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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Really very shaky today. I don't know what happened in the past couple of days but my confidence is shot. My nerves are totally frayed. I don't know what to make of my life. I feel a complete disconnect from everything in the world. Everything feels hopeless.


I have a little over 3 weeks to have this house cleaned out. I am dreading leaving. This was my dream house (OUR dream house, I thought, but apparently it was nothing special to you). You forced us to sell it. I can't get over that. It's hard to believe that in less than a month I will be out of here and never see the inside of this house again. It represented a lot to me. That we had finally built up enough to own our own house. That we were committed to each other. That this is where we wanted to raise our family.


But it all went sour. I knew within a month of moving in here we had made a big mistake. You hated it here. And that's fine. You never liked the town and you hated the long commute to work. Again, that's fine. We make mistakes in life. This one could have been fixed if you had acted like an adult. But why did you have to break up our marriage over it? The house / the commute / the town is not US. I heard you say you didn't like it here but you didn't express it that much. I didn't know you wanted out that badly. I certainly never knew you wanted out of our marriage that badly. If it was just the house we could have sold it and moved on - but instead you decided not only to abandon this house and this town but your husband as well. Was it really necessary?


Now you're flat broke. You make a six figure salary, yet I had to bring you dinner last week because you had NO money, NO credit even left. Geezus M, nice planning! How can you make that much money and be completely wiped out?? This is a better life?


I've won every concession, will get child support, spousal support, etc. etc. but neither one of us is happy. Oh, you say you are happy, but really? You thought you would break free and it would all be free, you'd just offer to be "friends" and we'd happily go along like that, and you'd keep "what's yours". Seriously. Why would I let you do that? Why would I let you just walk away and destroy my dreams and break my heart and crush me and let you do it for free?


So here I sit, a month away from getting the full proceeds from the house to myself and I feel brutal about it. You're going to be flat broke, and I'm going to have cash but a huge empty void inside of me. Why did you have to do this? This can't possibly be what you wanted. You just up and walked away from everything and can't even admit that it's a whole lot less than what you bargained for. You can never, ever admit when you make a mistake, but this is a big one. How do you sleep at night? What the hell are you thinking?


I hate you for doing this to us. Now you'll have me to blame for your completely broke position, but at least you still have that sweet job, you will gradually dig yourself out. Still stupid as hell.


I hate you.

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I was wrong, wrong, terribly wrong. Stupid.

You never had a heart.

The good qualities I thought I saw in you were just a projection of own.

You treated people like lab rats in your experiments.

You were toying with human feelings all along. Selfish. Immature. Imbecile.

If I called you a dog, that would be an insult to the friendly and loyal dogkind.


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I miss you terribly. I understand that where I am in life is not satisfactory at all, so i don't blame you for leaving. I will be improving every aspect of my myself and hope to become more distinguished than before. I wish you were here by my side witnessing this new determination of amazing growth.


I know I didn't try hard enough to improve my life and complained about everything, but I'm taking the necessary steps in repairing it. In fact, one of the scariest sacrifice I will be making is going to take place next month; quitting my job to focus on school.


I know I have been slow in my education growth and will be going full-force into it. I will be taking about 20 units this coming Fall in hopes for a better chance to transfer to a university. I realized the reason why I was taking life in a half-a**ed manner is because I was too comfortable with my job and the source of income. I figured i could just work part time and attend school part time and everything will turn out ok, but i didn't. I lost you with that mentality and regret it every waking minute since the BU.


Ive learned much from this BU and will be using its lessons as I move forward. I truly wish you turn back one day and to check up on me to see my new found strength and mentality. I refuse to be that same "lazy fellow" you left because i realized its flaws: not giving me what i truly want in life, which is you.


I hope to God one day in the future, when i finally get a hold of my life, we can meet again on equal grounds and see where we both are in life at that moment. Maybe a possible reconciliation or maybe its too late. I just know, you made a huge impact in my life and regret losing you due to my laziness.


as for now, I must act like I will never see you again because you've kept your NC very well and i know how stubborn and prideful you are. Both of which will prevent you from ever reaching out to me once again. so Goodbye to you, and I will forever miss you. You will always be in my heart. I can never forget you.

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Zoe Clegg, what made you think you even had the right to interfere with other people's relationship? Oh if you think you're an insufferable know-it-all, I hope you'll dig yourself an abyss where everyone spits into.

"This is a happy end"? lol Oh **** mother****er, I've got tears in my eyes from laughing at assclown ****tards with a sad ending gloating over "winning" an argument, Jesus!

Oh and Dave, if you showed EVERY of my emails to that bitch, then you're an even bigger monster than I thought you were!

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So its my birthday tommorow and you know what, im actualy going to be able to enjoy it for the first time in OVER 4 YEARS why? because im not being forced to work to pay for you, you insanely selfish expensive ****e. Toodles! :p

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So I slept with another woman after you broke up with me 3 months ago. She did more to me in 2 1/2 hours than you tried sexually in 7 years being together. Maybe if you tried a little harder that "spark" would never have disappeared, because I certainly tried.

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So I slept with another woman after you broke up with me 3 months ago. She did more to me in 2 1/2 hours than you tried sexually in 7 years being together. Maybe if you tried a little harder that "spark" would never have disappeared, because I certainly tried.



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Here I am today, having a couple days where I'm thinking about you again.


Why do I let you get to me? I had some good thoughts about you and I had to remind myself on how much you belittled me about the dumbest things. You called me negative like I was the problem in the relationship. All you did was bitch and moan and wouldn't let me enjoy my life because you didn't have any hobbies. I was the negative one? I couldn't watch a TV show without you bitching about how stupid it was. The way I cooked chicken fricking pissed you off.


I see you over the weekend for the first time in about 3 months and here come the flood of emotions. They aren't very strong, but they're still very real.

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Don't you realize that Fla was THE reason you and I fought for 5 months straight????

How dense are you?

Then after you came back in January, you continued throwing her in my face. You expect me to put up with all that bull****?!


All I wanted was for you to make a choice. Then I'd bid you and her a happy romantic time. Unexpectedly you left her, too. This is more than what I wanted. I'm content :))

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So I came across your contact info today on an old reference list. I can't believe I asked you to be a reference. I'm glad you showed your true self to me.


I closed my eyes quickly. I didn't look at your phone number or email address even though I still remember it. I cut you out of that reference list just like I cut you out of my life.


Overall it's getting easier to deal with you being gone from my life. I like the fact that I no longer have to suffer in silence on the weekends and I no longer have to wrack my brain with whether or not you are cheating on me.


You live a very sad and pathetic existence :(.


But that's YOUR problem, not mine :laugh:.

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I miss you babe. I know you need your space, in the meantime I'm going to continue bettering myself. I really wish we could start off from scratch. I f*cking love you!

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You know honey, some days I really miss you. But then I run into you and I see how fat you've gotten since you left and I slap myself in the face and wonder what the hell I'm getting all worked up over.


Go have another donut you fat pig. Is the stress from all of this driving you to load up on junk food? Good! I don't have to worry about you getting any for a while. LOL You've let yourself go to ****. Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Hahaha.

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It's been over a year and the things you did to me still hurt. Some days hurt worse than others. I think for the most part I have excepted your destructive, dysfunctional personality. But there are some days, for some reason, I day dream about you being different and actually being an honest, compassionate, upstanding person. I know it's just a fantasy of mine. I have to keep remembering that your prognosis was dismal. If I keep that in mind, it will be easier to fully let you go.


I know in my heart when you treat other women so well, it is an act...like it was with me....because you have an agenda like you did with me. Still, it still hurts. To be honest, I feel that if you dropped dead right now, the whole world will benefit. But I know every life is precious, no matter how mean, destructive, dysfunctional, nasty, depraved, ridiculous, and slutty the person is.


So go on and live your pathetic life. My guess is that you are homeless again, having lied to yet another landlord. For your sake, I hope you remain at that shack you call a cafe...King of the sandwich makers, lording over all the peasants who work for you. Please stay there because every single time you venture from that place, you get fired at your new job.


Firing people is hard work. Save your potential future employers the trouble and just stay where you are.

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Why? I don't understand. You said you don't yet love me, so I cried and we decided to part ways, but everything you did made me feel loved. Why? I still can't believe it was in my head.


You told your family about me, met my family, laughed with me, spent days in a row at my house, embraced my child. It doesn't add up.


How can you just walk away?


Why did you make me do all the work to introduce the subject? Why? Would you have just clung to me until you got the courage up? Would you just have started drifting away with no warning?

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I hate you coward, one of these days you will regret all of the days you made me feel like hell..........:mad:

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Hi L,


It's me again...still thinking about you and how much you hurt me. I'm sad tonight, but not enough to check up on you or google you. I'm sad, not stupid.


F you

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I'm going on my first date in 7 years next Wednesday. It will feel strange I am sure but it's exciting. Whether it leads to anything or not is secondary. It's another step in getting over you so I win either way.


Enjoy living in your condo you can't afford, by yourself.

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Dear Monster,

I feel so alone and sad as of now. I feel my freedom...I feel that I am changing back into me which is amazing. But how am I being so stupid now as to miss you. You hurt me. You just moved on with another girl and had sex with her. But what can I expect when I left you. I don't regret what I did because I have my future waiting for me and I know I 'll be completely happy when the love of my life finds me. I kinda just wish you would have been him. And not let your Dad and brother make you into this Monster that disrespects women. I pay attention in my psychology class and I know your not exactly a bad person. Mentally your raised to be that kind of guy and god damn it....**** your Dad for making you this way.

What hurts more is we went through so damn much and things just ended. No more being friends...you just became your true self I guess. I thought you were the one! My protector.


I just feel so sad right now. I hate when I feel this way. ='(

I don't deserve this!

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I'm going on my first date in 7 years next Wednesday. It will feel strange I am sure but it's exciting. Whether it leads to anything or not is secondary. It's another step in getting over you so I win either way.


Enjoy living in your condo you can't afford, by yourself.


Big Bear, I have to tell you something. I think it's just way, way, way too soon for you to be going on a date. You say you're going on your first date in 7 years, but didn't you and your wife break up about 3 months ago?

Your posts are filled with so, so much pain. Don't you think you should let your self calmn down and heal first?

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This morning I had a memory of how lonely I was in the relationship...how sad I was on the weekends...how I cried for you because you couldn't spend more time with me. You once said we were cursed because things always got in the way of us being together.


You never told me that the things that were getting in the way of use being together was your cheating and the fact that you never really wanted me. For three years you made me think that your son, your job, your money problems etc. got in the way of us being together and you wanted to be with me so badly.


For three years...until one day you bragged to me that what really got in the way was that you really didn't want to see me. All that time keeping me hanging on and thanking me for my patience. All that time the lying, using, manipulation. It's shocking to me how someone can treat another human being like that and all the while saying you love the person and making love to the person. I wish I could wash your stench off of me and make it so that I don't remember ever meeting you.


Sometimes when I think of us together I feel nasty because I was intimate with someone who was a low-life and a loser. There's nothing I can do about that. But there's something I can do for my future. I can make sure that you never touch me again. I can make sure that I never, EVER contact you again. And that's what I'm doing.


Kudos to that trash for dropping you. She's a stupid bitch, but she was able to see how much of a piece of scum you really are. I commend your ex girlfriend for breaking up with you once every 2 months and then finally leaving you for good. I commend your ex-wife for cheating on you before your divorce because you are such a bastard to be with. Remember her...the woman who you did spend enough time with? The couple's counselor said your behavior was ingrained in you long before I came along. She said you DON'T respect women.


I support every woman who as ever walked out on you, which are plenty. You don't deserve love, hope, or dreams.


You deserve to be given something that will make you vomit and then tied up and forced to sit in your own vomit for 3 hours. That's how disgusting you are. You deserve for someone to take dung from the biggest species of dog- an Irish wolfhound and put in on the ground near you, then force you to roll back and forth over it. That's how repulsive you are. That's how disgusting you are. You need to be forced to roll around in dog chit because you are chit yourself....LOSER!

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So you called me last night, I know you've been ill. I answered. You call me "just to say hi", and we end up talking 10 minutes, at the end I could tell you were getting emotionally upset. I'm sorry you brought this upon yourself and that you couldn't "stand by your man". Sorry, but this Beyonce single ladies mantra is bull****, some day you'll understand that you can't just go down to the store and pick up another one of me, and I think you're already getting that.

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Big Bear, I have to tell you something. I think it's just way, way, way too soon for you to be going on a date. You say you're going on your first date in 7 years, but didn't you and your wife break up about 3 months ago?

Your posts are filled with so, so much pain. Don't you think you should let your self calm down and heal first?


Hi CopingGal,


Thanks for thinking of me, I appreciate that. I don't want to get too far off-topic in this thread but I think I am alright doing this. I've met someone in a very similar situation to me, except she has been separated for almost 2 years. She has an 8-year-old son, and I have a 4-year-old, and our boys are at our ex's almost the same days of the week. We have both already agreed we don't want to introduce our boys to any potential new partners until things are very, very firm, so as not to confuse them. So if it works out it would be a casual relationship, and pretty much just 2 or 3 days/week at present. If not, I'm not sure that I see the harm. I'm a child of divorce so I know the harm introducing new people can cause a kid.


I know it's very early in the game but my ex and I have done everything very very quickly. We sold our house less than 2 months after she left. We've settled our financial items for the most part already. I just have a lot of trouble being alone and this lady I've met seems very sincere and genuine and very much like me. It's a date, I don't think it can hurt too much can it...?

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Hi CopingGal,


Thanks for thinking of me, I appreciate that. I don't want to get too far off-topic in this thread but I think I am alright doing this. I've met someone in a very similar situation to me, except she has been separated for almost 2 years. She has an 8-year-old son, and I have a 4-year-old, and our boys are at our ex's almost the same days of the week. We have both already agreed we don't want to introduce our boys to any potential new partners until things are very, very firm, so as not to confuse them. So if it works out it would be a casual relationship, and pretty much just 2 or 3 days/week at present. If not, I'm not sure that I see the harm. I'm a child of divorce so I know the harm introducing new people can cause a kid.


I know it's very early in the game but my ex and I have done everything very very quickly. We sold our house less than 2 months after she left. We've settled our financial items for the most part already. I just have a lot of trouble being alone and this lady I've met seems very sincere and genuine and very much like me. It's a date, I don't think it can hurt too much can it...?


Well, I think it can, but I understand. You have to go with what your gut is telling you. Have a nice time. Take care of you.

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How could you?


The guy you left me for, lied and cheated on me with, got together one week after we broke up...


Your guys' anniversary is the same day as ours. Which is also the same day as my birthday. Does that even bother you? Do you even care? How could you do that?

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