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Friends w/ Benifits and a co-worker

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Okay, so here's the deal: I started working at a health food store about a week and 1/2 ago, as well as flirting with one of my co-workers. The attraction was very mutual and we ended up hanging out outside of work and fooling around, HE made the first move. We both decided that we didn't want anything serious right now, however, ever since the last time we hooked-up he's been kind of aloof and told me he was going to come over and spend the night and just didn't show up! Look I'm going to be frank, maybe I came on too strong, on the second and last time we hooked up I gave him head, mind you it was mind-blowing and amazing. He even said it was a whole new sexual experience. And I know by the enthusiasm of his orgasm, that he enjoyed himself. I'm just confused why he's playing this withholding game. Either he's intimidated because I am way more sexually experienced or he doesn't want our affair to affect our job, because he has way more to lose at that job than I do, or is he just playing me for a fool? I'm so ****ing baffled at the way this is making me feel, last night I actually lost sleep over it. It's bull****. Please I need some advice.

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I believe that he has let you know that all he is willing to give or take from you is sex. He doesn't want a relationship or to be accountable to someone. Possibly he didn't show because he ran into someone else. Anyone who makes plans and doesn't show or call to say they are not coming is rude IMO, not the kind of person I am willing to waste my time on as a friend. So, now that you know a little more about him and how he operates, are you still interested in the friendship?

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I don't think he even wants to be fwb with you at this point.


He just messed with you a couple times and that's it.


Let him call the shots, if he's interested he'll let you know, he knows you are willing.



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if it was that good it will take him time to get his eyes uncrossed and his speech back.


Ever think that he might havea girl Friend or Wife? That could keep him from not seeing you?

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