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You stupid, disgusting, nasty, sad sack of filth. You pus-faced lump of trash. You are the most vile, revolting, repugnant piece of monkey poop. You are nasty, dirty. You sir, are not a gentleman. You are a soda guzzling bastard. You have sores all over you personality and your face looks like somone threw up on it. You are a giant hemmoroid lodged in the butt-crack of life. You are the most putrid thing to ever walk the earth. You were not born out of the womb. You came out of a buttcrack and fell on the operating table. The doctor slapped your face because it was so ugly and stamped "BIO HAZARD" on your forehead. "Made in China" is engraved on your butt, you fake moron. You are not human. You are a strip of fried afterbirth and you smell like the inside of a camel's intestines. You are the nastiest thing I have ever laid eyes on. Stay out of my life, fungus-face. Go away, back to the tar pits where you came on. You now must deal with the wrath of MOO!

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I can't believe it's over. All those years. I honestly believed we'd last forever. I never thought I'd feel that way about a person. I still feel the same love for you now, as I did then. But I am angry at you. How could you do this? Can't you see you're running? Relationships take work. They all do. The one you've escaped into now - it will get old. He will have issues too. We we're together for five years. It's hard to remember what life was like before that. How can you say you'll love someone forever, that you'll always want to work on it and then leave. I still pray that phone call comes. Where you've woken up. Where you've finally decided to deal with your emotions. But then I wonder how I'll ever trust you again. You told me when you met your new BF, after months of stringing me along, that you don't love me anymore. I don't believe you, you could barely look me in the eye. How do you still do all those things with someone for 6 months after we break up - filling me with hope - when you don't love them. Well, guess what - I don't TRUST you. So there. You kept saying how we'll always trust each other - even at the end, you kept saying that. Well **** you, I don't.

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I've been reading up on narcissism lately, and there are some things that really, really make me infuriated. It is not that you are such a narcissistic bitch that angers me so. It is that you were that way by volition. You knew EXACTLY how you were hurting and demeaning me, and you continued to do so because it gave you the fix, the ultimate power you crave to survive.


I know now, and this is not self-pity or unrealistic whining, that you never loved me. You loved having another person to reflect yourself back to, your shining image. It was all a fabrication, all a lie. Just because we broke up over a year ago does NOT mean that I don't hate you with a sad passion and wish heartbreak and loss upon you. You deserve to fall in love, get married and be cheated on. You deserve to have kids and have the father abandon you and his kids. You deserve the worst heartbreak a woman can feel.


Here is a link for people who are dealing with, or have dealt with malignant narcissists.





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For over a year, I have listened to you, stayed up late for you, remembered things about you, and cared about you, and this is my reward? You told me that I SAVED YOUR LIFE. I KEPT YOU SANE. I REMINDED YOU OF ALL THE GOOD THAT YOUR LIFE STILL HAD LEFT IN IT. Although it was MY work, and MY love, it is this perverted douchebag who gets everything I strived for? It is some disgusting twerp with a penchant for hitting women that receives what should have been mine?


GOOD ****ING RIDDANCE. Ayn Rand wrote, "Tell me what a [person] finds sexually attractive and I will tell you [their] entire philosophy of life. Show me the [person] [they] sleep with and I will tell you [their] valuation of [themselves]." I guess we know yours.

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Hello ma Minuscule,


today it's 7 days of silence.


Are you already over me? Are you with someone new?


I'm torturing myself with these questions.


I'm also asking myself what i've done wrong, but i think that's not the question.


Maybe things had to go that way.


I want desperately to call you, to see you. But i want to resist some more. Just one more day. Or two.


I know it will be no easier if i call you. It will be worse for the two of us.


As i love you, if you took a decision, it's part of my love to stick with it.


I feel trapped and abandoned, but you won't know this - not from me.


I still love you.

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Road To Joy


For over a year, I have listened to you, stayed up late for you, remembered things about you, and cared about you, and this is my reward? You told me that I SAVED YOUR LIFE. I KEPT YOU SANE. I REMINDED YOU OF ALL THE GOOD THAT YOUR LIFE STILL HAD LEFT IN IT. Although it was MY work, and MY love, it is this perverted douchebag who gets everything I strived for? It is some disgusting twerp with a penchant for hitting women that receives what should have been mine?


GOOD ****ING RIDDANCE. Ayn Rand wrote, "Tell me what a [person] finds sexually attractive and I will tell you [their] entire philosophy of life. Show me the [person] [they] sleep with and I will tell you [their] valuation of [themselves]." I guess we know yours.


We must be the same person, man.

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your silence is killing me.

I really though you were the one...and I don't even know where to start to forget you.


Damn, i miss you so much.


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Today I am not doing well.

I'm thinking of you constantly.

I don't know why you reached out the other day.

It's got me all ****ed up again.

I almost texted you today.

Stupid **** that wouldn't have helped or made anything better.

I have questions.

Are you happier now, without me? Is your life better without me in it? How could you do this? Was it worth quitting what we had been building for five years?

For what?

What's out there that is worth leaving this behind?

I loved you everyday with all my heart, and I still do.

I love you just as much as the day I first told you.

Why don't you care?

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In the immortal words of Elliott Smith, "I Figured You Out".


Seen you watching

Her every time she crosses the floor

So just go and talk to

Someone you really adore

I'm getting pretty used to being

The one you always ignore

When somebody wants you

I've seen it before


You're every kind of color

There ain't nothing that you won't claim

Your ambition and promise

And your addiction to fame

And everyone's got a dollar

Sign after their name

When somebody wants you

You treat 'em just the same


So go on and pick up

You don't care what poison you choose

Or what person you'll use

Should've been me, yeah

Shouldn't it be?


Crushing quiet

Crawls in through your window

From someone who wants you

But you'll never know

I'll pick up around you

Clear everything out

Leave you where I found you

I figured you out




Now that I've really tried to understand you, I have come upon this wonderful realization: there's nothing there. There is nothing to figure out. You are merely a machine, a human with Narcissistic Personality Disorder who acts nothing like normal people. I don't know why I've devoted so many hours of thinking to someone who literally does not think in the way that a normal human does.


You don't have a soul. You act like a stunted 6-year-old. You f*ck guys you don't even like. You control your family. You are a short, mean bitch. Why does anyone even care about you? You are exactly like Angela from The Office - a complete, unapologetic c*nt.


Why did I ever think you were more? Why did I buy into your superiority complex? You are nothing. I am so much kinder, so much more caring and empathic than you. You are a f*cking lie. Your entire life is a lie. I feel so bad for your parents and your sister. They quiver at the sight of you. They cater to your every need.


R, you are not at all someone who deserves love. No, you deserve derision and scorn. I think it's hilarious that you think so highly of yourself. I have just spent the last two days reading up on narcissistic traits, and guess what? You display all of them.


Every single one.


You do not accept, or give, gratitude or remorse.


You emotionally manipulate all those close to you.


You put on 'good' appearances (you're a middle-school teacher) to cover up for the 'badness' that your subconscious knows is within you.


I could go on. You display them all. You are such a waste of time and human space. I hope someone destroys you completely. Because you totally deserve it.


People are just a means to an end for you. We're all unworthy of your time. What a gift you have bestowed on humanity, your mere presence. You clearly are the authority on all matters political, social, and creative.


You once said to me you're not a bad person. Yes, you are. You are the definition of a bad person. Someone who tricks people into being in your life, only to feed your need as an endless narcissistic supply source. Someone who dismisses them once they have served their purpose. You are a bad person. I hope someone breaks your heart, and soon.

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you mother f'er. i so want to hate you. it's easier when i remember how we got to this place.


a part of me just wants to drag this out longer than it should and a part of me wishes we had parted ways way back when i first wanted to.


i have very little strength. i have very little courage. all i want to do is tear you down repeatedly. why doesn't it work?


i feel like this doesn't have a real ending with all of your i love yous and we will be together forevers. are you out of your mind? the sad part is that those words made me stick around hopeful you would work through your stuff and be more available.


if i look at our history one thing is true. you're not available and haven't been for too long. it's killing me. how long does this really need to go on for?


why can't you just tell me that you're never going to contact me and have no interest in me. it would be easier that way, but you always make it so hard.

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i finally got my closure when we talked a week and a half ago and I was so ready to do NC but that email you sent me was so sweet! I am glad you found my hairclips. What a cute excuse to see me! I don't need them right now, so hold on to them or throw them away.


I am not going to answer your email because I know I will see you in three weeks at the party and I want to look hot, and I want you to have missed me and stressed over me not answering your email just like you did to me.


Be ready to be dumfounded--I've already lost 10 pounds, got a tan, and did you see that amazingly hot modeling picture of me that's circulating in our local magazine? I know all your friends have and are probably asking you how I am doing.


You will find out soon enough.


Keep waiting, ****er

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Hey Kim,



I really wish I could talk to you, I miss you so much. But why? I mean, the day I broke up with you I felt 100% sure it was what I wanted to do, for both of us. But now that confidence has dwindled and I'm left questioning my decision and feeling regretful about things. It seems like I remember only the good times we had and forget all the reasons why I broke up with you. So I'm going to try and recall them, amidst my feelings of angst.


You're insecurity pushed me away. I tried to help you be a more secure person but it didn't seem to work. I treated you well, to dinner, to talking, to cuddling, and would spend the majority of my time with you. I constantly told you how beautiful you were, how much I loved you, and how you made me happy. But when you kept questioning me, like you didn't believe me, my happiness began to fade..


The hardest part for me was how your insecurity wouldn't allow you to be confident in yourself. You have no idea how beautiful you are! In my eyes, no other girl can compare to you. You're curves, your eyes, your smile, and yes, I love you hair! There is not one part of your body I would change.


Now that I look back, we shared a strong interest in music, despite liking different bands. We both love DMB and I will always think of you when I hear "the chirstmas song." That's the moment when I fell in love with you. Laying on my bed, staring into each others eyes, listening to that song...


Those walls that you would put up when we would get into a fight. Those pushed me away too. They pushed both of us away. You would get scared and think I was constantly going to leave you for a "prettier" girl, but no matter how many times I told you I wasn't interested in anyone but you, you would never believe me. And even though you said you were only doing it just to be funny or because you like hearing me say i love you..I don't buy that anymore.


Today I realized that when I broke up with you I keep feeling like I had to help you recover. I felt like if I talked to you it would ease my pain, along with yours. But it only made me worse, and I was actually crying when I called you earlier while you sounded much more reserved. I'm tired of pouring my heart out to you and having it only slam into another one of your walls. So that's why I deleted you from facebook, much to your dismay. I don't want the temptation to see your page, or the possibility that you actually would accept Robbie's friend request.


Speaking of Robbie, the fact that you cheated on me and hid it from me for two weeks was horrible and a significant blow to me. I had to look into your text messages to find out! And when I asked you about it you lied to my face, multiple times. You said you were going to tell me at the right time, but there is no right time to tell someone, you just gotta tell them! But the fact that you were able to sleep with him, and then come back to me and pretend everything was ok and continue sleeping with me is disgusting.


I lost all trust for you then, and it never fully came back. I felt more and more like I just didn't care about what you did than actually beginning to trust you again. I mean, I had moments where I thought that we were going to work out and everything would be fine, but the feeling never last long...I knew breaking up with you was going to be best for both of us and so far it has been.


I know now that I have to do what is best for me. I have to help myself heal first before I can help you. I'm sorry. I'll see you July 24 at the concert and hopefully you'll be civil about this and not act like a bitch because I deleted you from facebook. Basically, I realized that my life would be better without you in it as my girlfriend.


You've taught me a lot through out the course of our relationship, about love, about treating a girl right, and about confrontation. I'm more mature in the aspect of confronting problems instead of running away from them, and for that I thank you. You opened up a side of me that I never knew existed, a side that was filled with so much love and happiness. I shared that with you for as long as I could, but no more. I will miss you as my girlfriend. You were indeed a 'perfect' fit into my arms and against my body, but we need to spend time apart in order to live our lives peacefully and without anymore pain and tears.


Like you said, maybe if we had met senior year, we would've been different people and maybe more compatible. I'd like to think so. But right now we are going in different directions and I wish you the best of luck. I hope I can soon be there as your friend, but right now I need to ex you out of my life and recover.

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You're not gonna get me this time. Just so you know. Nice try, though, jerk. For the record, go to hell.


I shouldn't overthink this. I should pretend like it didn't happen. That's probably best. Deep breaths. I'll bring it back. Bringin' it back. I'm strong. I must be.

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youre pathetic, your self centred, your ego is bigger than your life...


I have necer see this side of you before....incredible...


Thinking about it, I get the feeling that this is your way of dealing with the guilt, and i can start to see it is catching up with you now!!!

I'll await your next, pathetic excuse for contact

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Hey you

miss you lots. Most of all i miss the sound of your voice and waking up with you beside me. You've hurt me alot over the last couple of months, i never thought you'd hurt me this much. Part of me is angry at the way you treated me, but i know you've got to protect yourself.

I wish i could thank you for all the light you have brought into my life. I'll never forget the adventures we had together, all the fun. Thank you for helping me when my father died, your support will never be forgot.

I just wish you would let me say these things to your face and break down that barrier. I wish you all the best in the future and i hope someday you can love yourself and see the best in yourself.

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Wow, so it's my birthday and you really did not contact me today. I realized that was probably going to happen, but part of me still hoped for an email or a text message. Did you think about me today? Did you even remember it was my birthday?


I met a great guy yesterday and hopefully I will see him again next week, but as perfect as he is for me, and as wrong as I know you are for me, I still wish with all my heart that you would come back to me and I could hold you and kiss you again.


I miss and love you so much and I probably always will.


Love you,


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Road To Joy

You selfish, f*cking bitch.


I don't know if I'm just going through an anger phase or what. I mean, I feel pretty calm but...


You deserve to find a great guy. You deserve to fall madly in love with him, like I was with you. You deserve to marry him. You deserve to have kids with him. You deserve to be cheated on and abandoned.


So you'll know how it feels.


Then I want you to contact me after this all happens, while I'm at home making love to my beautiful wife and taking care of my kids, and being successful, happy, complete...


and I want you to apologize for all the sh*t you made me go through.


THEN I'll fully forgive you.


Until then... I'll always have at least SOME resentment towards you.


F*ck you. You don't deserve me.

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How could you throw me out homeless on the street after everything I have done for you and riley! WHAT DID I DESERVE THIS FOR! I love you more than anything in this world, and gave you all of my trust all of everything I am just for to KILL ME and hurt me so bad that I am crippled in life. There were hard times in our relationship for sure but nothing that gives you the right to destroy my life. IF YOU WANTED ME GONE YOU COULD OF SAID SO! Instead of FKING KILLING MY HEART! Now I HATE YOU, and I LOVE YOU AT the same time...I think about you all the time. You have destroyed me Ashlee you have ruined me. I hope your happy...but I would bet you dont even care...


Enjoy your new man that your going to use/abuse/and SCREW.

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Hey Steve! I'm having this urge to call you today, just to chat really! I find myself feeling sooo good and happy and complete.


I will probably call you but maybe I shouldn't. I don't wanna string you along. Part of me wants revenge, wants to dump you back, but I wanna spend my energy on more worthwhile things.


Life is good!

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Hey E,

Oh your dad would always call you that. He loves you, you know? He's always there for you. He's your father. I told you that you had someone to turn to. I'm always right.

It's only been a day since I haven't contacted you at all. It's difficult but I know it will make us both stronger people. Hopefully we will be able to build a forever, lasting friendship. We never really had that before we started dating.


I hope you realize how much I loved you and how much I always will. I hope you feel the same, too. But sometimes I doubt it. Why did you really break up with me? Was it really because you were hurting from us arguing all the time? Or were you just falling out of love with me? I don't understand. You were the first one to say, "I love you." You were the first one to make all the first moves. You were the first one to say, "I want to spend forever with you." What happened? Two people that are in love and dream of spending forever together, work it out. Why couldn't we? Why couldn't we try harder? Why couldn't we communicate? I believe that is where our relationship crumbled. When you were hurting, why did you feel like you couldn't come and tell me? Why did you wait until you were hurting so badly inside and it was too late? Why did you wait until it got to the point where you gave up on me? You know that if you came and talked to me I would work harder. But I guess if your love failed for me, there was nothing I could do about it. I can't control your feelings. Only you can. I just wish we both were on the same page. I'm not going to wait around for you, and I don't expect you to wait for me either, but I believe one day you will come back to me telling me you can't love anyone else like you loved me and you want me back. I'm almost positive that will happen. If not, then that's fine too. I will still love you. Maybe one day, mister. Maybe one day when we have both matured and realized our problems, where we failed, and where we succeeded, we can try again. I'm not sure though. It's almost hard to believe you when you say you want me, because we have already had a small break-up before. Just don't wait for me, please. I won't wait for you. Go have fun- I think it's what you wanted after all. But I hope you don't forget me either.

I still think, today, that I lost the man I was supposed to marry. I lost you. I feel as if you were just too immature to realize that once you have got the girl, you can't just leave her because you want to be young and have fun, or because some silly fight broke you down. You will turn back one day and realize that she has already moved on.


Why couldn't you just realize that we would get through arguments and possibly even be stronger than ever? To this day I still don't know if we will be brought back together by fate. Maybe we will. Maybe we wont. But we can't wait around wondering. Have fun, buddy, and enjoy life. Live it to your fullest, and make smart choices!


I love you with all my heart.

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Road To Joy

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results each time."


Therefore, you're a psychopathic b*tch. :laugh:


Good luck with that. :cool:

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Hey Pump going on 2 months and half now since the break up and I still miss you terribly. I still cry everyday. The silence is killing me. I am going to see you though next Saturday. Maybe that is what is giving me a little hope but I know things won't end up the way I would like them too. I am in Florida now and how ironic I am going home on the 7th, exactly a month ago since I last saw you. I am seeing you on the 18th, exactly 3 months since you dumped me. I can't wait to see you though. I have been dreaming of you ALOT lately. I wonder if you miss me at all? I wonder if you think about me at all? Since our break up I have had a hard time with NC. I didn't really call you much but I can't stop myself from texting you. The few times that I did call you, you never answered my calls or called me back. I was really surprised when I text you last week to confirm that we were still going to the show, you ignored my text as usual. So I called you and to my surprise you picked up the phone. You actually answered my call. I was happy and acted like nothing was wrong with me but I was nervous and dying inside. You actually told me where you were, who you were with and where you were going without me asking you. I made sure to keep the convo really short. Said what I needed to say and told you that I would contact you 2 days before show to figure out if we would go together or just meet eachother in the city. You are still on my thoughts constantly. I can't wait to see you and hopefully there will be a spark for us again. Love you more than I really knew. Till the 18th

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I CAN NOT beleive your nerve, your selfishness. I can't beleive what you did. You knew how special last night was. And you couldn't even come? A lousy text at midnight saying sorry, and asking how it went? Fudge you! It just made me realize how its all about you. We hang out when you want to, and do what you want to. On your time. Whenever I try to make plans, you IGNORE ME. Last night really hit home. I knew then, that you had nothing left for me. When we first dated, you would have gotten on a train, sold plasma or cds to get a train ticket, and come all the way to see me, just for a party.


And now you can't even make it to a party around the corner from your house. That is so sad. I'm sorry, I am so done. I am going NC. I am NOT going to tell you why, you know why. It is so painful to realize its now almost been 6 months, and nothings changed. I wasted my time, and I feel like a idiot.

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I CAN NOT beleive your nerve, your selfishness. I can't beleive what you did. You knew how special last night was. And you couldn't even come? A lousy text at midnight saying sorry, and asking how it went? Fudge you! It just made me realize how its all about you. We hang out when you want to, and do what you want to. On your time. Whenever I try to make plans, you IGNORE ME. Last night really hit home. I knew then, that you had nothing left for me. When we first dated, you would have gotten on a train, sold plasma or cds to get a train ticket, and come all the way to see me, just for a party.


And now you can't even make it to a party around the corner from your house. That is so sad. I'm sorry, I am so done. I am going NC. I am NOT going to tell you why, you know why. It is so painful to realize its now almost been 6 months, and nothings changed. I wasted my time, and I feel like a idiot.


:( ur doin the right thing there my friend. Stay Strong!

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Hey R,




So i hear your still an *******? really doesnt suprise me much..pathetic people like you dont change. so i hear your with someone else now. LOL you must make her life real fun eh? not allowed to go out, tell her everything wrong with her. you really are something else.


Its funny how even your "friends" dont like you.. and its also funny how you cant handle what you dish out! shows how weak and pathetic you really are. your an insecure RAT! and you think your all that. you might have the looks but you deff dont got the charm you "once had".


your just low.. and its funny how i waste my time over you. but whatever im on to bigger and better things... bigger and better in all areas, should we discuss ? ;)

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