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i can't get her out of my life

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Well first off im a senior in high school and i have been with my boyfriend jason for a year and a half. i love him more than anything but his ex girlfriend (my ex friend) jordan, wont seem to get out of the picture. she transfered to a different school for senior year and things have been better. but recently she saw my boyfriend while driving and then took the liberty to get a friend of hers that goes to my school to ask him for his number to give to her.


The reason why things are no longer good between me and jordan is because after i asked her what she thought about jason and i getting together and she told me that she wouldnt want him to be with anyone but me she started texting him and saying how much she loved him. This all happened Junior year. Jason and jordan went out in 8th grade! it was nothing. it was stupid!


sometimes i feel like im being immature for letting her get to me but she really hurt me by going behind my back and doing all of this! i thought that if i ended relationships with people that related back to her and just stayed away from things that would bring the past up that things would get better. but after all this time shes back and i dont know what to do this time! how do i get it over with for good? Should i talk to her? Is it all me? am i being upset about nothing? I need to fix this so that i can be happy and have a life with my boyfriend!

please any advice is needed

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