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Men...how important is it that your girlfriend cooks for you?

Teddy and Jane

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But I cooked major meals. Nearly every night. Because my exH loves to eat. When I say major I mean roast chicken with mashed potatoes, two vegetables, homemade gravy, corn muffins or biscuits and sometimes, especially on Sunday...dessert. We wouldn't just have spaghetti marinara...we'd have stuffed shells and brajole and meatballs with bread and salad. Major friggin' meals..

can I call you sometime? :laugh:

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Trust me it is not that hard for a man to find a stepford wife. Not saying I would want one but if a man wants a more traditional woman there are quite a few places he can go. We don't have to be stuck with feminists with a chip on their shoulder against men.


Feminists don't have a chip on their shoulder against men. They love men, date and marry them and are very happy with men. It is men like you and alpha who have a chip on their shoulder against feminist women, i.e. women who do not want to be your doormat, who have and use their own brains and talents on whatever they want, not necessarily limiting it to feeding and cleaning after you in an apron like your mother. Why don't you be the woman's bitch and cook and clean after her?


Some woman are ok with limiting themselves to cooking and cleaning for another human and get great satisfaction and feel special and happy about it. That's fine too, but it's definitely not for many woman anymore now that they have options and no longer forced into slave treatment of the past.

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If they want to call me a misogynist then that is what I am. Also I am leery of women because men can't afford not to be. Women have a habit of turning on a man at the drop of a dime and men need to watch out for this.


Then you're the one with a chip on your shoulder against women and not the other way around as you previously stated. You're the women basher. Feminists respect their rights and defend themselves, not at the expense of bashing men.

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Am I reading correctly?


Men can cook too, you know! Just think guys, creating a fabulous meal for that special girl, doesn't get much better....

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Teddy and Jane
People made your simple question into a complicated one and not many people are replying to your question lol. It is great that you r thinking about it. It shouldnt be a great deal if you cant cook, but it definitely is a big plus if you can cook. Men like it and believe me his mom will also like it then it can also be fun for both of you when you are indoors. So if you want and if you have time then it wont be a bad idea to develop your skills. (I am a girl and my bf likes it when i cook for him and i like it too:p )


Thanks! That was really the intent of the post. I will be calling my brother-in-law chef to be getting some tips and recipes.


It seems like anytime a woman posts, the woman-bashers take it as an opportunity to bash "feminists" lol. they need to get off the internet and go out there and see reality instead of their warped world. I didn't even think "feminist" was even a term we used that much anymore because it was unnecessary. When a poster says his therapist is shocked he isn't a serial killer...well that shows the kind of female-bashing winners that post on here.

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Feminists don't have a chip on their shoulder against men. They love men, date and marry them and are very happy with men. It is men like you and alpha who have a chip on their shoulder against feminist women, i.e. women who do not want to be your doormat, who have and use their own brains and talents on whatever they want, not necessarily limiting it to feeding and cleaning after you in an apron like your mother. Why don't you be the woman's bitch and cook and clean after her?


Some woman are ok with limiting themselves to cooking and cleaning for another human and get great satisfaction and feel special and happy about it. That's fine too, but it's definitely not for many woman anymore now that they have options and no longer forced into slave treatment of the past.


Wow, I have such a problem with that statement that I don't even know where to begin.


First of all I have made the choice to cook and clean for my family for the last three years. I resent your implication that I'm "limiting" myself. I don't feel that way at all. As a matter of fact, I have worked for nine of the twelve years that I've been married. I felt that when I was working I was "limiting" myself. I wasn't giving my family my all. My job was all consuming. And that wasn't where my focus needed to be, in my opinion.


Have you ever had a husband and a child? If you have then maybe you might be able to understand why I felt that my career was what was "limiting" to me. If you never have had a husband and family then I can certainly see why you would say what you have.


Excuse me, but I don't think that what I do can be described being "forced into slave treatment of the past" as you put it. That's ludicrous. This was MY choice and I'm very proud of it.


What do you do that is so much better than what I do? How many people in your life do you really help and make happy? That's MY definition of success...not how much money you can make.


I'm amazed at all the morally bankrupt people of your generation. I know I sound old now but fruck me! So many of your generation just sadden me.


In your little world I'm a real slave aren't I?


My husband is starting his own law practice in the new town we just moved in and I'm helping him. I'm running the office and doing his translations (we have a large hispanic population here and I speak Spanish.) And when we're through in the office we both come home and cook, clean and take care of our son together.


But yes, for the last three years I've done it all at home. BY CHOICE. My family needed me at home and not full-time at the office. It was MY choice and MY decision to leave work to do what I thought was right for our family.


I have a college degree. I had a career too. But I felt it was worth giving that up for something that was WAY more important to me.


Does my life sound like that of a slave? Do you think because you're some career girl you're better than me? That your options are any greater than mine? Ha!


I think you are the one with the limited options. You have no CHOICE but to do what you do. I have a choice. So how is what I'm doing "limiting" myself?


So very sorry for the rant...but this one has been a long time coming. And it's nothing personal..it's not aimed specifically at you, but just at women of your generation and of your mind-set more specifically.


Hope I've given you something to think about.

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Teddy and Jane

Eh. I am single and teach high school students. It is very rewarding, and good benefits, working conditions, and I'm making pretty good money surprisingly ($50,000 and guaranteed raise next year as legistlatures continue their magic to increase teacher salaries.) The state of education would go down the tubes if women quit the workforce because half of all teachers are female!

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Teddy and Jane


My husband is starting his own law practice in the new town we just moved in and I'm helping him. I'm running the office and doing his translations (we have a large hispanic population here and I speak Spanish.) And when we're through in the office we both come home and cook, clean and take care of our son together.



That's not exactly being a stay-at home wife/mom, hon. What do you have to say about my mom who was a divorced, single parent who worked full-time as a teacher (Teacher of the Year in my school district twice), AND still cooked and cleaned for three kids? Sorry but I'm more amazed at that.

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The state of education would go down the tubes if women quit the workforce because half of all teachers are female!

no, the traditionally "female" professions would be exempt like teachers, nursing, social workers, etc....

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My husband is starting his own law practice in the new town we just moved in and I'm helping him. I'm running the office and doing his translations (we have a large hispanic population here and I speak Spanish.) And when we're through in the office we both come home and cook, clean and take care of our son together.



That's not exactly being a stay-at home wife/mom, hon. What do you have to say about my mom who was a divorced, single parent who worked full-time as a teacher (Teacher of the Year in my school district twice), AND still cooked and cleaned for three kids? Sorry but I'm more amazed at that.


Uh, read my post again, T&J. My husband JUST started his own practice within the last 4 weeks. I've been a housewife and mother for the last three years of our 12 year's of marriage. So yeah, I AM and WAS a stay-at home wife/mom.


And as for what I have to say about your mom? I say HOORAY! My mom did the same for us since she was a single mom. She had no choice either. My dad died when I was four. They're to be applauded and well-respected.


But you've obviously missed the point. This isn't about who you're more "amazed" by.

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Teddy and Jane
no, the traditionally "female" professions would be exempt like teachers, nursing, social workers, etc....


So you would like it if successful female accountants, doctors, lawyers, mathematicians, physicists, politicians, etc. quit the workforce?

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I don't agree with Alpha at all about women in the workforce. I am all for women getting a piece of the pie but don't try to crap on my piece. My issue with feminists is that they despise men and if it were up to them America would be a revewrse version of the taliban. I was raised by a feminist who took me to her feminist meetings and the things they said were frightening. They hate men worse than Nazis hate jews. No man with an ounce of self respect would support feminism.

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I don't agree with Alpha at all about women in the workforce. I am all for women getting a piece of the pie but don't try to crap on my piece. My issue with feminists is that they despise men and if it were up to them America would be a revewrse version of the taliban. I was raised by a feminist who took me to her feminist meetings and the things they said were frightening. They hate men worse than Nazis hate jews. No man with an ounce of self respect would support feminism.


Dude, not all feminists are like that. There you go again with generalizing, but I am starting to get use to it. You mom was just the extreme type of feminist. A majority of feminists just want women to have equal opportunities.

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I don't agree with Alpha at all about women in the workforce. I am all for women getting a piece of the pie but don't try to crap on my piece. My issue with feminists is that they despise men and if it were up to them America would be a revewrse version of the taliban. I was raised by a feminist who took me to her feminist meetings and the things they said were frightening. They hate men worse than Nazis hate jews. No man with an ounce of self respect would support feminism.


Well, I have news for you: In my opinion, no woman with an ounce of self-respect would support feminism either...I certainly don't. I hate everything they stand for.

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Well, I have news for you: In my opinion, no woman with an ounce of self-respect would support feminism either...I certainly don't. I hate everything they stand for.


Then I have no issue with you. When I go on my gender rants I am not talking about women like you.

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Then I have no issue with you. When I go on my gender rants I am not talking about women like you.


Oh believe me.. I never thought you were.

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Wow, I have such a problem with that statement that I don't even know where to begin.


First of all I have made the choice to cook and clean for my family for the last three years. I resent your implication that I'm "limiting" myself. I don't feel that way at all. As a matter of fact, I have worked for nine of the twelve years that I've been married. I felt that when I was working I was "limiting" myself. I wasn't giving my family my all. My job was all consuming. And that wasn't where my focus needed to be, in my opinion.


Have you ever had a husband and a child? If you have then maybe you might be able to understand why I felt that my career was what was "limiting" to me. If you never have had a husband and family then I can certainly see why you would say what you have.


Excuse me, but I don't think that what I do can be described being "forced into slave treatment of the past" as you put it. That's ludicrous. This was MY choice and I'm very proud of it.


What do you do that is so much better than what I do? How many people in your life do you really help and make happy? That's MY definition of success...not how much money you can make.


I'm amazed at all the morally bankrupt people of your generation. I know I sound old now but fruck me! So many of your generation just sadden me.


In your little world I'm a real slave aren't I?


My husband is starting his own law practice in the new town we just moved in and I'm helping him. I'm running the office and doing his translations (we have a large hispanic population here and I speak Spanish.) And when we're through in the office we both come home and cook, clean and take care of our son together.


But yes, for the last three years I've done it all at home. BY CHOICE. My family needed me at home and not full-time at the office. It was MY choice and MY decision to leave work to do what I thought was right for our family.


I have a college degree. I had a career too. But I felt it was worth giving that up for something that was WAY more important to me.


Does my life sound like that of a slave? Do you think because you're some career girl you're better than me? That your options are any greater than mine? Ha!


I think you are the one with the limited options. You have no CHOICE but to do what you do. I have a choice. So how is what I'm doing "limiting" myself?


So very sorry for the rant...but this one has been a long time coming. And it's nothing personal..it's not aimed specifically at you, but just at women of your generation and of your mind-set more specifically.


Hope I've given you something to think about.



Touche, you misunderstood my post and what my opinion is. (By the way I think this is related to the topic of the thread because it explains our views on why or why not cooking should be viewed as an important criteria). I have been saying that if women want to do the cooking and cleaning by choice, and are happy with that, then that is absolutely fine by me. My sister does that and is the happiest person I know.


My comments are geared towards women who think they HAVE to take on those roles because in the past, that was the case and today there are still many women who are raised to think that that's all that they can do, or their boyfriends and husbands are like Alphamale here who think that women belong in the kitchen. That's great that you have a degree, had a job and so on, and now CHOOSE to cook and clean and I'm sure if I was in love with a husband and child (which I don't have) and independently of what others expected of me, I desired to cook and clean, then that would be fine by me.


I don't agree with those who think that I'm a man hater just because I disagree with those men who think women should cook instead of them, and for them with the sole criteria being that they are a woman, regardless if that woman works the same number of hours and in most cases has more responsibilities. I think gender shouldn't play a role of who takes on that responsibility.


If a man thinks a woman should, then he shouldn't be with a woman who disagrees. If he helps her or volunteers to do it himself, or if she volunteers because she wants to, then that is fine, but stuff like "America is getting fat now that women are not staying in the kitchen" is BS.


In the past women weren't encouraged and in some cases allowed to go to work or school, and were forced to stay home to cook and clean even if it was against their wishes. That's what I mean by being treated as a slave, which is far from your situation where you voluntarily and happily do what you do, which I think is great and I admire. I agree we shouldn't be judged by how much we earn, I mean all my money is nothing compared to that you have a loving husband and a child so I apologize for giving you a problem with my post. I take back the "limiting" in that particular sentence I wrote.

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Eh. I am single and teach high school students. It is very rewarding, and good benefits, working conditions, and I'm making pretty good money surprisingly ($50,000 and guaranteed raise next year as legistlatures continue their magic to increase teacher salaries.) The state of education would go down the tubes if women quit the workforce because half of all teachers are female!



You posted a couple of weeks ago that you have a job that has nothing to do with teaching and you are making tons more money than you were when teaching..


You confuse me TJ..

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And on that note, we close this thread and wish it well!

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