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i pulled my best friend and now it's AWKWARD

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so, i'm studying abroad for my third year at uni, which will be over in about a month, and since moving here i've gotten really really close with one of my guy friends- people tell us we're basically the same person, and it's pretty true; i've never met anyone i've had such an immediate, deep connection with. anyways, here's the problem: we have a bit of a history of getting completely trashed and making out with each other. last term, it was a huge problem, because i had a big fat crush on him, and we had a big long talk about how he really likes me, but has ex-girlfriend issues, and i move back to america at the end of the year. so we decided to be just friends, and that was working perfectly until last wednesday, when we got drunk again and made out some more.


he didn't remember the next day, and i (stupidly) told him about it over coffee the next afternoon, thinking it was hilarious/great that we'd reached the point in our friendship where we could make out and have it not be a big deal. and then it got AWKWARD. he's basically ignoring me at this point, which is even more awkward because all of our friends are mutual and we live in the same building. i'm really afraid, though, that he thinks i still have feelings for him and *that's* why things have gotten so weird, but i honestly just don't know. i don't even know if i do have feelings for him anymore; i guess it's basically irrelevant at this point as i'm leaving in a month. i know nothing can ever happen between us, and that's ok, but i really just want to be friends again! i'm thinking i should just talk to him and get things out in the open, but if i'm the only one worried about it and he's just stressed about work or something, i don't want to storm in his room and tell him i feel nothing for him. words of wisdom????????

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