Blastoplast Posted July 9, 2012 Share Posted July 9, 2012 Aww... copinggal I just want to give you a big hug, looks like you're dealing with a rough one Ok, so you love me and you're still struggling with this outcome. You think we need space. Ok, I agree with that, and i get that. But then why do you send me a text the following morning? I just had a conversation with you detailing how I feel, how I don't know if I can remain "just friends" with the person who I love more than anything else, or at least right now. Ugh, it's just frustrating that as soon as I feel I'm making some progress in recovery you decide to stop over and act like nothing has changed. It just doesn't FEEL RIGHT! I don't know why you're giving up on us -- just because that spark hasn't been there recently, or because you say "some relationships end, we've gone longer than many of our friends' marriages". You know why we went that long? Because of what we had and still have was/is special. Why don't you just confront your problems head on rather than run from them like you always have? Moving away to a new city doesn't guarantee you're going to find what you're looking for, maybe you just need a rude awakening. However, I hope it works out for you -- I need to live my life and find a woman who won't string me along with false hope to our future. Link to post Share on other sites
Mariana345 Posted July 9, 2012 Share Posted July 9, 2012 Since the time that I found out that you were going out with your "friend" I never ever looked at your facebook again. It was so painful!! You were acting like nothing happen, and you still do, so, you don't give a d*mn... Well, I haven't seen your facebook or email or anything, so I'm better now. I really understand why we have to brokeup, and I think that now I can't have you around... but still this little stupid, I don't know if I should call "hope" still lingers and won't allow me to give up!!! I hate it!!! You change me for other person, either a love interest or your "friend", so I should just forget about you!!! But my stupid mind and ... heart? don't allow to move... Come on!! I want to mooooooveeeee!!!! I want to go and look for someone who will love the way I deserve!! Even though you loved me so much, It wasn't enough... I want to fin him!!! Please, heart, let me move on!!! Link to post Share on other sites
CopingGal Posted July 9, 2012 Share Posted July 9, 2012 Aww... copinggal I just want to give you a big hug, looks like you're dealing with a rough one Ok, so you love me and you're still struggling with this outcome. You think we need space. Ok, I agree with that, and i get that. But then why do you send me a text the following morning? I just had a conversation with you detailing how I feel, how I don't know if I can remain "just friends" with the person who I love more than anything else, or at least right now. Ugh, it's just frustrating that as soon as I feel I'm making some progress in recovery you decide to stop over and act like nothing has changed. It just doesn't FEEL RIGHT! I don't know why you're giving up on us -- just because that spark hasn't been there recently, or because you say "some relationships end, we've gone longer than many of our friends' marriages". You know why we went that long? Because of what we had and still have was/is special. Why don't you just confront your problems head on rather than run from them like you always have? Moving away to a new city doesn't guarantee you're going to find what you're looking for, maybe you just need a rude awakening. However, I hope it works out for you -- I need to live my life and find a woman who won't string me along with false hope to our future. Amen! Also, thanks Blastoplast. I've been dealing with this for a long time. I'm much better now, but I have a long way to go. Sorry for your pain. Link to post Share on other sites
Whissper Posted July 10, 2012 Share Posted July 10, 2012 I miss you so much. I miss talking and laughing with you. I still don't understand. I wish I could hate you but I just don't. I'm spitting mad and could never trust you, but I can't seem to hate you. You should have said goodbye; I deserved at least that much. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
chuldasnow Posted July 10, 2012 Share Posted July 10, 2012 I am going to have my therapist hypnotize me to totally forget the horrible, pathetic man who abandoned me after 16 years together. Under hypnosis, I will send him off into the sunset and feel only indifference for him. Sunshine will enter my mind as all memories of this cruel monster are erased. If I see him in family photos, I will think of him as only a stranger, an aquaintance of a neighbor or less. Who is the guy, anyway? I never saw him before! Link to post Share on other sites
StarlaStardust Posted July 10, 2012 Share Posted July 10, 2012 You should see me now. We were equals when you left me without even giving me the chance to say goodbye, and now I'm actually beyond you. I am a happy, healthy, positive person, and I look damn good. But you're too chicken sh*t to have a look for yourself, and you should be -- it'd probably crush you. When you see my name and my projects in the news, I hope it crushes you, because you could have had that, and because, yeah, you WERE wrong about me. You were just too wrapped up in your own little game of issues and feeling victimized by the whole world to notice. I feel bad for you that you're gonna do it over and over again with other ladies. But not too bad, since I dodged a bullet with you. I deserved better than the way you left. Link to post Share on other sites
Blastoplast Posted July 10, 2012 Share Posted July 10, 2012 These 3 days of no contact have been tough. You still enter my mind every minute, I've had fantasies of you in my dreams. Please don't hate that I'm not contacting you, it's for YOUR own good -- you need to know what you're missing and throwing away. I'm pissed off you're putting me in this situation and trying to be "just friends" when we both know that probably won't work, at least not for now. Oh yeah, thanks for breaking up with me a week before my birthday -- it was the most miserable birthday of my life and I've been feeling like **** these past 2 months. *PS -- if you resent me for not wanting to fly down for your friends wedding and that's part of the reason for the break-up, then **** YOU. I spent all of my spare $$$ on your end of the rent, your phone bills, your medical bills, your gas money for the past 7 months. I know you admitted that you weren't nice to me at the end, but YOU have to see why I chose not to go . Link to post Share on other sites
TooHonest123 Posted July 10, 2012 Share Posted July 10, 2012 I promised myself that two days ago would be the last time i would attempt to contact you...i hope he doesnt replace you for you replaced me for him the night you two slept made me fall in a severe depression...left me when i needed you the most. But after all of this pain is gone you are going to see the man you helped me become ...he wont wait for you outside of work with coffee...leave you love notes on your car you until late hours with your homework...or sit infront of a computer for hours waiting for a spot to open for a course that you wanted to register....its your loss. I want you to be very very happy...but at the same time i want you to suffer in your new relationship so that you realize what you have lost....i do hope by the time you decide to come back my heart has not been taken by someone else...because i would take you back in my arms in a heartbeat. I wish you would have been more mature and honest with me....was i too nice? It that why you left me for a drug animal...with a court record...that still lives with his parents...doesnt go to school and has a ****ty Job?....sometimes i wish i could just tell you a big **** You...but i am way to respectful to ever treat a woman that way....i hope he treats you very nice...Good Luck Link to post Share on other sites
Warrior Posted July 10, 2012 Share Posted July 10, 2012 you ****ing bitch Link to post Share on other sites
Kaye Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 So you called over the weekend and I missed the call. You haven't called back or responded to my texts since and you didn't stop by at work. And I knew you would do this so why did I let you string me along again ? Never any explanation for your on/off behavior I'm not even sure what we could be to each other at this point. I tried NC and broke it because I wanted us to be friends. But nothing is the same, were only polite strangers. I figure that's how you want it so I back off. You start random conversations, invite me to places that you don't show up to. I didn't go. You pretend to want to be near me but only when I'm in certain areas (or is it away from certain areas ?) at work. Then you try to kiss me, promise to call and you do. but once. Now I feel like a desperate idiot again. Link to post Share on other sites
DuchessKaye Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 Hope you're good? I am... Link to post Share on other sites
Inky-Dinky Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 Hey BigBear, Why is Moonchie cussing out your ex woman for you? Link to post Share on other sites
Edtheduck Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 If only you missed me as much as I miss you right now. That happy ending we always wanted....would be reality. Another day of thinking of you ahead. Great Link to post Share on other sites
LostJustLost Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 Its been almost a year and here I sit, still confused, still trying to understand, trying to sort it out. I just dont get it, ***, Im beginning to think I never will. Maybe if you would just .. I dont know .. I just need to know why. I dont want to talk to you, I got nothing to say, but the questions.. they make my head spiral, even after all this time. Hit up your keyboard, man up, say you're sorry for not saying goodbye .. just .. something, anything. I think maybe I could seal up the section in my soul that you tore out if I could prove to myself that all the time we were together I wasn't some kind of joke. That I mattered. That you cared. My head is finally on straight. My heart - not so much. You hurt me in ways that I didn't know one person could hurt another and yet my heart would give anything for one more moment with you. and thats what bothers me the most. Link to post Share on other sites
CopingGal Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 Woo Wee, you're a little nasty bastard aren't you? Small in every way, stupid and nasty. Woo Wee, you're a little nasty bastard. Link to post Share on other sites
ac11442 Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 Hi. Just wanted to check in and see how things are going and to say I miss you. Link to post Share on other sites
DuchessKaye Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 Now that it's been quite a while, I've already found closure on my own. It was best that we didn't talk after we broke up. I forgive you now for everything. I hope you find everything you've ever wanted. Of course I wish you all the happiness. Thanks for all the things I've learned from you. Now I know exactly how to behave in my next relationship. I won't do the same mistake that I did during ours. Have a nice life. Always take care of yourself. Until our paths cross again. Link to post Share on other sites
jdids247 Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 I got a thank you letter in the mail from your sister for her grad card that I gave her. She said in the card that you were only there for a half hour (like I was told) and that you aren't the same when you're around your friends. She said she hopes you realize someday that you're friends are not nice people. I couldn't believe that she wrote that to me. In a sense it wrapped up everything I thought about you even while we were dating and I wasn't going crazy. Talk about a nail in the coffin. Your own sister, your flesh and blood, is starting to see what you've become. You'd think you would make more time for your sister on her special day, but you always think of you first. At least when you were 'normal' you wouldn't be *AS* selfish. I can't believe you SRG. I don't know what you're trying to prove or who you're trying to impress. You're just alienating yourself right now. And to think I let my old feelings for you get in the way of having a good night with a fine woman the other night. I had all of the confidence in the world until I started to caress her legs and they felt just like yours so I had to stop. What the hell was *I* thinking! Link to post Share on other sites
Eternal Sunshine Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 G'day ex, How have you been? I am hoping not so well Once upon a time you told me that dating sites are only for creepy and desperate and you would never use them. Well, guess who I see around on every dating site nowdays I guess you have become truly desperate. I can't say that I am a least bit surprised Link to post Share on other sites
MadSworthy Posted July 11, 2012 Share Posted July 11, 2012 The way you left me months ago, I felt so broken because it felt so unfinished. There were so many things I wanted to say to you, but of course, you were never one for communication. I don’t love you the same way anymore, but I will always care about you. I miss being close to you, and I miss loving you. I still wish we could be friends, because we used to be so happy. Maybe someday. Thank you for a life-changing experience. I’m sorry that we weren’t right for each other in the end. You played too big of a role in my life. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Link to post Share on other sites
CopingGal Posted July 12, 2012 Share Posted July 12, 2012 I thought about you today and I got mad. Then I thought about how sick you are. I thought about how you will never ever have the benefit of me loving you, caring for you, emotionally supporting you...never, EVER again. Wow, that really, really stinks. You have no one to really, truly talk with except the women that come and go in your life. I guess you can talk to them for a few months. But me...I was the real deal. I truly feel sorry for you. Oh well. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Girlboots Posted July 12, 2012 Share Posted July 12, 2012 I'm going to contact him tomorrow. I promise, no more after tomorrow. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
CopingGal Posted July 12, 2012 Share Posted July 12, 2012 I'm still hurt and I'm still profoundly disappointed, but I'm okay. I'm okay. Link to post Share on other sites
CopingGal Posted July 12, 2012 Share Posted July 12, 2012 The 15th is coming soon. It will be one year since I left you, *******. I can't wait. Link to post Share on other sites
jdids247 Posted July 12, 2012 Share Posted July 12, 2012 We're approaching the 6 month mark of our demise and I can't believe I know every date of a fight that lead up to our breakup. The days I miss you I remind myself of your actions and I hurt all over again. You knew I truly loved you and you claimed you truly loved me. I still can't get over how you told your cousin how much you were crying after the breakup even weeks later. Why would you cry? You ignored me when I was there, so don't cry when I'm gone. I met a girl and she is almost a splitten image of how I imagined how you acted after our breakup. She just got out of a 3 year relationship. She says she over her ex only weeks after the breakup, but her actions show otherwise. She begged me to come see her when she was partying, and like an idiot, I did. She wanted more than I could give her because she acted just like you did when you lie in bed. That made me pretty uneasy. I kicked myself for days after that happened. I was served a beautiful woman on a silver platter, not once, but almost 3 times and I denied it! Maybe it was because I knew I was going to be a rebound and couldn't think right. I know the pain she's going through because it's still very real in my mind. Hopefully I'll man I up next time and give her what she wants...damnit anyway! Link to post Share on other sites
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