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Really weird situation! YIKES!

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I know this is kind of long, but I'm wondering if someone has ever had this happen to them? Please anal yze this for me?


So, my boyfriend, Ryan, and I have been having some issues lately. A few weeks ago, we almost broke up completely, but we love each other and even when we tried to take a "break" it only lasted a couple of days, because we missed each other. We're still having a few fights about things, though, and we're trying to work them out.


Anyway, so Ryan's best friend, Danny, just broke up with his fiancee of five years about four months ago, and it seemed like he was really sad about it for about two weeks, then got over it. Before Danny and his fiancee broke up, Ryan rarely saw him.


Now, especially since me and Ryan have been having our little "issues", they hang out NON stop. They work together, then after work, they go out to eat together, then they go to the bars together. I am very RARELY invited. Danny calls Ryan every single day when they're not working or together. I know they're not out picking up girls at the bars, because I see Ryan almost every night (after their little bar hopping events).


They also seem to like to share a few too many double entendres...more than typical straight platonic friends.


Even his mom is noticing! When Ryan asked if she needed anything from the store, she said, "jokingly"... "Well, maybe you should call Danny and ask him permission if you can go out or not." I laughed but inside I was thinking the same thing. Last weekend they took a trip out to a lake, alone, because Danny's parents have a trailer up there, to just "hang out and drink beer." This weekend, they're planning on taking a plane trip to the East Coast to visit Danny's extended family. (Weird!)


This is where it gets a little sketchy... I mean, I was fine with everything before but this is just weird. So, Danny lives down the road from Ryan all by himself, in an apartment. I've been there. I know for a fact there is ONE sofa, no loveseats or anything, and ONE bed in this apartment. Well, one night, during Ryan and Danny's little dinner outing, I asked Ryan to PLEASE call me later because we were having a bonfire at my house and I wanted him to come...I even invited Danny to come with him. He said he would call me back in fifteen. That was at nine. Eleven rolled around, no Ryan. One a.m... no Ryan. I was starting to freak out. They both had turned off their phones...or lost battery power, I didn't know.


So I passed out and woke up again at about 4 a.m... Ryan had not called me. I was dead worried. I drove to his house and his car wasn't there. Then I drove to Danny's apartment and his car WAS there. I went to the door and saw Ryan's jacket and shoes next to the door. (There was a nightlight on.) The door was locked, of course, but I could see perfectly well into the living room. There was no one on the sofa. I knocked, and waited a couple of minutes. No one.


So, the next day, Ryan calls me extremely apologetic, saying they had "way too many drinks" and that his behavior was very uncalled for. Then...get this! He told me he went back to Danny's apartment and passed out...on the sofa!


Do you guys think there's something going on with them? Or do you think Danny's just lonely after being dumped and needs a friend? I'm really not sure... my gay-dar is rusty.


Thanks for listening, LS members! This isn't one you read every day, is it?




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