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trying to figure this out...

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My ex broke up with me a few months ago. At first he said it was because he couldn't handle me; things going on in my life were too much for him to deal with. Then it changed and he said he loved me but just couldnt be in a relationship for a while. Finally, now, we're seeing each other again, exclusively, but he refuses to give it a title until he "is convinced things are going to work". But I know he has told other girls that I'm his ex... technically it's true but doesn't that seem kind of shady? Simply saying oh she's my ex is like saying i'm single don't worry about her. Last night we were having a conversation about why he doesnt want to spend a lot of time with me, or barely any time actually, and he said it's because he loves me and cares about me but he's not happy. He tells me it's not my fault, but it's not something he can change it's just the way it is. I'm so confused as to what's going on, I want to be with him and I try so hard to look past the flirting that he does and the fact that he's very possibly hooking up with other girls. He admitted to me that he had invited girls over and been sexual with them while we were broken up, not long before we got back together. Does it seem like he's a guy who's not willing to commit to a relationship? If he's never cheated on me while we were together I don't see why he'd cheat now, but the fact that he insists on us not having a title worries me.

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This guy is bad news. "I want to be with you, but not as a boyfriend." He is stringing you along, and it's painfully obvious, he isn't even trying to hide the fact. Consider that your blessing and move on. Jerk!

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Does it seem like he's a guy who's not willing to commit to a relationship?


Umm, yeeeaaaahhhh. He's NOT committing to you, right?

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girl he probably does love you but hes just not right for you! you can love many people and they can love you but it dosent mean they are the ones hes stringing you along and from how your telling it he probably has cheated im sure you hate hearing you need to leave but its forreal leave before you cant

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