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Why do you doubt it?

She's had children and is in her 50's. Childbirth, menopause and gravity are impossible to hide.

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Here's a quick little excerpt about the affects of menopause on women's skin:


Skin changes in menopause are very common. Estrogen helps to keep the subcutaneous tissue (the supportive layer of the skin made up of collagen, elastic fibers known as elastin and hair follicles tissue just under the skin) full and this in turn keep away wrinkles and keeps the skin moist. In the first years after menopause, estrogen levels decline quickly and the amount of collagen decreases by as much as 2% per year. The elastic fibers begin to fragment and shred leaving cystic spaces in the dermal layer known as lacunae which we recognize as sagging, wrinkled skin. It also leads to dryness. This has been studied in the article Bolognia JL, Braverman IM, Rousseau ME, Sarrel PM. Maturitas. Skin changes in menopause.1989 Dec;11(4):295-304.


The changes in skin quality, no matter how hard you try, will show up during menopause.

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She's had children and is in her 50's. Childbirth, menopause and gravity are impossible to hide.


That is a wrong assumption. I am in my late 40's, I have children and I have the body of a 20 year old (105 pounds, size 0 or 2). I am very fit and athletic and work out at the gym several times a week. I am often mistaken for being younger. Yes, the skin changes a bit but if you take care of it, you can still look great at any age.

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Trialbyfire... Your argument is as low as the stereotype that all BS' have low sex-drive, are unattactive, codependant, and blah, blah, blah. You can't possibly go through life having this mindset. You will be 50 at some point, you know? We're as old or as young as we feel. Maybe both of you, you in your 20s and her in her 50s, are attractive in your own right.

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That is a wrong assumption. I am in my late 40's, I have children and I have the body of a 20 year old (105 pounds, size 0 or 2). I am very fit and athletic and work out at the gym several times a week. I am often mistaken for being younger. Yes, the skin changes a bit but if you take care of it, you can still look great at any age.

Statistically speaking, it's easy to say. I can guarantee that if you and a 20 year old of equal physical health were stripped down completely and both examined on a side by side basis both facially and bodily, it would be easy to tell the older. Even with clothing on, you're only fooling yourself if you believe that you look as young as a 20 year old. Your face and body will have fine wrinkles from age and marks from childbearing that someone who is two decades younger, will not have. Also, there's a suppleness of body difference. You cannot defy mother nature and father time to that extent.


I can guarantee that I look younger than you do and there's only around a decade difference.

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Trialbyfire... Your argument is as low as the stereotype that all BS' have low sex-drive, are unattactive, codependant, and blah, blah, blah. You can't possibly go through life having this mindset. You will be 50 at some point, you know? We're as old or as young as we feel. Maybe both of you, you in your 20s and her in her 50s, are attractive in your own right.

I'm responding to the continuous comments about lizzie's assets that she likes to write about. While she may be young looking for her age, she cannot compete with a younger woman from a youthful body perspective. It's as simple as that.

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Yes, except being 50 and looking 30 is something to brag about, so I kind of understand why she's flaunting it. Being 20 or 30 and bragging about not looking 50 is........ ??? I mean, really, you would have looked much better by taking the high road.

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Yes, except being 50 and looking 30 is something to brag about, so I kind of understand why she's flaunting it. Being 20 or 30 and bragging about not looking 50 is........ ??? I mean, really, you would have looked much better by taking the high road.

This thread is so full of low road that it's quite funny hearing that.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Honestly, to continuously brag about your lifestyle of banging married men, how many assets you have, how great your body is, how free your life is, free of all of life's petty constraints like morality and integrity, is hilarious. There will always be someone who exceeds you, whether in looks, intellect, financial wealth, education, whatever. Shall I post my educational credentials, all my hobbies, all my sports credentials, as well?


Sheesh...this thread just smacks of complete and utter hypocrisy.

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TBF, this is the very first time I've ever disagreed with you. I usually read your posts and say "Damn, I was going to say that same thing!." In fact, I consistently agree with you probably more than anyone else.


That being said, let me say this:


I've seen many women 10 years younger than me and even some 15 years younger who looked older than I do. Nothing is sagging on me. I don't even have to color my hair.


It's pure luck. It's all about genetics. The women in my family all look much younger than their age...both bodily and facially.


Right now, I'm a bit underweight but when I put my weight back on, I'd stand next to many and I daresay, MOST twenty-somethings and happily have people judge who has the better body.


And I've seen many women in their mid-thirties who are really wrinkled. I'm in my mid-40's and I'm not all wrinkled. Again, just lucky..good genes.


So really, you can't guarantee that just because one woman is younger than another, that she'll necessarily look younger or be in better shape.

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TBF, this is the very first time I've ever disagreed with you. I usually read your posts and say "Damn, I was going to say that same thing!." In fact, I consistently agree with you probably more than anyone else.


That being said, let me say this:


I've seen many women 10 years younger than me and even some 15 years younger who looked older than I do. Nothing is sagging on me. I don't even have to color my hair.


It's pure luck. It's all about genetics. The women in my family all look much younger than their age...both bodily and facially.


Right now, I'm a bit underweight but when I put my weight back on, I'd stand next to many and I daresay, MOST twenty-somethings and happily have people judge who has the better body.


And I've seen many women in their mid-thirties who are really wrinkled. I'm in my mid-40's and I'm not all wrinkled. Again, just lucky..good genes.


So really, you can't guarantee that just because one woman is younger than another, that she'll necessarily look younger or be in better shape.

Are you fifty something, menopausal or past, claiming you have the genetics of a twenty or thirty year old? Come on Touche. This is very different.


What lizzie is doing is rubbing in something that might bother some of the betrayed spouses. What I'm doing is ensuring that face rubbing is negated. The stereotypes do not always hold true.

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Oh, and before I forget, when I'm fifty something, I will hopefully be sitting in a rocking chair with at least one beautiful grandchild in my arms. After the baby is asleep, I will return the babe to his/her mother's arms, grab my golf clubs and do a round of 18 with some good friends. On the way out the door, I will look at myself in the mirror and say, hey, you look okay, both inside and outside.

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Are you fifty something, menopausal or past, claiming you have the genetics of a twenty or thirty year old? Come on Touche. This is very different.


What lizzie is doing is rubbing in something that might bother some of the betrayed spouses. What I'm doing is ensuring that face rubbing is negated. The stereotypes do not always hold true.


No, I'm not menopausal or fifty-something. That's true. And I understand what you're doing but, TBF, you're so much better than this. We all know it. Don't stoop to her level.


(Posted my pic in avatar and profile..do I look like I'm close to menopause? Tell the truth now. Because menopause is not too far off for me:mad: )


I guess your comments are hitting a nerve with me because, as some on here are aware, I can be pretty sensitive about my age.


But I still think you rock, TBF!

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No, I'm not menopausal or fifty-something. That's true. And I understand what you're doing but, TBF, you're so much better than this. We all know it. Don't stoop to her level.


(Posted my pic in avatar and profile..do I look like I'm close to menopause? Tell the truth now. Because menopause is not too far off for me:mad: )


I guess your comments are hitting a nerve with me because, as some on here are aware, I can be pretty sensitive about my age.


But I still think you rock, TBF!



Not bad for a fifty something, menopausal, soon to be grandma. I think I can still compete with a thirty something.. I have good genes, I take care of myself..

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Can I ask?... Do you feel threatened by this lady? Why do you feel the need to defend your 20-year old "firmness" or prove your credentials? And if this thread is so ridiculous, why do you keep posting?


I echo Touche's comments. While I might have had respect for your previous posts, I feel like the most previous comments were simply silly and out of line.

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Alright it's picture time, LOL!!


All I'm going to say is that if your 50 and on and claim you look like your 21 or younger, your in some werid a** denial. Don't care who it is.

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No, I'm not menopausal or fifty-something. That's true. And I understand what you're doing but, TBF, you're so much better than this. We all know it. Don't stoop to her level.


(Posted my pic in avatar and profile..do I look like I'm close to menopause? Tell the truth now. Because menopause is not too far off for me:mad: )


I guess your comments are hitting a nerve with me because, as some on here are aware, I can be pretty sensitive about my age.


But I still think you rock, TBF!

Just some home truths to someone who isn't concerned about hurting anyone through their comments or actions in life.


You don't look menopausal.


Reciprocated, Touch. :)

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Can I ask?... Do you feel threatened by this lady? Why do you feel the need to defend your 20-year old "firmness" or prove your credentials? And if this thread is so ridiculous, why do you keep posting?


I echo Touche's comments. While I might have had respect for your previous posts, I feel like the most previous comments were simply silly and out of line.


I don't know what it is.. I sure pulled a raw nerve ... I was thinking the same thing... this thread is ridiculous but she keeps coming back at me...


I do not feel the need to compete with anyone... I will not comment to her post anymore as she is silly and totally out of line as you say...

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Not bad for a fifty something, menopausal, soon to be grandma. I think I can still compete with a thirty something.. I have good genes, I take care of myself..


Yes, you look great Lizzie. I hope I look as good when I'm your age!:laugh:


You're a beautiful woman on the outside but on the inside? It's just sad.

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Not bad for a fifty something, menopausal, soon to be grandma. I think I can still compete with a thirty something.. I have good genes, I take care of myself..

You look like you're in your forties. That's a conservative opinion since your pic is so dark and fuzzy.

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Alright it's picture time, LOL!!


All I'm going to say is that if your 50 and on and claim you look like your 21 or younger, your in some werid a** denial. Don't care who it is.


Please don't exagerate, I never said I look 21 or younger...If I did, could you please copy/paste my post... Thank you.

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Just some home truths to someone who isn't concerned about hurting anyone through their comments or actions in life.


You don't look menopausal.


Reciprocated, Touch. :)


Thanks, TBF!

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Yes, you look great Lizzie. I hope I look as good when I'm your age!:laugh:


You're a beautiful woman on the outside but on the inside? It's just sad.


You also look very good... but you just know me from what I post here... in real life I am a very good person... with my friends, my family, my co-workers...


You know, an OW could be your sister, your best friend, your neighbour and you would never know it... because they're the same person... with only a different lifestyle... it's that simple.

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Click on my profile lizzie. I'm in my very early thirties. Tell me who looks older, will you? You or I.

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Click on my profile lizzie. I'm in my very early thirties. Tell me who looks older, will you? You or I.


It's you.... of course...we have close to 24 years difference... I don't know how old you are but I will be 55 in about two months... I have way more breasts LOL


You are cute btw.

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You also look very good... but you just know me from what I post here... in real life I am a very good person... with my friends, my family, my co-workers...


You know, an OW could be your sister, your best friend, your neighbour and you would never know it... because they're the same person... with only a different lifestyle... it's that simple.


I'm sure that you're not a monster, Lizzie but see, I don't see this as just a "lifestyle." I could never be friends with a sister or neighbor who believes as you do. I would not have anything in common with a person like you.


It's more than just a lifestyle, it's a way of thinking. It's selfish and I GUARANTEE that it spills over into other areas of your life. And I would recognize it and run.


I mean I don't see how a person can be that selfish and uncaring in only ONE area of life. I really don't. So you're wrong to say that I wouldn't know it...I would know it. I'd spot it a mile away. That kind of selfshness and uncaring attitude for others...that me, me, me thing absolutely spills over into friendships and motherhood and all other intereactions.


And by the way, thanks for the compliment...I liked yours better than TBF's (bless her heart_ "you don't look menopausa".


Perhaps, her compliment was the more honest one though? Hmmm...

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