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Need advice (from the ladies perticularly)


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last night was our winter semi formal at a small college in PA, i went only cause the girl i liked would be there, and better yet she was there with a gay guy. i was drinking quite a bit as was she, but the only way to get me on a dance floor is to get me intoxicated. The girl i liked was trying to get me dancing fro the first bit of time, and once i felt good enough i danced with her. It seemed that she spent equal time with me and her gay date, and when she was with me, we were out dancing the slow dances, and smoking between, she would sit on my lap (but wouldn't hold hands), but i didn't feel the other signs of affection were there, she wouldn't let me stay to fall asleep on her couch (i live off campus) as her date was sleeping on her roomates bed and her roomate might need somewhere to sleep. So i drove home after sobering up a little, and now i need advice. Does she really like me, or was it just one fun night?

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last night was our winter semi formal at a small college in PA, i went only cause the girl i liked would be there, and better yet she was there with a gay guy. i was drinking quite a bit as was she, but the only way to get me on a dance floor is to get me intoxicated. The girl i liked was trying to get me dancing fro the first bit of time, and once i felt good enough i danced with her. It seemed that she spent equal time with me and her gay date, and when she was with me, we were out dancing the slow dances, and smoking between, she would sit on my lap (but wouldn't hold hands), but i didn't feel the other signs of affection were there, she wouldn't let me stay to fall asleep on her couch (i live off campus) as her date was sleeping on her roomates bed and her roomate might need somewhere to sleep. So i drove home after sobering up a little, and now i need advice. Does she really like me, or was it just one fun night?

If you really want to know, ask her! It may seem a little awkward but if you're interested ask her if she is also. The easiest way to know for sure is to go straight to the source! It sounds like she's a confusing girl to figure out so I would just be straight with her. I know that it's not easy to go right up to someone and just spit out the terrible question, "tee-hee, do you um, like me?" But that's seems like the only way to be sure with this kind of female. IF you don't want to just come out and ask, you caould try spending more time with her until you figure out how to crack her code. I'm sure that it's not easy to ask someone if they like you because there's always the chance that they will say the dreaded line.........."Of course I like you! YOu're just like a brother to me" which would probably send your once fairly healthy ego into oblivion.


So just try the approach that makes you more comfortable.



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