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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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So I heard through the grapevine that you have a luxury new car, I am so happy that things are going well for you........ when exactly are you planning on paying me back what you owe me?


No, I will not ask you about it, I suppose this just reflects the poor poor judgement I had and my stupid naivety too. I really wonder when you will, if you will pay me back. Probably thinking of this as it is my last legitimate hold over you... Pathetic.

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I feel like such an idiot. I never should have sent you that friend request or those two texts. I honestly thought you would give me some kind of response. I guess I didn't realize how much I might have hurt you. You've always been so resilient and eager to move past negative things in your life; I guess I just assumed you'd already gotten over the pain I caused you. I was doing so much better and that's why I decided to break NC in the first place - because I felt okay enough to check in with you. But I guess you're not okay enough right now. And the sad truth that I have to face is you might never want to talk to me again. I mean, you've never held a grudge like this with anyone that I know of, so I'd like to think I'm not going to be the first, but maybe that's what's going to happen. Maybe I completely blew it when I told you I wanted you out of my life. There are few things I've ever regretted as much as I regret that conversation. I was being 100% honest in that text a few nights ago where I said I was sorry. I'm SO sorry. I should never have compromised our friendship by talking to you so soon after I dumped you in the first place! All of this bad crap that has happened since the day I left you is my fault. It's all on me and I'm only realizing it now and it's hitting me so hard. I don't even know how to begin to make this right. I don't know if I ever can. And that hurts so damn much.

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You say you love me, care about me, and REALLY want to get back together......YET you're chasing THAT guy? Come on now... you're supposed to improve your standards. Not stoop.

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i should have found this post earlier! instead, i sent my ex horrible mean texts........like......


"wow, youll be forever known as the boy who dumped a girl a week before her birthday"


"ur either a cheapass or a cheater"


"your parents are mean, ur brothers are mean, ur friends are mean, everyone in ur culture is mean....now ur a racist just like them."


"ull never be a man because u have ur parents controlling u"


"i hate u, u abandoned me at my lowest point"




felt d*mn good too.

but i still feel like crap.


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I would so like to know what the psychiatrist says about you on thursday. Are you really a sociopath or compulsive liar? Are you really sick in the head or is that just another lie?:mad:

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You are actually really unwell. You have so many problems and you're such a bad person. You may never realise this, you may surround yourself with similar people, and money, and of course your mother with whom you have an extremely unhealthy relationship, but you are bad. Maybe I'm naive but it gives me satisfaction to know that I can really love, that I have so many incredible and genuine friends. Most of them aren't rich and they're not succesful in the way you would describe, but they're good people.


I took you to the buddhist centre, lent you my books and you seemed really into it? That's why I think you are ill, I don't think you have any idea of who you are? You're so weak and cruel and probably scared deep down?


I know that right now I don't have much, no property, no money, and I can never replace our cat that you took, but I know what's right and what's wrong, I know what's important in life and that isn't material things.


I made a mistake in marrying you, you did show me your bad side sometimes and I didn't see it because I didn't want to. I had low self-esteem and I wanted you to approve of me. I didn't have enough self respect. It's up to me how much I let you get to me, I wish I hadn't replied to you now, oh well I guess I'm still learning. But you are not taking me back to square one, I've grown in the last few weeks, I would never put up with an a***hole like you again.

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Dear N,



Its Been 17 days no contact with you and it kills me more every day. I honestly thought by now you would have at least sent a small text to see how I am doing. I know I told you not to write me anymore, that it hurt too much and I would contact you when I'm ready , but deep down I just hope that you will miss me and call me and come back. I still don't understand all your reasons for leaving and I guess I never will. Even though you have a lot of personal issues to address I wanted to continue to be there for you , your rock, your queen just like you told me.You said you loved me forever and would never leave me. That our love was so special we would always make it work no matter what. How could you say those things to me then 2 weeks later walk out the door over something so small and trivial? I have told you all I could say. I have begged pleaded and done everything in my power to try and make you believe is us with no luck. Now I sit here wondering if you are going to ever reach out to me again. You told me you still love me, you told me this was the hardest thing you ever had to do but you can not return. I just don't get it. We were so happy together, we had some arguments that got out of hand , but that was only a few occasions.Maybe you bailed because it was too much for you to handle with everything else you were going through and I couldn't give you your space like you wanted. Either way, I know now that it's over and I am moving forward to heal myself. I know you are jealous and I know you think that I am probably hooking up with other guys but that is not the case. No man has touched me since you left. The thought of being intimate with anyone else right now disturbs me. All I want is you ... i know you miss me too, maybe your pride is stopping you from coming back. I feel so pathetic for feeling this way. I dream about you every night. I miss you and love you so much ....always and forever.

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When you told me that your ex-wife made fun of you because you were so immature, I felt bad for you.


When you told me your ex girlfriend threw something at you, I felt bad for you. When she keyed your car and put a tack in your tire, I thought she unbalanced and dangerous.


Now I understand why women treat you like crap. You simply ask for it because you are so self-centered, ridiculous in your actions, grandiose, disrepectful, and just plain stupid.


I miss you like crazy. But you are too much of a buffoon for me.


Screw you.

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Wow, you really sank to a new low, a level that I didn't think it was possible to reach. People say that such cruelty and bullying stems from insecurity and I'd like to believe that. I can't do anything about your actions but I can feel sorry for you. And I can choose to rise above it. Today was the last contact we will ever have in our lives.

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When you told me how crazy your first girlfriend was, I believed you, when you told me how cruel the last one was I did the same. There is something so wrong with you.


I miss the person I thought you were, I would rather do that than have this horrible feeling now I know who you really are. Do you ever feel guilty? When you're alone with my pets. It was so important for you to get them, do you ever feel bad now you have? I don't think so, I think you are slightly psychopathic, you hurt animals and you used to scare me.

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I was just a rebound to you . I always felt you were with me just to have a flat mate . You could be so sweet , I fell in love with you each day . And you said im not a nice person .


Thinking someone is with you now hurts so much . Maybe you will be better to her , maybe she will see your true colors and leave you . I'm going to see a thearapist this week . Maybe they will help me to see who you really are . I want to message you so badly . I can't concentrate on uni because of you . I'm so drained .

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You selfish barstard I really thought you were a better person than this.

I hope karma finds you one day and you get to feel what you have inflicted on your family.That one day you will stand accountable for your actions.

I also hope you and your pig dog skank make each other miserable for as long as possible


Yes,yes.yes that felt good:D

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I miss you every single day. I still love you. despite how verbally abusive you were at times and the fact nothing was ever good enough for you, every so often you opened your heart and made me think you were an amazingly beautiful woman. You told me I changed and became insecure, this was because you hardly ever made me feel loved and validated.


The first few months we were together you seemed amazing. I thought you were the one. Then you slowly started showing me how selfish, ungrateful and bitter you really are. I ignored it because you did have legitimate problems, but its clear you took me for granted. I gave you every piece of my heart, we were planning a wedding and then you break me. you break me after telling me you'll never leave me, that you cant wait to have kids together...I hurt so bad every day without you in spite of all the crap you put me through.


At times I crave you, but I will not contact you. You threw our lives away and erased our entire future. I cant change how you feel but you dont deserve me. Some day I will find someone who can love me as much as I love them.


Sadly, I still miss and love the part of you that was beautiful, more than anything in the world. But its over, you have lost me for good because of your own emotional immaturity. I treated you like a god and you absolutely destroyed me. No one will ever love you as much as I did.

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Hey B,


Wow what an experience. We were young, you 15 and I 17 when it first started, and then a year and a half later here we are. We discovered what real love is with each other and we rarely argued with one another. I know that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship but eh I sure enjoyed every bit of being with you.

So I guess I can't help but be happy that you're with the guy who became obsessed with you about a year into our relationship. The guy who never even kissed a girl and told you he loved you, even though he knew we were together. Maybe I should have seen it coming. You decided to "take a break" with me a little over a month ago only to jump into his arms a week after we stopped being together. Yet during that week you constantly reminded me of the fact that you still loved me, you were just too busy to have a "serious relationship". Yeah, I reacted naturally when I heard about him and I flipped out. I became an emotional wreck and you expected me to be your BEST FRIEND. Well sorry B, but I don't want to be dragged along with this.

I'm moving on now. I'm not looking for a relationship with anyone and I'm focusing on myself, while you use him to get over me. But thanks for breaking his trust already and spending a day with me without telling him. And be careful there kid, less than a month and you two are having sex. His first real relationship with a girl and it has gotten to that point. But it makes sense knowing that you can't start slow with someone after leaving a long relationship like ours. Just don't break his freaking heart like you did with mine.


Take care,


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Sometimes I wonder if I didn't behave the way I did in the begining and had the abortion , maybe you would still be with me.


I am still grieving the abortions.I could be a mother now.It pains me seeing some little girls at kindergarten now , as you wanted a little girl.I remember us texting eachother names for the baby.


You said when Herbert brought his son in to work when he was born you thought how nice it would be to have a baby with me.No one ever felt that way for me.


It pains me to think you will fufill that dream with someone else. You can move on from that , I wil forever think of those unborn children. I feel so horrible for letting them , and you down. I am so sorry. I love you.xx

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Hey Em,


Just thought i'd say i did not think you could top getting with another guy to get back at me oh and then also going claiming you would never cheat then going behind his back trying to meet me. But oh yes you proved you can go further you pushed me off the ****ing cliff we started talking again and i almost thought we could get back together then you start talking about meeting another lad just as a friend then later say Well we didn't kiss or anything and that we are friends now but we could be more.


How ****ing pathetic why not just come out and admit that in the first place you are the most manipulative person ever and your so ****ing insecure and you don't even realise it. I always had to make the effort to come see you and then you made out you did me a favour by letting me see you? last time i checked i was your boyfriend i did favours for you i surprised you with gifts all for you to turn around because i was alittle upset because of this other guy you tell me to ****off and i forgave you for it you say things won't change between us later on to stop talking to me and expect me to be blind to the fact it's because of this other guy. You also claimed i'm selfish well to say we split up months ago and i have opportunitys with beautiful woman on around 4 occassion and turned them all down because i didn't want to hurt you but then you do it to me.


**** you,



This stuff really does feel good

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You say you love me, care about me, and REALLY want to get back together......YET you're chasing THAT guy? Come on now... you're supposed to improve your standards. Not stoop.

Oh i love this same thing happening here.

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Dear J ,


I keep thinking about you and wondering if you are alone.Someone else is holding that beautiful sexy body of yours , sleeping with you , enjoying the whole getting to know you stage and being in love.It makes me sick.


While I am alone and crying most nights , starting therapy and breaking down when I get home , you are most likely spending time with someone else.


You hurt me so much when you didn't hold me at night , when you made excuses to touch me. You only had sex with me in the middle of the night when you woke up from a sexy dream . You didn't desire me anymore. I feel so ugly and disgusting.


I am never going to love anyone as much as I love you.I miss you so much baby xx

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L it's been a year and i'm still hurting so bad and miss you so much all i ever really wanted was for us to be happy and now you won't even reply to my emails with a simple i don't love you when you know i need some closure that i am unable to find.


I've never felt so much for someone who probably doesn't even give me a second thought i'm sorry i didn't act sooner to save our relationship i tried my best but you left anyway.


every day is painful and i don't know when it's going to stop i've got a broken heart and a broken mind and my princess is nowhere to be seen moving on.


I really wish this pain would end

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Just watched our show and wondering if you ever think of me when you are watching.Or are you watching it with someone else ? I feel so horrible and just want to stay in bed.

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