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Myspace issues

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alright guys, I need your advice once again. Me and my girlfriend have been going out for almost 5 months now, she's never done anything to make me think she's cheating on me but I've grown quite curious as to who one of her top friends is on myspace. Now for those of you who know how myspace works when you creat a profile you get to choose who your top friends are. Now since we've been dating I was always the only guy on her top 8 on her profile, the rest where girlfriends. Now about a month or so ago she switched the amount of people on her top friends to 16. I've been on the 4th spot since we've started dating. This new guy she put him on the 9th position about a month ago. Now a little history about me, I grew up in a household watching my mom get cheated on left and right and it truly affected how I am in relationships especially after I became victim of it myself a couple of times in the past. So what I need advice on is, Is it ok if i ask my girlfriend who that guy is? Or Is my past just trying to screw things up? any comments are greatly appreciatted :D

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Is his profile private? Have you clicked on his page to see if you can't deduce who he is on your own? Perhaps a coworker? A student?


Either way, I honestly think it's perfectly okay for you to simply ask - as if just curious - who the dude is. I had a guy ask me that a few months ago, and I found that itty bitty teeny bit of jealousy/vulnerability quite endearing.


That said, I really don't think having another guy in her top eight is all that big of a deal.


I am obsessed with MySpace, personally. But I recognize it's the devil.... haha.

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So long as you don't go outright in accusatory mode, I don't see why you can't casually ask her who the guys is. I mean, obviously you haven't met the guy and it is only natural that you should want to know who your girlfriend's friends are.


But yeah, myspace is the devil. I'm so glad my boyfriend doesn't use it, I'd probably be profile stalking daily! :laugh:

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I don't think you should worry yourself with it just yet. If she put him in the #1 spot, then you might have a problem. :D


Myspace ... You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.




Bravo for the reference. :cool:

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