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How do I tell if she really is my friend?

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It is I xenon again and continuing my ridiculous problem with women. I had an earlier post about what a girl meant when she said "lets be friends". many of you said she really wasnt my friend and didnt want anything to do with me. so decide to test these waters and ask her out to a movie with me and a couple of friends and she could bring a friend if she liked. well, i awaited the answer to see if she wasnt interested in me at all or if she did in fact want to be my friend. this is her response to my question:



lol. (I really did laugh out loud). Thank you for the clarification. It was much appreciated. I'm sorry that I made you feel like an idiot. I didn't mean to. The whole thing was silly, and I was a jerk, I just handled it the wrong way. But anyway, now we're cool. And I really do appreciate the invite, but I already made plans to see it with like, 5 other friends. Like hard core, cement, we're really excited plans. But anyway, thank you and I hope you have fun at the premiere.



Is she still yanking my chains or do you think she sees me as a friend?

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Well, people do make plans. The best way to see if she wants to be your friend...ask to go somewhere again, or just next time you see her talk to her about...something if she dosent like you it should be obvious in her responses and physical gestures when you talk...

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Max Overclock
Is she still yanking my chains or do you think she sees me as a friend?


Three statements from one who's been there:


Do not be just her friend. Move on. Find another woman.





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GUYS....I just want her to be my friend first and foremost. I dont want to do something I will regret, like curse her out or manipulate her from different angles. I just want her to be my friend, but if she doesnt i will have fun and manipulate the situation.

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