are pathetic and yes you still don't deserve me.

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I hope you get crotch rot and your penis falls off. Maybe that will put your ego in check! :laugh:


Wooohoo ! Go girl ! ( hope that for my ex too hehe )

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Its still me the same girl who you fell in love with 24 years ago. The same person you spoke to and kissed nearly everyday... who shared your intimate thoughts and feelings... who dreamed dreams with you... and laughed and cried with you. Do you remember the day we married "till death do us part".... Do you remember the day Miss 19 was born and our own family was started... I wish you wouldnt block me out and you could share your feelings with me. I just can't believe there is nothing there... I wish things could be different.

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Hah, you're such a cheating, lying scum. I knew you were drunk when you called and said you wanted another chance. I can't believe I felt sorry you hurt yourself. You DID deserve the pain, and yeah, it was God punishing you. Pity you didn't learn your lesson and stop the lies and bull****. I certainly don't want to think whats coming next.

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