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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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It's saturday, I kind of wanted to call you to see how your thanksgiving has been. I am posting here instead.

Here is what I would have said to you if I called.


"Hey, just wanted to see how your thanksgiving was?, I've been thinking about you, and it has been hard to be strong. All the hurtful things you have done make it impossible for me to respect you. I am sure you didn't respect me when you saw me sniveling and begging you to come back.

I was in a hole for sure.

You lied so much hon. You slept with your best friend and cheated on me. You mentally checked out of our relationship while we were together. You have ignored me for months,and all my emails ended up in a folder that you labeled Crazy_____SH**. That's was all my words turned into crazy,repetitive crap.


It's funny,that's how I felt. Like a repetitive piece of crap.



I refuse to call her today. I didn't call on Thanksgiving and I won't call today. She does not deserve the energy. She can't have this energy.

I am going to save it for someone or something else.

Maybe writing or reading or having fun doing something....whatever.


Just not energy towards her. If I mattered I would get a phone call, text, email, whatever.

I don't matter to her anymore.

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I wanted to call you, but I couldn't. I think I'll just sit around for a while and let the piano keys say the words that I could never think of when I was around you.


Not that I mind being alone, of course. You know as well as anyone that, by a conscious decision, I used to go weeks without significant human contact - it's just how I operate. But things are different now; being alone seems... lonely now.


I do wish that you would pull up outside my window and smile at me like you used to. Beh. The numbness is setting in again.


Forget it.


Wait! I've thought of more to say.


Well, not really, but I need to focus my thoughts on something coherent. I fear that my sanity is slipping away - you've become all I can think about and it's making me miserable. Well, more miserable than I was before, anyway.


What am I going to do? I need help, yet I know that only I can save me.

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Lately I have been wanting to call you, let me rephrase that lately I have been wanting to call WHO YOU USED TO BE! It's so sad you changed so much, so soon. Even my friends and family were not expecting you to treat me so cold. I guess that's why I'm not calling you. Today it's raining ALOT. It sucks, it reminds me of when we used to wake up next to each other and it was raining. You said those were the best moments of your life and you wished time would stand still. Yeah, I wish it would have too. But I'm guessing this is life, I was just too happy and optimistic to see the cruel, cold side of life. It hurts you know to lose the one you were in love with. Remember when we would argue or break up, how you would come back to me saying you couldnt do it without me. I feel empty right now, I don't really have much to say. I'm better now but it still hurts because I meant everything I said to you, but apparently forever in your definition only means two years! I have to go study, i have exams, remember we used to study together? Yeah, guess I do everything alone now. Well I have my friends but they're not you. I guess we live and we learn.

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Hey ex.


Just wanted to let you know I despise you. I gave you my heart, 110% of my love and commitment and you broke it off as if it was just a play you got bored of. You went on a f*cking spree with several men in the week following our breakup and even told me about it. I pleaded and begged you to take me back, promising I'd change. Change for what? I didn't do anything wrong here. Remember that you dumped me a couple of days after I had planned our winter vacation in Swiss alps, in a really nice resort.


We had our future planned. You were supposed to be my wife and mother of our children someday. I was so looking forward to starting our wonderful life together, it was something I lived for. I wanted to be your perfect husband someday who would share all the good and bad moments with you, I wanted to be there for you when you needed me. I loved you more than my life. Our future was everything to me.


You know what. F*CK YOU! EAT SH*T! I sincerely hope you get what you deserve someday, and that's being dumped, mistreated and used by others, because that's exactly what you do to people. You use people for sex and to raise your self esteem, then you dump them after they fall for you. When you will be at the lowest point in your life, I'll be laughing hard and drinking to that. Damn whore.



F*ck you

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I just want you to know I had the most awesome weekend with the boys! Seriously I am loving my single life and what I am allowed to do without your stupid curfew restrictions. You keep saying it was our relationship that held you back and you felt like you had no freedom. Yet it was your idea to go full committal from day one and set the precedent for the suffocating relationship we ended up having. So cheers to the break up, I am moving on and doing so fast.


I couldn't help but still get curious sometimes about what you are up to, but I don't really care anymore. Funny how little feelings I have left for you after 4 years together. I can see you are going out till 6 in the mornings and having big nights, seriously good on you and I wish you the best. Whatever makes you feel complete and happy, go do it. Screw 10 guys in the next month if you are that good at it. I know you were semi cheating on me and gettng interested in other guys anyway. You are a hypocrite and don't deserve my attention. I don't think you even deserve any of my time. You are a waste and movng on from the last 4 years together has been the BEST thing I have ever done. I have long worked out you are just not THAT special, your qualities don't attract me anymore and I am so glad you are out of my life. You are selfish, an you will always lack the ability to truly love others.


Friday should be interesting, gosh I wish you didn't have to come. I hate the thought of even seeing you. It just annoys me and proves I can't fully get you out of my life. If they could send you to another planet, I'd so pay for your trip there.



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I just want you to know I had the most awesome weekend with the boys! Seriously I am loving my single life and what I am allowed to do without your stupid curfew restrictions. You keep saying it was our relationship that held you back and you felt like you had no freedom. Yet it was your idea to go full committal from day one and set the precedent for the suffocating relationship we ended up having. So cheers to the break up, I am moving on and doing so fast.


I couldn't help but still get curious sometimes about what you are up to, but I don't really care anymore. Funny how little feelings I have left for you after 4 years together. I can see you are going out till 6 in the mornings and having big nights, seriously good on you and I wish you the best. Whatever makes you feel complete and happy, go do it. Screw 10 guys in the next month if you are that good at it. I know you were semi cheating on me and gettng interested in other guys anyway. You are a hypocrite and don't deserve my attention. I don't think you even deserve any of my time. You are a waste and movng on from the last 4 years together has been the BEST thing I have ever done. I have long worked out you are just not THAT special, your qualities don't attract me anymore and I am so glad you are out of my life. You are selfish, an you will always lack the ability to truly love others.


Friday should be interesting, gosh I wish you didn't have to come. I hate the thought of even seeing you. It just annoys me and proves I can't fully get you out of my life. If they could send you to another planet, I'd so pay for your trip there.




Wow dude, you're so right about selfishness and the lack of ability to love people. My ex was the same. She thinks she is in love, but in fact she is in love with herself and her ego, just using other person to make herself feel good. Basically, her love is self centered instead of being directed towards the other person.

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I just want you to know I had the most awesome weekend with the boys! Seriously I am loving my single life and what I am allowed to do without your stupid curfew restrictions. You keep saying it was our relationship that held you back and you felt like you had no freedom. Yet it was your idea to go full committal from day one and set the precedent for the suffocating relationship we ended up having. So cheers to the break up, I am moving on and doing so fast.


I couldn't help but still get curious sometimes about what you are up to, but I don't really care anymore. Funny how little feelings I have left for you after 4 years together. I can see you are going out till 6 in the mornings and having big nights, seriously good on you and I wish you the best. Whatever makes you feel complete and happy, go do it. Screw 10 guys in the next month if you are that good at it. I know you were semi cheating on me and gettng interested in other guys anyway. You are a hypocrite and don't deserve my attention. I don't think you even deserve any of my time. You are a waste and movng on from the last 4 years together has been the BEST thing I have ever done. I have long worked out you are just not THAT special, your qualities don't attract me anymore and I am so glad you are out of my life. You are selfish, an you will always lack the ability to truly love others.


Friday should be interesting, gosh I wish you didn't have to come. I hate the thought of even seeing you. It just annoys me and proves I can't fully get you out of my life. If they could send you to another planet, I'd so pay for your trip there.





ah man i had those curfews to, hell I couldn't even go on a trip across the border because she thought I would meet new girls and cheat. if there is one thing I'm thankful for is my freedom

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So I've got a lot of stuff to give back to you. Your easel, some truly ugly sh*t that I don't even know why you had. Letters that have been coming here for you. I don't want to see you, but I need to give this to ya. I am NOT going to your place to drop them off. And there's no way in hell you're coming over here. I don't know what's going to happen to it. Maybe I'll ask my friend to drop it off on your doorstep.


It hurts to think of you and my best buddy together. Especially in bed. Damn that hurts. Maybe you'll even move in together as you didn't sign a lease for your new place yet. That would be charming wouldn't it. Just charming.


It doesn't actually hurt that much though. Just a little sting. Remnants of joy still lingering in my head. That is all that is hurting me now. Tiny little memories, resurfacing from time to time. You are no more to me than a stranger now. In fact, you're less to me than a stranger. You are somebody who doesn't even exist. You are gone. You are no more. My sweetie is dead and gone. I feel like such an ass for being okay right now. For not being miserable. You are dead, and now I am not doing so badly. I am over your death, and I don't even care about you anymore. Who are you? Are you the body you inhabit? Are you that girl I used to lay in bed with all day? Are you this b*tch who has done this to me? Who are you? Who was I in love with? Who is it that I despise? They are both just words and memories. The person I love is nothing but sparks in my mind. That girl who I despise, just sparks. For I shall see neither of them no more. I shall never know you again. It is just sparks I am dealing with right now. All of these sparks are in my mind, of my own volition to take care of or destroy. Those sparks will whither and die someday, as you did. you, my lover, you, the b*tch who lied and deceived me, you, that girl who kissed me on the cheeck when I gave you those chocolates. you, that girl who hurt me so much. who are you? You are just thoughts in my mind. Dead thoughts that creep into my dreams. So as it turns out these words are not for you, but for me. It is time to let those sparks leave my mind.


But what if I see you on the street? What if I see your face and those sparks return, in one violent wave? In anycase, if I see you it will not be you. It will not be the person I write this letter to. It will be a girl who appears very much like you, but who I know nothing of.


I must be crazy talking to myself. Who is the person who has made me so crazy as to do such things? Your hurtful grip on my heart is no more. You deserve nothing from me. You are just one of six billion now. One of many I do not know and have not met. I am happy by myself. And in my dreams I see a woman with me, her and I with foreheads touching, embracing with our entire bodies attached, eyes piercing one another's soul's, and when our lips take a moment to recover from each other's tender touch, they smile, with such deep emotion and love that I had never known with you.

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It makes me so sad to know that one day we will become strangers. It breaks my heart that you would want that after everything we have been through. You just want to cut me out of your life. :( I don't know what to say except that it hurts me that we will be a memory and I will have to move on. I loved you and you loved me but you changed and your feelings changed. You made it clear to me I'm not in your thoughts nor in your heart anymore, so I have no choice but to respect your decision and let you be. When I hear you're struggling, I just want to be there for you, to comfort you, to love you but you don't want or need my help. I have no idea what made you so cold towards me, it's INSANE how much you changed. I thought I knew you. :( I feel sad to think that one day my feelings for you will leave because unlike you I didn't want us to be forgotten, I didn't want to stop loving you. Loving you made me happy. It was your love that pushed me and gave me a smile everytime I went to bed and woke up in the morning. Everytime I think I might never see you/ hear from you again, I feel my heart breaking. I never understood our break-up. I guess I never will. From everyone in the world, I believed you when you said you would never leave my side. We had so many beautiful memories, you cried because you said it hurt you to let go of me but we had grown apart and you needed to move on. What hurts the most is that you WANTED to get over me, before you were over me. It's as though I was bad for you :( When all I wanted was to love you and be there for you. You let others influence you, you let everything fall apart. You didnt care to discuss anything with me, because it was all about YOU! How this was going to affect me simply didnt matter to you. :( "We built it up to watch it fall like we meant nothing at all." 3 weeks, I havent even heard from you. I give up hope of you ever contacting me and I guess that's why I'm so sad. Because deep down I know it's over and I can't believe the person that promised me so much would leave like that, without an explanation, not caring about my pain. How many times was I there for you? This is how you repay me. I am not looking at your page or her page because all it is going to do is hurt me. I will avoid hearing anything about you. It hurts me to have to cut you out of my life like this. I know I will be hurting for awhile but I know I'm strong and I will pull through this. God is good, God knows what he's doing even though right now I must say I'm pretty confused but I will trust God and hope that someday my heart will be healed. I am struggling with letting you go. Maybe this is the final step, It hurts because I didn't deserve such a cold treatment..esp. not from you. I know our relationship had our flaws but you didnt respect it because you never took the time to work on them :( you never took the time to let me know what was missing...you never gave me the closure I wanted. You just walked out on me. Every day it gets better but It still hurts. Right now though I am imagining everything I can do to keep me busy and although this is the first time I will be alone and single in a long time, I will be fine! I will use this time to better myself, not looking for love at all, I'm sure it might get pretty lonely but this is a situation I have absolutely no control over. I will keep praying that someday this pain will be a distant memory.

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Hi babe.


I'm really sorry about punching your new boyfriend in the face. I was so jealous and angry. I'm so sorry. I hope you're not mad.


Why did you have to deny being with someone else only to see it with my own eyes?


Why did you tell me you love me and you miss me when you're already messing with your "bestfriend"?


Well, I don't think it matters now.


But I still love you, I think. 'Cause if not I won't feel any more of this pain, would I?

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Hi babe.


I'm really sorry about punching your new boyfriend in the face. I was so jealous and angry. I'm so sorry. I hope you're not mad.


Why did you have to deny being with someone else only to see it with my own eyes?


Ahahahaha. I don't mean to promote violence but sh*t, I gotta give you props for doing what I couldn't bring myself to do. I really wanted to punch my ex's new bf (a.k.a ex bf, a.k.a my ex best friend) when I saw him. I just couldn't though. I had a really good reason to too. She totally tried to hide being with him so she could still be my friend. Aha, w*nch. I trust this guy was deserving of what you gave him. You're such a thoughtful attacker. Not that it was the best course of action, but man. I know how angry I was when I found out. Can't blame ya. Christ I'm glad he wasn't in front of me or I might be popping-up-daisies myself right now, if you catch my drift. I'd like to think it ain't true though.

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I trust this guy was deserving of what you gave him.


Very much. He totally disrespected me when my ex and I were still together, and I can't think of any other way of showing him my appreciation. So when I saw him and my ex holding hands I was thinking "You shouldn't have let me seen you" and punched him in all my anger and jealousy and hatred and all the negative feelings I won't enumerate.

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I was looking through photobucket last night at all our old pictures. There must be 300 pictures from 2007 and all the things we did and saw. I was especially looking at all the one's we took of each other. I think I took a lot of them where we had our heads together and I'd eyeball where to put the camera.

That was some of the happiest moments of our lives.

What the heck happened to us ?????

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so ugh yeah are you done being a loser yet? maybe u finally get it now that until u get ur **** together you`ll be a loser and don`t ****ing contact me with bull**** anymore. i hope u have fun stroking ur ego with ur past ex's that really don`t give a flying **** about you. i hope u have fun ****ing 4958859045065 girls and catch an STD in the meantime. but i hope ur happy and dont contact me ever again.



him: okay, whatever you want me to do i`ll do.




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do you know how painful

It is to put a face on the

Guy who Is ****ing you?


Why did I have to go see



He's so much older then me

Isn't he baby?

Taller.. Fatter

Is he really Better then me?


I never felt so small

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I wonder what you are

Doing right now?


Do you buy lingerie

And dress up for him?


**** this hurts so bad


All I want is you. That's

All I ever asked for.

That's all I ever dreamt

For. That's all I ever

Worked for.


I came back for you



You just stood there silent

Letting me pour my heart

Out to you, again.


That was the last time I

Will ever see you.


Can you ****ing believe


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i hate you so much now... i can't even begin to explain how much......


i also hate your cheap trash whore friends who talked you into dumping me, those skanks who introduced you to that greek mofo you ****ed just a few days after our breakup. and then you f*cked another one so soon. when we were parting in September, i really wanted to part as good friends, but you wouldn't even hug me, you just shaked hands as if i'm some stranger in the street. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT. you were probably f*cking that greek chump by then and that's why you didn't wanna hug me. But you had no shame having me pay for your cocktails and movie tickets, because you were too cheap, you refused to go to ATM to get money.


you are a FAKE, PRETENDING TO BE EUROPEAN. you have 0% japanese personality left, you PRETENDER



and you know what... you are a disgrace for japanese people... you cheap skank... you've always hated your homeland because people there can see you for what you truly are, a crazy and insincere woman.


no wonder you had to move to europe, only morons here don't see your true face, and only skanks here are willing to be your "friends".

back in japan, you had like what, 2 friends?


f*ck you

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So I went to this dating website

And was looking through like

30 pages of Asian women.


You are way hotter then them.

Not just your looks but your

Perspective on life and



LOL I know I'm not gonna

Do better then you

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I am sorry I answered my phone today. How dare you try and fill me up with your drama BS again. I am done, done. I dont care what your life brings now.

I dont care who you meet or what you do. You are dead to me.

I hope your xwife takes the kids, you cannot blame me for your life NOW. its been a long time since I left...

Id even assist your awful xwife to get your kids from you. You dont deserve the resonsibility of having kids. You fail at every turn anyway.

I know you plan to use your gfs credit to build a house...scum.

dont try and pull me back in. I will never fall for your bs again.

I tried to be a friend, even after all this, and today you show me that you are a pyscopath narcissistic damaged man. You confirm what I already knew.

Now im disgusted enough to never speak to you again.

Thank god this day came. I honestly have no feelings for you at all.

You are just someone I was stupid enough to believe had a heart.

The game lasted a long time, I wasnt expecting such drama, took me by surprise.

I miss your kids, but I dont miss you, not even the pretend nice you.

Just be gone from my world. And never dial my number again.

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I miss you so much... i want us to sit and talk.i just want to be in your arms.

we can seprate , this is not right....

you are my husband and best friend,. who will i talk to? who will make me feel better?

i know you are in pain too.

call me.


Peahtic i know .

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I’m not someone you ‘care about’ or consider a ‘mate’. I’m an expendable piece of meat. Someone with no feelings. Someone you assume hasn’t changed at all. Ask anyone who knew me then and knows me now, I’ve grown the **** up. I've recovered from the depression you couldn't be bothered to deal with.


But I’m sure as you’re reading this you’re yawning and wondering what fun thing you can do other than read this sincere message. Because I’m nothing to you. So let me please request something of you. Do not send me your disingenuous ‘how you doing’ messages every couple of months. If the lame event ever happens that we bump into each other, don’t do your superficial routine with me.

And by the way, you saying ‘if you loved me you wouldn’t have dated anyone else’, was downright cruel.

Have fun in life, I hope you’re content.

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4 months now. I heard through a friend you were asking around about me. I'm sure you were just being social and I was just a conversation topic to keep things rolling. I received an offline MSN message from you at 3am... you know your grip on me is weaker, almost non existant now. I have vivid hallucinations of seeing you in the street sometimes, that familiar smile across your face. I dream about having sex with you and your head laying in my shoulders, running my fingers across your body. I fantasise about you being on your knees begging for me back, and crushing your dreams.


I can't do this any more. I'm getting emotional again, after all this time. I have to let go of you completely. I hate you for everything you did.

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every day is getting a tad better :laugh:. I think im over you just because you were so beautifuL i guess its taking longer than if you werent so attracted. I'm talking to someone new and their nicer than you ever were can you belive that. I know your owndering why I haven't contacted you in 73 days and ahem to bad:).

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