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do you think he deletes calls?

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i called my b/f from a new work number and then the next day he texts me saying hi and saying he doesnt have it. I guess he wanted to call. Later i say how come its not in your log of receiveed calls and he just says he doesnt know. This made me think he was possibly deleting calls he wouldnt want me to say(mybe from an ex or something) and then deleted my work number in his received calls by accident. How else can a received call disappear the next day..only if it was deleted. Do you think if he knew he deletes numbers he doesnt want me to see he wouldnt have even mentioned not having it and just asked a week later oh i didnt save it and its been a few days so it automatically deletes the call. He leaves his cell phone out most of the time


What do you guys think?

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Office numbers don't always show up on caller ID and cell phone call logs. It depends on how the company handles their phone system. When my sister calls me from work, it shows up on my cell as a "call" with no number identified.


Call your own cell phone from the office and see if your number shows up or not.


Also, some call logs only hold a certain amount of numbers. So if he got a bunch of calls after yours, your number may have dropped off the list.

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If he answers it on the first ring it won't show up in the log..


So if he had the phone in his hand when you called and answered as soon as it rang then that could be how..

But if it rang more than once no way..

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no i dont think he answered on the first ring..and i have never noticed that..i think it would still show up even if it was on the first ring.


What do you think...

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There are several possibilities here, and you really need more information. Like others have said, there are clear technology reasons why the number may never have shown up for him. My cell phone does not automatically delete received calls that quickly....UNLESS I am getting a huge number of calls. I don't know about his model of phone, his wireless carrier or the settings or plans he has selected.


Bottom line: Don't ask US when all the info you need resides elsewhere.


Also....if this is the only thing that has you scratching your head, I would ignore it. But...IF it's part of a pattern of secretive, unexplained behavior, then it may be time to question the relationship and the bf.

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i checked all that already. the number shows up..and he even said the number when he first answered like this is your new number... it was the next day..it didnt drop off the list.

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What do you think...


I just told you what I think.. if you answer it on the first ring it doesn't show up in the log.. but it has to be on the first ring.. if it goes to like 1.5 rings then it records the number.


I HAVE answered my own phone while it was in my hand real fast and noticed the call that I answered isn't in my list..

But if it goes to the second ring or 1.5 rings then it records it

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no i dont think he answered on the first ring..


Then he cleared it.. Why??? only he would know...


Speculating about why is just crazy.. it is his phone.. him clearing the log doesn't mean he is cheating on you.. of course it could.. but that is my point..


You are speculating and driving yourself nuts..

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im pretty sure it was recorded in his log....


Maybe he didn't recognize the new number and waxed it.. I do that if I have 3 or 4 wrong numbers in the top of the list or they have no names attached to them and I have no idea whose they are.. so I will delete them.. maybe that is what happened.


Keep an eye on his call log and if you notice anything else weird then look deeper into it

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it would be hard to keep track if he deletes things lol


:( and i just tried that picking up on the first ring using another phone..it still records it with the seconds on the line.


It just makes me think he probably knows i can recognize his ex's number and deleted it from the log and then deleted mine by accident BUT my number is in a different area code..so i dont get how can you delete it by accident

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Clearing the whole log is easier than deleting multiple numbers on at a time.. maybe that is how your number got deleted..


Do you think he still talks to his ex ?

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i saw one received call at the time i might have called..it said unavailable and 0 seconds..but that doesnt make sense b/c he knew the number when he answered it saying oh this is your number.


I said why wouldnt it be in your log..and he said i dont know, strange. I went to go in there and call u and it wasnt there..but why would he even mention it to me, you know? he could have waited a few days and then said i forgot to save it.

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I'm not picking on you sungrl, but you start a majority of your threads in the Cheating section, all about your various and sundry suspicions about your bf.


Have you ever found him to be cheating? Why are you so obsessed with looking for signs of it? If you don't trust him, why are you with him?

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wouldnt something like this make you wonder though?? it is a little weird, no?


No, it wouldn't make me wonder because I don't spend my life obsessing about cheating.


That's why I asked you those questions you haven't answered. Has your bf ever cheated on you? Have any of your suspicions ever led to any evidence of him cheating? Do you trust him or not? Why are you so obsessed with looking for signs of cheating?

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sungrl, I clear all my logs all the time because I want to keep as much memory for assorted other functions I use on my PDA. Perhaps this is what he's doing. Also, on most phones, you can delete one call at a time or purge them all.


Btw, I've never cheated...

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he doesnt have a pda but a cell phone and he doesnt clear his whole logs..so why clear one number..thats all i am wondering about which is why it sounds weird to me..he usually leaves his cell out..even falls asleep and its out on the table or something so i guess thats a good sign

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artcritic--did you mean if i called from office phone and he picked up on the first ring it will show up on his log as unavailable or something? or from any cell phone. office etc...after him telling me this i saw one received unavailable call i think around the time i called him BUT it had zero seconds on it..so that cant be it i guess


write back

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Maybe it depends on the kind of phone he has. I have a MotoKrazer and I hate the way it keeps track of my calls. If I get multiple calls in the same day from the same # my phone will only keep track of the most recent call from that #. It clears all the rest of the calls from the log. Also, my phone is set up to do an auto cleanup every five days, thus erasing all calls from the log. So maybe the situation with your bf's phone has something to do with the phone itself.

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I think you focussing on something SO minor is just creating problems for you.


Is there something else he is doing, or something he's done in the past that is making you question him about this?

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My cell phone only holds a certain number of missed/received/dialed calls in the log. If his phone is like mine and he missed/received a certain number of calls between your call and going to save it, it might not be there anymore.

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well it doesnt have anything to do with the the phone itself. He already told me it keeps track of all calls no matter if it was dialed again etc...and like i said it didnt have a certain number of calls that it would delete b/c he still had that day's phone calls but my work number was missing which is why it made me think he was deleting cetain calls and deleted this one by mistake...just let it go..especially if he usually leaves his cell phone out and on ringer?

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