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I've been seeing someone almost a year. I have caught him in a bunch of lies. He told me that he was going out of town with business on New Years. Of course he said that only married couple would be invited. I told him that was rediculous and to call and ask about it. Well, we all know how he replied to that. He didn't however go. In December I took him home to his place to get his car so he could go to work. I took note of the day because it was my fathers birthday. Upon seeing our shared phone bill, I saw that he had gone out of town overnight. Of course he said that the call must have gone to some tower out of state.... yeah right!!!! He also said he didn't recall going out of town. HAHAHA.


I forgot to mention his friend "sam". Now we all know that I haven't met him. Not long after he returned from a business trip, " yes it was a real one", He informed me that he was going to a pro. game in a major city about 3 hour from here. I called him on that but of course he insisted that I was the one tripping. Before I asked hime about it I looked at the team schedual online and discovered the game wasn't even being played there.


Those are just a few. Now lets talk about the phone calls and text messages. I have been told never to answer his phone...hmmmmm. There have been get togethers with his friend "Sam" on several occasions. I even saw a caller ID from a motel across town.


This bf seems to think its ok to be on online dating sites because he's only FLIRTING!!!! In fact I found his posting on a popular "men seeking women" site in the town where he was working out of state. I confronted him but of course I was the one who was in the wrong and should'nt trip about it.


I am sick and tired of phone calls from all over the local area as well as out of state. There are several numbers on the phone bill from the area he's working. Of course we all know there will be a "logical reason for this".


He recieves text messages all hours of the day and night and thinks there's nothing wrong with it. In fact over the last 5 days there have been 163 text messages. Mind you thats the first 5 days of the billing cycle!!!


I guess I just want replies to this. I will forward everything to him. He needs to hear that it's not acceptable from someone other than me.



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