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Clueless and over-analyzing, but need feedback.


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Ok, so I'm still a bit hesitant and slow to make a move as I'm in some sort of rebounding phase from my last relationship, which was a broken engagement. I had used online dating as a bit of a crutch to get out on some dates and meet women again, but it was really just a filler. I would like to meet someone, but I have my hesitations about whether I'm ready.


That said, i volunteer and there is this woman there who I think is cute. I don't have a huge crush or anything, and I'd assume it wouldn't work because i view her a little Dharma to me being Greg (just to paint a picture). Anyway, when i walked in last night we were situated across the room. We made eye contact, smiled our smiles, rolled our eyes when the team leader was acting like a fool. Doesn't mean much of anything, until she got up and walked by me and slid her hand across her shoulder asking me how I was doing as she walked by me. It's the touching me thing that's got me. Had she firmly grabbed my shoulder to scoot by I'd say not flirting. But it was the slide.


Would a woman ever do that in a platonic or unintentional way?


The reason i ask is because I was certain I was going to ask for her number when we left together, but she spent the walk back to the subway constantly on her phone and texting a friend and a little more withdrawn. So I was a bit confused. Maybe it was just an innocent thing. I'll see her again, and maybe have another opportunity to ask her out if I feel it.

I'm just more interested in picking up the sublties of flirting becuase right now I'm a little in the clouds.

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It was probably innocent. I'm a touchy-feely woman and sometimes men take it the wrong way. But I'm not saying you shouldn't ask her out for coffee/or a drink.

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Dude, have you actually went over there and did something.


Stop analyzing, overthinking..


You won't know for sure until you actually approach her and eventually ask her out.


If you get rejected, you'll know.

If you don't get rejected, you'll know.


But sitting there like a pansy and wondering and thinking about it, hurts more.


Regrets hurt more than rejection.

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