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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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How about this?


Oh I paid for you to come over here for the month so we could spend time getting to know each other. You criticized my clothes, my cooking, the way I fed my cat, my driving, and my job. To top that all off you called me fat and said I had small boobs. Yet you don't have a job you -- instead you bum away in Europe thinking you're some retro-cool jackass just because you remember three or four independent film makers' names.


Then we travel down to Mexico and you leave me at a party to go talk to another girl yet never introduce me as your girlfriend. You meet another girl behind my back and then tell me I'm over reacting when I find out and question you about it. You buy me a ****ty cd for Christmas but were very happy to put your grubby little hands on the Ipod I bought for you.


Then you don't even have the decency to tell me you want to break up over the phone once your retro-cool fung shei ass is back in Europe -- you do it in an email instead and quote Pearl Jam on top of it all -- Yeah I will be the "star in someone else's ****ing sky" or whatever it is that you said.


Tell me why people am I still clinging on to this man like he's the last thing on earth? Someone smack some sense into me for wanting to contact him....quick.

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I still hate you but not as much. I dont regret any of the mean things I said about u, but I feel better after saying them.


U're not perfect, and u still annoy me, but i guess we all are not perfect.


anyway, im sorry if i said mean things but i said them to make me feel better and i never said them to your face.

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All I want to say is I miss you, my friend. Hope you will be honest with girls that are in my shoes, if that happens again. I do hope for your sake this girl, with all her alarm bells, will treat you as I would. But when someone tells you they don't want to hurt their ex there's definitely something going on. Especially since she said she was coming your way, leaving her kid for someone she never met. I'm not saying "whatever will happen if you turn out to be a killer", but it could be that way, so therefore I think she's not very bright. Only doing it to not have an affair at home....

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I have no desire to see you at all, ever.


Really, just stay away from me. You are nothing to me.


It feels so good to be able to say that. I wish I could tell her such things lol.

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hey wh0$e, I am healed. Damn, Feel like I am talking to a stranger, crazy. What happen to you? U still alive? Damn its been a long time.


U stupid, I'm rich now.. Good Luck..

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I'm having a hard time resisting the urge to read your blog and check your Facebook. Damn I wish you had your blog and Facebook profile set to "friends only" instead of public. It had hurt to read about how you like your new girl, the one you quite possibly cheated with on me. I know reading what you've written now will only hurt me so much more.


I sometimes wonder if you miss me at all.

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yes, after yesterday i have been totally set back! yes ive said all this stuff like good luck, and im not hung up on you. and i am trying my best to let it go. yes we agreed we can have a friendship. i know i shouldnt care still after 6 months. but i see you everyday at work! i still like hearing from you.


i was doing good. but when i saw you with your ex yesterday, it set me back to day one. it doesnt matter that you told me you are just friends and not dating him. i dont believe you. i am putting up a good front, telling you its all good, but inside i feel like i am dying. i feel like i am dying!!!! after seeing that. why do i still care and you dont? what is wrong with me!!! i guess i will have to continue to endure my agony and torture in silence.


yes i cant tell you any of this....

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Dearest _,


I wish I could tell you how sorry I am for all of the hurt that I have put you through. I wish that I could take away your pain. I wish that I/we could do it all over again. I would have done things/handled myself much differently.


I wish that I could make things right with you but I don't know how to do that.


I don't know what to say about the break-up except that deep down I know it was the right thing to do. It doesn't feel so right at the moment, in fact it is terribly painful. I miss you so much and I have a mountain of regrets that I must somehow forgive myself for.


I only wish to express to you my sorrow and to let you know that you have had a profound impact on me and I will never be the same. Perhaps that is a good thing.


Full of Regrets,



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Talking to you yesterday was a rollercoaster for me. Hearing you call me baby hit me hard -- I know it was force of habit, but it showed that you do still care, even if it's only as a friend.


And listening to you talk about your new gf is a double edged sword. I can hear the feelings in your voice and it tears me apart. And yet, something deep inside me is happy for you.


And as painful as it is, it's actually helping me let some of my feelings for you go. I know that you have truly moved on -- that you are planning your future with her now and not me.


I am still in love with you, but if I can endure the pain, I know I will come out of this stronger.

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This will big a long vent, I got angry just thinking about the **** she tried to pull and the fact I ended up saying something nice to her friends when they didn't deserve it.


You pathetic bitch.


The whole relationship was a lie to the outside world, when confronted by your ex about me after dating for 3 months, when you supposedly loved me, you denied that we were dating and I was just a friend. Just a friend. **** you. You disrespected everything I ever said and never gave a flying ****, when any guy in their right mind would be frustrated and angry at the **** you made me deal with. **** you, you denied we existed, I got angry and your solution was a break so you could spend it with your now new boyfriend in the hotel room I organised, you selfish bitch.


You told me on many occassions nothing would ever happen with him, nice bull****, he was just a friend hey? I was insecure for thinking otherwise, I should have been fine that you were spending all your time at his house and ignoring my phone calls so you could stay with him. It didn't help when you told me you checked him out, thought he was super hot and dreamt about him, thanks for sharing that info by the way. Oh yeh that's right, you ignored my phone calls because I drove you away with all my nagging, oh sorry for getting angry that my own ****ing girlfriend denies we are going out so that she can keep stringing her ex along who buys her every ****ing thing under the planet. I can't believe instead of you comforting me about the whole situation, you turn the tables and somehow I am at fault for complaining about it!? WHAT IS THERE NOT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT!? WAS I SUPPOSED TO BE OK THAT YOU TOLD YOUR EX AND HIS FRIENDS I WAS A NOBODY!?


YOU ARE A CHEATING WHORE! You ****ed that dude as soon as I broke up with you, after denying that you would never do such a thing. Ofcourse, that turned into me being at fault for complaining you were spending time with him.


I loathe the person you are. Looks don't last and I hope you realise one day how much of a superficial bitch you are. Trying to keep appearances up with everyone, except with me. You tried to make everyone love you and made me seem like the bad guy. I can't believe I was nice to your friends after the break up, even the guy who was trying to **** you while we were dating. ****, I feel sick. I still feel like beating the living **** out of him, but hey what did I expect? You were ****ing me while you were still with your ex, you are a whore, not sure why I expected more.


I hate you more than words can describe. **** you, **** you, **** you, **** you, **** you, **** you, **** you, **** you.

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I check back in here periodically to see how everyone is doing. To see how other people handle pain and longing. And to help if I can with anything I have learned.


DJ........ it is all the same hurt story. By that, I mean, everyone who got "F-ed" over in some way by thier ex is going to have the same feeling.

I still hate my ex for what she did(and they never take responsibility for it).


They never do Man---- They only justify it over and over again, manipulate and exagerate things they didn't like about you, Lie to make themselves look like a piece of Gold(when you know that they are really a piece of Sh**).


It is SO hard to let go, especially if you are prideful person. The greatest thing though, is when you can look back and say, yea, I loved him/her, but I see why it wasn't right.


The best part is when you can justify the ending too! You eventually flip the script and see that the relationship you were in had a time and place and now that time is over.


TRUST ME. Things get worse and worse the more you try and have an ex in your life. Things are too fresh and the feeling of want and love don't just disappear(especially if you got dumped).


Know this


1. They will never take responsibility for thier crappy behavior


2. They wanted out, respect that people can make choices that you don't agree with


3. get a new girl, they are all over the place, better looking, better pesonalities, etc----what is this 1952? GO date, be free.

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hey O.


Long time no talk. I miss you. I know you don't miss me. Or do you? Sometimes I wish I'd listened to my heart and not my head, and just sent you an email. To tell you I miss you. Nothing more. Because I don't know what to say anymore. I'm getting better, I know that. But sometimes I can't shake the feeling that I don't know what you're feeling. Because I sent that email telling you I never wanted you back. Everyone says I did the right thing....................Did I? Maybe all I was doing was giving you more closure. Not like you needed it.................you were the one who ended it. I thought it would give me closure. Instead it opened up a can of worms. 11 weeks later.................there's still so much I want to ask you. So much I want to say. There's times when I feel the only reason I'm not contacting you is because that's what everyone else tells me to do. Not what I really want to do. Sometimes I wonder is everyone right? Or should I bite the bullet and do what my heart has been telling me for so long now? But then a little voice tells me don't do it. Because you don't care. If you did, you'd have let me know. And again, the same question.......................if I hadn't sent you that email, would you have let me know? Or do you think I never ever want to see you again? Because that's not true. I don't know that letting you know now would do anything. You've probably moved on. I don't know. And still I wonder. And all the time that gap between us gets bigger and bigger. And the longer I leave things left unsaid, the less of a chance I have. Will I always feel this way? I know I'm beginning to feel alive again. And I know I don't need you in my life. But for some reason.................I want you there. But only if you want me too. I wish there was a way to find out without putting my heart on the line again. That's what got me here in the first place. I wish there was a way to know without having to hurt again. But I'm scared. You enriched my life in so many ways. And I'm a better person for having known you. At the same time you brought me the greatest hurt I've ever known. I'm stronger for that. And still I feel so weak. I'm glad you haven't seen how upset I've been. That would kill me to have you know how much I still care even though you seem not to care for me.


It's your birthday Friday. It's silly but I wonder if it will even matter to you when I don't text you? Do you ever think of me? Odd that I got so annoyed spending so much time with your family and friends, and so little time alone with you.................and now I want to be there with you, whatever it is you do to celebrate. I gave out to you so much in the end for how you treated me. But now I've had so much time on my hands to think that I don't even know who was wrong anymore. Sometimes I wish we could just forget the last few months together and start anew, bury the hatchet. That's not what you want though. I always have to remind myself. If you wanted that you'd have let me know. I can still feel the pain. That lurching pain in my stomach the minute the words came out of your mouth. We're not working anymore. My world crumbled. And you held me so tight. Am I always going to feel that pain?


I keep saying I'm feeling better. I know I am. I don't know why I still want to see you. I know there's nothing to go back to.

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It's always the same thought that enters my head. Relentlessly. I wish we could have talked. I really wish we could. In spite of how much you hurt me. I had more reason to break up with you. And yet I didn't want to do that. I wanted to try because I loved you so much. I keep looking back at what I could have done differently. But I have to stop blaming myself. You didn't want to continue with us. For some unknown reason. You gave me every reason in the book. but none specific to us. You told me how much you cared. How much you loved me. And then how we couldn't be together? You'd regret doing this, but you still had to? Why?! Why would you do that when everything else you're saying tells me how much you love me? Why did you have to mess with my head the way you did and the end? Three months later I'm still hanging onto those words. Hoping you'll see the light, and realise exactly what you've thrown away. Because you've lost a good thing. Something you couldn't appreciate while you had it. Even if you do realise what you've lost, you're such a coward you won't be able to admit it. You've always been so proud. And still I saw the other side of you. And I fell for you. Too hard and too fast, I realise that now. All the time I'm typing this, I wish you could see. Instead of putting it here where you'll never ever know. But I'll not wear my heart on my sleeve for you to trample on it again. I was naive. You knew that. And you used that. More fool me.


It's your birthday in half an hour. I'm not going to text you. As much as it hurts me not to. Why am I putting myself through this pain for someone who doesn't care? Why can't you care? I still do so much. I don't think I want you back. not on paper.................who's to say how I'd feel if you ever said it to me? if I saw you face to face. It's easy pretend you don't care until face to face.................I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow O. I wish I could be there to make you smile. But you're probably happier without me. Happy birthday.

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You are the first girl I have been with that has actually made me feel this way, it's a strange feeling and I don't know if that is because you were the first girl I really loved. I was sure I loved my other girlfriend, the one of 2 years, but you have made me question if I really did.


I know you loved me, but that has all changed.


There are so many reasons I broke up with you and told you I didn't want you to be a part of my life, which I know hurt you deeply. I hate ignoring all your calls and messages. I just need space to get over you.


You know when you wrote me a message when you were drunk out with your new guy and his friends saying you couldn't stop thinking about me. Well I can never stop thinking about you. I want to tell you this, but I can't, also when you asked if I missed you, and I said no, that was a lie.


It was easy for you to move on, you already had another guy lined up.


I hate the fact I am going to Japan and you will be thinking I completely loathe you, which is partly true, but there is some of me that wants to reach out to and go back to how things were.


Things didn't work out because you were way too selfish, this break up was your fault but I know all your friends, family and neighbours all think it was me. I have already talked about this numerous times, so you know exactly how I feel.


Part of me wants you back, but I know it will never work.


So funny how you went from saying noone compares to your first love and how you would marry me no matter what, to this new guy within a day. I am sure by the time I get back from Japan I will be a distant memory.

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I check back in here periodically to see how everyone is doing. To see how other people handle pain and longing. And to help if I can with anything I have learned.


DJ........ it is all the same hurt story. By that, I mean, everyone who got "F-ed" over in some way by thier ex is going to have the same feeling.

I still hate my ex for what she did(and they never take responsibility for it).


They never do Man---- They only justify it over and over again, manipulate and exagerate things they didn't like about you, Lie to make themselves look like a piece of Gold(when you know that they are really a piece of Sh**).


It is SO hard to let go, especially if you are prideful person. The greatest thing though, is when you can look back and say, yea, I loved him/her, but I see why it wasn't right.


The best part is when you can justify the ending too! You eventually flip the script and see that the relationship you were in had a time and place and now that time is over.


TRUST ME. Things get worse and worse the more you try and have an ex in your life. Things are too fresh and the feeling of want and love don't just disappear(especially if you got dumped).


Know this


1. They will never take responsibility for thier crappy behavior


2. They wanted out, respect that people can make choices that you don't agree with


3. get a new girl, they are all over the place, better looking, better pesonalities, etc----what is this 1952? GO date, be free.


Very true.

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Why, I dont get it? You know good and damn well that when we give half an ass of effort in to our relationship we are good, you know that when we have the time...no kids..no responsibilitiy that we re-connect and have a blast. We have invested so much in to this, three kids who are all about to be in school. Now you can go to work at a job that you like and start making the kind of money that will really improve our lives. We have sacraficed for all these years and now you are just going to throw in the towell? Why?


This? This? This dude is what you want, WtF? Are you kidding me? Ok you know what, you dont want me...but you choose this over me. This no job 16 years your senior, out on bail and maybe going back to jail bull**** artist? Are you ****ing serious here? Why?, because he kisses your ass and tells you everything you want to hear? Because he doesn't have a ****ing job and can therefore spend all his time with his head shoved straight up your ass? How the hell can you do that anyway? Have both your heads up each others ass at the same time? ****ing amazing!


Oh Bull****! You ****ing cheated and you know it, your not a slut or a whore...you jumped in to his bed two hours after we "broke up"...thats not your style...your not like that and you know it...that means there was some serious third base going on long before that one night!


Why!? Because he got all ****ing hot and bothered at the hot chick working the pub! When I met you you were four months pregnant with our first child! A child that I have raised as my blood! That nine years later knows me and me alone as Daddy! I fell in love with you from the inside out! We fell in love first! not lust! For god sake does that not mean a damn thing now!


I literally pulled with my bare hands our children from your womb! What!? you think that is just a ****ing pussy between your legs now that you can give away at any time! Think about that next time you are letting that old scumbag run his dick up in you!

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Dear R,

Who are you? I don't even know you anymore. What happened to the sweet and gentle guy i met? You've completely changed and turned into a cocky arrogant a**hole! I hate you. I hate the fact that I'm still in love with you. I hate how i stuck by you when you were going through all your problems when you never even appreciated it. I allowed you to emotionally abuse me and treat me like a piece of sh*t. I was a much stronger person before i met you. You dragged me down and mentally f*cked me up. I gave you ALL of my trust, all of my heart, all of my time, and you betrayed me by cheating on me and replacing me with another female. After a 4 year relationship with me at least have the decency to break up with me in person and not over the phone!!! Our relationship was nothing but LIES, you told me we would be able to make it through whatever problems we had, you told me that there was no one else. I really thought we had a future together since you were the one who said it yourself. How did i allow myself to fall in love with someone like YOU. Why do i even want you back when i know i can find someone that will treat me better? I hope one day you'll realize what you've lost, when you try to run back to me i'll be smart enough to tell you to f*ck off!! I hope you're happy with HER.



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im tired of dreaming of your dumbass and about all the "good times" we had or me trying to talk to you on a real level and get you back. when i wake up i just remind myslef how you make it so obvious that with your new relationship is excitement with the new and comfort of the old. your bringing our memories into your new relationship. yes i know it and you made it quite clear when you texted my friend about how hyped you are about my all time favorite artists that you always talked **** about :). your probably really happy now in your honeymoon phase and although i am still in love with you NOW, i do not wish you happiness in your relationship, NOW. you hurt me so bad and it will take time before i can wish you that but i have no plans because i dont want to ever talk to you if your with her or if you dont contact me. but im done wishing that and i sorta dont care because i know im valuable i know i will be loved again and be a special someone again. unlike you, i am on my own, NOT AFRAID TO BE ALONE, and only getting stronger as the minutes pass without you. people said i was the selfish one. no. i wanted US to be happy, not just me be happy. your the selfish one. so unwilling to be alone because again you are scared, you HAVE to feel needed and wanted, you long to be feel you beong to someone, and your using her for your benefits and i doubt you know it yet. i tried to be friends with you but you turned into a con artist so yes i iniated no contact but it wasnt me who made it fail. i wish you happiness in all aspects of your life but with her. we could have worked it out together and i know it in my blood no matter what anyone says. it wasnt a big problem that we couldnt push through and i wonder, if ever a problem comes up again in your new relationships are you just going to runaway to the next girl thinking her responsibility is to piece up the pieces of your broken heart? because i know that there are many people with your same traits and i know that i dont have to classify you as "my one" but i wanted too.



i will get over you and dreaming is the only thing hurting me right now.

this phase will pass, and you will be forgotten.

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Why cant you just email me? You promised we would be friends.. YOU PROMISED ME!!!



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I don`t usually keep track of the time that goes by. But today I noticed the date. It would have been one year and eleven months. Almost two years, J.


I don`t know if it`s the Valentine`s Day stuff going around, but I`ve been hurting so much these last few days. I loved you more than anything, and I still don`t doubt that that was the problem. I remember this time last year we were, or I was, so incredibly sad I couldn`t share Valentine`s Day with you. So we sent packages to each other. I loved yours, and I remember sitting in the bedroom and looking over each item again and again. When we broke up, I gave you everything you had given me back. Including those gifts. I wonder now if you`re going to give your new girlfriend the same little circuit board heart. You know, I wouldn`t put that pass you. You`re just nifty like that.


I haven`t had any luck with guys. Just yesterday I found out that someone who I was talking to just wants me as a friend with benefits. It`s frustrating.


I miss what we had. I miss you so much. I can`t wait till` the crap month is over. I can`t wait until I am over you. I would have given you the world if I could have. And the thing is, I gave you mine, but you just didn`t want it.


Enjoy the Valentine`s Day with your new girlfriend. I should have known something was wrong with that situation. How fast we move on...I`ll be trying to do something, anything, to get my mind off of you.


I never got the flowers you sent me last year. It`s sad, I keep imagining this day coming and me opening the door to twelve of my favorite flowers. But don`t worry, I`m not that stupid to believe it`d ever happen.

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Don't ever attempt contact with me again. I don't want to hear from you.


I have your words impounded in my brain. Your opinions, your theories, your written words, your spoken words....they're all right here in my mind.


There is nothing more that you need to say to me.

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i know that i can't be with you anymore. that the life and dreams we shared have now been shattered. orn apart and discarded as if they never existed. i so want you to talk to me...to tell me how you are feeling about the loss of our r-ship. i know you kept on apologising for that f*ck up, but you never fully shared your soul with me about it. 4 months after your betrayal and 2 weeks after i ended it with you, i'm still waiting..longing for you to let me know what's going on in that head and heart of yours.


you tell me that you're feeling nothing. that its the antidepressant's fault. but i'm no fool. they don;t shut you down completely, you're just too scared to work past it all.


i loved you with all my heart. a part of me knows that it was just a misake. that you messed up...but it was a betrayal. and how i want to turn back time and try harder to make you still want me. to try harder to forgive. but this was perhaps meant to be. i'll just have to accept who you are, just like i always have over the 7 years.


goodbye, my love. you have changed me forever and i don't know whether to be grateful or not.

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This is it. This is the last time I will have to deal with the "first time" after. After this weekend I am free of all of it. There is nothing that I did with you that I didn't do alone or with someone else. No more holidays, meals, snowstorms, rain showers, bookstores, impossible positions or events. No more seasons changing, meeting mothers, sunday mornings, take out dinners, silly fights or grocery stores. No more meeting the cats, getting too drunk, talking by the water or inside jokes. I've done all of it since without you... except for this one last holiday. It was the last good thing I could remember for a long time... and now I will forget it. l8r


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You are a liar. At this point, I only have questions;why? Why did you go through all the lies? Why was it so hard for you to just be upfront with me from the beginning(a year and a half ago)? She says the two of you have been together fr 9 years. You told me that she was crazy and obsessive and that you guys broke up because she wanted to get married and you did not (at least not to her). So why then did you bring her on a cruise last week? Why did you take her to the boat show? Why did you lie to me to my face about it? Were you afraid I would walk away? Well guess what, I'm walking away now. I will not take your calls, your texts or anything.

Just to let you know when you do call, I will look at my phone with tears streaming down my face because I want to talk to you. I want to see you because even after all your lies and the way you used me, I'm still in love with you.

Had you not f'ed all this up with your lies I would have promised that I will love you better then she ever did. I would be a better girlfriend. I would have made you the happiest man in the world. It's obvious you are not happy with her, there is a reason that you cheated on her with me. Anyone person with eyes can see that I'm hotter, prettier, funnier, sexier, smarter and nicer then she could ever be. So why then? Why her over me? I look way better in a bikini on your boat. I give way better blow J's, I make you smile more, I make you laugh more and the chemistry we have together is unmatched. We have the same goals, the same wants and desires......

I just want to know: WHY ALL THE LIES? Is the only way you can get a women by TELLING LIES? Are you THAT insecure that you can't break up with one if you are not happy before moving on to the next?

I'm done being your little "while I'm in town" girl. I can do better and I WILL do better and you will regret not having me in your life more than you will ever know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sunavab*******tch!!!! wtf happened?! yes things were getting out of control but I didn't want it to end this way. I was way outta my head, enjoying too much. Freakin honeymoon phase had to end like a punch in the face. Ugh. i hate this!

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