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his disrespect or just my jealousy?

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My bf and I have been together for a year. We recently got engaged, however I am doubting the possibilty of marriage for us. We are very different ... him being a Harley shop owner, Sturgis goin, ex-bartender turned cop. I'm a Optician/ Lab Manager, runner, snowboarder ("outdoorsy") girl. It seems to me that other men appreciate my physical appearance more than my partner. He rarely compliments me. We get along so well most of the time and I do believe he truley loves me but I can't get over feeling that I am so unattractive when he looks at other women. I'm not saying that we as humans don't look ... it's just the way he does it. I feel it very disrespectful to keep staring at another woman in the bar when I'm sitting there on his lap or to not ony stare as we drive by a cute girl but for him to also feel the desire to watch in the rear view mirrors just to catch very second of the moment. It seems there is no discretion in the type of girls/women he loves viewing in my presence either...from the beautiful 19 year old to the 45 white trash "look at me-I need attention" 45 year old skank. (he's 41, so the younger ones gross me out cause they are young enough to be his daughter and I'm not so sure he doesn't pull them over for "speeding tickets" just to check out their asses.)

He is great to me in every other way ... can someone tell me ... am I just being a jealous girl or do others feel this can be a i sign of disrespect and him longing for more.

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