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I want to find out about a person? any ideas......

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I need help finding out this one person, I'd rather not say why. The only thing that I know about him is his phone number, and he lives somewhere close to my town. I know his nationality, but that doesn't help much.


Does anyone have any ideas how to find him, like where he lives, or some way where I could trick him and meet him, so I would know who he is??? It's a very sensitive matter, and has to do with someone in my family, I just really need to find something.

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Try a reverse lookup in an online phone directory. If the number is listed and not a cell number, you can get a name and address.

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the problem is that its a cell, although I just tried to look up info and paid $17 to find out, but it gave me a name of a lady in a far away town. and its suppose to be a guy.

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Well....call the number and just ask.


It would help for us to know WHY you need to know who the person is when you only have his phone number. If it's for a friendly reason then I don't see why you can't just call and say something like "Hey, I have your number for some reason...who are you??" but if it's something more complicated then, well....I'd probably still take the same approach!


But, I have no shame.

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the problem is that its a cell, although I just tried to look up info and paid $17 to find out, but it gave me a name of a lady in a far away town. and its suppose to be a guy.

Could he actually live there? Maybe the phone is in his wife's name (or his mom?) Also, you can get a cell phone with service centered in a different area than that in which you live (like your work location, for example.) If all you know is his cell phone number and nationality, how can you rule these possibilities out?


Also, this is an anonymous forum; why would you not tell us why you want this information? Might we not want to help you if we knew? This is the "Cheating, Flirting, and Jealousy" forum, after all... You aren't planning on doing him harm, are you?

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Take the name and state of the person to whom the phone is registered and put it on veromi.net. This site sometimes lists associations and roommates of people. Then so the same searches on the names of the associations. It also gives ages and states lived in. If you see one that looks like it might be him then you can pay (like 15 dollars) to get the address.

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Thank you all for your sugesstions. The matter is about a cheating person that is very close to me. I need to find out about him because his name is put in as a girl's name in the cellphone, to cover up.


It's really hard for me to find out who he is, I have tried calling and asking who it is, and he will say his fake american name. which wouldn't help me at all, I couldn't even understand what the name was. The thing is I need to find him, find out who he is, so I can catch them both.


It's a very complicated situation, and its affecting me emotionally. I would like to make it clear also that I don't want to cause any harm, I just need to find out, so I can confront the person. Also wanted to make it clear, that its not me that is being cheated on.

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