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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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CVS has a sale this week on amodium ad. Better stock up.







That makes me wish that I could take a giant EX-Lax and just flush him out of my system.


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It's taking everything I have in me not to call you right now. I miss you. I'm just sad..so very sad.

I don't want to give up..I can't.

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I think it's ridiculous that after all the time we were together, that we can't even say hello to eachother. Would that be so wrong? Two adults who once cared and loved eachother very much speaking? I don't have any expectations of getting back together, so what's the hang up? Why do you have to disappear from my life?


I loved you so much, and you were so good to me. Why does it have to be like this?


Will I find someone who will love me like you did? Will I find anyone that I'm interested in? Will falling in love ever feel as good? Will I pine after you forever?


Please reach out to me.

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Hello M?


Hi this is mike remember me I was the one who you went out of your way to call me four months after I first left a message for you...You seemed to have forgotton me or you need a new cell phone! You don't dig me anymore what did I do? Was it from the screaming I made you do during probably the best sex you ever had or was itmy niceness and genourousity like when I bought drinks and appetizers for your brother and friends! Did your ex who cheated on you before me call you back for another chance? That makes sense go back to someone who cheated on you real smart..Oh I looked up your divorce on line how petty no wonder you are single at 40!!!!!! Tick tock tick tock but then again you don't want kids anyway..BTW you should really incorporate a lot of crunches in your workout because your gut is flabbier than mine and I used to play offensive line at 300 pounds!!! Oh yeah better steer clear of me your old new b friend might think I will throw him through a window because I am sure he will be physically inferior to me..but I would really offer compassion and invite you two to drink with my new hot blonde g friend 10 years younger than you!!!! Goodbye!!

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everyday is a struggle for me not to contact you. I still hurt. I hurt more than you could ever know. After all the literature I've read about your maladaptive personality, I have to admit, it's still hard.


I wonder how your mom and your siblings took it when you cut them off. I guess that's just your thing- if someone can't be used by you, then it's time to cut them off.


I know you are toxic to me, to anyone and everyone who love you, but I still can stop hurting. I struggle day by day. You coldly said I would be over you in two weeks...well, it's been almost 4 months and I still hurt real bad.


I guess when you use up someone and then move on to the next person, you get over that person real quick.


I wish I could turn back time, and dump you the first time you stood me up. And by the way, I do believe that you took that money. You have proven to me that you lie as easily as most people say "hello." If you deposited that money, the bank would have a record. I dont' believe you were ever tested for HIV. I dont' believe that you sent that check in to your landlord until after he complained about it. I don't believe you ever loved me. You entire life is a lie. I'm glad I got tested for HIV and it came out negative. I believe that you are shifty. You move money around different bank accounts, you've been fired from many jobs. You are untrustworthy and sneaky. I know your impulisivity makes you feel that you are entitled to all.


My friend was afraid for me. My mother was relieved when you dumped me. My sister said you were a loser and my roommate says he hates you and another friend of mine said you were a liar. Looks like everyone was right about you all the time...except for me. I was the last one to know that I was dating a lying, shifty, loser. I don't trust you. I don't know what you have done...but I do know that you don't understand the concept of "no means no" until I get mad.


I feel so incredibly sorry for you. I don't see anything really good happening in your life. You need to be in therapy for life, on medication and I don't know what else. If you keep going this way, you are going to end up in jail again.


I hate you for what you did to me. I'm sure all those times I cried to you on the phone, you found it annoying. I have never had such ill feelings toward someone in all my life. I wish nothing but pain and sorry for you. I hate you with every cell in my body. I hope you get fired from this job you are at now. I hope you get kicked out of this apt. like you were from the other one. I hope your car gets repossessed like you other car did. I hope your girlfriend keys your car like your ex-girl did. I hope the PTA brings you up on charges for embezzelment. I hope you end up in jail. You deserve to be there. Then maybe me and every other woman you have lied to, used and then thrown away will finally feel like justice was served.

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Today I am wondering if you REALLY went to see a professional. You said you would, but that was right before I said I wouldn't be friends with you. So, now, does it still matter to you? Do you want to find relief in your issues? Even though I'm not around for you to give updates to, would you really do it for yourself? Well, I hope you have sought out the help you need. I hope you have made progress. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. I hope you learn to cope with your issues.


In the meantime, my sister and I share many laughs at your expense. Not about anything serious. We do think you talk too much, and of course there are a few other lighthearted things to laugh about. I never badmouthed you to anybody. It's just how I'm coping, by laughing about it.


God bless you,



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Its killing me not knowing where you are..:( ..today i miss you..yesterday I cried ..and today ..a little bit..where are you?please..give me a sign

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I'm so sorry for turning you down all those times. I wish I could go back and give you everything you wanted. I feel like such an idiot, and I would give anything to have another chance to make you happy. Why was I so stupid? Why did I put myself first all the time, assuming you would always be around?


I don't think I'll ever get over you or my regrets.


I love you so much.

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I'm so sorry for turning you down all those times. I wish I could go back and give you everything you wanted. I feel like such an idiot, and I would give anything to have another chance to make you happy. Why was I so stupid? Why did I put myself first all the time, assuming you would always be around?


I don't think I'll ever get over you or my regrets.


I love you so much.


I feel your exact sentiments, we'll get over it, I hope :eek:

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I think you are soo stupid. I am not sure why I am so attracted to you. On the outside you have a beautiful physique but you stink like a dead dog. Everytime I kissed you, I tried hard to get pass that nasty odor. I thought it was only one occasion but it is a smell that you carry with you all of the time. What the hell is up with that. And while you focus on dressing nicely and looking good...you should really invest in some Extend Pills because it is a damn shame that you are well over six foot tall and your package is the size of an 12 year old prepubescent male. And to think I was able to look beyond all of this and now you are the one who decided that you don't want to be with me?????WOW. I wish you luck you liar..you poor excuse for a religious person. You steal,lie, and take from people because you are so afraid that you will end back up working in a factory. I hope all the things you lied about come true..like when you said that certain people were sick and that you needed money to help them out! I actually hope that your business fails and that you are flat out on your ass. Believe when I tell you that I will find some way to get you in trouble..that is how much I despite you right now. You low life insecure peice of ****!!

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you freakin told me you were moving to guam and thats why we couldnt work out. you said that you didnt want the whole long distance ish...whatever!!!!! i told you i was willing to quit my good job and leave everything for YOU! i thought we had it all....you told me you love me and you care and that we are going to last forever, and that you were going to help me with my operation , and that i was the "one" in your life. then you tell me that you have been emailing your ugly ass ex to get back with her and you planned on visiting her when i was planning on taking you on a trip to hawaii...all paid for by ME...how the hell can you do that to me?!? you dumb ish!!! and then you said that you said what i wanted to hear and i forced you to be with me...you dumb butt hole! i told you if its not workign out, lets talk it out. i was willing to do all these things for you and you could care less...and by the way, i fake all the orgasms!!!! your ish hella stinks!!! and youre balding! you have a big freakin forehead and you are not all that! you came all the way from guam to california for an expensive ass school and now youre gonna go back to guam to make $5 an hour? are you stupid? you have a big ass head with no brain. you make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't understand any of this, please help me understand.

I shouldn't be scared to call you, but I really am. How did this happen? Why do I deserve this after all of it?

Were things really so horrible?

Just tell me if you're done with me forever...please. I can't take this anymore.

I'll always love and want you, but if you really want nothing to do with me ever again, at least I would know.

Please just tell me.

I can't go on like this.

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Dear L,


F*@% you for leaving me when I was most vulnerable, after the worst year of my life. F*@% you for being so callous and not even bothering to see how I'm doing. F*@% you for not really giving me a chance to change. F*@% you for messing up my life, sending me to counselors and therapy, making me look weak and creepy, exposing my lack of direction. If only we could have stayed in touch, my life would not be the train wreck that it is now. Did you know that I'm taking time off school, and maybe not going back? Of course not, because you've discarded me.


I love you so much. I hope you try to contact me.

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Hell, ideas of sex with you are driving me nuts.


I don't want my mind to go there...but i don't want to forget either...


WhereTF are you?

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I can't say it, but others have said it best:


Smashing Pumpkins, Disarm


Disarm you with a smile

And cut you like you want me to

Cut that little child

Inside of me and such a part of you

Ooh, the years burn


I used to be a little boy

So old in my shoes

And what I choose is my choice

What's a boy supposed to do?

The killer in me is the killer in you

My love

I send this smile over to you


Disarm you with a smile

And leave you like they left me here

To wither in denial

The bitterness of one who's left alone

Ooh, the years burn

Ooh, the years burn, burn, burn


I used to be a little boy

So old in my shoes

And what I choose is my voice

What's a boy supposed to do?

The killer in me is the killer in you

My love

I send this smile over to you


The killer in me is the killer in you

Send this smile over to you

The killer in me is the killer in you

Send this smile over to you

The killer in me is the killer in you

Send this smile over to you



I could disarm your guilt with a smile. I could. I could take it all back. I could forgive you. But it's not in my heart to do so. I am sorry. You will be forever unforgiven in my heart. So tempt me not, and please, stay distant. I couldn't handle to breathe you in.



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It really sucks being in love with someone who doesn't exist.


It also sucks telling myself I'll never forgive you, when you've never asked for forgiveness.


It also sucks finding out what a really terrible person you are.


People just don't do what you did. It isn't normal.


A billion memories of amazing times. For nothing.

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Im smiling :D


Because Im free. :bunny:

Im free to fly.

Free to be me.


I am due to travel the world.

And the seven seas.

Something you will never do.

As you are not me.


Good luck with her dreamer.

Tell her that you love her.

Maybe if she is lucky....

You will only f*ck a handful of others.


I wont hurt my SO.

No, not like you.

Who gives premature love,

And then breaks their heart in two? :sick:


So I hope you made a list like Earl,

You need it to rectify all you have done.

So many heart-broken women,

Who Im sure hope that karma will bite you on the bum!


What I gave to you was true,

What we had you will never find.

Unless you find someone stupid enough,

Oh and someone that is blind.


In all seriousness,

I hope that you two are happy.

Just remember that a knight in shining armor is loyal,

Not deceitful and slaggy.


A re-born again Maiden xxx

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Seeing those bruises on your neck 3 days after you ended it is something I just can't forget. That will haunt me forever. I think I need hypnotherapy to try and erase that vision.


We were engaged for 6 months, you slut.


I didn't sleep for days when you almost got hit by a drunk driver on your bike. I was a wreck for almost losing you. I was shaking I was so upset, you came within inches of being killed.


All the while you were with someone else. And now you live with him.


I hate you.


I ****ing hate you.


You whore.

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Lately I've been having this feeling creepy into my sadness....feelings that I am glad you are gone from my life.


I really feel sorry for you. you are so dysfunctional and you don't even know it.


Wow, you are the most pathetic person I have ever met.

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Oh and for my other, most recent, ex......


Thank you for giving me an insight into what my poor ex went through.

It is hard work trying to reassure someone that you are not going to cheat. It is tiring, exhausting and annoying!


No matter what I did to reassure you, the same sh*t would come up. I know that I hurt you but you have to understand that we were not together. I told you from the beginning that I didnt want to make you think that you were the only one for me and see other people behind your back. I told you how it was. I told you what my ex did to me and how much it killed me. I took the approach that he should have taken by being upfront and honest on where we stood and what I wanted.


I never wanted to hurt anyone like I was hurt. Ever.


I want to say that Im sorry for hurting you and thank you for opening up my eyes to what is was like for my ex. :)


Take care Leodopolopidus :D xx

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