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I need help getting him to show efection!!

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I don't mean to com to you Directly But I need advice before me and my boyfriends date this friday




here goes


Me and my boyfriend have been together five months dec. 4th 1999


we go on lots of dates he even gave me a promise ring and I know we love each other


were both saving our selves so my problem has nothing to do with sex.


My problem is when we go to the movies or something he wont hold my hand


yes I know its kinda stupid but it bugs me and it makes me feel like he wants to look un attached


One reason him holding my hand is so important to me it makes me feel cared for and it makes me feel like he doesn't care who knows I'm HIS girlfriend


Granted when I tell him I'm cold he will keep me warm or during a movie I'll lay on him and he'll wrap his arms around me but It still bugs me that he won't hold my hand


please help me figure out how to go about either doing it myself or getting him to


Thank you so much for your help



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Don't worry try to hold his hand once in a while if he doesn't hold it back when yo guys are waching a movie you know when no one is around ask him why if you guys get in an argument over it try to work it out but sometimes the little things you BOTH do count for a look into what it will be like in the future i really can't give you more than that but try it


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