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do you think he deletes calls?

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It would be easier to answer this:


...just let it go..especially if he usually leaves his cell phone out and on ringer?


If you would answer this:


Has your bf ever cheated on you? Have any of your suspicions ever led to any evidence of him cheating? Do you trust him or not? Why are you so obsessed with looking for signs of cheating?


Do you see how the questions are related? If your bf has never cheated on you or given you reason not to trust him, you have blown this far out of proportion and need to let it go.


However, if your bf has cheated on you in the past or given you reason not to trust him, then it's worth considering in context with anything else he has been doing that makes you uneasy.

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If a call is recived while he is on another line, even though it will show up on his caller ID, it does not save it in the call log. He was probably on another line or just ending another call when he answered.


Has he given you any reassn to think he is cheating or are you just overly sensitive about things like this?

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You are going to kill this relationship because you don't trust this man.


Without trust you have NO relationship. Get it ?

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It would be easier to answer this:




If you would answer this:




Do you see how the questions are related? If your bf has never cheated on you or given you reason not to trust him, you have blown this far out of proportion and need to let it go.


However, if your bf has cheated on you in the past or given you reason not to trust him, then it's worth considering in context with anything else he has been doing that makes you uneasy.


I would love to know the answers to these questions as well. That are all related.


Sungrl- You have been with your bf 3 years now. I am not perfect, I get nervous and insecure still but I am working on it. I have quit looking through his phone, stopped any kind of email checking...the only time i have to go in his pant pockets is when I do laundry...All this does is make you more and more anxious to find something. Try and relax...If he cheats or betrays you it will come out on its own.


As for your situation, on a cell phone it will show up in the records no matter what. On a home phone it has to ring a couple times to detect the #. But, do you really think your bf is so shady as to say to himself "I forgeth what this number is, i better delete it in case it is a girl." Or could he be like " I dont know this # and dont want to call it by accident."


Bottom line is...you'll never know...unless you ask him...and even then you might still think he's a liar....Stop snooping, and answer Nora's questions..i am very interested in if your past with him is why you do what you do.

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