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I was all set to break NC today. I wanted to write you an email, but I decided not to and keep NC.


I know you viewed me as not letting you leave me for 9 hours in a city I did not know as weak. I want to explain, that that was not weak. I was actually standing up for myself. I know you don't see if that way because you are very, very selfish.


You did not value me. You did not value us. You acted as if I was not important to you. Shame on you. Shame on me for putting up with that. I want to tell you these things, but you simply don't deserve to hear from me. I dont' deserve to be a wreck for breaking NC.


You are not a good quality person. You can go ahead and think what you want about me. Go ahead and tell your friends that I'm a weak, clingy thing. Who cares what your gambler, theif and drug addict friends think.


I dont' need you. I only thought I did.



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Dearest Rainman,


I need to tell you a few things about yourself that I believe you are in denial about. Unfortunately, I will never say these things to you in person, because I have decided to go NC.


1. YOU are a functioning alcoholic who refuses to see it for what it is.

2. YOU are a manipulator.

3. YOU are an emotional wasteland.

4. YOU are selfish.

5. YOU have serious intimacy issues.

6. YOU blame others for your problems.

7. YOU are paranoid.

8. YOU are apathetic.

9. YOU are a liar.

10. YOU need counseling.


You throw around the word love like it is nothing. You've made promises knowing you would never keep them. You treated me as an afterthought.


It hasn't all been bad, we had some pretty great times together, but as I look back on this relationship, I realize now, it had everything to do with what YOU would get out of it and nothing to do with US!


I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with the fact that you are pretty much teetering on the brink of your own sanity (a fact that I clearly witnessed just recently, thank God). I am very sure that you don't even realize it, even though I tried to lovingly help you through the particular episode.


Nobody is perfect. I am FAR from it, but when I met you, I thought I had come so far from my past that I could finally let go and love again. You dropped into my life from seemingly out of nowhere. I was happy, really thrilled because you were wonderful. In the beginning anyway.


You told me that I was amazing and a wonderful person, that you were not used to being treated so well by someone you were in a relationship with. That shoulda been a huge red flag to me, but hey, I was blind about you, remember?


Recently you became very wishy-washy towards the relationship, not sure about this, not sure about that. We talked about it, things seemed pretty good after the talk.




I started seeing the signs that things were not right with us. You made it seem like I was imagining these things. "We're fine", "Nothing's wrong", "Let's not dwell on that stuff, babe". Those were your usual replies to my concerns.




I saw a pattern. You were behaving differently. You were pulling back. Hiding inside yourself. You were having those "issues" again. I could see your anxiety. Stress was taking its toll, and yes you had legitimate reasons for some of the stress. But it was affecting you mentally. I saw it and I really don't understand how your family has never seen it. But...I'm sure they have, THEY just refuse to admit it...or believe that it's just gonna pass, eventually.




I really started to believe that I was the problem. I was causing the anxiety and the stress and all I really wanted to do was love you.


And then I realized...


I may have some issues, but all of these issues of yours were with you long before I ever entered the picture. You were just extremely talented at hiding them...and I was more than happy to be the blind one, because I wanted to be there for you and take care of you.




Where were you for me? Oh you made the feeble attempt here and there, and really, it was pathetic.


Soon I realized that all I was doing was becoming your enabler, and it made me want to vomit. I did not want to be in that position and you seemed to really enjoy that aspect of our relationship. I really needed to exit that roller coaster ride or find a way to fix the problem.


I thought long and hard about whether or not to end it with you, because I didn't want to give up. I contacted you and wanted to go and talk with you about the relationship and your response was?


"Not right now. I don't know what I want. Let's not make any hasty decisions"


It was then that I knew for sure exactly what I needed to do. If you were not even willing to put an ounce of effort into the relationship, then I would have to cut my losses while I still had my own sanity. I basically ended it with you, so I could save myself a little dignity.


You didn't put up a fight, and it ended up being a mutual breakup.




I am so damn angry with you!!! You were too lazy to work on it, too self-centered to at least have the conversation that "I" needed to have. I wanted answers and you were just relieved to have slithered off pretty much unscathed. I am now the "bad guy". I'm the one who felt "less than". That's a pretty crappy way to end up feeling, even though I knew it was the right thing to do. We could have ended this a long time ago, but you insisted that we needed to work on things and communicate and blah blah blah frickin blah. All S**t if you ask me, but whatever man. You got out without having to lift a finger.


I'm here to tell you now that you will never be able to have a stable, peaceful, loving relationship until you seek the help that you so desperately need. I'm a strong woman, and I've been through much much worse than what you've put me through, but if you try to hook up with a naive young lady, you are sure to tear her heart to bits. I feel sorry for your next conquest. She will be blind sided.


Today, I'm feeling pretty lucky. I know now that I have come far in my emotional abilities to be able to recognize a problem in my relationships and not be afraid to address them, even when I know the outcome may be less than stellar. It's all good. You, my friend, were a test. I'm pretty sure I passed with flying colors. Two years ago, this kind of relationship would have spiraled out of control and I would have been left to pick up a million pieces of my heart. I escaped from what I now see as a potential future of hell on earth. Been there, done that. I am proud of myself.


Nothing I've written here is meant to be mean...or ugly. It is simply fact. I still love you, but it is what it is. Never meant to be. I hope you eventually find your happiness, but I fear that until you resolve your issues, you will never have a normal life.


I'm moving on...I refuse to become stagnant in life over you. I cannot help you, nor do I want to anymore.


Actions SPEAK louder than words. My eyes are no longer DEAF. Think about that for a minute.


Thanks for being an eye opener,

I wish you peace because I know you don't have it.


Rain :)

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i debated on sending this D*...but i need you to know how i feel.


the way we are NOW..is wrong...we spent too many years loving each other(14 years)...and yes, they were some very difficult years...


but we always made it thru and just when i thought IT was truly over, and IT was OUR TIME, kids are gone, parents moved away...it was just me and you...finally..finally and then...poof!..you were gone...


i never got to say 'good~bye", or " i love you" or "thank you for being my best friend and that no one can ever replace you"....and so much more...


divorce and death, are so much alike..so much to be said..but really, there is NO one there to hear it:(


we just hope and pray that THAT person knows and feels it...the way we feel the words we never got to say....


the way i have been treated the past 6 months is a travesty. u and ur OW should be ashamed...destroying TWO families....


and none of our friends/family can understand how i am still ..well....understanding to say the least...


i hope you think about how WE are ending D*?


...we don't deserve this...neither of us do..


we both did the best we could with what we had and what we knew...at the time...


we never got a chance to make IT better ONCE we did figure out all the wrongs and mistakes...


you climbed out of OUR commitment our marriage our covenant and never gave us...me...you, a chance to recover or start over..


or simply say..hey, i am still here...i still love you...now what do we do?

because you allowed someone else into your mind, heart...body...


i may never recover from the pain in my heart and the part of me that that used to be my soul...is now a void...empty.


but it's NOT too late to let the anger go..and move on so we can both look back at our life together and smile:)


and towards a future that holds something promising, knowing we did the best we could, and we have learned from our mistakes..


and are now ready to start a new life and a new journey, with new people and new places....


its all so much easier and freeing...if we can let go of the anger and ugliness of the past;)


i wish and Pray for that...everyday....everyday:)



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I saw you face to face yesterday... and yes it set me back... I did not sleep last night.... We waved to each other while you were on the phone.... I left and did not look back.... I don't think I will forget that memory of you....hopefully the last time I will have to see you..... I see how bad you are for me.... I will break the cycle....

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Dearest Rainman,


I need to tell you a few things about yourself that I believe you are in denial about. Unfortunately, I will never say these things to you in person, because I have decided to go NC.


1. YOU are a functioning alcoholic who refuses to see it for what it is.

2. YOU are a manipulator.

3. YOU are an emotional wasteland.

4. YOU are selfish.

5. YOU have serious intimacy issues.

6. YOU blame others for your problems.

7. YOU are paranoid.

8. YOU are apathetic.

9. YOU are a liar.

10. YOU need counseling.


You throw around the word love like it is nothing. You've made promises knowing you would never keep them. You treated me as an afterthought.


It hasn't all been bad, we had some pretty great times together, but as I look back on this relationship, I realize now, it had everything to do with what YOU would get out of it and nothing to do with US!


I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with the fact that you are pretty much teetering on the brink of your own sanity (a fact that I clearly witnessed just recently, thank God). I am very sure that you don't even realize it, even though I tried to lovingly help you through the particular episode.


Nobody is perfect. I am FAR from it, but when I met you, I thought I had come so far from my past that I could finally let go and love again. You dropped into my life from seemingly out of nowhere. I was happy, really thrilled because you were wonderful. In the beginning anyway.


You told me that I was amazing and a wonderful person, that you were not used to being treated so well by someone you were in a relationship with. That shoulda been a huge red flag to me, but hey, I was blind about you, remember?


Recently you became very wishy-washy towards the relationship, not sure about this, not sure about that. We talked about it, things seemed pretty good after the talk.




I started seeing the signs that things were not right with us. You made it seem like I was imagining these things. "We're fine", "Nothing's wrong", "Let's not dwell on that stuff, babe". Those were your usual replies to my concerns.




I saw a pattern. You were behaving differently. You were pulling back. Hiding inside yourself. You were having those "issues" again. I could see your anxiety. Stress was taking its toll, and yes you had legitimate reasons for some of the stress. But it was affecting you mentally. I saw it and I really don't understand how your family has never seen it. But...I'm sure they have, THEY just refuse to admit it...or believe that it's just gonna pass, eventually.




I really started to believe that I was the problem. I was causing the anxiety and the stress and all I really wanted to do was love you.


And then I realized...


I may have some issues, but all of these issues of yours were with you long before I ever entered the picture. You were just extremely talented at hiding them...and I was more than happy to be the blind one, because I wanted to be there for you and take care of you.




Where were you for me? Oh you made the feeble attempt here and there, and really, it was pathetic.


Soon I realized that all I was doing was becoming your enabler, and it made me want to vomit. I did not want to be in that position and you seemed to really enjoy that aspect of our relationship. I really needed to exit that roller coaster ride or find a way to fix the problem.


I thought long and hard about whether or not to end it with you, because I didn't want to give up. I contacted you and wanted to go and talk with you about the relationship and your response was?


"Not right now. I don't know what I want. Let's not make any hasty decisions"


It was then that I knew for sure exactly what I needed to do. If you were not even willing to put an ounce of effort into the relationship, then I would have to cut my losses while I still had my own sanity. I basically ended it with you, so I could save myself a little dignity.


You didn't put up a fight, and it ended up being a mutual breakup.




I am so damn angry with you!!! You were too lazy to work on it, too self-centered to at least have the conversation that "I" needed to have. I wanted answers and you were just relieved to have slithered off pretty much unscathed. I am now the "bad guy". I'm the one who felt "less than". That's a pretty crappy way to end up feeling, even though I knew it was the right thing to do. We could have ended this a long time ago, but you insisted that we needed to work on things and communicate and blah blah blah frickin blah. All S**t if you ask me, but whatever man. You got out without having to lift a finger.


I'm here to tell you now that you will never be able to have a stable, peaceful, loving relationship until you seek the help that you so desperately need. I'm a strong woman, and I've been through much much worse than what you've put me through, but if you try to hook up with a naive young lady, you are sure to tear her heart to bits. I feel sorry for your next conquest. She will be blind sided.


Today, I'm feeling pretty lucky. I know now that I have come far in my emotional abilities to be able to recognize a problem in my relationships and not be afraid to address them, even when I know the outcome may be less than stellar. It's all good. You, my friend, were a test. I'm pretty sure I passed with flying colors. Two years ago, this kind of relationship would have spiraled out of control and I would have been left to pick up a million pieces of my heart. I escaped from what I now see as a potential future of hell on earth. Been there, done that. I am proud of myself.


Nothing I've written here is meant to be mean...or ugly. It is simply fact. I still love you, but it is what it is. Never meant to be. I hope you eventually find your happiness, but I fear that until you resolve your issues, you will never have a normal life.


I'm moving on...I refuse to become stagnant in life over you. I cannot help you, nor do I want to anymore.


Actions SPEAK louder than words. My eyes are no longer DEAF. Think about that for a minute.


Thanks for being an eye opener,

I wish you peace because I know you don't have it.


Rain :)


Wow, what a great post!


LooksLikeRain, you are my favorite new poster. I could have written this myself about the mean wh*re I was with for three years. Good work here!

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Here is the text message (?) I got from you today.


"I made a huge mistake..I should have never let you go. I was angry with you, and I thought my life would be better without you. I'm finding out, day by day, that I was wrong. There is no one else like you. I never stopped loving you, I just wanted to. Now I think I have lost you. Have I?"


You have got to be kidding me. You text message me this? And the answer is yes, you have lost me. When I first broke up with you, I was 100% sure I was making the right choice. There was never anyone else. I just felt like the relationship was more problems than reward. I felt we had no future together. I was right. I have no idea why I took our break up so hard. Because I loved you I guess. So I backtracked and tried to get you back, but I realize it was more out of fear. Fear of the unknown. Would I ever find someone else? Could someone else make me as happy?


In this day and age, how will I find a guy who was as loving and faithful as you? Who liked to play scrabble, talk about philosophy, politics, movies and directors? Someone as nerdy as me, but who also liked to be outdoors. Someone to go to the mountains, the beach, the dessart, the city. Someone who would read the same book as me so we could talk about it. Someone confident and sincere. It's hard to find a guy like that. Someone who knows themselves.


I had a hard time because I thought that meant I would have to settle for some douchy guy who doesn't know C.S Lewis, Thompson, Kant or Wells. And if I met him, I wouldn't be attracted to him.


But all those fears are gone. I will find someone awesome..who isn't verbally abusive. Who doesn't suffer from severe depression without even trying to get help. Someone who has motivation and passion. It doesn't even matter now. I loved you, I really did. We had a grat 3.5 years. But I'm past all that. I don't even know you anymore, and I don't want to go another round. I am done, and I'm sorry that hurts you.


And really, a text message? Anyhow. I hope you got my email. I hope you GET it. And I honestly hope you accept it and leave me alone. I am much happier now. You will find someone better for you. I know it.


Take care ALB.



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Wow, what a great post!


LooksLikeRain, you are my favorite new poster. I could have written this myself about the mean wh*re I was with for three years. Good work here!




Thank you so much for your kind words and being so welcoming :)


I've been reading on this site for several months and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to jump in.

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You have a way with words that speaks from the heart!!!



Thank you Surfer Girl. :) I always do my best to do that. There was a time when I couldn't.

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Im holding on....


ANd i know thats not right. I see you every day on my email account, i know exactly what you're doing. ive tried to erase your name, but i cant figure it out so i opted for closing down the chat thing. Still i check to see if you emailed me or text me....and i know that if you had wanted to you would have already, like last time.


God i miss you. I miss you so ridiculously much. I missed you the first day you moved away, despite us talking every single day, all day, until you didnt need me anymore.


I reread what i wrote to you that one day, not too long before you moved, where i told you i had come across something that really said what i felt as I drove from your place to my work. Remember? that book you let me borrow, where the woman says to the professor that she is so afraid, because she is so profoundly happy and happiness like that is frightening because they only let you be that happy when they are preparing to take something from you. You consoled me and told me to be positive and that maybe we were just begining to be happy...that the best was yet to come.


I printed that out that day and put it in my wallet for whenever I got scared. When i read it yesterday it broke my heart that i was so right.


I understand why it was so hard for you, cuz it was torture for me. 500 miles was just too much, plus your mind was somewhere else. I understand, and I wish, just like you did before you left we had run into each other later on, when we were both ready.


God i miss you.


Today i was thinking about people, about my future and about what it would be like to be with someone else. I couldnt even imagine it. Even though i knew you had a hard time being intimate with me, once you let go I couldnt imagine being with anyone else. I still cant.


I wish you hadnt pursued me. I wish u had given up when i said no. Why did you pursude me so much when you knew you had to go. I just cant forgive you for that. You knew better. Now im left behind trying to put my life back together, to push myself to seek for a new dream.


I think thats what hurts the most though. All the dreams and hopes I had. All the talks we had about living in your town, saving up so we could go to europe. Your research for our honeymoon. All those dreams, i believed them. I guess i was just too naive but they seemed so real.


I hope you're doing well though. I saw you posted you couldnt sleep on friday night. You never post things like that, it made me wonder if you wanted me to know. For what though....


Anyway....I love you like i really shouldnt and you never allowed yourself to. I miss you and probably always will. I hope your life turns exactly the way you want it. And as I told you on the phone that night, I hope you find someone who can appreciate you as much or more than I did.

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Dearest Rainman,


I need to tell you a few things about yourself that I believe you are in denial about. Unfortunately, I will never say these things to you in person, because I have decided to go NC.


1. YOU are a functioning alcoholic who refuses to see it for what it is.

2. YOU are a manipulator.

3. YOU are an emotional wasteland.

4. YOU are selfish.

5. YOU have serious intimacy issues.

6. YOU blame others for your problems.

7. YOU are paranoid.

8. YOU are apathetic.

9. YOU are a liar.

10. YOU need counseling.


You throw around the word love like it is nothing. You've made promises knowing you would never keep them. You treated me as an afterthought.


It hasn't all been bad, we had some pretty great times together, but as I look back on this relationship, I realize now, it had everything to do with what YOU would get out of it and nothing to do with US!


I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with the fact that you are pretty much teetering on the brink of your own sanity (a fact that I clearly witnessed just recently, thank God). I am very sure that you don't even realize it, even though I tried to lovingly help you through the particular episode.


Nobody is perfect. I am FAR from it, but when I met you, I thought I had come so far from my past that I could finally let go and love again. You dropped into my life from seemingly out of nowhere. I was happy, really thrilled because you were wonderful. In the beginning anyway.


You told me that I was amazing and a wonderful person, that you were not used to being treated so well by someone you were in a relationship with. That shoulda been a huge red flag to me, but hey, I was blind about you, remember?


Recently you became very wishy-washy towards the relationship, not sure about this, not sure about that. We talked about it, things seemed pretty good after the talk.




I started seeing the signs that things were not right with us. You made it seem like I was imagining these things. "We're fine", "Nothing's wrong", "Let's not dwell on that stuff, babe". Those were your usual replies to my concerns.




I saw a pattern. You were behaving differently. You were pulling back. Hiding inside yourself. You were having those "issues" again. I could see your anxiety. Stress was taking its toll, and yes you had legitimate reasons for some of the stress. But it was affecting you mentally. I saw it and I really don't understand how your family has never seen it. But...I'm sure they have, THEY just refuse to admit it...or believe that it's just gonna pass, eventually.




I really started to believe that I was the problem. I was causing the anxiety and the stress and all I really wanted to do was love you.


And then I realized...


I may have some issues, but all of these issues of yours were with you long before I ever entered the picture. You were just extremely talented at hiding them...and I was more than happy to be the blind one, because I wanted to be there for you and take care of you.




Where were you for me? Oh you made the feeble attempt here and there, and really, it was pathetic.


Soon I realized that all I was doing was becoming your enabler, and it made me want to vomit. I did not want to be in that position and you seemed to really enjoy that aspect of our relationship. I really needed to exit that roller coaster ride or find a way to fix the problem.


I thought long and hard about whether or not to end it with you, because I didn't want to give up. I contacted you and wanted to go and talk with you about the relationship and your response was?


"Not right now. I don't know what I want. Let's not make any hasty decisions"


It was then that I knew for sure exactly what I needed to do. If you were not even willing to put an ounce of effort into the relationship, then I would have to cut my losses while I still had my own sanity. I basically ended it with you, so I could save myself a little dignity.


You didn't put up a fight, and it ended up being a mutual breakup.




I am so damn angry with you!!! You were too lazy to work on it, too self-centered to at least have the conversation that "I" needed to have. I wanted answers and you were just relieved to have slithered off pretty much unscathed. I am now the "bad guy". I'm the one who felt "less than". That's a pretty crappy way to end up feeling, even though I knew it was the right thing to do. We could have ended this a long time ago, but you insisted that we needed to work on things and communicate and blah blah blah frickin blah. All S**t if you ask me, but whatever man. You got out without having to lift a finger.


I'm here to tell you now that you will never be able to have a stable, peaceful, loving relationship until you seek the help that you so desperately need. I'm a strong woman, and I've been through much much worse than what you've put me through, but if you try to hook up with a naive young lady, you are sure to tear her heart to bits. I feel sorry for your next conquest. She will be blind sided.


Today, I'm feeling pretty lucky. I know now that I have come far in my emotional abilities to be able to recognize a problem in my relationships and not be afraid to address them, even when I know the outcome may be less than stellar. It's all good. You, my friend, were a test. I'm pretty sure I passed with flying colors. Two years ago, this kind of relationship would have spiraled out of control and I would have been left to pick up a million pieces of my heart. I escaped from what I now see as a potential future of hell on earth. Been there, done that. I am proud of myself.


Nothing I've written here is meant to be mean...or ugly. It is simply fact. I still love you, but it is what it is. Never meant to be. I hope you eventually find your happiness, but I fear that until you resolve your issues, you will never have a normal life.


I'm moving on...I refuse to become stagnant in life over you. I cannot help you, nor do I want to anymore.


Actions SPEAK louder than words. My eyes are no longer DEAF. Think about that for a minute.


Thanks for being an eye opener,

I wish you peace because I know you don't have it.


Rain :)



wow. I hope this heart wrenching terror that I had to go through will save me from future horrible heartbreaks. I really hope that now I can nip a bad relationship in the bud like you did, instead of letting it almost destroy me.

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wow. I hope this heart wrenching terror that I had to go through will save me from future horrible heartbreaks. I really hope that now I can nip a bad relationship in the bud like you did, instead of letting it almost destroy me.





I've read your posts, you've been through a lot. Everything I have read from you, I have said and done in the past. It has taken me a long time to get to the place where I am now...I still struggle, though.


Be angry, it's not a bad thing. Allow yourself the time to heal. You will get there.


Rain :)

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I made a mistake...I was missing you like crazy, I had a beer after not having eaten much all day. I texted you...I told you I missed you and hoped you were doing well.


I hoped you would answered that, telling me you missed me too, even if we cant be together.


But instead you ignored me. At first i saw you were busy, saw your dont disturb sign online, so i excused it. But now i see you're available, and you still didnt respond.


I laughed at myself...why would you answer me now, when you wouldnt even answer me when we were together. Silly girl.


At least its getting clearer and clearer that although i made the final decision you have been pushing for it with your behavior and its likely you are relieved.


I am now slowly detaching myself from the idea that it was just timing and maybe with time..... but no, I see now you just didnt love me and you knew it but couldnt bring yourself to end it. I've always much more courageous than you.


Regardless, i hope life treats you well. I am moving on now. I will erase everything i have of you....somehow ill figure out the chat and i wont ever know what you're up to.


Oh one last thing. I saw pictures of your city today, a friend of mine went to visit. It was a gorgeous day. I hope you enjoyed it.


Good night, or rather, good life.

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Wow so its like that now. You talkin mess about me to your new dude!! Ha your a joke, it showin your true colors now. It's a shame that your doing all these things to yourself as well as me, I was ready to forgive you and move on but remember him and his wife are still married and he tells her things and you know she's gonna tell me. But I must warn you that I feel sorry for you if Mrs. HR catches you in the streets cause she really wants to beat your ___!!! Don't mess with another woman's husband, and even though we're seperated and getting a D leave my name out of your _______ mouth. I'm takin the high road because I know God's lookin out for me. How are you gonna say I abused your kids!!! WTH yeah one time I had to get on DJ hard but if you remember he was about to steal something from out of the grocery store, yeah I snatched his butt up. Do you know how long ago that was and I wonder if you forgot that later that night him and I had a long talk about what happend and I sat down and talked about how things are precived. Your a mess and thats serious. Just hurry up and give me my papers so I can be done with your dumb___!!!! By the way if Mr. HR has something to say about me tell him he can come see me and we'll handle this. I hope he enjoys paying for child support and his 4 kids.......................

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I've read your posts, you've been through a lot. Everything I have read from you, I have said and done in the past. It has taken me a long time to get to the place where I am now...I still struggle, though.


Be angry, it's not a bad thing. Allow yourself the time to heal. You will get there.


Rain :)


Thanks a bunch. Take care of yourself.

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I want to move on. Really, I do. I want to be appreciated, loved and cherished for who I am and what I can give to a relationship. But every time I talk to a new man all I can do is think he is not you. No matter how great they may be on their own merits, I cannot stop myself from comparing them to you. They don't measure up to what my heart feels for you still, and I can't force myself to feign interest.


My head tells me to move on, because you left me, don't love me, are not with me and I know I deserve to be loved. But my heart will not let me move on, because it is too loyal. Not talking with you, spending time with you, knowing what is going on in your life, or being part of it, hurts me more than I ever imagined it could. It feels like a death. One minute we were by each others side, and then you vanished. My heart has never held on this strong when something is clearly over. I keep wondering why it is so different this time.


Every time I see something beautiful or experience something wonderful, I long to share it with you, but I can't. Oh, that is the part that really stings. I still love you, miss you terribly, and I don't know how to stop.

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I just got back in town after a week. It was the best week of my life. I did not see you, hear from you. You didn't exist when I was gone. I heard you have a new g/f. I bet its true. Its been only a month since we both agreed to stop pretending we were together. It just shows me that you never loved me. You're so quick to move on. I know no one will ever love you as much as I do. Good luck with the special someone. I'll find a loving, caring person soon. I just need time to improve myself.:D

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You tell me a week ago that you are sorry and that you love me as much as you could ever love someone. A week later you know that you have feelings for me but don't know if those feelings are feelings of love....in one week???????? Wait, I shouldn't be surprised this has happened at least 5 or 6 times before. Too bad I won't be taking the call anymore. I tried to be a hero, tried to be like rocky taking punches left and right to show you how much of a heart I have. But you just gave up in the first round, didn't even get up to fight....you just quit.

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a little bit is going away more each day.

been nc about 1.5 years, maybe longer i don't remember anymore


why are you still checking my facebook anyway?

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I'm glad I stopped myself but I was gonna send you a text that said "I missed you" last night. I don't know what is wrong with me, at times I hate you and other times I want you back.................

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It was going so well. 3 days NC. You always have to ruin it. You call me and ask stupid questions. "how many gigs was the ipod?" "are you busy?"...I don't know I don't care...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why haven't you called me? Where are you? Have you forgotten me? Are you "moving on?" Maybe you're trying to let me heal by leaving me alone, or maybe you just don't have time for me anymore. After 2 years full of love up until the last day, even now you still have feelings for me.. are they disappearing slowly? Do you still love me? Why don't you come back?

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Dear L,


I still love you with all my heart. I did some really sh*tty, inexcusable things.


But you know what? I loved you with everything I had in me. I didn't hold back. I communicated with you, I would have always been loyal to you, and I would have NEVER cheated on you, or left you for someone else. I would have been there for you through anything, dropped everything for you on a second's notice, gone to hell and back for you. I would have moved cities for you, or emptied my bank account for you. I would have loved you until the day I died.


I guess I will offer this to someone else.


Screw you and your new gf.





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