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An emotional affair?

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I just found this site this morning, and I was hoping someone could shed some light on this...I feel quite blindsided...


I met a man at work a few months ago - same company, different departments. We hit it off imediately - lots in common, despite a large age difference. He is married, and I am engaged, happily, I might add. We started talking a lot on the phone, at least once a day, starting off about work-related things, and then it started to get more personal. However, it never got inappropriate, and I didn't confide things in him that I kept from my partner. My fiance knew about him - that we were friends, and that he was giving me a lot of advice. I thought everything was kosher until I got a phone call from the wife, who screamed at me that I had ruined their marriage and that, thanks to me, their son was going to grow up without his father. Apparently my "friend" had never mentioned me to his wife, and had been lying to her about who I was when I called him, ect. Basically, he was acting like we were having an affair. She kicked him out, threatened to go to my boss and called me all sorts of terrible names. Looking back, there were signs that I probably should have picked up on - signs that said that he was preparing to try something with me - but nonetheless, I don't know what I did wrong. To be clear - I never would have slept with him - the instant it crossed the line, our friendship would have been OVER. The wife has called me a few more times - I think I've managed to convince her that we were not sleeping together. After reading posts on this site, though, I'm not sure that makes it any better.


Am I not allowed to befriend a married man?

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