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Had a f*cking horrendous shift at work today, im angry anoyed and disappointed all round at the people i work with. This reminds me of how i used to feel all the time while i was with you, all i need/needed was someone to give me a big hug and say its alright, something you could never bring yourself to do... such a selfish b*tch you were..


I was going to type how much i wanted to contact you which i did until i re-read what i just wrote, suddenly i don't need to anymore...

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So you got a new place huh?


I got your message. I read your comments about me. Yes, you still think about me. I get that. I expected it.


No I won't respond to you. I'm tired of playing your game. If you want me, still love me, can't get over me, you got to prove it, try harder, fight for me. I deserve it. I know my worth.


I want to be healed. I won't let you hurt me again.

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So we're too different? Too different we fell in love, and fell hard?


2 months on and you've replaced me...I'm starting to see what person you really are now. Never alone, always needing to be the focal point.


If he ****s you over, and you miss me, it's your loss. I'm the better person, I treated you with respect, care and love. You threw it back in my face, and at the end, couldn't even talk to me?


It's time to move on. If you come back, I will think long and hard, and make you grovel at the very minimum, before even saying hello.

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Continuing NC and I feel happy about it. It's been about 7 months since I started and about 8 weeks straight. I'm verbally patting myself on the back.

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Still going strong. Still anger, but anger is still less. So many things remind me of you, but not as many things as before. Still exercising control over myself and keep myself from going to facebook.


Losing me is your lost. I don't know if you will ever realize that because I don't think you ever loved me...in spite of the fact you told me all the time. It's hard for me to think that there are people in this world that lie as often as you do and use people as often as you do. The only thing I can do for myself is to stay away from people like you.


No worries girl, everything will fall in place... wow i can't even read it ,it hurts me feeling your pain that you felt or anger that you're feeling. stay strong, saw your post in other topic it is beautiful, thank you

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seeing you was wonderful and painful at the same time. i guess i can be grateful you were honest in that you straight out said you wanted to be "off the hook." you wanted me to say, yeah you dumped me, but it was for the best, and i couldnt say that, because i dont agree. i feel hurt, and wished i had stayed nc, and hadnt met up with you, some of the chat was nice, but most of it was a waste of time for me. you think i can be platonic friends because that is how you want it? pretend the feelings arent there, then cry later when it hurts. i think it is better for me, and healthier if i just dont have contact. i wont be iin a perpetual hell. you want to be guilt free. i want to start over. i guess we will have to agree to disagree and go our separate ways. you will have to really talk a good game to get me to agree to a meeting ever again though. i am tired of putting my hand in the fire, and you really wanted to meet up. and for what? to make me feel crappy? because thats all i got out of it. maybe you got your closure. i dont know, i just ended up feeling all the pain and loss again, and i didnt need that. next time you will have to say you are considering reconciliation, or i am not risking it. i am tired of getting hurt, and i need to not allow it to happen anymore. your friendship isnt worth the pain. im sorry.

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Uh you are just a piece of s*it. Full of lies, full of promises, full of hypocrisy and million personalities. Did you show me at least once your real one?? I trusted you fully, you knew very well I have hard times with trust. I told you almost everything and you just used it for fun and I foolishly let you.

I was soo naive to be with you.

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Hey kiddo, look, I'm done fighting and I'm done begging. I'm done hassling and annoying you. I'm done with the pity party. I'm done insulting you, calling you a liar, thinking of you as a slut. Those weren't my real thoughts, but rather kneejerk reactions to pain. After MUCH pain on my end, I have forgiven you. I hope you don't think this "me" you've seen these past months is really me. I was acting irrationally. To be totally honest, it's like I was sick. I was in a fever dream, and I hope you forgive me for it. Now that my head is on straight, I'm ready to accept reality.


I know this phase of your life isn't something personal against me, I know it isn't because you hate me or anything, I know it isn't anything I did wrong. I know it isn't because you think less of me, or that I wasn't good enough. I used to think it was my appearance, or somthing in my behavior, or attitude or something. Or maybe you stopped respecting me, or stopped liking the person I was, or I wasn't giving you enough affection or attention. I know now that it has nothing to do with me at all. I realize now that I need to quit being selfish, and let you go through it. You need your time to do what you need to do, and I respect you enough as a person to let you have that time. I've learned to stop questioning every lttle thing about the future, and clinging onto the past. I've learned to just exist in the present, and live with whatever happens one day at a time. You're the best friend I've ever had, and holding you back from pursuing whatever you need to pursue would not be very fair, and that isn't how a best friend behaves.


Instead of being sad for what was lost, I've learned to be grateful for what once existed, and I don't regret a single second of it, and I know you don't either. I have no reason to be hurt because everything that has memories attached to it, are positive and happy memories. You never gave me a reason to be sad. Of course I have my down moments, but that's just part of being human, isn't it?


I know you need to find something, and I support you in that search and hope you find whatever it is. I'll always support you, and I'll always think nothing but good about you, and my door is always open, not just for you, but for your family too. I want you to know there's no bad blood, and friendship is always on the table, if and when you're ready. I don't wanna be [Name Withheld]. I don't want to be "an ex" you just leave in the dust forever. Good luck, stay happy, stay safe, never give up, always stay true to yourself.


PS: Thanks for being there when I needed you. I know it wasn't easy, and you certainly didn't need to do it. Thanks.

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No worries girl, everything will fall in place... wow i can't even read it ,it hurts me feeling your pain that you felt or anger that you're feeling. stay strong, saw your post in other topic it is beautiful, thank you



Thanks for your nice post, Warrior. Dating someone with very strong personality disorder traits from Cluster B (Antisocial, Narcisstic, and/or Boderline personality disorders) are incredibly painful when the person finally shows his/her true colors. It's been a nightmare but I'm getting throught it.

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It's taking me all my strength to not reply to to you. It's so hard, because I still have feelings for you and I know you still feel something for me too, it's just that what you feel for me is not enough, I deserve more.


So I wasn't good enough? I was willing to stick by you, support you, be your biggest fan. After all the effort you exerted for me in the past, I don't understand how it was so easy for you to throw it all away.


I hate you. I hate that you took me for granted. I hate that I have to distance myself from you because you have power over me. I hate that I still love you.

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Meh. Hi, ex. It's me again. I've gotten really good at not initiating contact, but I always respond when you do... which you've been doing a lot. While being your "best friend" sounds comforting... it's also not what I want at all. I have a new man, and I know he wouldn't support that at all just as I wouldn't support him doing the same. Also, although I have moved on, the last thing I need to hear is your heartbreak from another girl and how you still have feelings for her.. just days after you say you still love me. I think it needs to be time for all this friendship stuff to end--but only because I don't want for it to. I'm getting attached again, and even though I don't love you, I want you to love me. It's very unhealthy. I want for you to beg for my forgiveness. But you won't--and it wouldn't matter anyway. I just wish I had the courage to say these things to you, but I'm afraid of losing you even though when I think about it, I already have.


I need to say goodbye--not just for now, but forever. It has to be for forever. You are toxic in my life.

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Been listening to this song frequently and it reminds me of you...


"In Your Eyes"


love I get so lost, sometimes

days pass and this emptiness fills my heart

when I want to run away

I drive off in my car

but whichever way I go

I come back to the place you are


all my instincts, they return

and the grand facade, so soon will burn

without a noise, without my pride

I reach out from the inside




love, I don't like to see so much pain

so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away

I get so tired of working so hard for our survival

I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive





You did not want to see me in pain, feel the pain of leaving me behind. But still you ran away. Why do you keep coming back, though? And why do I feel miserable now that it's my turn to run away from you.


When someone new finds me, and I decide to give my heart to him... you will feel the pain that you cannot run away from. You might even be feeling it now, but this pain you brought upon yourself.

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My mantra over the last couple of days..."the past is dead, only the present exists"...then I see you heading towards his house today, you're alive and well, getting on with your life with my ex friend.


Whilst I suffer this physical illness ive been dealt with the last 2 months, not going to get better till the end of the year they say...what about my heart???? That aint gonna get better for a long time....7 months now and it's still breaking as I frequently think of you, you're a ghost that haunts my life and my dreams....I think i'm being punished enough....life is ****.

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Uh you are just a piece of s*it. Full of lies, full of promises, full of hypocrisy and million personalities. Did you show me at least once your real one?? I trusted you fully, you knew very well I have hard times with trust. I told you almost everything and you just used it for fun and I foolishly let you.

I was soo naive to be with you.



Sorry you had to go through that.


By the way, I LOVE the owl picture you use...coffee! :)

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Tommorrow makes 8 weeks that I have kept straight NC. Hurray for me. I'm so happy. I don't know where you are or what you are doing. If I had to guess, I would saying lying and using some woman. Better her than me. Thank the Lord you are out of my life. And stay out!

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2 Days after we broke up is when you officially committed to someone else.


2 DAYS?!


That means you spent a month and a half lying to me ON TOP OF ignoring me.


I cannot believe I ever allowed someone like you into my life. You lie to my face, telling me you love me, kissing me, hugging me, traveling with me.....while you're falling in love with another woman?! Who does that? What is wrong with you?


You obviously have NO concept of respect or loyalty to another person if they do not serve a purpose in your life. You're a disgusting person to attempt an intimate relationship with. You've got no qualms helping strangers, and loving people who fit your perception of motivation. Everyone else isn't worth the ground you walk on, apparently. Those people aren't good enough to be honest with. People like me DON'T DESERVE THE TRUTH, it seems.


Screw you and your sense of entitlement. Screw your selective respect. I'm a human being and I asked for the truth. I asked you to be open with me. That's the only thing I asked of you. You promised to be open with me. Then you spend 10 months with me and end it by lying??? By leading me on and pretending you felt something you didn't?


I can never respect someone who would do this to another person. Ever. It's downright inhumane, and I hope you cringe inside with shame every time you think of me. I hope you have the memory that you lied to me and led me on come crashing in on your happy present when you are left alone with your memories.


This is part of the legacy you're leaving too. If you're so into Buddhism, you better hope the altruism you exhibit in all the other aspects of your life far outweigh the damage you've done in intimate relationships. I'm positive I'm not the first that you did this too. I'm also positive that before me, you'd never had anyone who was so patient with you, who loved you unconditionally and wanted to be there for you no matter what.



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I miss you so much. I'm in tears as I type this down.


I'm healing myself. Oh why do we have to go through so much pain before we heal? The right thing to do is also the most painful.


I imagine you are going through some feelings as well. You still reach out to me despite my obvious avoidance of you.


And although I do not want to wait for you anymore, I can't stop thinking about this poem:


So I wait for you like a lonely house,

'Till you will see me again and live in me.

'Till then my windows ache.


~ Neruda

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2 Days after we broke up is when you officially committed to someone else.


2 DAYS?!


That means you spent a month and a half lying to me ON TOP OF ignoring me.


I cannot believe I ever allowed someone like you into my life. You lie to my face, telling me you love me, kissing me, hugging me, traveling with me.....while you're falling in love with another woman?! Who does that? What is wrong with you?


You obviously have NO concept of respect or loyalty to another person if they do not serve a purpose in your life. You're a disgusting person to attempt an intimate relationship with. You've got no qualms helping strangers, and loving people who fit your perception of motivation. Everyone else isn't worth the ground you walk on, apparently. Those people aren't good enough to be honest with. People like me DON'T DESERVE THE TRUTH, it seems.


Screw you and your sense of entitlement. Screw your selective respect. I'm a human being and I asked for the truth. I asked you to be open with me. That's the only thing I asked of you. You promised to be open with me. Then you spend 10 months with me and end it by lying??? By leading me on and pretending you felt something you didn't?


I can never respect someone who would do this to another person. Ever. It's downright inhumane, and I hope you cringe inside with shame every time you think of me. I hope you have the memory that you lied to me and led me on come crashing in on your happy present when you are left alone with your memories.


This is part of the legacy you're leaving too. If you're so into Buddhism, you better hope the altruism you exhibit in all the other aspects of your life far outweigh the damage you've done in intimate relationships. I'm positive I'm not the first that you did this too. I'm also positive that before me, you'd never had anyone who was so patient with you, who loved you unconditionally and wanted to be there for you no matter what.





Gosh your ex reminds me of mine. In my case, he led me on for three years. Just like you, I am disgusted with him. Just like you, I was very patient with him. Some people don't see that as a good thing. Instead, they see people like that as weak, and people who can be manipulated.


Sorry this happened to you. Stay away from him, as I stay away from mine. My ex is someone to be pitied because he is so dysfunctional. Jumping in a relationship two days after a break up is ridiculous. My ex did that to be within 7 days the first time, and cheated on me the second time after he got on his knees and promised things would be different.


We don't need men like these. Next time, be aware of red flags, I'm sure he must have showed way before he did what he did. Good people can't just love openly...unfortunately, good people have to protect their hearts before they go insane from being taken advantage of so many times.

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Dear ___,


It's been six months since you turned cold on me and abandoned me like a puppy dog. When you found me I thought I had found the girl whom I could enjoy the rest of my life with. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and why you did what you did. They say women are emotional creatures and they don't act logically. While I understand that, it's girls like you who remind me why I left the dating scene altogether 10 years ago after I was cheated on.


I don't have the heart to bullsh-t anybody and certainly not someone special to me. You'll never know the depth of the love I had yet to give you. It's hard to meet new people when I am reminded of your deceptful ways and how modern love requires an inordinate amount of stupid game playing. Getting you into bed was not my priority and I can't believe you tried to use me like a piece of meat. Are girls really that impatient nowadays?


Once you will wake up and realize what you lost, I will be in my best point in life, sailing on an ocean of abundance. I hope you're happy with your two-timing ways because it is clear you don't deserve a soft and strong man like me. I told you a long time ago don't take my kindness for weakness. Everytime you've seen me in person I have been strong but you just don't know how much I cry about you... everyone is sensitive on the inside... yes even you. I am disgusted with how you wanted to remain friends after your weeks of facades and lies... if you treat people like crap using your beauty as an asset lets see where you'll be in 20 years. What kind of woman flirts with the waiter on our first date? I was warned about girls like you...


Still bitter and bleeding tears

- DreamerDeceiver

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We used to talk about how we met and that fate brought us together and how lucky we were to love each other the way we did. I used to think some higher power brought you into my life and how happy we were and how content and full of joy you and your love made me. Eight months ago you took everything I believed in and destroyed every piece of me when you said you weren't in love with me and looking back on it, never were. It makes me question the higher power that brought you into my life because why bring me such happiness, such a gift, just to strip it from me and leave me empty, alone, and in unbearable pain? Everyday I ask myself what I have done to deserve this.


I wish I never met you. I wish I didn't love you as much as I hate you.

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Hahahahah Go F*ck yourself keri, just thought you might like to know that iv finaly cleared the debt you put me into when you upped and walked the **** out while i was paying foreverything...


Finally feels like my life is taking a turn for the possitive, your loss you wont be here to enjoy all the awsome **** that im about to do..


Such a silly little girl you turned out to be..


Smell you later fool :D

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I miss you. I want you to come home. I still dream of you sometimes...I still wake up and have that feeling like you're there with me. I miss your laugh. Just thinking about the look on your face the day I proposed makes me wanna cry. Not just for myself, but because it was the happiest I've ever seen anyone, and I want you to be that happy again.


It's not that I just miss our relationship, I just miss your company. I miss just hearing about your day. All of things you did that annoyed me, I miss so bad. I miss how long you used to take to get ready. I miss how you could never decide what to wear. I even miss the smell of the food you cooked. I miss knowing that your safe.


I miss your family.


I miss "us" too. I miss the way your hair smells. I miss your eyes. I miss that little birth mark on your arm. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, even without makeup. Even if you don't think so, I always thought you were. I miss all of you, and I pray everyday that you'll come home.

Edited by Gulf-Delta
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after all I think I will be able to forgive you. Yesterday I have found my lost piece and I felt happiness in my soul.

I know we weren't meant to be and I know you aren't be able to see yourself now and that's why you continue hurting me.

I just want you to know that you helped me to realize that there is much more to live for in this world, you showed me the bad and now I can see the right.

I will never want to talk to you again or tell you hello, you are not and you will never be my friend, cause you have never wanted to be.

I hope you will be able to live your life like you want to.

I guess these are my last words for you, though you will never read them.


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