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I don't think she's a liar. In fact, I'm impressed with her in one way (other than her looks). She can take fair and honest criticism without lashing out.


Go back and read some of my posts to her. They were hard-hitting (but not mean I don't think) but she can take it.


But the minute you get mean and make no sense (mr. max) then what do you expect her to say?


Where do I make no sense?

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Where do I begin?


If I'm wrong I will admit it, but please, go ahead. Maybe I am off in my observations, yeah?

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If I'm wrong I will admit it, but please, go ahead. Maybe I am off in my observations, yeah?


Yes, maybe just a tad, eh?


You're making me giggle, Mr. Max.

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Ok, I'll say this in all seriousness...I can pick apart every single post of yours. I'd rip them to shreds. But firstly, I don't think you can really take it, and secondly, I'm not in the mood to look for them all.


Should you wish to cut and paste them all together in one thread, then I'll be more than happy to show you where you're "off on your observations."


But I don't think you're stomach can take it.

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Ok, I'll say this in all seriousness...I can pick apart every single post of yours. I'd rip them to shreds. But firstly, I don't think you can really take it, and secondly, I'm not in the mood to look for them all.


Should you wish to cut and paste them all together in one thread, then I'll be more than happy to show you where you're "off on your observations."


But I don't think you're stomach can take it.


Well when you are in the mood, please be my guest, okay?

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Well when you are in the mood, please be my guest, okay?


Sure, no problem.

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Where do I begin?


Usually people begin from the beginning. Sometimes people find joy in the middle but you never start at the end. :laugh:


Sorry I'm just being a pain the in a**. :p Your post was saying "Oh oh pick me Ip pick me." :laugh:

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Usually people begin from the beginning. Sometimes people find joy in the middle but you never start at the end. :laugh:


Sorry I'm just being a pain the in a**. :p Your post was saying "Oh oh pick me Ip pick me." :laugh:


It is my last week's kitty twin... LOL

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Pink Amulet

Now, can some one quickly summarise what happened over the last 15 pages of this thread for me? :p


Calling all smarta**es ;)

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Now, can some one quickly summarise what happened over the last 15 pages of this thread for me? :p


Calling all smarta**es ;)



This threat is about anything and everything.So just say whatever.:lmao:


Do you believe that after separeting from my H my sesonal allergies are almost gone.I went medicine free this yr. With exception od few sneezes I was fine.I guess I wasn't alergic to polen but to him:confused:

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Now, can some one quickly summarise what happened over the last 15 pages of this thread for me? :p


Calling all smarta**es ;)

Yo...you called?


Post menopausal woman says she lives a free lifestyle without concern for others which includes a preference for younger married men (twenty to thirty something year olds) because they're wealthy with RRSPs, cabins, homes and assets, and treat her well. Also, she says her good genetics makes her look as good as twenty to thirty year olds, even though she's 55 and has adult children. She doesn't care who she hurts because it's not her responsibility. She's got lots of assets and likes kinky sex so this makes the young men go wild.


Many LS members say, "you're not living life honestly" and are appalled and disgusted that she can sleep with many younger MM all at the same time and be remorseless. Also, her children are adults but she won't tell them because it's none of their business, even though she says that she's honest and doesn't lie but empowers cheaters to sleep with her so she can get off. This getting off is an affirmation of her need for affirmation because daddy cheated on mommy and she's determined to affirm herself by using sex as a means to attain the fountain of youth. I guess protein keeps you young or sumthin'...


OP posts pic, two other LS members also do this. OP claims she's the cats meow, 2nd LSer says she's attractive, the 3rd LSer disagrees. OP claims that the 3rd LSer is lying. 3rd LSer says no, you are not attractive, 2nd LSer is more attractive and so is her mother who is five years older than the OP. Then OP says that the 3rd LSer is lying about how attractive the 2nd LS member is. 3rd LSer is astounded at how the OP has attempted to manipulate by using the divide and conquer routine, which falls in line with the OPs belief that the world revolves around her.


There are other members that have also called OP out on her looks and lifestyle.


If anything is missing, add key points in short form. Thanks.

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Pink Amulet



*falls off chair laughing*


Thank you TBF!


Which LS'er is Touche!?


Touche is a sexy biatch :p


I would love to see a pic of the OP...

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Yo...you called?


Many LS members say, "you're not living life honestly" and are appalled and disgusted that she can sleep with many younger MM all at the same time and be remorseless. Also, her children are adults but she won't tell them because it's none of their business, even though she says that she's honest and doesn't lie but empowers cheaters to sleep with her so she can get off. This getting off is an affirmation of her need for affirmation because daddy cheated on mommy and she's determined to affirm herself by using sex as a means to attain the fountain of youth. I guess protein keeps you young or sumthin'...


ROFLMAO:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Yo...you called?


Post menopausal woman says she lives a free lifestyle without concern for others which includes a preference for younger married men (twenty to thirty something year olds) because they're wealthy with RRSPs, cabins, homes and assets, and treat her well. Also, she says her good genetics makes her look as good as twenty to thirty year olds, even though she's 55 and has adult children. She doesn't care who she hurts because it's not her responsibility. She's got lots of assets and likes kinky sex so this makes the young men go wild.


Many LS members say, "you're not living life honestly" and are appalled and disgusted that she can sleep with many younger MM all at the same time and be remorseless. Also, her children are adults but she won't tell them because it's none of their business, even though she says that she's honest and doesn't lie but empowers cheaters to sleep with her so she can get off. This getting off is an affirmation of her need for affirmation because daddy cheated on mommy and she's determined to affirm herself by using sex as a means to attain the fountain of youth. I guess protein keeps you young or sumthin'...


OP posts pic, two other LS members also do this. OP claims she's the cats meow, 2nd LSer says she's attractive, the 3rd LSer disagrees. OP claims that the 3rd LSer is lying. 3rd LSer says no, you are not attractive, 2nd LSer is more attractive and so is her mother who is five years older than the OP. Then OP says that the 3rd LSer is lying about how attractive the 2nd LS member is. 3rd LSer is astounded at how the OP has attempted to manipulate by using the divide and conquer routine, which falls in line with the OPs belief that the world revolves around her.


There are other members that have also called OP out on her looks and lifestyle.


If anything is missing, add key points in short form. Thanks.


That was brilliant! Great writing, and very funny, too.


Nice job. :D

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Pictures! I missed pictures! I take a few days off and this is what I get.


I have to say that being in my mid 40's, I still look younger that most people my age, but not as good as I did in my 20's. I'm one of those people who were still getting carded well past the age of 21. Living in California, I have the ability to participate in outdoor sports most of the year and I have been able to keep in shape. I take care of my skin and I eat well, but nothing that anyone has ever invented is able to stop the aging process. It might be slower in some people, but there is no way that nature would allow a 55 year old woman the same face, skin or body as a 20 year old.


I'm proud of my age and it does make me feel good when people are surprised at how old I am. I get hit on by guys all the time, most of them much younger that I am. Sure, it's good for my ego, but I don't thrive on it. Age has brought some wonderful things with it. I have life experience that I value. I'm young at heart, but I don't live in a fantasy world where I believe that I can compete with younger woman, nor would I want to.


IMO, Lizzie is all about the superficial part of life because that's all she has. She doesn't seem to have a care in the world for anyone but herself. Like I said before, she believes that men sleep with her because they find her attractive. They probably find her attractive because she will sleep with them. I think she says that she can compete with younger girls because younger guys have sex with her. We all know that most young guys will have sex with...well you know.


All this talk about looks and boobs from Lizzie just proves that she has nothing else but her body to offer anyone. How sad IMO.

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I saw the pics and, if true, both Lizzie and TBF photograph very, very well. Both antagonists are extremely attractive women.


You're very sweet...and yes the pic is true... was taken last January on trip to Cancun...:)

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Thanks herenow. I think you're also a kind and caring person who lives life honestly.


No matter how good your genetics are, there will always be someone who has better genetics. That's life.


To say you're an independent woman, then require affirmation by banging multiple MM is pathetic, to say the least. Most women have evolved past this neediness in highschool.


Genetics can only take you so far. Many people look good for their age, but they are still "their" age. A 55 year old woman can take great care of herself, have great genetics, but in no way will be able to compete with a 20 year old that does and has the same. I have seen women in their 20's who have lived life hard and look years older than they are. If Lizzie is comparing herself to those 20 year olds, then she may have a point. Question is: Who be proud of looking like a used up 20 year old? Oh, I guess we know the answer to that one.

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You're very sweet...and yes the pic is true... was taken last January on trip to Cancun...:)


Hey Lizzie60,

Take what you want from the posters here & leave the bullsh** behind.


Alotta bashing going on at your expense & it's not nice.

People need to think before opening their mouths/typing.:mad:

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Hey Lizzie60,

Take what you want from the posters here & leave the bullsh** behind.


Alotta bashing going on at your expense & it's not nice.

People need to think before opening their mouths/typing.:mad:


That is exactly what I'm doing.. LOL

But it says a lot about the moderators too... :confused:

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Genetics can only take you so far. Many people look good for their age, but they are still "their" age. A 55 year old woman can take great care of herself, have great genetics, but in no way will be able to compete with a 20 year old that does and has the same. I have seen women in their 20's who have lived life hard and look years older than they are. If Lizzie is comparing herself to those 20 year olds, then she may have a point. Question is: Who be proud of looking like a used up 20 year old? Oh, I guess we know the answer to that one.

There aren't too many people who can get away with living hard without it being etched firmly on their faces, although 20 year olds have a little more flexibility than a 55 year old, in more ways than one.


I don't know how anyone can believe that selfish superficiality is the be-all and end-all of happiness. At the end of the day, you're left with male...donations and nothing else. I can't imagine how unfulfilling this lifestyle would be. Sometimes people use many, to replace the lack of.

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