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let's dont start a catfight girls ;)



*stretches back on haunches and slinks along*

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Alright it's picture time, LOL!!

Actually, in your previous avatar, I thought you looked a little like David Gilmour.

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I think that some men can overlook ugliness inside and out when they can get an easy lay.


The simple fact that she thinks she is attractive because younger guys will screw her, is the writing on the wall. Younger guys aren't that hard to get into bed.


Yup!! To quote one of my former co-workers;


"Any average woman with an exposed thong is now instantly hot!" He was 21 at the time.

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TBF, this is the very first time I've ever disagreed with you. I usually read your posts and say "Damn, I was going to say that same thing!." In fact, I consistently agree with you probably more than anyone else.


That being said, let me say this:


I've seen many women 10 years younger than me and even some 15 years younger who looked older than I do. Nothing is sagging on me. I don't even have to color my hair.


It's pure luck. It's all about genetics. The women in my family all look much younger than their age...both bodily and facially.


Right now, I'm a bit underweight but when I put my weight back on, I'd stand next to many and I daresay, MOST twenty-somethings and happily have people judge who has the better body.


And I've seen many women in their mid-thirties who are really wrinkled. I'm in my mid-40's and I'm not all wrinkled. Again, just lucky..good genes.


So really, you can't guarantee that just because one woman is younger than another, that she'll necessarily look younger or be in better shape.


I will agree with part of this statement because of the fact that I have worked with some people who look GOOD FOR THEIR AGE. Two women in particular who from behind look 20. You're right, genetics play quite a factor in this case as these women look VERY good and one of them swims three times a week and the other one DOES NOTHING and could shop in a store aimed at young adults.

HOWEVER I agree with TBF, even the woman I work with that has the good genetics wears certain things sometimes and it becomes obvious that she is in her 40's and has had children. This isn't a shot at anyone, but at the end of the day, you just can't out-20 a 20 year old statistically speaking. If you are one of these wonderful people, you are the exception, not the rule.

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dam...I missed the party last night....I was wondering what Lizzie looks like too...


so..whos going to start the new picture thread?...its about time we get one...lots of new faces to see.....

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This thread reminds me of the one where Pink Amulet attacked my boobs.


Either which way, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside when your soul is rotting on the inside. External beauty fades, period. For some it takes longer than others, sure. But what's in your heart should only grow more beautiful.


Unfortunately, even at almost-60, Lizzie's outside is as beautiful as she's ever going to get.


This is very true. When I was younger I noticed a difference in some women and it wasn't until I was older that I realized it. If your drop dead gorgeous and a b!tch, you're going to have some short term fun, to be sure, but that's it. Also if you are trying to get by on your looks alone, well, you're going to come across a very harsh surprise in the future!!

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Yep, as bad as me sometimes!


Anyway, I'm mad because no one asked me how I was doing!;)


How YOU doin'?

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How YOU doin'?


Fine thanks, and you?










(:laugh: :laugh: That was cute mr. max...thanks for asking. I'll have a good day now.)

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Actually, in your previous avatar, I thought you looked a little like David Gilmour.


Yeah I didn't like that one. :laugh: I'll stick to leg avatars.

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I will agree with part of this statement because of the fact that I have worked with some people who look GOOD FOR THEIR AGE. Two women in particular who from behind look 20. You're right, genetics play quite a factor in this case as these women look VERY good and one of them swims three times a week and the other one DOES NOTHING and could shop in a store aimed at young adults.

HOWEVER I agree with TBF, even the woman I work with that has the good genetics wears certain things sometimes and it becomes obvious that she is in her 40's and has had children. This isn't a shot at anyone, but at the end of the day, you just can't out-20 a 20 year old statistically speaking. If you are one of these wonderful people, you are the exception, not the rule.


it becomes obvious that she is in her 40's and has had children.


This is BS... how is it 'obvious' that she's in her 40s and had children? This is soooo not true... How do you know that for sure that she had children? WOW

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Pink Amulet
This thread reminds me of the one where Pink Amulet attacked my boobs.


Either which way, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside when your soul is rotting on the inside. External beauty fades, period. For some it takes longer than others, sure. But what's in your heart should only grow more beautiful.


Unfortunately, even at almost-60, Lizzie's outside is as beautiful as she's ever going to get.


I did WHAT@??@?@!!!??


I'd highly doubt it.


I would love to see evidence of this.


You have implants right? Was it because you said it looked like I had implants, and I said I simply said I don't personally agree with cosmetic surgery?

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Did you attack them with relish? If so, I wish I had been in on that thread. I feel like I've missed something special.

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Why do I suddenly feel like a voyeur?


(HI PA! Long time no see. Hope you're doing well.)

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*flicks you in the eye*


*doesn't really notice*




*bends you over forcefully to give you a good spanking*

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burning 4 revenge
I did WHAT@??@?@!!!??


I'd highly doubt it.


I would love to see evidence of this.


You have implants right? Was it because you said it looked like I had implants, and I said I simply said I don't personally agree with cosmetic surgery?

It was Paris 38 aka Bridget Jones who attacked SG's boobs. Thats a sad testimony to how much time I spend online that i know that
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It was Paris 38 aka Bridget Jones who attacked SG's boobs. Thats a sad testimony to how much time I spend online that i know that

Wow, so she's not only Teddy and Jane and bridget_jones, she was also Paris 38? I didn't know LS allowed one person to have so many screen names, well, except for the humorous ones.

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it becomes obvious that she is in her 40's and has had children.


This is BS... how is it 'obvious' that she's in her 40s and had children? This is soooo not true... How do you know that for sure that she had children? WOW


Sigh you're right that is BS and 1+1 = 11 and the moon rises at 6:00am while the sun sets. Okay, lets clear this one up shall we Shane?


1. Her ex-boyfriend owns the bar and he has told many people how old she is because she looks so damn good for her age. Just to let you know, when I drop by there during the day and I see her from behind, I STILL mistake her for much younger person. I usually think we hired a new 20-something waitress until she turns around and I see that it's her, get me?


2. She has the kind of stretch marks that my ex girlfriend had (three kids) and my fiancee has (2 kids) I caught a glimpse of them when she wore a cropped top (although it still wasn't that high, but just enough) one evening when clelebrating her birthday one year. She wore the kind of outfit that only a woman with a killer body could pull off and she is one of the FEW women who may be able to out-20 a 20 year old!!


2. Her daughter works at the same bar and yes, I have even worked with her


Listen Shane, I know you get a kick out of this sort of thing, messing with people's minds and such and disagreeing with whatever inteligent posts people make here, but please remember, some of them are so basic and simple (and accepted as correct, or hell even scietifically proven!!) that even a teenager would understand and that makes you look silly. If you may have something that is different from the norm you are the EXCEPTION, NOT the Rule!! Just a heads up Shane, carry on with your game :)

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Listen Shane, I know you get a kick out of this sort of thing, messing with people's minds and such and disagreeing with whatever inteligent posts people make here, but please remember, some of them are so basic and simple (and accepted as correct, or hell even scietifically proven!!) that even a teenager would understand and that makes you look silly. If you may have something that is different from the norm you are the EXCEPTION, NOT the Rule!! Just a heads up Shane, carry on with your game


YOU LISTEN!!! My name is not Shane, I have no idea who Shane is...


Intelligent posts... yes I read interesting, intelligent posts here but certainly not yours for sure... you are way off the track with some of your statements, you sound very 'close-minded' to me, like you're 16 or something, very immature.


And for your information, I had 2 kids and never had ONE SINGLE stretch mark, and I know I am not the exception, maybe not the rule but you need to get out more... If I could post pictures of my body on here I would...no problem.

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Got to agree with Lizzie on this one. I have no stretch marks either. My body pretty much looks the same as it did in high school.

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Pink Amulet
It was Paris 38 aka Bridget Jones who attacked SG's boobs. Thats a sad testimony to how much time I spend online that i know that


Haha, thank you for salvaging my name B4R


It didn't sound like something I would do!!


I LOVE boobs!!!!! :love: :love:


Of all shapes, sizes, colours, textures.


I just think they are great :o


Including fakies (I can't help but drool when I watch the lovely Carmen).


I would have just responded to questions about my boobs being fake as I personally wouldn't go through with surgery (I have watched my mother turn in to a doll from surgery :mad: ).


Anyway, no harm done.


Yes, B4R... time to get out and see the sunshine I think :laugh:


Touche, I am fantastic thank you. I have just been flat out with work and university and haven't had much time to come and contribute to the LS community in a while. I should be back more frequently in a couple of weeks after exams are done.

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