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Why is so hard for you to believe that she can't look great at her age? Disagree all you want -- you are entitled to your opinion but 'ya know.... there are lots of middle aged women and men that look great. It really is none your business as to what lifestyle they choose to lead.


Please show me where I said that I cared how Lizzie lives her life. I have always said she seems happy so be it. Who am I to question? She is the one that keeps telling us how hot she is, so we are compelled to give her our opinion. If she doesn't care to read it, she doesn't have to,

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Why is so hard for you to believe that she can't look great at her age? Disagree all you want -- you are entitled to your opinion but 'ya know.... there are lots of middle aged women and men that look great. It really is none your business as to what lifestyle they choose to lead.


Yeah, I'm one! (At least I think I am. :) ). However, there's no way I'm putting my pic up on this Thread. Call me stupid, call me immoral, call me crazy--just don't call me "ugly."


As for Post No. 634, TBF, it arguably offends the Guidelines. Still, it doesn't have the below-the-belt impact, or bite, of Post No. 596.

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Hey TC look at your post #103. You even question if Lizzie was "real".


"Even if this thread is real, which I doubt it is, she is really doing herself a diservice, never mind everyone else involved. Women who try to cheat nature are only cheating themselves, isn't that a big enough price to pay? The pain and suffering inflicted onto oneself? Pretty ironic if you ask me.

Life has a way of working itself out despite all the accusations people from the outside may feel compelled to ignite"



Yeah I did question if it was real...? So? The point is you don't see me trying to convince her not to live her life like that, or guilt tripping her into taking into account all the inocent lives that are being affected and all that crap. I had my OPINION about her situation but I am not giving her any "tough love" or trying to convince her of what is right and wrong. What's right and wrong for her is for her to decide not for me to decide. No matter how ulgly or pretty I think she is. Calling someone ugly is not going to change a damn thing it's going to make me look pathetic actually.

But that's just me.

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As for Post No. 634, TBF, it arguably offends the Guidelines. Still, it doesn't have the below-the-belt impact, or bite, of Post No. 596.

It is as it is. If someone were to call me ugly, it wouldn't bother me one single bit. But for someone to tell me to "shadduup", is clearly rude and is a direct violation of the civility rules for this site.

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Yeah I did question if it was real...? So? The point is you don't see me trying to convince her not to live her life like that, or guilt tripping her into taking into account all the inocent lives that are being affected and all that crap. I had my OPINION about her situation but I am not giving her any "tough love" or trying to convince her of what is right and wrong. What's right and wrong for her is for her to decide not for me to decide. No matter how ulgly or pretty I think she is. Calling someone ugly is not going to change a damn thing it's going to make me look pathetic actually.

But that's just me.



It's interesting that I call someone "ugly" inside and it's the worst thing anyone can say. But someone says that they screw all the MM they want and they don't care who it hurts, and that's OK.


Again, I have never tried to change Lizzie. I just gave my opinion.

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:lmao: :lmao: ]


A person jumps up, waves a big ole flag and says they are proud of sleeping with married people, says they are hot stuff and posts a pic.......


What do you expect? No reaction or maybe "why laws yes, she is beautiful, I can see why she is so proud to sneak around with married men. Way to go sister - go get your groove on! "


Please....... The OP has been quite insulting in her own passive way.= Your husband will cheat, they all do, I sleep with men who have wives that say "mine will never do that"....... come on now, like that is not some sort of a passive Bullcrap insult.




I missed the pic show btw :(:lmao: But I bet if Lizzie gets married I can sleep with/steal her husband. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: No, really. :D

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It's interesting that I call someone "ugly" inside and it's the worst thing anyone can say. But someone says that they screw all the MM they want and they don't care who it hurts, and that's OK.


Again, I have never tried to change Lizzie. I just gave my opinion.



Do you pretend to be slow or are you slow? Can you not see the difference between attacking someone directly with a direct name call, vs stating an opinion/view that no matter how callous or vile it may be viewed by all, it is still and opinion and view not directed anyone person in particular?



you can argue against her moral judgment until you are blue in the face but calling HER ugly is crossing the line. Is this how you argue points with your significant other? When you reach a point where you can't get your point across you resort to insulting name calling?

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:lmao: :lmao: ]


A person jumps up, waves a big ole flag and says they are proud of sleeping with married people, says they are hot stuff and posts a pic.......


What do you expect? No reaction or maybe "why laws yes, she is beautiful, I can see why she is so proud to sneak around with married men. Way to go sister - go get your groove on! "


Please....... The OP has been quite insulting in her own passive way.= Your husband will cheat, they all do, I sleep with men who have wives that say "mine will never do that"....... come on now, like that is not some sort of a passive Bullcrap insult.


I missed the pic show btw :(:lmao: But I bet if Lizzie gets married I can sleep with/steal her husband. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: No, really. :D


Yup, it's just fine to have sex with all the MM you want. You don't even have to care if anyone gets hurt. Just don't call anyone "ugly", now that's just not acceptable.

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:lmao: :lmao: ]


Please....... The OP has been quite insulting in her own passive way.= Your husband will cheat, they all do, I sleep with men who have wives that say "mine will never do that"....... come on now, like that is not some sort of a passive Bullcrap insult.






It's her opinion on men, why don't you counter those thoughts with your own views?

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Do you pretend to be slow or are you slow? Can you not see the difference between attacking someone directly with a direct name call, vs stating an opinion/view that no matter how callous or vile it may be viewed by all, it is still and opinion and view not directed anyone person in particular?



you can argue against her moral judgment until you are blue in the face but calling HER ugly is crossing the line. Is this how you argue points with your significant other? When you reach a point where you can't get your point across you resort to insulting name calling?



:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Yup, it's just fine to have sex with all the MM you want. You don't even have to care if anyone gets hurt. Just don't call anyone "ugly", now that's just not acceptable.



Yeah you broke forum rules, she didn't.

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Do you pretend to be slow or are you slow? Can you not see the difference between attacking someone directly with a direct name call, vs stating an opinion/view that no matter how callous or vile it may be viewed by all, it is still and opinion and view not directed anyone person in particular?



you can argue against her moral judgment until you are blue in the face but calling HER ugly is crossing the line. Is this how you argue points with your significant other? When you reach a point where you can't get your point across you resort to insulting name calling?


I really didn't know I had so much power that calling Lizzie an "ugly" person would have such an impact. You're right since you guys care so much about my opinion, I should choose my words carefully.


How about this. Lizzie is a selfish and uncaring person. One that puts her need ahead of anyone no matter who may get hurt. I don't care how LIzzie lives her life, that's just my opinion.



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Wow, more insulting.


Actually it was a valid question given it's been explained 10 times already, and she keeps asking the same thing.

Maybe she really is slow.

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It's her opinion on men, why don't you counter those thoughts with your own views?


She also has an opinion that what she is doing is nice....... nope it is not, it is ugly.


Are you her pimp/friend/mother by any chance?


:eek: :eek: Because I don't understand the need to defend/validate her actions, she seems quite capable of doing that herself.

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Actually it was a valid question given it's been explained 10 times already, and she keeps asking the same thing.

Maybe she really is slow.

No, you are being insulting. It's that simple.

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I really didn't know I had so much power that calling Lizzie an "ugly" person would have such an impact. You're right since you guys care so much about my opinion, I should choose my words carefully.


How about this. Lizzie is a selfish and uncaring person. One that puts her need ahead of anyone no matter who may get hurt. I don't care how LIzzie lives her life, that's just my opinion.





Yeah totally different thing, that's your opinion of her character but you are not directly attacking her with an insult. So that's Totally different.

you are entitled to your opinion of her character and that's a legit post!

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Actually it was a valid question given it's been explained 10 times already, and she keeps asking the same thing.

Maybe she really is slow.


Actually it's the first time I asked it. Maybe you are illiterate.

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ug·ly (gl) KEY



ug·li·er , ug·li·est

Displeasing to the eye; unsightly.


Repulsive or offensive; objectionable: an ugly remark.

Chiefly Southern U.S. Rude: Don't be ugly with me.

New England Unmanageable. Used of animals, especially cows or horses.

Morally reprehensible; bad.

Threatening or ominous: ugly black clouds.


Likely to cause embarrassment or trouble: "Public opinion in both nations could take an ugly turn" (George R. Packard).

Marked by or inclined to anger or bad feelings; disagreeable: an ugly temper; an ugly scene.

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Yeah totally different thing, that's your opinion of her character but you are not directly attacking her with an insult. So that's Totally different.

you are entitled to your opinion of her character and that's a legit post!


I guess you really didn't understand what I meant when I used the "U" word to describe her as a person.

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ug·ly (gl) KEY



ug·li·er , ug·li·est

Displeasing to the eye; unsightly.


Repulsive or offensive; objectionable: an ugly remark.

Chiefly Southern U.S. Rude: Don't be ugly with me.

New England Unmanageable. Used of animals, especially cows or horses.

Morally reprehensible; bad.

Threatening or ominous: ugly black clouds.


Likely to cause embarrassment or trouble: "Public opinion in both nations could take an ugly turn" (George R. Packard).

Marked by or inclined to anger or bad feelings; disagreeable: an ugly temper; an ugly scene.

I bolded the other applicable reference. herenow lives her life with high morals so the impression I got was that she found lizzie's lifestyle to be morally reprehensile due to the potential damage to others.

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I really didn't know I had so much power that calling Lizzie an "ugly" person would have such an impact. You're right since you guys care so much about my opinion, I should choose my words carefully.


How about this. Lizzie is a selfish and uncaring person. One that puts her need ahead of anyone no matter who may get hurt. I don't care how LIzzie lives her life, that's just my opinion.




That is better. That's a good example of "tough love".


I have no problem with that. Although I don't speak for the mods who will, at some point, shut this Thread down.

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I bolded the other applicable reference. herenow lives her life with high morals so the impression I got was that she found lizzie's lifestyle to be morally reprehensile due to the potential damage to others.


Actually it is quite common to use the word "ugly" to describe anything that is not "nice".


However, I believe this ugly thread will be deleted quite soon, but at least we all learned how to use the word "ugly" today and the definition and uses of the word "ugly". :D


Always thinking positive. :lmao:


Now lets all go play on the monkey bars!

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I bolded the other applicable reference. herenow lives her life with high morals so the impression I got was that she found lizzie's lifestyle to be morally reprehensile due to the potential damage to others.



Someone needs to go back and re-do English class. The example from the dictionary (pointless if you ask me....) is using "ugly" to modify a verb or noun not a pronoun. What HN did was use UGLY to modify a pronoun, in that case the pronoun is Lizzie.


Ok I thought we were all on the level...but I suppose I was wrong....

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Someone needs to go back and re-do English class. The example from the dictionary (pointless if you ask me....) is using "ugly" to modify a verb or noun not a pronoun. What HN did was use UGLY to modify a pronoun, in that case the pronoun is Lizzie.


Ok I thought we were all on the level...but I suppose I was wrong....



Yep, certainly not on the same level. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


This is hilarious btw...... re-do :lmao:

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