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Is he cheating on GF with me?? MYSPACE

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I am writing becasue I have met an amazing guy who I think may have lied to me about his status. to make a long story short should you give someone a chance if they told you they didnt have a girlfriend but their myspace page says "in a relationship? Do you cut them off because they lied to you (if maybe under the influence of alcohol), or do you hang out with them 1 more time to see what the deal is because there is the posisbility you are soul mates???

i know this is silly but any advice is appreciated!!

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Well I hope that ain't my fiance your talkin about! lol, I would probably cut him off as if he has a myspace page that says he's in a relationship then the chances are he probably is (unless he doesn't use it very often).

I mean why if a guy who uses his myspace page often is no longer in a relationship, would he not change his status to reflect his being single unless he knows his girlfriend is keeping tabs on him!

This is just my personal opinion, I also happen to think that myspace is the root of all evil!

My fiance has a myspace page as do I but the only evidence that I exist on his page is that he has said "he's in a relationship" so I do often worry that he will say he's no longer in a relationship to some random girl and she will believe him. I have had a peek at some of his "friends" pages to see what he's been posting in terms of comments and have seen some things that have upset me, but then I am not the most trusting person.


Have you just asked him why his page says he's in a relationship, if he hesitates then he's probably lying.

Out of curiosity what's his myspace name? LOL.


Hope this helps. :)

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