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Friend Zone

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Hey. I've known this girl since 9th grade. We are going to prom together. She often tells me that "I need to find her a boyfriend." Her clsoe friend asked me if i liekd her and I said just as a friend (even though I like her I don't know if she likes me). We don't get to hang out often because I work so much. We do sometimes though. She grabs my arm often and we flirt in school. I was supposed to hang out with her the other day and she said to call her when I got out of work. When i did she explained she was having a girls night otu because something tragic happend to one of her friends. I dont have too much free time because I box and work alot. We just dont get to see each other too much. I really have feelings for this girl. What I'm saying is if you think I should tease her about us not hanging out and say, where are you taking me out this week? I would do that to not come off as needy. In reality I want to bitch about why we don't see each other but that makes me sound needy I think. Sound like i'm in the friend zone or...?

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Can I get any feedback?


I don't think it's a good sign that she told you to call her and then she said she needed to be with her friends. You may try to see where you are going, but keep your eyes open.

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