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Had an affair - his wife found out

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Darth Vader

I see.... Unfortunately you had to pay the price of her indiscrestions.

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Didn't want to further traumatize my son by removing him from friends, family and familiar surroundings. Mom and him stayed at the house, I moved to studio apt...

Mr. Lucky


at least one of you put your kids well being first....she sure as hell didn't.


And she gets custody and the whole works...isn't that just a kick in the ass?


Father get screwed even when the wife cheats...and that just shouldn't be the case

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Mr. Lucky
at least one of you put your kids well being first....she sure as hell didn't.


And she gets custody and the whole works...isn't that just a kick in the ass?


Father get screwed even when the wife cheats...and that just shouldn't be the case

Which is exactly why the OP should tell her H the truth. He's about to walk into a sh*t storm, and he needs a chance to make some decisions and plans...


Mr. Lucky

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We finally had to act on them this past month.


You acted upon those feelings because you wanted to, not because you "had" to or someone made you.


I think you need to start being honest with yourself. Perhaps then you can be honest with your husband. If you can't do either then you'll simply continue the lies that have become your life and end up destroying yourself, your children and the husband you say is so great.


Clearly you already plan to deprive him of his children. Is there anything else you can do to him to make his life miserable? I'm sure you can think of something. Staying in the marriage would be one way.

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