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Hahahahaah,post all those stuff on your AIM. I just blocked you. Grow up! cause I know when you're done being angry, you'll realize you lost a good thing. All your friends do. GOOD DAY AND GOOD BYE TO YOU FOREVER. Once a cheater... always a cheater.

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I hate the days I wanna contact you outta nowhere. I've came so far. Over 90 days(i've lost count) But I refuse to relieve any of your guilt. I hope you drown in it. You think you could just "disappear" not once, but twice, and come running back BOTH times when you felt like reappearing. Nope, not this time. You decided you wanted to call almost a month later, and then didn't even have the balls to unblock the #.


I know I deserve better than your cowardly, sorry, pathetic ass, and I'll be glad the day comes when you're not even on my mind. I am sooooo much better off without you.

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I really need to learn to just stop contacting you. You split up with me 6 weeks ago after an 18 month relationship. You said you loved me, yet here you are, 5 weeks after you finish me and you have invited that guy round to your house. Why Do I know this? I need to let go of you and your abusive ways. All I ever did was put you first, all you ever did was put me 5th. Thats after contacting your ex boyfriends, contacting your crushes, calling me insecure, punching me in the face repeatedly, lying to me...you have your slutty past, your slutty present and now your skanky future to look forward to. I hope the new boy in your life, sexual partner number 24 (you are only 22 years for heavens sake!) is the man of your dreams. But I don't think so. You are so unhappy, your depression will be the end of you if you use as a excuse to do whatever you want.


I know I deserve BETTER than your slutty ass. My love will go to someone who knows how to give it back. You are a **** up. You get your slutty bitchyness from your mother, and your depressive antisocial ways from your father. Your only friends are boys because OMG you are attracive, boys will always be your friend, but never a best.


**** you. I'd punch you in the face, but you are a girl, so I wouldn't. Even though thats what you did to me, 3 times because I told you not to tell me to **** off. You are messed up. And my 4 hour romping sex sessions will be given to someone else who can keep up.



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Hey you. :) Still thinking about you a year later. Hope all is well with you. I really mean that. I had such a great time with you, and remember you with much affection. I wonder how you are doing these days.... how school is going for you and all the things you are learning. I hope you have made peace with your divorce and are no longer hurting anymore. I hope you aren't angry toward women, but realize that all of us go through these feelings of hurt and come out through the other end. I do miss our fun conversations. You are a special guy and very much one of a kind. Maybe someday you and I can be acquaintances again. It might not be until I have other relationship established, as I don't want to have further hope about you and myself... but maybe someday I'll at least get to know you as an acquaintance again. Thank you very much for all the inspiration you've given me. I truly appreciate you. Even though I still think you and I might have made a great couple, I know that I'll be just fine either way. I know there were certain qualities in a woman you really wanted and I didn't have those. But it's okay, I know I have a lot to offer the right person for me as well. I am still a tad disappointed, but I understand. I also suspected that you weren't totally attracted to me due to my weight (even though you tried to be really polite about it). I was hurt about this for awhile, but I've mostly come to terms with it now. We all deserve to be with people we are attracted to. Anyway, even though I do think of you often, I have for the most part made peace with myself about this. I am really hoping to meet the right guy for me soon, and I hope when I meet the right person my loyalties to you won't get in the way. Since we haven't talked in nearly a year, I know I have no obligations to you. I just hope that my heart will be open to love again. It's just that after meeting you, the bar has been set extremely high for other men now.


Anyway, thanks again for all the beautiful things you brought into my life. I have no words to express how much I have benefited by your presence. You have a light within you, which helped to light something beautiful in me as well. All I can say is a heartfelt THANK YOU...

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I think about you still. It still hurts...the way you treated me. I didn't know I was getting involved with a whore. Why didn't you tell me? You cheated on two of your girlfriends during the same time period. You pretty much cheated on me...oh wait, you told me you thought we were over even though I never said goodbye. Neither did you. I guess that's how you cheat without cheating. Gosh, what a disgusting slut you are. Take your whorish and slutty ways to all the women you want. That won't make a man out of you. You are SUCH a COWARD. You say you want a relationship, but you don't want to do the work. You want something super easy, because you are super easy. You think you are a man, but you are not. You are nothing but a low-life scumbag who crawls out from under rocks on his belly, screws someone then crawls back under the rock. You are a bum and a bombaclot. Your skankish ways will catch up with you one day. Gosh, you really are filthy, pathetic, dirty piece of trash.

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Hey K,



I had a really fun time at the concert last night. Dancing together to our favorite musician was so much fun..those are the times I enjoy the most with you, without all the insecurity, jealousy, and low self-esteem. I really wish you could see that life is too short to live that way!


I was doing fine before I saw you at the concert too. I miss you...I really miss you a lot. AHHHHH!!! I was at the point where I would wake up and NOT think about you, and last night you were in all my dreams, and you even kissed me in one of them. Now what? Back to square one? Am I falling for you again?


No, I can't. You may need me, but I don't need you. I tried to fix things between us while we were together and things just wouldn't work out. You say you plan on trying pot in a few weeks, yet when I smoked last night you of course acted like I was doing something wrong. And when I wanted to show you the pictures of flowers on my camera, you checked all of my pictures from the beach to see if there were any girls there. (There were, and I f*cked one on the balcony of our hotel)


Let me tell you, I"m not a big fan of those one night stands. That was my first one ever, and most likely my last. I felt so dirty the next morning, and I want to keep sex a special thing, not something I can give to random person.


But you have fun at the beaches you're going to. I"m finally going to work and earn some $ before school starts. I know you want me to call you, and think I'm ignoring you, but I'm sticking with NC. You need to get over me.

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georgia girl

Hey there. I know, I have certainly been unapproachable. Listen, you're a good guy and I had a great time with you. But, you were right. It's time to move on. As good as we were, it takes two whole people to have a relationship. At this point, you still refuse to be a whole person. But I can't make you want that and I can't help you. That's all on you. If you would finally stop struggling and make a decision in your life, you have no idea how great it could be... not just with me, but with everything. You have so much to offer - you are truly pretty amazing. But you don't believe in yourself and you are the only thing holding you back. I wish you well and I'm truly sorry that it didn't work out. But I need more, I'm worth more and, regardless of if you see it or not, so do you. Take care.

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You drive me crazy. I know that I shouldn't be with you, but I still want to see you, talk to you, and be with you again. I am sick in the head.

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To the ex-gf,


You were smokin' hot, an awesome dinner date and we connected so well - we were able to really relax around each other. You rock and I hope you are rockin out with your new man.


Take care :)

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I hate the way you treated me. Made me believe you really liked me yet never had time for me. Why did you have to feed me all this bull**** about missing me, thinking about me 24/7 and talking about me to your friends? Obviously you never cared or you would have made the time to see me. Busy is bull****. People make time for things they really care about. And you obviously were able to make time for work, friends, sports, etc. You just never were willing to make time for me. I feel so stupid for letting you treat me like a doormat for so long.


I hate that I miss you, I hate that you get to be the one to break things off when it should have been me a long time ago.


**** you!!!

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I saw your pictures today on a flash drive that I had forgotten about. It took so much not to call you. I cried for you today. I cried tears but also my heart cried for you.


Why didn't you ever make time for me? You made time for everything but me. I made time for you, even when I was very, very busy. Why wasn't I worth your time? Why did you string me along for a year and then throw me away? Why did you throw your new gf in my face? You could have broken up with me before you started dating her. You strung me along for so long. Why was I always down at the bottom of your list? Your job, your son, your friends, your hobby, your car, your paperwork...they all came first. I agreed your son should have come first, even your job, but your car? Your paperwork? Your hobby? And all the time you kept telling me that you loved me. You told me you loved me. Two weeks later you were with someone else and treated me like I was nobody. How could you do this to me? I waited a year for you to get your life together. How could you lead me on and then just throw me away? Are you really that cruel?

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I just had the worst dream about you. Call it a nightmare.


We were lying in bed and I fell asleep and woke up to this spanish lookin guy makin out with you. I felt like I knew him and I wanted him to stop. I pushed him aside and told you that I could take of you. But you whispered in my ear, "No. Let him c*m inside me. Alone..." My heart dropped and I was so disgusted. I felt the way I did when I found out you had cheated on me.


You and the guy left the room and I was screaming at you and turned up the music in the room I was in. I f*cking hate this. I don't need you in my life! Why can't I convince my brain to stop thinking about you as soon as I wake up in the morning? I really don't want anything to do with you anymore. You're twisted. You act so innocent but you know what you want. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I had never dated you in the first place.

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I cant believe that this is happenning again. This is the third summer we r apart. Im so mad at you for doing this. After 1 month of NC i feel worse than ever. Why are you such a hardass? I know you miss me too..i know you do. How do you do it?? How do u stay away from me? I know youre waiting for me to call you but i wont. I wont really pick up the phone and call you because i will only get hurt. I will vent here instead. Hey you dont know im hurting. For all you know im doing just fine. Im not though .....but u dont know that and i wont ever let you know im suffering.

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You took my engagement ring back!!! I know youre gonna want to give it back to me. The least u can do is upgrade the damn thing. I deserved better. U know i did. I know u dont like it yourself. Why would you give me something you dont even like. Cause ure a ****in cheapo!!! Maybe i will never get it back...but u wont be able to give it to anyone else..because i have small fingers..i wear a size five and u will probably date a big ogre!!

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72 hours. I am so glad I have not contacted you. I thought of many things to say to you but know that no words will hurt you more than hearing from me. I will not absolve you of your guilt. I will allow you to sit in it, marinate and stew in it. I still think of you all the time but I'm excited for my future, I have no one to answer to and everything is open to me. I'm sorry you wont see the greatness I will become.

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I'm happy you've recently decided to alter your lifestyle... happy for you, but really disappointed and saddened that you didn't want to do those things when I suggested it all throughout our relationship. I don't understand why you decided to do those AFTER we broke up, especially when you knew those things would have improved our relationship. I guess it's because you didn't want to work on our relationship and didn't care if it improved. That breaks me heart. I don't know why I became unworthy to you.


I miss you and I'm really sick and tired of thinking about you. I miss my best friend. I think I'll always miss and love you, but FINALLY I'm beginning to feel much better about our breakup. I can actually go hours without thinking about you now. I bet you've gone months without thinking about me. You're a few steps ahead of me, but we'll be on the same page someday...hopefully soon. I think indifference is on it's way.


I don't know HOW I still love you, care about you, think about you, and would be cordial with you if I were to ever see or speak to you again, after how terrible you treated me.


Goodnight. Stay out of my dreams tonight.

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coward, whore, slut, bitch, bastard...hmm, anything else I can call you? You give men a bad name and you are a disgrace to your gender. Good riddens to bad rubbish. You disgust me. F**K you.

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I can't believe you would have the audacity to try and stay friends with me while being friends with the kid you cheated on me with!? The kid who screwed you over and caused us so much pain....You're pathetic!! I want nothing to do with you dammit! Leave me the **** alone or I'm going to go insane!!

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dear k,

it's been just over a week now. i don't understand. this sucks. every single day you told me how you loved me and will be with me the rest of my life. despite the distance we stayed in contact every day for those 3 months. and then you end it because you think i insulted you and you think i'm taking away too much time from the rest of your life. i tried to negotiate. i tried to say i will never get in the way of your friends or religious duties. i am trying to stop myself from typing in all caps right now, trying to keep down the frusturation anger and sadness. i'm starting to realize how much in invested myself in you. you were my best friend, you were my hope for the future, you were the meaning of life for me. and you turned around and stabbed me in the back saying you needed a break and then 1 day later i text you and you text back saying it's over.


then you say you don't love me, you never did, and that you're incapable of love.

then you say you don't know if i'm the man for you, you don't know who is.

then you say that all those times you said to me you would be with me forever were empty promises.

i don't understand how you could say that to me point blank when i put my eyes right up to yours in the dark while we were cuddling in bed. how you could swear to be my wife when the 3 years apart would be over.


so i asked and pleaded over and over to know that after the 2 years you have to live your own life if we can be together again and you just DON'T KNOW. WELL WHY WOULD I EVEN BOTHER.


i want her back so bad and she played head games with me saying you can try getting me back but i don't know if it will even work. god. :lmao:


have to stop now

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Hate you... My mom was right telling me you should hae done much more before you left... Obviousl you didn't want even to try, because you kept everything to yourself and blinded me with making those dumb excuses... I'm so dissapointed

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you left and didn't look back. Didn't call me for my birthday. You ruined two birthdays of mine and you didn't care. You told me I would be over you in two weeks and you said it in a rude and cocky manner.


You didn't give a crap about me. You said you didn't even think of me on my birthday. You were busy at the carnival with your son. You never celebrated my first birthday either. Remember, that day was all about you, your sickness. The whole relationship was all about you. Gosh, you are such scum I can't believe I laid down with you. I wish I could sanitize my insides and remove every trace of you. Thank goodness I did not get pregnant. I wouldn't want to have any of your offspring because you are such a disgusting person. You paint yourself as someone who is a good father. You deserve to be spat on. You have a job and choose to be homeless for a year. How many times did you tell me you did not have the time to look for a place? You are just diagusting, nasty. Your car is dirty. Your clothes are dirty and you are dirty. You didn't have a place to live but you were spending $ 50.00 on CDs, playing golf, going to nightclubs...you are such an a**hole. You brought you kid Christmas presents, but didn't buy me a thing. At first, I told you I didn't want to exchange gifts because I didn't want to be disappointed. I didn't think you would give me anything. When I began to trust you more and I changed my mind and ask if you wanted to exchange presents, you very snottily, very obnoxiously said "Oh great, now I have to get you a present." I told you to forget it. You didn't even try to make my Christmas special. You didn't care. You gave your son Christmas presents. But I told you the best thing you could give him was stability. Still, you let him live with that unfit mother of his and didn't find a place to live.


I reasearched all kind of programs so that you could get help. You didn't appreciate it. I gave you a medallion...the Patron Saint of Travelers, flowers, a scrapbook to work on with your son, Russian books, and you gave me nothing. You didn't care enough to spend $3.00 on a flower, but you could spend money on the CDs, golf, and pay $25 every two weeks for your hobby. You are a waste of skin and a filthy, disgusting, poor excuse for a human being. You are a low life whore who's purpose in life is to have sex and nothing else. To you a decent relationship is being with someone who doesnt' stand up to you, who takes all your sh*t and doesn't complain and who you can walk all over and use for sex. Sometimes just thinking of you makes me want to vomit. Your breath smells like a sewer and your feet smell like a clogged up toilet. F**k you.

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thanks for apologizing, but that's really not doing anything for me. I'd rather you had been honest upfront and told me that you did not have time to date someone seriously at this point, and you might not be able to be in touch for a week or so. Instead of sending me all these emails from your trip saying how much you missed me, how desperate you were to see me again and that you couldn't stop thinking about me. And then, when you get back, poof, I don't hear from you for days. How do you think that made me feel? Like a total idiot who fell for your bull****.


What, you were too busy to take 5 minutes out of your day to say hi to me or reply to my email? I am quite sure your level of business had to do with you dating or browsing for other women, or why else were you still active on match.com? So you are hoping you haven't upset me too much, well you have. I am very upset that I fell for your words and thought that you were honest when you were just busy playing the field. So no, I am not interested in being friends with you and getting together for a friendly lunch or something. Don't bother replying to this email and please lose my contact details because I have already deleted yours.

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I miss you today. A lot.


I also hope I will never see you again. Never would be too soon. I can't stand the thought of you dating someone else, loving someone else, and marrying them. Giving another woman what I wanted.


But you couldn't pull yourself together, could you? When we first dated, I was 18. I had just graduated college, and you were on summer break from your first year. I thought you had so much going on for you. We would have great times together. So I was devestaetd when you broke up with me, when back to college and back to your ex girlfriend. I never heard from you again, besides a email I sent you months later, to which you told me how happy your were..

I cried for weeks! You told me you didn't think I cared for you, because I was "busy" because I went surfing on the weekends and out with my girlfriends. I was 18! You still to this day claim that "I didn't like you that much".

Anyhow, 5 years later, I am on a date with a guy I am lukewarm about. Well, it's a double date. Then I run into a old friend of yours from high school. I ask about you. He tells me that you aren't doing so good....

I still am crazy about you...so I try emailing you again..and that was all she wrote. We went back and forth, and now we dated for 3.5 years.

We looked at rings, we looked at houses, we talked weddings.

And I lost you. Your gone. You haven't tried calling me, you haven't reached out. You said you just didnt' want to try anymore.


I miss you soo much! I wish I had appreciated you more. BUT ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE COIN..

there were reasons that we broke up. Back in the day, you just weren't responsible. I thought 5 years would change things..but they didn't. You still can't keep a checking account, couldnt hold a job (you got fired from 7 jobs in a year and a half!) couldn't be anywhere on time, and couldn't stick with anything! I loved you, but it drove me crazy. How could I marry someone like that? And when I would tell you my concerns, you told me it was "not a big deal". You went from trying to be a police officer, to a mailman, to a actor, to a writer, to a filmaker, to a student. You stuck with nothing! You would say everything was to hard I supported you in what you wanted, but after a while it did get frustrating. You were one check from being on the street at all time, and yet guys night and booze always came first. You stopped making me feel special. Remember when we would make dates, and I would call and call you when you didn't show? You were at home sleeping. Like you did all the time. Yes I got frustrated. Yes I broke up with you. And when I did it, it felt good.


But now, 6 months later, I still really miss you. I do. I think about you every single day and it really hurts how little I must have meant to you. I am so afraid of running into you, or that you will contact me, because I don't know when I will get over this. I think I will always just love you, and it would show, big time.


I have nothing else to say. I just hope we both find what makes us happier than what we had together. I'm sorry it was a fit. Sorry for all the bitchy things I did.

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Teacher's Pet

You irk me, but I'm probably gonna bang you at some point this week.





gettin' his

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