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My Ex

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We had broken up years ago, but within that time she had always hinted to liking me and infact about a year after we broke up it all hit the table and she told me she did the whole time. But by then it was too late, and she wasn't going to let go of her relationship just because well "it all hit the fan".


Over the time she admitted to her feelings she was always trying to make me jealous. Always, and we broke up on not even a bad note. It was just a mutual fear I believe.


She came back into my life years later (now), and I spent time with her for a couple of hours which I hadn't seen her in forever. She was happy, laughing, playful, pleased to see me, tried to go on about how I didn't want to see her. Shes kinda fishing for it. And I basically held my feelings in, showed her a good time.


She recently ditched her bad b/f and is on the rebound, she even told me this. But I didn't want to get caught up in that, who wants to be a rebound anyway right? So she has a great time with me, even shows another great sign of wanting to get together again.




She mentions to me when we talk on the phone later that she is "TALKING" to another guy. But she says she dosen't even like him, and just doing it to not be so lonely.


So, with her history can I call this a safe bet mind games aren't worth it, or infact is she trying to make me jealous as she always has before? Which is really to me not such a good tactic. I don't know man, I find it odd how she threw that in my face.


Advice Please!!

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