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see, i have a Really Big crush on this guy, i never liked anyone


the way i love him.


I've known and loved him sense seventh grade I'm in high


school now and i see him every day, because he go's to the same high


school as me,that makes things even worse even tho i do love seeing him. I


feel horrible like i rather die i can't sleep,and i can't even think strait


sometimes, I'll set in my room and stare at his picture for hrs and hrs, i can't


help it.


i know he does not have a crush on me or any thing like that,Thai he is


single and just recently broke up with his girlfriend


i feel kind of bad for him even tho i like him, they


broke up because him and his girlfriend had a long distance relationship


because he moved to Florida with his family he came form New York i think


he likes some one els tho. We are pretty good friends not best fends but


Friends more like school friends i don't do any thing with him out of school


but i am friends with him on my space but we don't talk much on there


tho i just don't what to do i really like him but when i with him i really


don't feel that i love him i use to like him alot worse than this so i though i


was getting over him but not really


i was thinking about telling him how i feel and,


that i like him and all but im afraid that it will ruiner any friendship that we


have or he just lalf at me or something


with i still would like to go out on a date


him or if not that i would still like to be


better friends with him, like best friends he's a really sweet guy and we


have a lot in common but he don't like me, i wish he did i think i would be


better off getting over him but i don't know how i tried just about


everything. i don't like feeling all depressed like this.



Please Help!!!! :( Thanks

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