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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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I don't know if this is appropriate for me to say now, but I'm going to say it anyway. I picked up on the message the other night and if I had known what it was that you needed me to say, I would have said it in a minute, without any hesitation at all... because it's true. He couldn't hold a candle to you! You are and were the absolute best! That's why I couldn't let you go. It was sooo special with you and I have NEVER felt a connection like that in my life. To me, you are my first and I miss every inch of you...from the inside out and head to toe!


I mean this from the bottom of my heart.


"I love you baby" and I miss you.



Me xoxo

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Still angry, still hurt, but it's getting better. The hurt follows me around wherever I go. When I think of how you tricked me, lied to me over and over again, ignored me, and cheated on me while all the while telling me that you loved me, it makes me sick.


I wish I never met you. I really and truly wish I never met you. You were the worse boyfriend I ever had and you were the meanest. I have had met some losers before, but none of them made me feel abused like you did. I hope your life is full of ongoing problems and sadness. I hope you get sick again and that bitch you are going to marry leaves you again like she did before. You don't deserve to be happy. You don't deserve anything. Remember your autistic son? The one you used in your excuses so that you could cheat on me? I hope you lose custody of him. I hope that every rotten thing you've done to the women you have dated happens to you.


You don't deserve happiness. You don't deserve anything but bad things. You are a sick and twisted thing and you deserve to be rolled in honey and taken to the woods so the animals could feast on you. That's how disgusting you are.


Kiss my ass.

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Am I upset?! What a stupid thing to ask me? You're an idiot. Yes I am upset. And i also hate you. If i saw you walking down the street, i'd kick you in the balls. hard. and then id laugh. Ugh!

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I want to contact you right now, to apologize for a couple things I said when you left. But I know that right now, I would not be doing it to make amends..it would be just to be in contact, hoping you miss me.


I know things will never change, but I miss all of the time we spent and it hurts me so much. But I dont think you will ever be able to open up to love and be loved in return. By trying to win you back, it is only delaying the inevitable...we could never share a life together because of your issues.

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Hello butt wipe,


Thank you for being so worthless. It makes me realize how great I am. You were nothing when I met you and now you are even less. You put the "dys" in dysfunction. You are the reason why condoms were invented. If I knew you were such a bastard when I met you, I would not have washed for 60 days just to get you away from me.


You are the most pathetic piece of rotten garbage that I have ever met in my life. It's hard to believe people like you exist. When you die, I hope you come back as a roach. Let me know so I can buy some combat glue traps or some combat boots so I can stomp on your arse...whichever works better.


Screw you, arse-hole.

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Nikki Sahagin

I still miss you but it's been so long now I can't even remember when we broke up! It's unhealthy to still feel this way, but sometimes the feelings come back. I guess that's what happens without closure.

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Why wasn't I worth fighting for? You never could muster up the strength even when we were together, it was always down to me. Thank you for smashing my heart and my idea of who you were into a thousand pieces. I feel like you broke me and I'm sorry I let you.

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at times I miss you still. I see commercials with little guys in it and I don't know whether to hate you or miss someone else. I have been so conflicted at times with what has transpired, but I understand that things happen for a reason. I have grown to accept that we will forever be a part of each others past and never a part of each others futures.


I am about to buy a house, I have gotten two promotions at work, and things seem to be heading in the right directions. But having no one to share it with has been tough, I have dreamed about doing these things with you. I know that soon I will meet a new person and we will be just a distant memory. But until then I will continue to just do me and my best to grow as a person as much as possible.

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So I just wanted to say that I am now officialy 100% over you, if I saw you right now my eyes would see right on through you, all that remains of you are beautiful memories, memories I will cherish for as long as I live, memories I no longer hurt from, there memories I look back at now with a smile because at one point in my life I had it all and even if that was only for a brief amount of time, I'm still happy I had that happiness at least once :).


I no longer resent you, I no longer hate you, in fact I have to thank you for the great times we had and for giving me such a precious little boy, maybe one day we can be friends and get along but I think right now :) I'm happy enough with the way that things are.

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Sigh..I had a dream about you and it made me wake up feeling kind of crappy...I don't miss you, I don't want you back...but you just felt so real...like I could touch you and talk to you again..

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Sigh..I had a dream about you and it made me wake up feeling kind of crappy...I don't miss you, I don't want you back...but you just felt so real...like I could touch you and talk to you again..

*big hugs*


I've had a few of these recently. They suck big time.

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I may have hurt you and upset you during the breakup...apparently enough for you to not have feelings for me anymore and not look back, but



You have no idea what you've done to me.



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I'm still very angry at you, but I feel sorry for you. I've never known anyone who gets pleasure out of using people, lying to people, and tricking people. I never knew anyone who lies about everything before. You even lie while you are confessing that you lied and why you lied. I've just never knew anyone so twisted before.


You really, really need help...extensive therapy from a cracker jack team: a psychiatrist, a psychologist and mental health assistants. You need a team so good they can tell that you are lying.


Your sociopathic tendencies are so awful. I tried to explain that to you once, but I'm guessing you only pretended to listen, because after some days, you were back to lying and scheming again.


I feel so, so, so sorry for you. My sister was right: there is something wrong with your brain.

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I had a rare reconciliation dream last night about us.

I dreamed that you apologized to me and said that you wanted to start over together.

We were calm, forgiving of each other, and everything was just right.

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I wish I never met you. I've never known anyone to inflict the pain you have on me and then go along their merry way. The therapist was right. You do have sociopathic traits. I wish I never met you.

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LMAO, tomorrow is your birthday but you're just going to be spending it at home, alone. Why? Because you refuse to tell ANYONE when your birthday is, not even your goddamn best friend who you have known for years! If I had not blocked you on Facebook I would write "happy birthday" on your wall so it could be revealed to all your friends.


You are one weird kid. :sick:

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Our relationship was awful towards the end. I was emotionally unfulfilled and felt that I was relegated to 4th in what was important in your life; school, yourself and our pets always seemed to be of more concern to you than I was. I know you loved me, I loved you too. Sometimes I wonder if I still do ... and yes, I do, but not in a romantic kind of way anymore. Sadly, love isn't always enough to keep a relationship alive.


You kept the pets, so I stop by to visit them once in a while. I appreciate you letting me see them. However, I can't do this anymore. I miss them so very much, but I have been a mess since yesterday's visit. I don't know why yesterday was any different than the other times I have stopped by. There was definitely less anger in the apartment and we had a nice, cordial conversation, perhaps that was it. For brief moments I feel like I miss you and would like to work on us again. But when I really think about it, I just really miss the comfort of having a partner. I miss having someone that knows me better than I know myself sometimes. I miss having someone to call in the middle of the day just to say I love you.


What I really miss is us in the first three and a half years of our relationship. Too much has happened to ever go back to being that. I wish we had both been more open and honest and willing to listen to each other. I wish I could tell you how much I miss you, but that would only throw out the last seven months of "recovery" we have gone through.


I really hope you find happiness and as much love in your next relationship as we had in ours.


- S

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So I guess I miss you. If I thought for one second we could talk like friends I would probably say hello. But I learned my lesson the last time. I don't think you were actually indifferent you were just pretending. Or maybe you felt arrogant that you'd finally gotten under my skin. Maybe you felt validated.


But you also ruined any chance of me ever contacting you again.


But it doesn't matter. You finally left me alone. It's what I wanted. I wanted to heal. I wanted to not love you anymore just like you don't love me anymore. So I'm doing that I guess. ....I guess I guess I guess...


But I miss you. And it's still weird...knowing I'll never know you the same way again...knowing you're happier without me.


Knowing how little I meant in the end.

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I cried and cried and cried when I thought of the psychological abuse you inflicted on me. I told my roommate how sick you are because only a sick person would do to me what you did. I hate you, but I also pity you and anyone that comes in your path. You are the type of person they make horror movies about. I really and truly feel sorry for you.

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CopingGal I enjoy all the posts you've been making in this thread. You could add my ex to the recipient line of these imaginary messages we'd like to send, they'd be fitting in my situation too. :)

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