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...is he playing mind games??

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oh-and that too. very true.


That fact that you agree with the above poster makes me wonder if there is any hope for humanity (sound familiar). You definitly demonstrate why some people can't treat each other right. You can't even take care of the people closest to you.

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You definitly demonstrate why some people can't treat each other right. You can't even take care of the people closest to you.


umm, how do you figure "marie evans" is closest to me?


The original remark, in context, was referring to her and her own husband.


I, on the other hand, am on an anonymous message board, not to be confused with "the people closest to me"





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umm, how do you figure "marie evans" is closest to me?


The original remark, in context, was referring to her and her own husband.


I, on the other hand, am on an anonymous message board, not to be confused with "the people closest to me"






Oh, I get it now. From your standpoint only treat people nice that you know, but everyone else is garbage, especially on a message board responding to a stranger.

If you didn't like what the person was posting, move on. No one was asking for your holier-than-thou judgement. She didn't ask for that did she? SHe wanted help and you used the opportunity to make her feel bad about herself. But thats ok because she is a stranger you are anonymous.

Sorry, I dont agree with your standpoint.

(Now what animal makes the noise 'squeak'...hmmmmm)

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Oh, I get it now. From your standpoint only treat people nice that you know, but everyone else is garbage, especially on a message board responding to a stranger.


First you take my message out of context, I respond, then you use my defense of the out of context message against me.


You can trat the poster with kid gloves, that is your perogative, do you think that will change her behavior?


Do you know how behavior is changed? Through a consistent message of disapproval from peers. Not through "oh you poor thing" when the person is going back on their marriage vows.


Oh yeah, nice overgeneralization"treating everyone like garbage", if by everyone you mean a cheater with no remorse-yeah, sure.


I can;t argue with you anymore directx, you are not logical.


I see your bait and switch from a mile away. Iguess you can keep following me, hey, I'll send you an autograph :)


If you want to extend an olive branch to a cheater, fine, but don't even bother telling me not to point out to that person how narcisstic they are being. Maybe I am doing her husband a favor and she will think twice about him now.


You, what are you doing, ennabling her.


What is directx? A deodarant?

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First you take my message out of context, I respond, then you use my defense of the out of context message against me.


You can trat the poster with kid gloves, that is your perogative, do you think that will change her behavior?


Do you know how behavior is changed? Through a consistent message of disapproval from peers. Not through "oh you poor thing" when the person is going back on their marriage vows.


Oh yeah, nice overgeneralization"treating everyone like garbage", if by everyone you mean a cheater with no remorse-yeah, sure.


I can;t argue with you anymore directx, you are not logical.


I see your bait and switch from a mile away. Iguess you can keep following me, hey, I'll send you an autograph :)


If you want to extend an olive branch to a cheater, fine, but don't even bother telling me not to point out to that person how narcisstic they are being. Maybe I am doing her husband a favor and she will think twice about him now.


You, what are you doing, ennabling her.


What is directx? A deodarant?


You agree with someone that compares her to a mass murderer of 32 people. You must have some seriously emotional issues if you can't even begin to see the error in that.

Nothing was taken out of context.

You cannot argue with me because you are so cannot follow the conversation and you are blind with rage. Did someone cheat on you and you are projecting your anger out on the poster?

There is no bait and switching. Just responding to your angry, hurtful post.

I am not following you. Why did you say that? Im just responding to your hurtful, thoughtless posts on this forum. Do not flatter yourself. You compare people to murderers and be-little a tragedy that has destroyed families. You are not someone I want to be associated with.


You talk about extending an olive branch. Why do you think this way? Olive branches are used for a sign of peace, but she is not at war with me. Yet you see her as at war with you using this comparison.

You were cheated on I am guessing and you are personalizing her as the person that did this to your marriage, am I right? The topic poster posted nothing hateful or threatening, yet you see it that way.


I am not enabling her, just giving her the response she asked for. Nothing different like you took it upon yourself.

You really might be therapy. Have you tried that? You seem to have alot of anger towards a person(s) that showed you none.


(and a deoderant is a good thing: It smells good and many people like it. You might want to try it)

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Directx, how exactly do you think coddling her is going to benefit her? Should anyone feel sorry for her based on what she posted? I don't think so. She not only cheated herself, but she cheated with someone else who is cheating. To think that she's worried about mindgames??? HELLO??? The guy is cheating on his wife here! And you're cheating on your husband! You have BIGGER things to worry about right now!


Now maybe we are being undue harsh. For all we know she is trapped in a loveless marriage with a complete a-hole. But we don't know that. All we know is that she cheated without remorse, she got played, and now she's very confused. She needs to look within herself and see how she ended up where she is.

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Directx, how exactly do you think coddling her is going to benefit her? Should anyone feel sorry for her based on what she posted? I don't think so. She not only cheated herself, but she cheated with someone else who is cheating. To think that she's worried about mindgames??? HELLO??? The guy is cheating on his wife here! And you're cheating on your husband! You have BIGGER things to worry about right now!


Now maybe we are being undue harsh. For all we know she is trapped in a loveless marriage with a complete a-hole. But we don't know that. All we know is that she cheated without remorse, she got played, and now she's very confused. She needs to look within herself and see how she ended up where she is.


Good. why dont you give her the advice you state in your second paragraph instead of launching off hateful comments throughout.

I didnt see the part where she was asking for sympathy. Can you point that out to me, seriously?

You said it all when you said 'we don't know that'. You are right. We dont know everything, so maybe everyone shouldnt ASSUME what her life is like.

You want to HELP this person, be HELPFUL.

But mostly I saw is everyone being HURTFUL. And no one is going to listen/respond to that.

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You agree with someone that compares her to a mass murderer of 32 people. You must have some seriously emotional issues if you can't even begin to see the error in that.

actually, I was agreeing with this part:


"Ummmm... maybe you should re-read the original post.. the girl is looking for sympathy for being played by someone she is cheating on her husband with. If she was here saying she is unsure what to do in her current relationship I would probably try to advise her, but given the obvious narcassism in her post I frankly don't give a rats ass how she feels."


So please stop focusing on the muredere part, it's getting a bit boring....


Nothing was taken out of context.

You cannot argue with me because you are so cannot follow the conversation and you are blind with rage. Did someone cheat on you and you are projecting your anger out on the poster?


Nope, nope, and wrong.


There is no bait and switching. Just responding to your angry, hurtful post.

I am not following you. Why did you say that? Im just responding to your hurtful, thoughtless posts on this forum. Do not flatter yourself. You compare people to murderers and be-little a tragedy that has destroyed families. You are not someone I want to be associated with.


again, I was in complete agreemnet with the portion of the post I inserted above, the rest was not meant to be taken literally, lighten up a bit, isn't deodorant supposed to be refreshing?



You talk about extending an olive branch. Why do you think this way? Olive branches are used for a sign of peace, but she is not at war with me. Yet you see her as at war with you using this comparison.

You were cheated on I am guessing and you are personalizing her as the person that did this to your marriage, am I right? The topic poster posted nothing hateful or threatening, yet you see it that way.


sorry, wrong 100%


Actually, I was wondering if you are an OW or in the middle of your own affair because you seem to be identifying with her a lot??


I am not enabling her, just giving her the response she asked for. Nothing different like you took it upon yourself.

You really might be therapy. Have you tried that? You seem to have alot of anger towards a person(s) that showed you none.


Do you think it is possible that people are responding to her confusion about why she is not getting attention from a married man as she is cheating on her husband and it is called "MORAL OUTRAGE"


Do you know what that is?


It is good when people can tell right from wrong, and get upset. It is a sign that a society can still function and has some hope.



(and a deoderant is a good thing: It smells good and many people like it. You might want to try it)


Stick to your bad jokes, your definitely good at that!!! Good day :)

And thanks for the dime store analysis, if you read between the lines you'll see you are way, way off. Got any more good jokes?

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PS directx-please stop focusing on me, whatever demons I opened up in your past or your thoughts of yourself, I wish you wouldn't, it was not directed at you, but you seem to be reacting to it, maybe you should get some help too.


You keep coming around and attacking my post, putting me in a position to defend myself, over and over and over, it is a form of missplaced aggression.


I can't make your pain go away, and I'm sure you don't feel better for it, whatever it is you feel my posts are accusing you of.


Good luck with your own therapy.

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I think that is the lowest post I have ever read. You are going to compare her to a tragedy that killed 32 students and destroyed families for the rest of their lives. What a cold, miserable, insensivite person you must be. I don't mean this as an insult, just a clear observation.

I can't get over the ignorance for making such a comparison. Maybe its your type of reaction and behavior that you just demonstrated that created a person like a VA Tech shooter.

What happened in your life that made you so harsh?


Yours, must be the dumbest post I’ve ever read so we now have something in common. You must be living in a fantasy world because there are plenty of situations where infidelity ruins lives forever and CAN result in murder. Guess that’s just an obvious testament to YOUR ignorance. Maybe you should try crawling out from under that rock you’ve been under for so long. So, you think I’m cold and insensitive because I feel the need to stand up on behalf of the 2 INNOCENT people in this situation (her husband and the other mans’s wife). Well, I think you are insensitive and hypocritical because you would hardly be preaching this self righteous garbage if it was your husband this girl was ****ing. This is not an insult, just an observation of how far up your ass your head must be

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Good. why dont you give her the advice you state in your second paragraph instead of launching off hateful comments throughout.


Where did I launch into hateful comments throughout? I held back when I originally read her OP and said-so in fact.


I didnt see the part where she was asking for sympathy. Can you point that out to me, seriously?


I never said that she was looking for sympathy and I'm not sure where you are getting that from what I wrote. What I said was, "Should anyone feel sorry for her based on what she posted? I don't think so." IOW, I don't begrudge people for being unsympathetic towards her because I think that is a natural reaction to someone in her situation.


You said it all when you said 'we don't know that'. You are right. We dont know everything, so maybe everyone shouldnt ASSUME what her life is like.

You want to HELP this person, be HELPFUL.

But mostly I saw is everyone being HURTFUL. And no one is going to listen/respond to that.


Right. But I think it's natural based on what she wrote in her OP. Her OP was about cheating without remorse with someone else who for all accounts is doing exactly the same thing. She has far far huger problems and the response she got is relective of that.

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The fact that directx thinks that was the "lowest" post she ever read, as opposed to the original poster, says a lot.



Then this gem:

I can't get over the ignorance for making such a comparison. Maybe its your type of reaction and behavior that you just demonstrated that created a person like a VA Tech shooter.


Wow, you are so right directx! I am sure it was people who are on the correct side of morality who protest an outright cheaters actions that created the VA shooter.


I don't even know what to say..... ugh. I can't argue with a nutter.

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The fact that directx thinks that was the "lowest" post she ever read, as opposed to the original poster, says a lot.



Then this gem:

I can't get over the ignorance for making such a comparison. Maybe its your type of reaction and behavior that you just demonstrated that created a person like a VA Tech shooter.


Wow, you are so right directx! I am sure it was people who are on the correct side of morality who protest an outright cheaters actions that created the VA shooter.


I don't even know what to say..... ugh. I can't argue with a nutter.


Amen to that.... I'm starting to think that this poster is a TROLL since I'm unwilling to believe that anyone is this stupid

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Well, actually we have direct x to thank for showing us the way alongside her very profound insight into what exactly created the VA shooter.


Yeah, must be a troll, no one could really be that dumb, right?

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haha, yeah! We better stop talking about the trolls, or they'll come back with a vengeance. A stupid and insane vengeance that is. Un-**cking real. Definitely impossible.

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You both embarked on a relationship you had no right to embark upon. He is married and you are married. It sounds to me like his wife might be catching on and/or he is feeling guilty and paranoid. My advice? Leave him alone, work on or dissolve your marriage. Neither one of you had the right to take this relationship to the higher level and now you are both paying the price of what you did. Accept it, face it and end it.

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OMG... OP, what a goomba. Thank the Lord you can stay anonymous on these boards, eh? Listen to yourself. Total slut. Total idiot. First he used you for sex, and now he is treating you like the dirty filth you are. You were nothing special to him woman. Read and reread your post. Put yourself in a decent person's shoes and think about it. Would you want your daughter to be married to the man who just yanked YOUR slutty chain? You both deserve to roll with the pigs. I suggest DIVORCE your husband and let him get on with his life with a woman worthy of his love.

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Directx, how exactly do you think coddling her is going to benefit her? Should anyone feel sorry for her based on what she posted? I don't think so. She not only cheated herself, but she cheated with someone else who is cheating. To think that she's worried about mindgames??? HELLO??? The guy is cheating on his wife here! And you're cheating on your husband! You have BIGGER things to worry about right now!


Now maybe we are being undue harsh. For all we know she is trapped in a loveless marriage with a complete a-hole. But we don't know that. All we know is that she cheated without remorse, she got played, and now she's very confused. She needs to look within herself and see how she ended up where she is.


I never said you should coddle her. Just answer her question or move on. She wasn't asking for judgement but people here like to make themselves feel better by piling on with holier-than-thou judgement.


Its nice to see at least you recognize people here are being undue harsh. Again, the harshness is not constructive, just spouted like mindlessly. Tell Squeak and Chaos they might be too 'harsh'. They'll resort to name calling because they apparently don't know how to reason otherwise.

Now I hurt their little feelings and I exposed them for what they are: hateful people taking out their frustrations in life on anyone they can like children. I am almost sorry I made them cry.


Your last sentence makes sense. "She needs to look within herself and see how she ended up where she is."


Why couldnt someone just tell her that without judging her like a criminal.

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