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going crazy need some advise

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marie evans

]I need some advice and an opinion…..About a year ago a coworker started to show interest in me. We are both married. He has a not so good marriage and I have a good one. It started when he started dropping hints about being interested in me. I at first did not react but over time after he continued to pursue I started flirting back. It went from just talk to physical. We became extremely attracted to each other and though we had never actually had sex at this point we wanted it bad and would often talk about getting together. We had a lot of closed-door meetings with a lot of touching and feeling. 8 months ago we finally did what both of us wanted so much (this is not a love thing between us).


He continued to pursue me and on a business trip we got together again. After the business trip things have changed for him. I am extremely comfortable with pursuing him now, which I was a little shy before. I feel that he has stopped. No more looks, no more toughing, I make a plant to meet and he makes excuses. When I ask him (which is often) if he still wants to continue he says YES…don’t you??? I say yes. We have had a couple of opportunities to hook up and he still makes excuses. I know he is not feeling well at work and has a lot of pressure on him. The last encounter (which did not happen) I said…I’m going to stop…he said I don’t want you to and that the “stars” are just not aliened and it will happen.


I said you do not pay attention to me as you once did and he said it is all in my head. I continue to ask him about this and continue to pursue him. I cant get it out of my mind and when it does not happen I start to think I’m not good enough, not pretty, or I have done something wrong and I ask if he is still interested and he continues to say his is very much. He seems a little nervous about doing what we did at work (touching behind closed doors) which he was not in the past. Is he playing mind games with me? Do you think he is still interested? How should I continue this? I know I nee to back off but just cant seem to detach myself. I just need answers and some kind of opinion….HELP

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